Little Marisa’s Disaster Journey

Little Marisa’s Disaster Journey

Little Marisa’s Disaster Journey is basically a Touhou-themed joke game. The main portion of it is a trapformer, but not an overly challenging one. The death endings are amusingly silly. Total playtime for me was a little above half an hour, but the game costs about as much as a stick of gum, so that’s not something to be offended by. Only thing that annoyed me: 4 3 2 would be a valid solution to the math puzzle, but it’s not the one Dark Sky Empire had in mind. Better write down the clue numbers and formulas so that you won’t be at a loss.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Indie Games.

It was short, sometimes annoying, mostly fun. And really: write down those number you get on Hard route.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Little Marisa's Disaster Journey on Steam

Tempest of the Heavens and Earth

Tempest of the Heavens and Earth

This game is really fun and hard at the same time, I guess I will list the pros and cons:


Good Graphics

Good Story

Amazing Artwork

Provides a true challenge

Amazing Spellcards

Requires a smart mind to beat certain parts

Challenge mode if you beat game

Unique shot types as well as C-C-Combo sets!

Inspires play styles for a variety of new players

Translated for English Players

Don’t require a strong computer to play the game

Requires a lot of timing and skill to get stuff done


Everyone is wearing PADS

Real player with 60.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Indie Games.

Another great fan made game in Touhou universe. The heroine is Tenshi, gameplay is great, challenge is there and music is great as well.

Gameplay: It plays like standart platforming + beat-em-up + shooter mix, but with a few gimmicks. Most intresting of them is Tenshis ability to change weather; might be tricky to understand it at first but game kinda forces you to learn and utilise this technique, it’s not really that complicated and actually a lot of fun. Aside from that nothing really difficult or complicated. Simple yet challenging fun, just like we love it in Touhou games.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Tempest of the Heavens and Earth on Steam

Before Akhira

Before Akhira

عن ابن عباس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله علیھ و سلم “اعتنم خمسا قبل خمس: شبابك قبل ھرمك و صحتك قبل سقمك و غناك قبل فقرك و فراغك قبل شغلك و حیاتك قبل موتك

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death.”

Journey into the world of Before Akhira to help a young dreamer awaken and return to the real world. Explore the metaphors of Islamic spirituality as you rediscover the afterlife of the virtual world.

Read More: Best Faith 2D Games.

Before Akhira on Steam

Touhou Luna Nights

Touhou Luna Nights

You’re a knife throwing maid who can stop time and slow time and it’s awesome. Slowing time constantly and weaving through Patchouli’s almost unavoidable attack patterns just now was seriously some of the most fun I’ve had in a game since I was a kid. I haven’t even beaten it yet, but my feeling is this game is a solid 10/10. Boss fights are really quite fun. Marissa’s was great too. Regular enemies range from super easy to somewhat difficult and sometimes enemies or traps will be immune to time shenanigans. There are some neat time puzzles involving fluid dynamics too, but I think where the game really shines is the boss fights and the time mechanic. You can also heal a little bit by getting very close to enemies or their projectiles, so it encourages a high risk play style that feels great when you pull it off. The art style and music are good too. Great game.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

A beautiful Metroidvania game. The music is incredible, the scenery is gorgeous, and the gameplay is fast paced. Even if you’re not a metroidvania fan, I feel that you could play this and enjoy it nevertheless.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Touhou Luna Nights on Steam

MarisaLand Legacy

MarisaLand Legacy

An amazing and fun Touhou themed tribute to the original Super Mario Bros.

Gameplay and levels are fun and enjoyable. Controls and mechanics are nice and simple. The Hard Stages are a little unforgiving, but they’re meant to be hard, so I can’t really complain about that.

Would love to have another sequel!

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

This game is seriously awesome! It’s similar to SMB1, but with some element differences. The main one being that Marisa gradually grows. Rather than just having a big and small form, Marisa grows another head tall depending on how many mushrooms she has. At four heads, she gets a projectile move, and at 8 heads, she is temporarily large enough to charge through everything, similar to the mega mushroom from the Mario series.

I really love the art style of this game. The pixel art is extremely vibrant, cute, and detailed. The music is fun, upbeat, and matches the mood of every level! This sort of variety in game styles is really why I started to like Touhou. Marisaland Legacy is a fun, unique, and cute take on an age-old classic like SMB1. I would recommend it to anyone!

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

MarisaLand Legacy on Steam

RAIN Project - a touhou fangame

RAIN Project - a touhou fangame

Definitely a game that makes me want to play the team’s next game, but I probably wouldn’t grab this one if I knew what it’d be like.

The gameplay has a lot of little problems which eventually compound on each other to make the game incredibly frustrating. The controls are fairly coarse, with your character moving and falling really quickly, with a dash that gives iframes that occasionally can’t clear attacks. Your hitbox is pretty big, and your attack range is short, so you have to get really close to enemies, but not too close because they do contact damage, and that becomes even more difficult with twitchy controls and enemies that move really fast. You have a very short invincibility window after taking hits, so your four hit points can get drained in seconds. Implementation flaws occasionally cause you to take damage through no fault of your own when terrain doesn’t spawn in ways you can move to it. This all comes to a head with the final boss fight, which combines these issues with pure RNG attacks that regularly wall you completely in and force you to take damage, and a survival section that wastes 75 seconds of your time every attempt you make. The jank was too much: I’ve spent 14 hours with this game, at least nine of those were just trying to beat the final boss, and I think I’ve given up.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

I really want to recommend this game. I really do. But as of now, it’s not worth it.

I have two minor nitpicks in the game: no map and only a few HP throughout the whole game. That is understandable since this is a Touhou (fan)game. That being said, there quite some bugs in this game that can make it harder, most notably the wooden platforms where it sometimes doesn’t seem to exist so you fall straight below. This is important to note since one of the boss fights requires you to jump from platform to platform to dodge attacks and most of those platforms are wooden ones.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

RAIN Project - a touhou fangame on Steam

Sanae Toumaden X

Sanae Toumaden X

Is fun

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Sanae Toumaden X on Steam



Yako is a 2D story-driven hand-drawn platformer. Using your wind-powered abilities, explore a mystical underground world, solve the mystery plaguing the area surrounding Mount Inari, and earn a place among the deities of the Japanese pantheon.

Yako on Steam

Gensokyo Night Festival

Gensokyo Night Festival

Should you get Gensokyo Night Festival? Well if you are here, chances are you are either a Touhou or a Metroidvania fan, so it’s most likely yes. But why though?

The game is fast-paced, visually stunning, with complex mechanics to explore, and most importantly fun; however, it is currently very short as it is early access. As it stands, it has about 30-45 minutes of gameplay at the time of this review. Even so, expect two boss fights!

Touching on the mechanics, there are air and ground combos, ranged bullets, dodging, grazing, and a density/sparseness mechanic that affects them all. Density focuses on explosions, implosions, fast movement, and bit hits! Whereas, sparseness focuses on control, freezing, summoning, and area control. Both have their benefits, but I imagine density will be the speedrunner’s choice ‘cause you go dang fast! One concern I have at the time is the lack of incentive to engaged with regular mobs in combat, but that will likely change later on.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Gensokyo Night Festival is one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever seen, for real.

-Pixelart is just phenomenal and I’m in love with it

! my god that Marisa fight, beware epileptics, not kidding.

-Animation is really smooth that makes messing with Suikas powers twice the fun, with minor things (that I do apreciate) like rain droplets popping on impact or tiny windmills spinning when you run by them.

-Pretty backgounds/“rooms” along with some calming music.

-Somewhat difficult Boss fights

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Gensokyo Night Festival on Steam

The Struggles Of Stefan

The Struggles Of Stefan

An adventure that takes persistence and passion from not just Stefan (the protagonist), but also the player. Brace yourself as you are guided by Stefan’s conscience to confront enemies, take countless leaps, and engage in progression of a storyline regarding the acceptance of oneself.

  • A 2.5-dimensional platformer with a plot of accepting life choices, and their potential ramifications.

  • Acquire particular items to accomplish each level quicker & easier.

  • Basic controller mechanics.

  • Multiple chapters consisting of numerous themes.

The Struggles Of Stefan on Steam