Pristiq: Tash’s Trilogy

Pristiq: Tash’s Trilogy

great game great story great design you can tell the developer put a lot of work into the smallest details and made an indie gem i highy recommended playing this game and replaying it to discover all the lore

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Horror Games.



















Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Pristiq: Tash's Trilogy on Steam



Babylon is to be destroyed

Ilum is an open-world game that includes elements of exploration, action and city destruction. Taking place in ancient Babylon and the surrounding region, including cities like Borsippa, Sippar, Kutha and Kish, among others. The year is 539 BC, the time when the Babylonian empire feel to the Persians and its Jewish captives released from servitude after 70 years. As prophesied, Babylon is to be destroyed. Ilum accurately depicts archaeological findings and cuneiform inscriptions from buildings such as the Tower of Babel, Hanging Gardens and Nebuchadnezzar’s palaces. Voice-acted in Akkadian language in a Biblical and Babylonian mythological background.

Key Features

  • All Buildings Furnished - Every single house, building, palace, temple and ziggurat in the game contain characters, furniture and you can get inside. They are thousands!

  • All Objects Destructible - All objects in the game are independent from each other and can be destroyed for releasing points. From a small water cup on a table inside a house to the biggest temple standing in the city!

  • All characters playable - There are thousands of characters walking around the streets of the cities and inside the houses, from 20 different social classes. You can control any of them if you manage to convert them!

  • 100 quests - These are linear quests that unlocks the game progress. Reach the indicated checkpoints and accomplish the quest to be able to proceed further in the game. As you travel, you will be exploring the beautiful scenery in a 224 km2 map!

  • 20 idol gods bosses - Each character in the game has a patron idol god that you can battle with. If you destroy it, the character is then “converted” and you can play as him!

  • Learn Cuneiform Writing - Collect syllables and get the actual correspondent phonetic values exactly as they were in ancient times. If you have a good memory you can start writing in cuneiform. Its a lot of fun!

  • Ancient Music - Soundtrack includes Hurrian Hymn No. 6, the oldest playable musical score in History!

  • Change between 5 weather modes at any time - Weather modes will completely change game visuals, add special effects and affect objects look and feel. The weather modes are: Normal, Water, Air, Earth and Fire. Just have faith and you can change it!

  • Archaeologically accurate buildings - A lot of time was spent to match the actual foundations and visuals from buildings, palaces and temples, exactly as they were found in past archaeological works. When no evidence exists, an approximation was made according to existing patterns. See yourself what the ancients have seen thousands of years ago!

Read More: Best Faith Historical Games.

Ilum on Steam



I really enjoy this game, It truly nails the cyberpunk blade runner feel. No other game on steam can match this. People are giving negative reviews like its too dark, my goodness just adjust your gamma. This game has amazing detail for a small studio of only two people. They made another game blade net that was amazing as well, very unique, cyber punk feel game of hide and seek with a twist. People who leave negative reviews with only 0.5 hours of play you guys need to re think what you are doing. I have tried every cyber punk game on steam and this game really gives me that vibe, it is totally worth the low price of 19.99/17.99 its ok to point out bugs and issues but this game deserves a positive review. Look at it like this this game has so much potential but if people keep coming and dropping negative reviews after only 5 minutes of playing the game is going to do bad, and the developer might just give up, but if you play the game give good feedback more people are likely to buy the game and the devs will have more energy and resources to make more content. thank you to the devs for this game, it really enjoy it, thanks for all your hard work

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Interactive Fiction Games.

What I love is that the world within the game seems so much bigger than what you see. Its atmospheric, dystopian Tokyo feel is served by an excellent soundtrack and unique narrative. Driving around was not only an entertaining part of the gameplay, it gave me an opportunity to explore the nooks and crannies of a city I had never really seen the likes of before.

I think the developer deserves kudos for building a universe that is stylistically reminiscient of Blade Runner without being trite, and filling it was sufficiently interesting things to do to capture my attention for a few hours. With some refinement and a little more time to incubate, the game would be a really hefty competitor in the cyberpunk genre. It has solid foundations and delivers on the intrigue of its concept, especially for an indie game. The uphill part of the battle is building a convincing in-game universe, even if it is a little sparse here.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

ENCODE on Steam

Man of the World

Man of the World

It is possible to become a famous musician, take part in medieval battles, earn a fortune from trade, become a thief of women’s hearts or an avid duelist. The game allows you to do all this.

Man of the World on Steam

The End of Dyeus

The End of Dyeus

It’s a quaint little game. No handholding, no restrictions save for what you can accomplish with the gear and upgrades you find. Simple, but not entirely straighforward. Graphics/animations are a big seller for me as I’m a sucker for this style. The combat is.. Adequate. Melee consists of blocking and attacking, learning your opponents' moves, and making sure the shield you have blocks more damage than your adversary dishes out. Simple and generally not rewarding. Same goes for the bow; keep a good stock of arrows and kite. The crossbow allows for a shield, but it’s the same taste as both; kite, block if your foe gets too close, then shoot. Locations are lackluster, and the land is a bore between areas minus the ever-weakening mobs you encounter thanks to your gear. There are shops, but they’re rather redundant save for artifacts that I won’t spoil abilities/tweaks for. The story is sort of clíched, but semi-original. Still, most of it is learned through books ala Dark Souls. Oh, and keys are rebindable. Though, as much as I’m loathe to say this, Dyeus could have benefited greatly from mod support, though for nearly being out a month with hardly any Community Hub activity, I doubt that could have taken the game to greater heights.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Overall it was a pretty nice experience, it was fun having to figure out where to go next and getting brutally murdered because I went somewhere that was way over my head.

Figuring out which weapons work best for each enemy, which ones to engage in melee or ranged was also nice.

The melee was usually fine but there were some particular enemies that were a patience game, where you are both attacking and blocking and it takes quite a while to actually get a hit on them.

If you’re like me and struggled at the end one bit of advice:

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

The End of Dyeus on Steam

Before Akhira

Before Akhira

عن ابن عباس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله علیھ و سلم “اعتنم خمسا قبل خمس: شبابك قبل ھرمك و صحتك قبل سقمك و غناك قبل فقرك و فراغك قبل شغلك و حیاتك قبل موتك

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death.”

Journey into the world of Before Akhira to help a young dreamer awaken and return to the real world. Explore the metaphors of Islamic spirituality as you rediscover the afterlife of the virtual world.

Before Akhira on Steam

Welcome to PINEHILLS

Welcome to PINEHILLS

While the store page states it was released in August 28, 2021, it is not a full release. The files even state on the startup screen they are using the July Early Release. Therefore, this game is still “Early Release”. I spent 2 hours going into every empty building, going along every road, covered the lighthouse and even went as far into the ocean until you fall off the map. The game only has 3 “otherworldly” flashbacks. The total number of angels you can find are 4 of 12. The game is impossible to complete because there are no more angels to find on the map. Once you find all 12 angles I’m guessing the trapdoor inside the church will open and you can complete the game? If you want a “complete game” with a similar map check out Titan Chaser. Your money will be better spent there unless the dev releases the complete game of Welcome to PINEHILLS cause right now this is not it folks!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

The game is akin to one puzzle like you would find in Res Evil 4 and the whole game has been centered around it.

Find x number of angel statues around the game world and replace them in PineHIlls' church.

Problem is after that hiding three or four statues and placing some very empty stock asset structures in about about six different spots the devs never came back to scatter the remaining angels.

This should be Early Access but the empty discussion board suggests abandoned.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Welcome to PINEHILLS on Steam

Muslim 3D

Muslim 3D

Welcome to Muslim 3D - an educational video game which takes you on an interactive tour through Islamic sites, history and rituals.

During Early Access there will be 3 major release phases:

Phase 1: Freeplay Mode

Muslim 3D will initially launch as a simulation game, your journey begins in a virtual Makkah. Explore important locations such as the Grand Mosque (inner area), the Tent City of Mina, the Jamaraat Bridge, the Plain of Arafat, Muzdalifa or Ghar Hira'.

The House of Knowledge is a fictional place which harbors the Virtual Museum, a place to discover objects of artistic, cultural or historical importance, such as the presumably oldest version of the Noble Quran. The Virtual Library is a place where everything you learn and discover is preserved in the form of interactive manuscripts.

In Phase 1 Chronicles will be introduced which take you on a journey back in time to become an eye witness of significant historical events, such as the miraclious emergence of the Zam Zam well, or the construction of the Kaaba by Prophet Abraham and his son, peace be upon them.

Additional content (locations, objects and chronicles) will be added on a regular basis.

Expected Release Date: September 2021

Phase 2: Story Mode

In Release Phase 2 Muslim 3D essentially becomes a Role-Playing Game! You will be able to customize your personal character and enter the world of Muslim 3D living your very own exciting adventure.

You begin your journey as an Apprentice. Engaging quests will allow you to gather experience, increase your knowledge, discover new locations and objects and interact with other interesting characters in Muslim 3D.

Expected Release Date: Q1 2022

Phase 3: Online Mode

Everything can be more beautiful when experiencing it with others, so in Phase 3 we are planning to add online features which will allow you to meet others in the virtual world of Muslim 3D. Go on a Virtual Hajj together, pray with others in the Holy Mosque or meet at an exclusive online event, such as a live lecture given by prominent scholars and spiritual leaders.

Who is behind Muslim 3D?

Bigitec Studio is a young, aspiring startup, a team of open-minded & passionate game designers and industry professionals. Founder and Creative Director is Bilal Chbib, a Muslim who was born and raised in Germany. To ensure that our content is based on well-researched and authentic knowledge, we have a team of scholars and historians who are involved in the production of Muslim 3D. Visit our website to learn more!

Why did you create Muslim 3D?

There are hardly any products with decent quality that would portray our faith accurately. If you found Muslims in games at all, there’s a good chance they were holding an AK-47 rifle and needed to be gunned down. This only strengthened my wish to work on something that enable people to relate to our rich Islamic history, and to use this wonderful, strong medium - video games - to unearth the vast knowledge unfortunately not taught at schools or in mass media, such as how Muslim scientists have contributed to our world, or why we have certain rituals and where they come from. Muslim 3D can also be an accessible tool for Non-Muslims to learn about Islam and may even help tear down walls of fear built over the past decades." (Bilal Chbib, Founder & Creative Director)

I’d like to support you - how?

We have been working tirelessly for quite some time now and as you probably know - game development is a challenging and expensive undertaking. To support the continuous development we came up with some ideas and launched a pre-order campaign. Read more on our website.

Ah yes - of course a great way to support Muslim 3D is to add it your Steam Wishlist and to spread the word by sharing the Muslim 3D Website with your friends!

Join us on this breathtaking adventure and bear with us! Our goal is to design Muslim 3D to become a tranquil, enjoyable and inspiring place to be - like a virtual vacation for your soul. Feel free to get in touch for feedback and suggestions!

Muslim 3D on Steam

The Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path

The forest and the ancient temple are filled with wisdom and complex challenges that will put to test your intentions, your knowledge, your absorption and more in each step of The Noble Eightfold Path, the buddhist path to enlightenment.

By completing each step of the path, you will have before you, the possibility to enter a state of pure bliss. Free from all suffering and desires that keep you away from harmony. Nature will guide you, but it is up to you to face your inner fears and demons.


Whenever you find that your mind is not at ease, find a quiet place, sit down and take a moment to relax. Focus on your breathing, feel your body and let go of the thoughts that come and go through your mind.

The Eightfold Path on Steam

Broken Thorns: West Gate

Broken Thorns: West Gate

Shadowgate style game mixed with self-reflective, thoughtful dialogue and options.

Lots of surprises and humor, too.

Some of the artwork is incredible.

Can’t recommend this enough, it’s definitely on my all-time favorites list!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Such a nice game, I played this for a while, I love how you reflect in mirror’s, and the story is taking me closer to myself. When you consider all these questions on your own life, not just game progress, it can show you who you really are. How others see you. How weak you are. Worth the price.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Broken Thorns: West Gate on Steam