It just falls flat and isn’t worth the cost. Perhaps the creators will take this and create awesome Indie horror games down the road. But for now I feel that this game has cheap jump scares that don’t make you jump and I wish there was a sprint/run mechanism.

Real player with 192.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Mystery Dungeon Games.

Information / Review English

SALIGIA is a First-person horror / Adventure game developed by ENKA GAMES.

Story / Gameplay

Moses did many wicked and heinous things in the past that he would rather forget and delete from Memory. However, it is precisely these that always haunt him in his sleep, more precisely in Nightmares that plague him every Night and deprive him of his sleep. He is plagued by feelings of guilt and he has only one Goal to finally get rid of them. But he begins to doubt himself and asks himself: Are the beings he sees and the noises he hears really only Dreams or has reality caught up with him. At that time Moses performed one of the 7 deadly sins by sacrificing People for a purpose and this will now be his fate.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

SALIGIA on Steam

GunFu Fighter

GunFu Fighter

GunFu is a lost ancient skill.The master of GunFu can control the surrounding time and let it flow slowly.Using the bullet time effect, the geometric distribution position of the enemy is analyzed and prejudged, and the order of planned attacks gives the opponent a fatal blow.

The bullets are limited. You must use the interactive environment to kill the most threatening enemy, and this is the key to victory.

Additional challenge tasks:

1. Use only bullets to kill all enemies.

2. Kill all enemies by any means other than bullets.

3. Don’t kill any enemy.

I hope to be able to reproduce the movie-like fight scene under the minimalist style of painting, thank you for playing my game.

Read More: Best Faith Time Management Games.

GunFu Fighter on Steam



V.R.G. feels like a game where someone decided they wanted to put all of their idea into one game. That isn’t a bad thing for this game however as what’s there is pretty fun. It’s just a blast running around shooting random wizards without much thought, just go crazy with all of it’s mechanic and be creative. What’s in the game right now is pretty short but it isn’t a bad thing however as both of the episodes that are offered currently are very replayable. I would definitely recommend playing this game if you want a parkour boomer shooter to be played in short-bursts if you feel like it.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith First-Person Games.

This is one of the most fun, most promising games I’ve played in a while. The movement and mechanics of this game are nothing short of exceptional, and If the developer gets the game’s bugs knocked out and increases the amount of content, this could really be something special. Lot of potential here, I’m excited to follow the rest of this game’s development.


The second group of levels are significantly more difficult than the first. Not too difficult, but way more challenging than the first chapter.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

V.R.G. on Steam



Babylon is to be destroyed

Ilum is an open-world game that includes elements of exploration, action and city destruction. Taking place in ancient Babylon and the surrounding region, including cities like Borsippa, Sippar, Kutha and Kish, among others. The year is 539 BC, the time when the Babylonian empire feel to the Persians and its Jewish captives released from servitude after 70 years. As prophesied, Babylon is to be destroyed. Ilum accurately depicts archaeological findings and cuneiform inscriptions from buildings such as the Tower of Babel, Hanging Gardens and Nebuchadnezzar’s palaces. Voice-acted in Akkadian language in a Biblical and Babylonian mythological background.

Key Features

  • All Buildings Furnished - Every single house, building, palace, temple and ziggurat in the game contain characters, furniture and you can get inside. They are thousands!

  • All Objects Destructible - All objects in the game are independent from each other and can be destroyed for releasing points. From a small water cup on a table inside a house to the biggest temple standing in the city!

  • All characters playable - There are thousands of characters walking around the streets of the cities and inside the houses, from 20 different social classes. You can control any of them if you manage to convert them!

  • 100 quests - These are linear quests that unlocks the game progress. Reach the indicated checkpoints and accomplish the quest to be able to proceed further in the game. As you travel, you will be exploring the beautiful scenery in a 224 km2 map!

  • 20 idol gods bosses - Each character in the game has a patron idol god that you can battle with. If you destroy it, the character is then “converted” and you can play as him!

  • Learn Cuneiform Writing - Collect syllables and get the actual correspondent phonetic values exactly as they were in ancient times. If you have a good memory you can start writing in cuneiform. Its a lot of fun!

  • Ancient Music - Soundtrack includes Hurrian Hymn No. 6, the oldest playable musical score in History!

  • Change between 5 weather modes at any time - Weather modes will completely change game visuals, add special effects and affect objects look and feel. The weather modes are: Normal, Water, Air, Earth and Fire. Just have faith and you can change it!

  • Archaeologically accurate buildings - A lot of time was spent to match the actual foundations and visuals from buildings, palaces and temples, exactly as they were found in past archaeological works. When no evidence exists, an approximation was made according to existing patterns. See yourself what the ancients have seen thousands of years ago!

Ilum on Steam

The End of Dyeus

The End of Dyeus

It’s a quaint little game. No handholding, no restrictions save for what you can accomplish with the gear and upgrades you find. Simple, but not entirely straighforward. Graphics/animations are a big seller for me as I’m a sucker for this style. The combat is.. Adequate. Melee consists of blocking and attacking, learning your opponents' moves, and making sure the shield you have blocks more damage than your adversary dishes out. Simple and generally not rewarding. Same goes for the bow; keep a good stock of arrows and kite. The crossbow allows for a shield, but it’s the same taste as both; kite, block if your foe gets too close, then shoot. Locations are lackluster, and the land is a bore between areas minus the ever-weakening mobs you encounter thanks to your gear. There are shops, but they’re rather redundant save for artifacts that I won’t spoil abilities/tweaks for. The story is sort of clíched, but semi-original. Still, most of it is learned through books ala Dark Souls. Oh, and keys are rebindable. Though, as much as I’m loathe to say this, Dyeus could have benefited greatly from mod support, though for nearly being out a month with hardly any Community Hub activity, I doubt that could have taken the game to greater heights.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Overall it was a pretty nice experience, it was fun having to figure out where to go next and getting brutally murdered because I went somewhere that was way over my head.

Figuring out which weapons work best for each enemy, which ones to engage in melee or ranged was also nice.

The melee was usually fine but there were some particular enemies that were a patience game, where you are both attacking and blocking and it takes quite a while to actually get a hit on them.

If you’re like me and struggled at the end one bit of advice:

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

The End of Dyeus on Steam

Alt Oxygen

Alt Oxygen

Alt Oxygen is a survival game where you can complete a story. The game is based on an economical design. Here you can explore different planets and interact with aliens to know more about places. Aliens are speaking their language and are translated. Also to survive you have to collect precious stones and sell it to vendors to make ALTO and after that you can buy water, oxygen, food and all necessary needs to survive.

Key points of the game

  • Economical design ( sell, buy and multiply money at casino ).

  • Story ( Psychological story which will blow your mind ).

  • Survive in a new way.

  • For more, play the game and share your thoughts with us!

Alt Oxygen on Steam

Somewhere: Sect of Relic

Somewhere: Sect of Relic

I feel obligated to say I would recommend this because I did get scared, but the scares were just loud noises.

I was really thinking of things to say about this game(good or bad) so here is my too detailed review:

The game is CRAZY dark, the first couple of minutes before I got the flashlight I had to increase the brightness on the video. The description was correct as in there aren’t any jump scares OR any pictures that show up in your face with a scream. (left click shoots the gun BUT also left Ctrl shoots the gun which scared me……twice)

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game


After tending to some personal life stuff, the Dev has returned with a large patch that cleans up a lot of the graphics and added quite a few things. I’m really happy to change my review to a positive one.

Combat is working fine and now I just need to play through the story to see what it’s all about. It looks pretty good so far. Fingers crossed that I don’t get too scared!

Original Review:

This was a neat little indie game that was seeing regular development which suddenly halted in the middle of June. I tried reaching out to the Dev a few times, but they are unresponsive. The game was marked as released before it was really finished and now it feels incomplete.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Somewhere: Sect of Relic on Steam