Hypersonic Speed Girl / 超速少女

Hypersonic Speed Girl / 超速少女

This is a horizontally scrolling danmaku game, with a very unique mechanic of “Hyperspeed”, that allows you to go super fast in stages but at the cost of being way more vulnerable to dying to the obstacles while trying to achieve it. However, if you do achieve this Hyperspeed, you can skip a large portion of the stage, and also get a lot of points. Being able to route the stages to master this technique is very satisfying to do.

When it comes to the bosses, they play like the usual Touhou danmaku boss, with non-spell and spellcards. The danmaku of these bosses is relatively hard, but thankfully the game gives you a lot of resources so you don’t die immediately.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Anime Games.

This is an interesting race and shooting game.

Basic control:

Normal flight

SHIFT - Decelerate

Z - Accelerate

X - Bomb

Direction Keys - Move

ESC - Menu

(You can’t get any points if your speed is zero)

Boss fight

Z - Shoot

X - Bomb

Direction Keys - Move

ESC - Menu

(You can’t select your speed in boss fights)

About cautions:

Yellow caution - Obstacles ahead (brick wall)

Purple caution - Encounter special Fairies

Red caution - Boss inbound!

If you touch the left edge of screen, you will lose a life.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Hypersonic Speed Girl / 超速少女 on Steam

Touhou Luna Nights

Touhou Luna Nights

You’re a knife throwing maid who can stop time and slow time and it’s awesome. Slowing time constantly and weaving through Patchouli’s almost unavoidable attack patterns just now was seriously some of the most fun I’ve had in a game since I was a kid. I haven’t even beaten it yet, but my feeling is this game is a solid 10/10. Boss fights are really quite fun. Marissa’s was great too. Regular enemies range from super easy to somewhat difficult and sometimes enemies or traps will be immune to time shenanigans. There are some neat time puzzles involving fluid dynamics too, but I think where the game really shines is the boss fights and the time mechanic. You can also heal a little bit by getting very close to enemies or their projectiles, so it encourages a high risk play style that feels great when you pull it off. The art style and music are good too. Great game.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Side Scroller Games.

A beautiful Metroidvania game. The music is incredible, the scenery is gorgeous, and the gameplay is fast paced. Even if you’re not a metroidvania fan, I feel that you could play this and enjoy it nevertheless.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Touhou Luna Nights on Steam

3rd eye

3rd eye

The first thing you need to know about 3rd Eye is that its illustrator is Koto Inari. Whereas most Touhou artists try to make ZUN’s girls cuter, lovelier and more stylish, Koto Inari gives them uncanny, twisted, often morbid or even mutilated forms.

You won’t be drooling over your favourite Gensoukyans in this one!

But that’s not why you’d play 3rd Eye anyway. It’s a gloomy, psychological horror adventure game with fairly simple puzzles. Solutions are usually found quickly so long as you investigate all objects you come across. Sometimes you’ll get different results or find invisible points of interest if you activate your Third Eye mode first. Not that much logical thinking is required, as the majority of items you pick up are used automatically once you interact with the object or person they are intended for.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Horror Games.


  • Diet fran bow with touhou characters.

  • If you are a touhou fan and you are on the mood for a scary game. Go for it. You gonna love it.

  • if you like this artstyle and atmosphere: you gonna love it.

  • If you come looking for more fran bow just keep in mind this is a way smaller game in scale but I bet you will love it. Like a small delicious snack.

  • if you know nothing about touhou you may not recognize or make sense of a lot locations, behaviours or jokes but you don’t need to know that. The game gives enough hints on what to do. You will enjoy it.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

3rd eye on Steam

Tempest of the Heavens and Earth

Tempest of the Heavens and Earth

This game is really fun and hard at the same time, I guess I will list the pros and cons:


Good Graphics

Good Story

Amazing Artwork

Provides a true challenge

Amazing Spellcards

Requires a smart mind to beat certain parts

Challenge mode if you beat game

Unique shot types as well as C-C-Combo sets!

Inspires play styles for a variety of new players

Translated for English Players

Don’t require a strong computer to play the game

Requires a lot of timing and skill to get stuff done


Everyone is wearing PADS

Real player with 60.9 hrs in game

Another great fan made game in Touhou universe. The heroine is Tenshi, gameplay is great, challenge is there and music is great as well.

Gameplay: It plays like standart platforming + beat-em-up + shooter mix, but with a few gimmicks. Most intresting of them is Tenshis ability to change weather; might be tricky to understand it at first but game kinda forces you to learn and utilise this technique, it’s not really that complicated and actually a lot of fun. Aside from that nothing really difficult or complicated. Simple yet challenging fun, just like we love it in Touhou games.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Tempest of the Heavens and Earth on Steam

Touhou Shoujo Tale of Beautiful Memories / 東方少女綺想譚

Touhou Shoujo Tale of Beautiful Memories / 東方少女綺想譚

To summarize: The game boasts just as massive a cast as the Touhou series itself, faithfully bringing to life both the over a hundred characters and expansive world of Gensokyo in ways that no other Touhou fangame I have played has. The gameplay is fun and has tons of content to offer, though the music, while being decent, has no tracks from the Touhou series itself, which feels a bit off. The designs of the characters can be offputting, but the dialogue and interactions between characters carry no references to them or anything inappropriate, focusing instead on the characters and humorous interactions. I highly, highly recommend it to any Touhou fan.

Real player with 62.1 hrs in game

I’m still far away from completing it, but for these first hours, Touhou Shoujo Tale of Beautiful Memories has been incredibly charming. It’s a turn-based RPG with action inputs to gain advantages in attack and defense. Super Mario RPG meets Touhou, if it wasn’t obvious from the trailer video.

Strategically, it’s not an exceptionally complicated RPG (yet), it definitely doesn’t steamroll the unitiated like Labyrinth of Touhou 2 or Genius of Sappheiros would in the first few hours. Your tactics do matter, but I’m only expecting it to stay moderately hard.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

Touhou Shoujo Tale of Beautiful Memories / 東方少女綺想譚 on Steam

永远消失的幻想乡 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo

永远消失的幻想乡 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo


If you are looking for a good game, read more below and after that ask yourself if you still want to buy it.

TL;DR: Unpolished, badly translated game with very shallow depth on the story and baffling gameplay design decisions that make the game unfun.

The game features itself as a “ARPG” with bullet hell aspect which is prevalent on touhou themed games. There are a lot of flaws in this game, but the biggest problem in this game is it becomes unfair at the later stage. Touhou bullet hell games always has been hard but fair to me, if you die then it’s your fault. Unfortunately Halfway through the game, the game starts to throw more bullshit, at least give dodging I-frames(invulnerability) to at least to counter it (oh yeah, DLC characters might have I-frames with them LUL). It also changes the camera angle on boss fight to make the fight “harder” since it warps your perspective that you think you’re going to dodge a projectile.

Real player with 49.6 hrs in game

Fun touhou fan game although the whole “fan based” style story is cringy at times. Dungeons and bosses can be cheesed with certain character even on Lunatic -coughnotReisenandMarisacough-


-Decent cast of playable heroes that can be unlocked via Story/unlock requirments

-It is translated into english just change language in the options off main menu

-mix of bullet hell and meleeish

-boss fights are very fun and requires pattern memorization and HP management (certain bosses can mix their next stage attack with a current attack causing mayhem to the players tempo)

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

永远消失的幻想乡 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo on Steam

神社的百合香 ~ Floral Aroma in the Shrine

神社的百合香 ~ Floral Aroma in the Shrine

A very beautiful and touching game. The story felt very fluid and smooth and the characters were very well portrayed. Music was amazing, kept the mood right where it needed to be at the right time.

Only insignificant issue was the achievements didn’t work for me, which sucks a ton (perhaps because of the updates or something, seems like everyone a few months back had it working)

Other than that 10/10 you should play it! losing a buck doesn’t hurt ya at all anyways

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

神社的百合香 ~ Floral Aroma in the Shrine is an RPGMaker story game about two characters presumably from the Touhou series named Reimu and Marisa.

Reimu and Marisa live together in a shrine and this story follows them as their relationship grows and becomes something more than friendship. It’s a very short story ― I finished it in about an hour and a half ― so I can’t reveal much without spoiling it, but I can say that the story was pretty solid for such a short amount of time. What I liked was how much time was given to flesh out Marisa and Reimu’s relationship. Despite having very little knowledge and experience with Touhou, I felt like these characters actually had a longtime friendship, and I appreciate that.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

神社的百合香 ~ Floral Aroma in the Shrine on Steam

Oracle of Forgotten Testament

Oracle of Forgotten Testament

So… I liked the game, its fast-paced and difficult but theres too many Boss Battles.

On the first hour you’ll be fighting atleast 3 Bosses and you’ll be either going under leveled or on bad conditions.

The story is good and the art style too, transitions are a bit slow and there are still a few bug here and there (some flickering bushes or being able to walk through trees, nothing serious), its still very entertaining tho.

The game is good overall and worth the price.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

It’s a fun game with a clever fast-paced combat system, a useful item-crafting system, and what seems to be the beginnings of a good story (judging by the contents of Part 1) but it doesn’t really live up to its potential.

Equipment is very scarce, and almost all of the healing items that you will use in the game will be user-crafted. Monsters only respawn a set number of times in the Forest of Magic until after you’ve beaten the penultimate boss of Part 1, after which point they respawn on entry, so the boss fights can be a little bit tough, and grinding opportunities are few until the very end. The biggest flaw, in my opinion, is that there are spelling and grammar mistakes in almost every line of the game’s dialogue. You can tell the staff tried to write a captivating story for the game, but reading it in broken English really detracts from the experience.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Oracle of Forgotten Testament on Steam



The main negative for this game is that you absolutely must have a mouse wheel to adjust your stats / settings / in game things. You cannot define this to, say, any keyboard input.

Beyond that, the game is a fairly simple dungeon crawl. On average, the best classes are Knight, Idol, Shooter, Healer, and Mage. Samurai is good for killing the FOE battles, but does not have high stat growth, and seems much weaker than other classes. Warrior’s weapons seem to be statistically worse than other weapons, and most of their passive buffs seem weak compared to the Idol dances or the Knight’s shielding abilities. While a Scout is good for traps, and I ran a high crit Scout for most of the game, the weapons didn’t seem to do enough damage and the low health got annoying when enemies started doing a lot of instant death moves.

Real player with 133.5 hrs in game

I’ve started nicknaming Remyadry “Auto-battle the RPG”. Interactivity in the encounters is fairly low in so far that you can’t give your characters direct combat orders. They may or may not use the special abilities you’ve assigned to them depending on luck and a cooldown system. The only inputs you can make are whether to flee or keep fighting between rounds and which of the three rows of enemies should be targeted. Later on, the strategic value rises a little when you can switch in reserve characters that you’ve class-linked with specific members of your team.

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Remyadry on Steam

[東方二次] Senran Meisuishu Tactics / 戦乱命萃酒タクティクス

[東方二次] Senran Meisuishu Tactics / 戦乱命萃酒タクティクス

Senran Meisuishu Tactics is a turn-based SRPG where you move the Touhou girls under your control over a playing field and defeat monsters or other hostile Touhous. It’s solid in its gameplay, there is a big character roster and a lot of content with the two campaigns (youkai and human version) that the game includes.

For youkai version, I had to throw in the towel at mission 13. At least for human version, I’m still going strong at mission 18. The latter is more casual and more balanced in its difficulty, I recommend you start on it.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

That’s the second Touhou doujin game on Steam (well, third if we count NitorInc, but it isn’t full yet), and, even if this one isn’t as good looking or polished as The Disappearing of Gensokyo, it still plays good, and looks at least servicable.

This game is apparently a pack of two scenarios which were sold separately in Japan before it came on Steam. Kinda explains why this game is relatively expensive, which might seem jarring when you look at the screenshots. But that’s not important. What is important are mechanics. Those are heavily inspired by two powerhouses of Japanese tactical RPGs, Fire Emblem and Super Robot Wars, and work well. There’s the classic Weapon Triangle, and two more for damage modifiers. There are eqippable abilities, enchantable weapons, Supports (or rather, as they are called in the very Engrish manual, “couplings”). And various MP-powered abilities, for some resource management.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

[東方二次] Senran Meisuishu Tactics / 戦乱命萃酒タクティクス on Steam