Tank Universal

Tank Universal

Crystal Universal

Full Review at GameDragons.Net


Tank Universal is one of the most weird, yet ambitious indies you’ll ever play, as it tries to introduce you to a story that’s not even defined by the end of the title. Developed by a single person, New Zealand’s graphic designer Phil Jones, the game kicks off by introducing you to a terminally ill patient who was prescribed a virtual reality headset in order to help him relax. Inside this virtual reality is where you will take control of Unit8, a soldier finding himself at the beginning of a revolution against the society that rules the virtual world, deciding to join the resistance and help them defeat Gorgon, the ruler and oppressor of their world.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration FPS Games.

A great game about tank skirmishing in 80’s-version-of-the-future-worlds. The player goes up against a giant eyeball overlord along with men from a resistance movement. Together they fight past vast amounts of enemy vehicles such as tanks, artillery, and even goddamn bombers.

The story is more or less just there so people won’t complain about lack of a story, and the read-only dialogue is laughably bad at times, but the game contains a lot of fun to be had and some really unexpected twists.

Once you beat the campaign, you can test your strength in the “skirmish” mode, where you have 20 minutes to kill as many enemies, of all types, as possible, and try not to die in the process.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Tank Universal on Steam

Armored Xpress

Armored Xpress

Armored Xpress is a new unique story-driven Match 3 game built with rich RPG elements.

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Armored Xpress Agent 117 and MECH as they set off to deliver a top priority package all while fighting dangerous pirate gangs hired by the villainous “Defiant BOB”,  who by the way has put a bounty on the package. To traverse through Sector 2 a region on the planet Entriga, the Armored Xpress Company felt it necessary to implement a more protective measure. “MECH”  an advanced military grade delivery robot which can be equipped with an array of weapons and items allowing agents to defend against hostile threats. While delivering packages you can choose to help the towns people through various side quests which can unlock special rewards.

In combat Armored Xpress MECH uses energy from supply crates that are matched during play to power its weapons and systems. Weapons are available to fire  at specific power levels with a maximum of 4 levels. You can strategically fire each weapon at will or wait until they are at their maximum level. This strategy allows you to reserve a weapon or unleash all the weapons at once for a truly devastating attack. Each supply crate matched with its corresponding color in groups of 3 fills the matching weapons power gauge. Supply crates matched with more then 3 of the same color generates a special care package crate. When broken these crates drastically boosts the corresponding weapons power gauge. Items and other abilities are powered by MECH’s ability gauge/ABG system which fills over time. Sequential matches in a turn generates a combo which fills the ABG faster allowing you to use abilities sooner.

  • Story-Driven campaign - Help Agent 117 deliver a top priority package through perilous hostile region.

  • Active Time Battle system - Actively battle your opponents without waiting.

  • Fully explorable world - Explore a detailed and engaging 3d world.

  • Full array of weapons and items- Purchase and equip up to 4 weapons onto MECH. Use restorative, supportive and attack items to your advantage. Equip various accessories for passive abilities.  

  • Unique Bosses and Enemies - Faceoff against colossal bosses and a host of devious enemies that use different abilities and attack patterns that can be affected by in-game world events.

  • Experience based leveling system- Earn experience points from battles and quests to level up MECH.

  • Quality - Armored Xpress is a premium game with no pesky in-app purchases here or ever.

Read More: Best Exploration Match 3 Games.

Armored Xpress on Steam

Metal Max Xeno Reborn

Metal Max Xeno Reborn

Humanity is on the brink of extinction and the last remaining survivors look to push back against the machines.

Half a century ago of war against the mother computer NOA has reduced even Asia’s largest metropolis, TOKIO, to rubble.

Explore this desolate wasteland and battle your way through onslaughts of enemies. Salvage, modify and hit back using tanks, weaponry and faithful battle dog, Pochi, to reclaim a future for the human race!

A Never-Ending Wasteland!

  • Set in a devastated world called Dystokio, Metal Max Xeno: Reborn is a nonlinear, open world, JRPG with real-time battle and vehicle combat elements. Take control of Talis and search for other survivors who wish to fight back against the machines of NOA. There are no limits to where you can go, no matter your progression in the game.

Unite to Survive

  • The fate of the universe is in your hands! Hunt down your enemies with the helping hand from loved characters and your beloved battle dog, Pochi. Pochi can also level up and learn new skills and will join up as a fourth member. Help him earn skill points by feeding him at the base.

And yes, you can also pet him.

Hold Your Ground

  • Face NOA’s forces with a party of three or four! Smash and blast across the vast desert and beyond to unite with remaining survivors and rise against the crazed machines in explosive missions. Strike your enemies from inside your tank, or disembark and explore dangerous dungeons on foot with your allies.

Gear up for Victory!

  • Hone your skills to become more powerful than ever. Upgrade and learn skills of your choice from five general skill trees, which include “Drive,” “Repair,” “Medical,” “Militia,” and “Survive.” Light the Flame of the Hunter Spirit! Target your enemies using your tanks and weapons to unleash your powers to inflict massive damage.

Salvage and Build!

  • Scavenge new tanks and customize them with fresh paint and the strongest firepower you can find. The tanks can range in design and scope. Freely customize your tanks, swap out engines, upgrade the weaponry and bump them with special equipment. Enjoy endless possibilities with combinations.

Read More: Best Exploration Vehicular Combat Games.

Metal Max Xeno Reborn on Steam

Crash Drive 3

Crash Drive 3

Because I enjoy Crash Drive 2, I volunteered to help test this game (unpaid, but I got a free copy) and have played every day for over a year. Not because I’m dedicated (actually I’m rather lazy), but because it’s fun.

Like CD2, you can easily play for just a few minutes at a time, as each event or tank battle is only a few minutes, so ideal to fit in to the spare moments in a day. The vehicle physics is certainly not realistic, but rather sort of cartoony. You can drive up vertical walls, spin mid-air and many other impossible but entertaining things. It is particularly crazy on the moon.

Real player with 1127.7 hrs in game

I’ve had to change my review from positive to negative to positive. Here’s why.

AN IN DEPTH REVIEW So you can make an informed purchase! haha!

Firstly, straight up this game, from the moment you load it up, it’s just a good time. Always a good time!

The few(8) negative reviews on here suck, so I’ll try to address those first and the actual issues here. This is my first Crash Drive title.

1. You don’t need a roll button since the game does roll you over back, but a rest button could be handy.

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Crash Drive 3 on Steam



BEST GAME EVER! !!!111!!1!

but just wait for discount. too expensive for now.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game


Tank Mechanic Simulator

Tank Mechanic Simulator

So let’s start off by saying that yes. I do play this game a lot. I’ve played it quite a bit in fact. But can I recommend it? Ehhhhh…. no.

See, the developers have made a great system for this sort of game. I wish more games would use it. It’s a bit unrealistic, but that’s honestly okay, it plays well with it. I have to give them props for that.


What I can’t give them props for is quality assurance, general professionalism(There was a major content delay because they forgot to fork their build. FORGOT. And overwrote their work), and what appears to be a roadmap designed for maximizing profit, rather than fixing the countless issues that still persist with the game.

Real player with 106.6 hrs in game

I really, really, really like the game. BUT, I just wanna take a little walk through and talk about what’s going on in the game.

They’re doing good work, making updates regularly and keeping people up to date with what’s happening in the development cycle. The thing that really sets me off with the current game is that they’re already trying to push DLC. I understand that they want to make money, but at the same time the base game needs to be in a more acceptable state before they should try to push for DLC’s. There are a lot of issues within the base game that need to be addressed such as, Performance within the garage itself can get pretty rough, especially if you have multiple project vehicles in at the same time(Keep in mind my computer isn’t a slouch by any means, AMD 5800x processor, 16gigs of Crucial Ballistix’s 3600Mhz ram, and an rtx2060, granted not the highest end pc in the world.), the menus are pretty clunky and need to be reworked into a more user friendly state. Tank extractions can be frustrating between not being able to find the vehicle through the basic means the game starts you off with and occasionally you aren’t able to extract the vehicle at all. The maintenance system has gotten better, but it needs a lot of work, the system needs to be streamlined and ease of access while putting tanks together needs to be more comfortable to work with instead of awkwardly clicking around on the screen trying to access certain parts. Some tank models being reworked have been worked on for what feels like months without any update to them in the live version of the game, but they’re working on new models instead.

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Tank Mechanic Simulator on Steam



Excellent sound design and use of shading that makes the grayscale pixel art breathe

Also I did the ending theme and it sounds pretty rad if I say so myself 👀

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

My Experience

On paper, Subterene “checks a lot of my boxes.” I liked the game’s unique aesthetic and interface, it’s advertised short run-time, and the idea of slowly piecing together this mystery that has occurred beneath the floor of the ocean.

Unfortunately, playing Subterene is a slog. The game gives you very little direction while you stumble upon probes and bumble from one mining depot to the next. For some this may make the game a true “exploration” game, but not for me when the act of exploring itself is so tedious. The speed at which your mining vehicle drills, turns, and accelerates is just PAINFUL. This is only exacerbated when your vehicle becomes caught on some small piece of a block, which happens ALL THE TIME.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Subterene on Steam



this is a great game for people who want to build ethire simple or complex vehicles and is super fun

Real player with 450.7 hrs in game

Play the game

Real player with 390.1 hrs in game

Trailmakers on Steam

Vektor Wars

Vektor Wars

My first encounter with non-educational gaming came in the form of “Battlezone”, sometime in the early 90’s, on my grandpa’s Packard Bell with Prodigy Internet.

Windows 3.1 contained a suite of arcade classics, consisting of such titles as Centipede, Asteroids, Tempest, and so on. But Battlezone was the only one that hit me in the heart. That’s because I WAS the shooter, and every enemy projectile was a take on my life, and not the life of some idiot I was looking down on.

This game is Battlezone on crack cocaine.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

woefully obsolete/misinformed; fun simple game that has a tendency to be reduced to combing the map for collectibles while kiting enemies.

Ladders are broken.

Walk into them while looking up.

This review was negative because I consistently encountered ladders that would not let me climb them. Though I did encounter one of those “camera-lock and teleported away” glitches (from an enemy exploding too close this time, not a ladder), I made it to level 3 in one sitting.

The game is fun and hearkens back to th’old days (of which I wasn’t a part). There are collectibles and weapons strewn about the level. One of those collecitbles - Robodudes - is dynamic, as in they run around the level. Grab them when you see them.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Vektor Wars on Steam