The Catacombs of Solaris Revisited

The Catacombs of Solaris Revisited

really nicely made trippy little toy.

But without an objective or context, $12 is pretty steep for what is essentially a fancy visualizer. It only has a couple of features that the free version doesn’t, and imo they don’t exactly warrant such a high price tag.

My advice: search for and download the original free version, and if after playing that you think “oh hell yeah I’d pay $11.99 for more of THIS”, then by all means go ahead. (I did for what that’s worth.) But without further updates, a point to it all, or a lower price, I can’t recommend everyone or anyone buy it.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration Colorful Games.

I do think that the price is a bit high for a game where you just walk around and look at weird stuff, but the way this game is made is very cool, and very trippy, and jhbakjbAIjhy8qwuyowqghbwqbgukqwyhbqgwkuyhgbqhqbhqwbA AN HA AHN AH aH hah a ha baH ja jna

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

The Catacombs of Solaris Revisited on Steam





In [ECHOSTASIS], you take control of the lead engineer at ENIGMA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. While testing a new device that can generate personalized realities known as [ECHOES], a cyber-attack is launched on [ENIGMA] HQ.

Read More: Best Exploration Cyberpunk Games.




I really dug this. I knew going in it wasn’t a game per say but I was actually relaxed and kind of mesmerized. I would say I think the $12.99 price I got it for is a lil' steep for basically a 20 minute stint, so i think I would be happier if it was like $5-maybe $10 and they would probably sell more. I like that it isn’t just a bunch of images in a 360 sphere you are looking at but real 3d models moving around and things. In fact, although it might be hard to do as this looked like it took quite the team to get it out, I would absolutely LOVE if they did chapters/dlc for $5 a piece and had different artists attempt the same kind of trip, same amount of time, in their own way. I could honestly see myself “using” this once a week to relax or something and definitely showing VR to my friends with.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration Experimental Games.

I’ve had an HTC Vive since 2017 and from the outset, noted that coming out of VR is more like emerging from dream than quitting a flat game. I think it’s compounded of two elements: the 360 ‘being there’ immersivity of VR, but also the physical activity which, no matter how limited, purges the adrenalin that static gaming leaves you full of.

I’ve been predicting VR psychedelics for as long as I’ve had the headset and I have several quite hallucinatory VR apps and games in my library: Chroma Lab, Cosmic Sugar, Emergence Fractal Universe, The Bond, Form. It was a no-brainer to buy Ayahuasca as soon as it came out.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Ayahuasca on Steam

Drilly Willis

Drilly Willis

Thoroughly enjoyable and has a great soundtrack

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Weird, fun, creative platformer with unique characters and oddly charming. would recommend

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Drilly Willis on Steam

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement)

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement)



L.S.D. is a first person shooter set during a hallucinogen trip.

It’s a dream-like experience, in which things don’t seem to make sense. Because they don’t.

You keep waking up in different, weird open worlds. You have no choice but to explore them, trying to survive and to get back to reality as soon as possible.

Suddenly you’ll find yourself in magic medieval-like towns, fighting against fire-spitting dragons with a magic sword, then you’ll find handguns and rifles to attack fierce giant creatures that come right at you.

You keep waking up in mysterious, unexplored places.

You’re in a loop. You keep living the same moment again and again.

It’s up to you to decide how you’re going to live it.

Are you going to slaughter those dragon with your sword, or are you going to let them rip your head off?

Will you try to wake up from this nightmare? Or will you take control of your dreams?

What you’ll find in this game:

  • Giant open worlds;

  • Creatures that try to kill you;

  • A psychotic narration;

  • Magic swords;

  • Very loud rifles;

  • Very loud handguns;

  • More creatures that try to kill you;

  • Things that blow up for no reason:

  • Even UFOs! Maybe. I’m not supposed to talk about it.

The game also features original music by Salvatore Palermo.

And all of this for about the price of a cheap cinema movie ticket!

Keep in mind that L.S.D. is being developed by a solo, but very passionate, indie developer! That’s me!

If you got this far and you’re reading this then it basically means that we’re friends, so I’ll stop using the third person.

L.S.D. is my very first commercial game. I love creating games that feature open worlds and that let me channel my creativity in unusual ways.

That’s how I came up with the idea for L.S.D.

Since I’m all alone, sometimes I use some beautiful pre-made assets created by amazing artists that let their work be licensed online and I try to make the most out of them.

If you’d like to get notified about the game (and sales) at launch, make sure to put it in your wishlist!

Wishlisting L.S.D. is a great way to support me in creating the game of my dreams in a completely free way.

Feel free to contact me for feedback, advice and anything related to the project.

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement) on Steam




A rare planetary alignment has transpired in the universe. The deep sea needs your help pulling Mother Ocean from her depression spiral for the water ritual to be complete. You must collect and deliver life energy pearls to the Nucleoid Portal to awaken her. You’ll receive mysterious messages, learn how to astral project and meditate with consciousness warriors as you navigate a fantastic deep sea world full of weird, alien underwater creatures. Will you be around long enough to experience universal oneness?

Oceanarium on Steam

The Shape On The Ground (Steam Edition)

The Shape On The Ground (Steam Edition)

As someone who’s done a fair bit of work with tarot in real life, I can see that the creators have a good grasp of the right sorts of prompts and questions to work with in divination. The environments and visual design are very nicely done too, and it’s clear that a lot of care went into them. They do an excellent job of building atmosphere and putting one in the right headspace. Overall, a very interesting experience, and well worth your time.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

An interesting idea overall. Answering the question, walking around the map is pretty much everything, but that uncomfortably feeling that you are constantly being watched while answering what you see in this dark and strange imagery really has a great take on immersing player into this horror experience. Take a look at this title as an artistic horror experience, not a game. It’s short, and I’m definitely getting back to this title again in the future. In my opinion, a quite nice title to have in your collection, as an artistic psychological piece.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

The Shape On The Ground (Steam Edition) on Steam

Time Flipper

Time Flipper

Time Flipper is an adventure / exploration game set in a hidden dimension, similar to Earth. Using your time-flip device, you can switch between two world states, past and future. Your objective is to locate missing people that have been abducted by alien entities. Find them and convince them, through dialog, to come with you. Get to know their story, how they got kidnapped, and how some of them aren’t even aware of their situation. The people you rescue will follow you through the level, get them to safety so they can go back home. In the process you, and your followers will get attacked by the entities, be careful!.

Rely on your time-flip device to navigate through the level, find hidden passages, items, missing people. Discover once for all the reality behind these abductions, and what it means for mankind. All this is accompanied by a superb dynamic soundtrack that changes depending on the world’s state.

Key Features

  • Rich world to discover, 5 islands to explore, navigate the world map using your spaceship, and enter the levels by docking on the islands.

  • Through dialog, know the story of every person you rescue, they may even help you as you progress!

  • Find hidden relics throughout the world and add them to your book!

  • Engage in combat without using any weapons, protect yourself with the environment and find weapons for your companions to defend you.

  • Clear the path for your companions to follow you using your time-flip device.

With the press of one button, flip between timelines, back and forth, at anytime.

Locate the prisoners in the hidden dimension, but there’s a problem, they don’t know they’re prisoners, you need to talk them out of their state, so they follow you!

The kidnappers won’t let you go easily, their motives are not clear but their hostile actions are!, however, due to the inter-dimensional law you cannot attack them back!

Switch between timelines to find your path, hidden objects, prisoners and many weird stuff. You know, typical Time Flipper stuff.

Time Flipper on Steam

Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition

Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition

Should This Life Sometime Deceive You, Be Strong!

Yuppie Psycho. It’s a horror adventure game made by Baroque Decay that developed The Count Lucanor. Yuppie Psycho has a different background to this developer’s previous work, The Count Lucanor, but its unique vibe is quite similar each other. So if you’ve already enjoyed their games previously, you will be satisfied with this game as well. Of course, new users can start with Yuppie Psycho first. The player becomes a new employee of Sintracorp, one of the world’s largest companies, and is tasked with hunting the witches who threaten his company. But as the story unfolds, the hidden secrets of this huge company are revealed one by one. In this game, unique pixel artworks & animations with its horror vibe are impressive. And it’s also worth noting that Garoad, who was responsible for the OST of Va-11 Hall-A in relation to the soundtrack, joined Yuppie Psycho.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

I knew this job offer was too good to be true.

We are all afraid of something, whether it be what you can run into everyday or something that is only possible in media. Clowns, zombies, bugs, ghosts, being stalked or spied on, darkness, the unknown, and so on. Although, dread can set in with the seemingly simplest of things like speaking to new people, public speaking (even if it’s like a fraction of a class size), or going into your first job. Despite how much someone hypes themselves up to prepare, it always creeps back.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition on Steam



Really a beautiful exploration and discovery game of interactive art pieces. Just passed level three in the game and was blown away, being there inside these imaginary places and wanting to discover what was happening and what was just out of sight. The music is soo good and really helps with the travel into the paintings and by setting the mood. Exploration is so rewarding.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

I would not enjoy Enzo Cucchi’s art by itself, and I did not know who Enzo is before I played this game, I’ve seen a lot of similar works by artists with similar career paths and I am not a fan. ‘Fine art’ as it would be called. But Cuccchi is not just a gallery, it isn’t just a resource for an artist, although it is also that, it is a game in of itself which the gallery part excluded is mostly original, it honestly would have a chance of qualifying as transformative fair use if it wasn’t made with the blessing of the creator (which I’m like 79% sure it is).

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Cuccchi on Steam