Beyond Mankind: The Awakening

Beyond Mankind: The Awakening

jesus christ, were to begin. this games premise i like….. what you expected me to heap praise on this broken thing? it take LITERALLY 5-10 mins TO LOAD A SAVE IF YOU DIE. on top of this the enemies are aim bots, some enemies are brain dead. and its just so FUCKING BROKEN. i literally stuck in a railway where i have to trigger to soldier to exit. seems fine ya? well they instantly start shooting at you, pin point accuracy. and your in the open. hardly any armor, little health, and it kills you in 2-3 shots. EVEN HEADSHOTS WHICH SHOULD BE INSTA KILL ISNT, THEIR BULLET SPONGES!

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration Story Rich Games.

Hard to review this game.

Usually I post the positives then the negatives but here ill start with the negatives.

*The game is way too short (only 6 hours and I’m done)

*There are many game breaking bugs, who you will need to somehow go around by asking help in the forum.

*There’s not really any meaning to raising skills or any of the characters traits whatever you chose you will have the same or mostly the same paths making this also very short and pointless journey.(tbh it doesn’t feel like a journey, more like a short window to one)

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Beyond Mankind: The Awakening on Steam

ATOM RPG Trudograd

ATOM RPG Trudograd

Edit #2

After completing what i believe to be most of the new content and testing the balance changes that came with the latest update, I can gladly say this game is in a pretty good place now. I’ll address the problems I had in the previous patch below and how they were fixed below.

Fist off as always is combat. Enemies now more consistently take damage, so long as you are fully invested in what ever type you choose. There’s really not a lot of room for using multiple forms of combat, if you’re gonna go for automatics or rifles, you have to go in. You’re not gonna have enough points left over for other weapon skills to still have enough points for other skills unless you’re importing a character from the first game that’s some ungodly high level. One final thing to note about combat is that melee enemies still seem to do crazy amounts of damage. This wouldn’t be too much of an issue if they didn’t stun and crit you as often as they do. I swear i must have been crit more times in one hour of this game that the entire campaign of the previous one. Not that it’s too much of an issue, I found that as long as you have enough AP you can run away and shoot every other turn. Just make sure you avoid anyone with armor and a knuckleduster.

Real player with 135.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration Turn-Based Combat Games.

Quick and dirty review


-Updated interface

-Perk system

-Weapon mods

-No need to buy the first game if you want to experience the atom world

-The world is still a fucked up hellscape with random and various strokes of gray as most choices just like the first don’t have a good ending just people surviving


-its not fully released yet AND I NEED MY GOOD RPG GAME FIX NOW!

Full review of what i so far think of the game:

So far i’m once again enjoying the atom world this definitely an expansion and for the full experience you should play the first game so you can import your character over and gain a better understanding of both the world and whats going on in this story, but you don’t have to as this can be played alone and with out context from the previous story if you just want a taste before possibly deciding to buy the previous game. While this isn’t as harsh as the previous game you can up the difficulty if needed as people that import there character may find this to be a bit too easy or too hard depending on your builds as you wont be able to fill in gaps using companions right away so for more for those importing characters you may want to even start a new one from scratch, but that’s just my own view you should always give a chance to your current build and see how it turns out. As for the overall story and not revealing spoilers you are thrown into searching for a solution to a very large and imminent threat the world still retains its bleak outset with many citizens within Trudograd suffering within the great city and some having grown soft inside its walls making certain decisions and quests just like the previous game not having the desired effect you want or a happy ending if there even is one. I would simply say this is the Atom team giving us a wonderful expansion and if you cant wait and need a taste give it a try or wait for the full release and get the full product as if you don’t want to wait for updates.

Real player with 71.0 hrs in game

ATOM RPG Trudograd on Steam

Fallout 4

Fallout 4

It’s fun if you like games where you build, complete achievements, and grow from a weakling where the mosquitoes and cockroaches murder you to a nearly invincible engine of death. You also go from a player character where every wicked and ungrateful NPC hates you and tries to get you killed, to a player character where every wicked and ungrateful NPC keeps their mouth shut.

In this game, you play a character who has emotional boundary issues and allows himself/herself to be used by every wicked person in the game who is too cowardly to fight their own battles, has profound ingratitude (Thanks for risking your life in deadly battle with all those crabs and monsters. Have a mutated plum and we will now expect you to defend us from now on).

Real player with 1219.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration Shooter Games.

If you know me then you know what I have to say. Great game, tons of replayability even without mods, native mod support exponentially increases that. 500+ hours on steam plus time on XBox clears 1000 hours played easily, so I’ve played it a fair enough bit to recognize shortcomings but also acknowledge that they can be fixed and looked past for a great experience. Community is wonderful, as long as you don’t happen to run into people with overly strong opinions against certain games/companies in the franchise.

Real player with 500.1 hrs in game

Fallout 4 on Steam



The game is really fun and well worth the purchase. !But there is just one thing: at this stage, people with weak PC are better off not playing and waiting for fixes - since the developers regularly patch the game - normal optimization is not far off.

Игра действительно интересная и стоит того, чтобы её приобрести. Правда есть одно !но - на данном этапе людям со слабыми машинами лучше не играть и подождать фиксов, благо разработчики регулярно латают игру, а там глядишь и нормальная оптимизация не за горами.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Game was definitely fun, especially co-op. There were a few bugs like when I saw 6 wolves just stand there with no hitbox whatsoever after a fight. The story did not really hook me, however, we didn’t pay a lot of attention to it anyway so I definitely won’t say anything about that, it seemed interesting enough and I simply missed it basically completely. The mechanics are a little clunky and we felt a little lost and/or stupid at times but it’s a really fun and interesting game to play; looking forward to the next chapters. Not recommended if you’re looking for a high-quality horror game or something similar, though. I’d also like to mention that the music really doesn’t fit the atmosphere at some points in the game but it made it rather entertaining lmao

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Noch on Steam

Death Trash

Death Trash

I made a poor narrative choice when I killed every character that looked important, and looking back it was definitely a wrong decision to experience the game, but it’s still nice to have that freedom. Overall the game is a competent tribute to the Fallout series, although I do think that further into the story the game falls apart in terms of difficulty scaling and itemization. There are so many moving parts with a game like this, even the UI would have to be pretty complicated to put everything together, so despite having some polish issues, I still think the dev did a decent job. Notably, the game feels like it was designed with a controller in mind, the way you change the items often involves cycling, which is only ideal if you have limited buttons, and I wish it was more straightforward for the keyboard. Interestingly, the combat also features stamina-based moves, even though I would not qualify it as a souls-like, it still has some similarities when it comes to the melee gameplay. Now I wouldn’t say the game has a great pixel-timing with the enemy attacks, the way you block needs to be more rewarding, I would often get hit right after blocking or dodging - it really depends on the enemy.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

One of the first things you encounter in Death Trash is a giant Fleshkraken. A disturbingly pinkish, pulsating, fleshy mass of tentacles, seemingly embedded and sticking out of a wall. Next to him is his human guardian that tells you his ward has been a bit silent lately. Turns out, the Fleshkraken can speak to you, in simple words, but enough to tell you that he wants something. This pops up your first side quest. It’s immediately obvious that from here on out, things can only get more weird, bizzare and definitely more twisted.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Death Trash on Steam

Hideout: Face your fears

Hideout: Face your fears

I haven’t finished the game yet, however, it seems pretty cool, the graphics is promising, voice acting it perfect, story seems to fit the atmosphere… I’d never say I’m going to enjoy in any stealth game, but here I am.

EDIT: It feels like I’m almost at the end of the game, still no complaints, there was one bugged door which I went through and fell, not a big deal though… Still enjoying it!

EDIT 2: I’ve completed the game today, and I can say that I’m quite disappointed at how the game ended… Looking forward for the updates (if there will be any).

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Its a great game! Decently put together, has a lot of potential. The sneaking is a really cool aspect and how you use devises is super sweet. Overall great game! Beware if you go through the door at the end boss (fountain entrance) instead of jumping off it will glitch the game making the robot spin in circles and not see you at all. Got stuck on the end for a solid 1hour and a half lol..


Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Hideout: Face your fears on Steam

The Death Tree

The Death Tree

“The Death Tree” is a first-person horror hunt game set in a nightmarish dark forest that involves action and “jump scares” through a tension and intrigue atmosphere. Hunt creepy monsters, ruthlessly creatures and witches.


You are a revenant of “The Death Tree” who take the task of get rid of all the dark creatures and animals who inhabit in different areas of the forest empowered by a great supernatural force.


Hunt or die! Your goal is to hunt those creatures using different melee and ranged weapons. You are able to find medical equipment and food to improve your health.

This is not a story driven game. Let’s see if you can survive. All the creatures are huntable.

Key Features:

• One map - Dark Forest

• Different areas within the Dark Forest

• Replayability

• Randomized objects

• No hand holding

• Suspenseful atmosphere

• Skills improvement

• Mini Sandbox

• Use headphones to have a better immersive experience.

The Death Tree on Steam

ZERO Sievert

ZERO Sievert

ZERO Sievert is a post apocalyptic game setted In a fictitious part of Russia.

The bunker ZERO Sievert: here you can accept new quests, talk to NPC, trade with vendors, manage your equipment and improve your base.

Maps: Maps are procedurally generated to ensure good replayability. The main points of interest will then be in a different location each time, but there is loot in everywhere in the map so be prepared to explore!

Weapons modification: Weapons can be modified, it is up to the player to create a weapon he likes or to focus on statistics. There are a lot of different mods and an incredible amount of combinations

ZERO Sievert on Steam

Fallout 3

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 isn’t just a game, It’s an experience.

Wow, since I’am getting so many thumbs up, I feel I should write something useful about this game and why I personally recommend it.

  • One big continuous open world. Loading screens appear only when entering major cities or buildings.

  • Very atmospheric and immersive world to explore.

  • Every NPC’s are really living in that world. They follow their own daily routine from morning to night. You’ll meet them, talk to them and even remember their names.

Real player with 405.5 hrs in game

I am going to start this review with controversy. Of the Fallout series I think Fallout 3 is the best of them. Now before you start flaming me over the fact your prefer Fallout: New Vegas or Fallout 1 for instance, let me try and explain this.

Fallout 1 & 2 remain good classics, that must be played by any fan of the later Fallouts, if only for the feel of it for the moment. The first Fallouts had the best incentive to go away from the safety of community, because either your vault or your tribe was in danger - both of them showing much of Fallout world. However, that said although I enjoy pixelated games… they are pixalated games and some of the tactic options are for the time excellent, but now outdated.

Real player with 282.3 hrs in game

Fallout 3 on Steam

World for Two

World for Two

the game is absolutely beautifull, the audio and the video. if you care about lore this is something for you for sure. 10/10

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

8/10 - Great value for money if bought & overall a very pleasant, relaxing experience.

This game was truly an enjoyable time. I’ve not completed the game fully but I have gathered the main aspect and the majority of what I needed to do. If I’m guessing, you’ll get about 6-8 hours of gameplay overall before “finishing” this game.

You’re using DNA to create lifeforms and reviving the world, essentially. It’s a very cute, relaxing indie game and the soundtracks are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Absolutely over the moon.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

World for Two on Steam