Cutthroat Cove

Cutthroat Cove

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME! There are way too many bugs, the major one is that you cannot craft water jars, which is a necessity, if you want to live. I have also attempted to contact the Developer with no success. I am wondering if the Dev has abandoned this game. I enjoyed playing the Demo, so I bought the game. I can tell you that it does NOT play like the Demo, it plays like an early Alpha. Do yourself a favor and avoid this fiasco. I tried to get a refund from Steam, but evidently I played for more than 2 hours, which is the limit. I have 550 games on Steam, and this is the first time I have left a bad review.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration 3D Games.

So to start the game you grab a bunch of loose stone and wood from the ground. If you grab all of the loose stone and then die of fall damage (which is easier then you would think) and can’t get to your inventory again you pretty much can’t get more.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Cutthroat Cove on Steam

Kingdom: New Lands

Kingdom: New Lands

An otherwise simple and fun little survival game ruined by frustrating mechanics.

Kingdom: New Lands is a simple survival sort of game. From what the tutorial, in the form of the previous ghostly monarch, tells you in small words, you have to “Build, Expand, Defend” It’s fun at first, you have a couple citizens, you buy tools to make them builders or hunters, and you build, expand, and defend, and than you might just have doomed yourself already.

First off, everything in this game is done by the power of money, you use coin to do everything, and anything. If you don’t have any coin, you can’t do a single thing but wait. Through the final words, build, expand, and defend, your first run may have you do just that, build your walls, expand them, than defend at night. First wave comes, it’s easy and you survive. All seems well unless you’ve fallen into a major mechanic the game hasen’t told you. You realize your hunters arn’t making any coin, which is because you may of over-expanded and now those little rabbit spawn points are behind your walls, which makes them despawn, therefor killing your economy. Thankfully there’s some treasure chest around the map to give you more coin to do things, so if you thought to explore and find them, you can play a little longer.

Real player with 68.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration Side Scroller Games.

Summary: Even more waiting and more RNG

Multiplayer: No

Completion: 19 hrs (previous experience)

Cards: Yes


Kingdom: New Lands is the sequel to Kingdom: Classic and is bigger in scope in every way. Much of what I said for Kingdom: Classic holds true for Kingdom: New Lands as well, but there are quite a few changes that need to be addressed.

First of all there’s multiple stages this time around. The victory condition in this game typically involves rebuilding the ship (around 50-120 gold) to sail to the next island (up until Skull Island). You may ferry over a handful of troops and builders to the next island, so carry what you can, because you’ll need it.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

Kingdom: New Lands on Steam

One More Island

One More Island

The Queen of the Old World calls upon you! As Her Majesty’s domain expands, we require a capable administrator to guide Her latest colonies to prosperity. We will provide you with ships, colonists, and other tools necessary to tame these wild, virgin lands, and turn them into a prosperous colonial enterprise, all under the Queen’s watchful eye.

Naturally, the Crown will expect you to share the bounty of these new lands, pay your taxes on time, and continue expanding the boundaries of Her Majesty’s colonial possessions. Obedience may earn you rewards,but refusing to pay your dues or worse, declaring independence, will have dire consequences.

So, governor: Are you ready to colonize One More Island?

You are called upon to explore the frontiers of Her Majesty’s colonial empire, claim territory, then exploit it to its fullest to gain riches for the throne!

  • Set sail for the New World to plant Her flag and establish a new colony - as well as ensuring it thrives.

  • Each exploration is never the same, thanks to a world map generated dynamically from a combination of hand-crafted map elements.

  • Customize the challenge to your tastes, adjusting island size, land fertility, amount of natural resources and more, to make it as easy or as hard as desired.

As governor, you’re in charge. Plan out the colony, take care of your residents, and turn a small outpost into an overseas metropolis bustling with commerce!

  • Construct the buildings you want: The freeform building designer allows fine-tuning workshop placement and colonist’s paths to optimize the holy colony plan.

  • Look after the colonists' needs. Happy colonists work harder and faster, growing your, err, Her Majesty’s colonial empire.

  • Harness this legendary colony and these dedicated colonists to create production chains, producing necessary goods on the spot and growing the community.

There’s always One More Island to conquer. Explore the world, find new spots to establish more colonies, then tie them together into a self-sufficient network: An empire of your own making.

  • Build a new fleet to explore the archipelago, claim new islands for your domain, then link them together with overseas trade routes.

  • Optimize your production chains and increase their complexity to create entire industries independent of the Old World.

  • Research new ways to develop your fledgling colony into a New World superpower. Each civilization tier brings with it new challenges, new requirements - and new opportunities.

The Queen wants her share of New World’s bounty. Taxes are expected, as is ordained. But there’s always another option, one that your colonists might look upon favorably.

  • Manage your reputation at the royal court. Pay your taxes on time and meet their expectations or…

  • Do you dare to commit the unthinkable? Do you dare to disobey the monarch?

  • Do you dare try to form a new nation, breaking free of Old World tyranny?

Well? Where do you stand?

Read More: Best Exploration Building Games.

One More Island on Steam

Dragon Throne Battle of Red Cliffs

Dragon Throne Battle of Red Cliffs

The game follows a civil war fought in medieval China. The three campaigns allow you to assume the roles of one of three warlords, and your commanders gain experience and acquire new powers and extra health as the story goes on.

Before the carnage is unleashed, though, the familiar rigmarole of setting up an economy awaits. Chop down trees, harvest grain, mine stone, breed the horses.

You must recruit peasants to build a base of operations, then create an army to crush your enemies.

Dragon Throne Battle of Red Cliffs on Steam

Exogate Initiative

Exogate Initiative

Exogate Initiative is a management/base-building game that puts you in charge of mankind’s first worlds exploration program. In the near future, a new technology will allow us to travel instantly anywhere in the universe, via portals known as Exogates. An international initiative is created to develop this technology and start the first exploration program.

You will lead mankind into the vast unknown, where we never before dreamt to tread.

In the depth of a mountain plan, excavate and build your base using a variety of specialized rooms and equipment.

  • Complete freedom to dig anywhere on the map.

  • Plan and build specialized rooms, explorers will need barracks to rest, a training field to prepare for their missions or a laboratory to study samples they brought back from other worlds.

  • Place equipment in these rooms, each one of them will have a dedicated purpose.

Recruit, train and manage specialists from all around the world.

  • You will unlock 6 different classes of explorers, the scientist will study flora and fauna on other worlds, the scholar will decipher alien culture and languages and the soldier will ensure everyone is safe.

  • Explorers are called gaters, they are completely autonomous.

  • Each gater is unique. They come from different countries, have different ages, look different.

  • Take care of their needs and ensure their well-being, both physical and psychological, as they are constantly facing the unknown.

  • They will develop relationships between each other, and losing a friend on a mission will not have the same impact as losing someone you hate.

  • Provide them with the tools and suits needed for their journey

Assemble teams and send them exploring new worlds through the Exogate.

  • Gaters will perform missions on their own but will request your help from time to time.

  • These contacts are micro interactive stories that will constantly try to surprise you, and where you will sometimes have to make difficult decisions.

  • They may discover new flora, fauna or even intelligent beings. There are more than 10 different kinds of encounters

  • After each mission, teams will return with more experience and interesting things to study. This will allow you to unlock new technologies and earn money to keep the initiative running.

Don’t forget to wishlist and follow!

Exogate Initiative on Steam

Garden Of Mooj

Garden Of Mooj

Garden of Mooj is a monster farmer simulator where you raise cute little slime monsters called Mooj. You find different types of food and feed them to your Mooj and it will train their stats in different ways. Every night even scarier monsters come to try and destroy your Mooj statue and you must defend yourself using the Mooj you have raised. Once you train your Mooj, their abilities can unlock gates to allow you passage into new areas, as you make your way across the world trying to save it from a mysterious enemy. Mooj is fairly similar to games like Slime Rancher and the Chao Garden from Sonic Adventure, and was a lot of fun. The game also has a really decent jazz/easy listening soundtrack.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

I find this game strangely addicting and loads of fun despite how simple it is.

Its a good game for just not worrying and getting a good chuckle and you can make your mooj fairly different.



Silly and cute



it can be a bit buggy

its not entirely clear on what to do

could still use more to do(personal bias)

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Garden Of Mooj on Steam

Exodus H

Exodus H

As it stands this is not a game, maybe you’d call it a foundational engine for one. The videos are misleading, all the demonstrated functionality seems to be missing or at the very least fundamentally broken. I reported a bug that was fixed and patched in a few hours though, so there is hope I might have cause to change my review later. I considered getting a refund really as it seems that no one is actively testing the game before releasing, but that last patch made me choose not to. I might regret that choice later if there is not enough patches and improvements in the next couple of weeks.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Exodus H on Steam

Hexmet World

Hexmet World

In Hexmet World you can create your own unique world.

  • Open world!

  • Hexagonal grid allows you to create a unique biome!

  • Various building options allow you to create a unique civilization!

  • Improved system of any strategy!

The large number of resources gives the feeling of complete control over the gameplay.

You are expected by:

  • Metals

  • Minerals

  • Wood

  • Electricity

  • Food

  • Army

… And much more!

Play it your way! A unique system for the creation of your own civilization. Defend your world from opponents, attack foreign lands!

Build your army in space and enjoy the atmosphere of an endless universe.

Every step moves you to victory!

Hexmet World on Steam

The Spatials: Galactology

The Spatials: Galactology

### Too Long; Long-Story-Short, Version

I have to say; After holding-off from trying this game; for sooo long now… Im glad I finally did. Even in its current state of: - EA / Alpha;.. This game is amazingly well put-together & very immersive & playable & enjoyable so far. For everything that it says it is & does & wants to be; It really does deliver these things very well.

Coupled with, one of the most productive, active & interactive, community-minded / oriented Devs, Ive seen here on steam; which gives GREAT promise & hope; & firm reason to believe that this game, will only continue to advance & grow, in positive & unique directions & become even better into the near future, as it comes to its final completion. Not to mention, the current state of the game itself, also giving proper & solid testaments to those statements, as well.

Real player with 114.2 hrs in game

The Spatials: Galactology is a real time base simulator. You start with a small crew of ‘redshirts’ and a dream for a profitable space economy. Its current build is in the alpha stage which means that the tutorials are a little clunky and hard to follow. However, this is a real gem of an experience. It reminds me of a less frustrating and less boring version of Evil Genius. Your base is constantly doing stuff, a little space ant farm, while you can travel to various planets for resources.

The planets are procedurally created and they don’t have a huge variety at this junction, but the maps are pretty and serve the purpose of giving your troops something to explore and capture. Each planet has various resources, such as metals from the lava worlds, which must be extracted with a universal building (the old version had more variety but I don’t think it needs it.) As your tech tree increases you can put in recruitment centers and tv stations to run ads for your station.

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game

The Spatials: Galactology on Steam

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders is a brand-new casual, light-hearted city builder with a kid-friendly tone and great visuals. The game revolves around an outcast prince who is trying his best to set up a safe city for his people.

Throughout the review, I’ll be bearing in mind that this is an early access title with limited features currently in place, but from where I stand the game base is good.

*– [Real player with 26.5 hrs in game](*

Barely any content, no real goals or way to beat the game, repetitive, and the challenge of surviving can be eliminated entirely. The only good things about this game are its art style and sound design. Wait until one year or so until it is out of early access to purchase this game. In my opinion this is a little more than a tech demo.

As of August 6, 2021 here are the pros and cons of this game:


-Cute art style and excellent sound design and subtle background music.

-Few but interesting enemy types with unique attack patterns.

*– [Real player with 7.1 hrs in game](*
