

  • visual: 9/10

  • audio: 10/10

  • gameplay: 8/10

  • narrative: 9/10

  • challenge: 9/10

  • replayability: 8/10

  • value: 9/10

  • personal grade: 9/10

  • was it scary? yes +1


  • immersive atmosphere and worldbuilding

  • challenging, thought provoking puzzles

  • engaging narrative with deep lore

  • tension building save system

  • great music and sound design

  • humble price point


  • hard difficulty curve (not a con, but not for everyone)

  • clunky combat

total score: 9/10

Please watch the full review at

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration Survival Horror Games.

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #142 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“It’s Not Much of A VICTOR-Y, I Know-”


You assume the role of Victor, who hopes to find a miracle cure to his wife- Alissa’s terminal illness. As if their prayers had been answered- an Earl by the name of Edmond asserts of a panacea for the right price and gauges their certainty of intentions. To which they desperately accept the offer and travel to Grau Hill Mansion where everything they’ve known quickly fades~

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Lamentum on Steam



Short review: I bought this game at a discount. She disappointed me! Standard graphics in real engine, I tried to play on 3 devices, 2 of them lagged very much, every 10 - 15 seconds! In steam, the passage of the game (community content) is completely different, in the current version, the game leads me to no clear place and does not allow me to go further! What struck me the most was that when trying to collapse the game and go to the desktop, there is an icon of the engine on which the game was made, and the program itself is displayed as “Myproject9” - it’s a shame, I put 2 stars, just because it works. It seems to me that the reviews are screwed up…

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Exploration Horror Games.

When you’re gonna ask people to pay $6 dollars for a game that can be completed in a half hour (my actual runtime was 32 minutes), you really need to pack it with an experience. Unfortunately, this game is minimal on just about everything. The game goes like this; go to room, read note, go to room, get key, go to room, read note, on and on and on. You probably spend more time reading notes than playing the actual game. In terms of scare attempts, there’s virtually nothing. Some loud noises in the background, a boy standing in a doorway, and a hanging body that occasionally swings. The build-up doesn’t even lead to a climax; you simply move into the last room and the game is over.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Presence on Steam

They Are Coming!

They Are Coming!

The zombie virus emerged during World War II and it’s up to you to make it spread around the world by controlling your horde of zombies in past, present, and future scenarios.

With simple controls, lots of action, and strategy, resolve the conflicts of each scenario and continue advancing in this story that can lead to the end of the world as we know it.

As you progress, unlock new special powers and face increasingly challenging enemies and environments. Try to beat your performance record at every stage and reach the top of the leaderboards.

Read More: Best Exploration Zombies Games.

They Are Coming! on Steam

Blood Spear

Blood Spear

No game in the steam catalog can compare to Blood Spear. Having thousands of hours in other steam games, i have decided that this game reigns superior above all. No one should pass up playing this game. A Breathtaking experience, honestly, the convoluted story at the beginning begins to piece itself together as you play. The game play flows well and with non linear areas, you can play the game the way you want to play it. The music is phenomenal, and is comparable to soundtracks of other great triple A games. The idea of a ranged combat is so fresh and different in a convoluted genre of sword hack and slash games. This game CANNOT be compared to the souls games, they are the yin and yang of souls likes. Dark souls being bleak, cold, dark, and repetitive, while Blood Spear is fast pased, high octane, intuitive, as these new ideas are added to the legacy of these games. I hope that this inspires other great Spear-Like games and is a genre i will be keeping up with for years to come.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

When a game is soo good that being free seems wrong

  • Third-person Hack and slash

  • Short

  • Great atmosphere

  • Inventive combat mechanics

  • Easy to learn, room for skilled-play

So, if you are still here… Let’s get down to it:


Nobody said it was easy, it’s such a shame for us to part…

Blood Spear is often called a student project… hence why it is so short and free, but make no mistake, winning first prize at ISART Digital Montreal 2021 is no small feat, and calling this a student project is a grave understatement. Picking obvious queues from the likes of Dark Souls, Soul Reaver and more, you get a third-person hack and slash campaign that won’t overstay its welcome, with an easy to learn throwing mechanic (charge and quick-fire) backed up with two inventive skills that add strategy and healing abilities, this compact package leaves you wanting more.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Blood Spear on Steam

The Count Lucanor

The Count Lucanor

This is a smart and surprisingly literate little game. There is some obvious jank in the controls and general presentation, but it does little to detract from the overall experience. The game really nails the dark and disturbing tone of its most obvious story inspirations, which are old fairy tales and moral fables. You won’t find much for jump scares and modern horror gore, but the whole affair just drips with heavy atmosphere and tone. So, if you’re into a more frenetic, slasher-thriller style of scare, this probably won’t be for you. But if you want something more deliberately paced and that builds a quiet horror by giving you nasty little things to think about and puzzle over, which is much more my speed, then I think you’ll find this a treat. Be aware, this applies to gameplay as well. There’s no combat in the game whatsoever, just avoidance. And your walk speed is fairly plodding. I didn’t find it an issue, as you never have much ground to cover to get where you’re going and the ambling pace helps to maintain the atmosphere. Others will find it slow. You’ll hopefully know your own tendencies well enough to know if this will be an issue for you, because the game is resolutely and deliberately stuck in first gear the whole time. Caveat emptor.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Review originally posted on Vox Ludicus - Review: The Count Lucanor . You can read it there with glorious formatting and images, or just the text (without image captions) below. DISCLAIMER: Game played on retail code provided by the developer.

Playing The Count Lucanor made me realize how rare fairy tale games are on the PC, and this game is very much a video game of a fairy tale. A tad on the grim side, perhaps, much like pre-Disney stories were, but a fairy tale nonetheless. With its pixel graphics and Bach’s works turned into chiptune as a soundtrack, as well as a few cutscene sequences that’ll remind you of a Studio Ghibli film, there’s little doubt that in the aesthetics department the game is well furnished – and what of the rest?

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

The Count Lucanor on Steam

A Wolf in Autumn

A Wolf in Autumn

(versión en español a continuación)


Is this… a proper menu? In David’s games?

This is it. I’m done. Whatever I could say afterwards would be pointless.



A Wolf in Autumn is about a girl locked down in a shed. The first puzzle is quite simple, but what I liked the most was the fact that there’s not just one way to solve it. And the ones who follow may have another solution as well…

While other David’s games puzzles are easy to solve (or almost nonexistent) this change is, I can tell, for the best (even I got stuck once).

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

David Szymanski is renowned for using sublime visuals alongside thought provoking gameplay and A Wolf in Autumn is another incredible journey I’d strongly recommend to fans of Szymanski’s work & if you’ve never experienced his work you seriously need to because he is an exceptional Indie game developer

Before I get into the review for A Wolf in Autumn be aware it does contain Adult themes and the voice acting by Julie Hoverson is incredibly effective so be prepared for that!! There is no save feature as advised at the introduction since it is a short 1 hour puzzle experience

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

A Wolf in Autumn on Steam



Great game but needs a few things that might and might not make the game better but just before I say them it’s a great shooter I love the retro style I really wish most games that are being made could have an option or be set to retro automatically and you can’t change it

The list

  1. Multiplayer) any good game needs multiplayer

  2. savegame option) I would really like to save my game (this might be added without me saying it)

  3. ther is nothing else lol that’s all I can think of atm solid game

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

The absolute bare bones of an experience are here.

The shooting is alright. There are “power-up” weapons with limited ammo you pick up. They are okay, maybe even kinda cool. The movement feels slow, but that’s mostly an issue when you are running around cleared rooms etc. During combat it works.

As you clear rooms, more enemies start appearing. A bit too many actually. You can get into a situation where there is a horde after you and unless you get lucky with a weapon drop, you’re going to take a hit (because you can’t kill them fast enough and there is no way to kite them).

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

CRUSH on Steam



You have come from outer space to the destroyed Earth. You are a person from the past in a harsh and inhospitable world… The IRON WORLD. Can you survive?

Your cool car

Driving your personal car in events on the global map. Always transport your stuff in the trunk. Shoot enemies with a turret or crush them.

Explore the world

Before you is a big ruined world. You are free to go wherever you want. Mountains, wasteland, towns and farms. Realistic layout of houses and attention to the interior. What is waiting for you around the corner? Create your own adventure.

Uncompromising fights

Dynamic and bloody battles. Move, use shelters, arrange ambushes, use power-ups to survive and defeat outnumbered enemies.

Tactical AI

The enemies will seem smart to you. They will find you by the noise and look for you if you have disappeared. Be sure, they will find you and surprise you.

Dynamic field of vision

You will not know who is in the house until you go inside. A sense of uncertainty and danger around every corner.

Visual style

Carefully recreated atmosphere of the apocalypse and devastation. A large number of details on the locations. The original hand-drawn style of graphics.


Collect resources in houses, berries and mushrooms growing in the world. Create food, ammunition and power-ups from them. Good nutrition is the key to success.

Characters and humor

Meet colorful NPCs in cutscenes, dialogues and quests. We tried to make the characters bright, not devoid of black humor and sarcasm.


Tomato Way 2

Tomato Way 2

In this alternate reality, you will take control of Sgt. Malo; aka Padre(our protagonist) and fight through hoards of veggies gone bad and many other nightmare monsters. The Ogres almost decimated the mammal population when they have wiped out the mammals; are veggies next to be eliminated? Padre will Slide, Shoot, Kick and use augmentations to slice and dice like a mince-o-matic salad slicer, through mob after mob, along with unreal boss battles. Leave your enemies in a mass of gibs, and collect any silver dropped to power your augmentations and to hire allies to help you fight.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Remember years ago back when Adult Swim wasn’t complete garbage? Had Tomato Way been an animation instead of a video game, it would have fit right in with that rest of the old roster. It is trashy surrealism at it’s finest.

Unfortunately, as far as gameplay goes, there is a certain level of broken jankyness you can get away with in an FPS that just does not fly in a 3rd person hack and slash. Controls and combat are just too broken for me to recommend this game in good faith. I am still going to finish it, because I have become completely absorbed in the fucknuts bizarre world the developer has created. Anyone that can get me invested in the deep lore of goddamn slavic ronin vegetables clearly has talent, but this sequel is just to rusty too give a thumbs up to.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Tomato Way 2 on Steam



This game is very scary and challenging and the most important thing, its so much fun i definetly recommend to buy this game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Very good game although to a man who created his first game. A very interesting game develops the thinking, only short compared to it’s price !. But still a fun and nice game.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Lightout on Steam