CLOSER - anagnorisis

CLOSER - anagnorisis

CLOSER - anagnorisis is a creative adventure game.

This is a game with distinctive art and gameplay. It contains a lot of creative designs.

The game tries to make it interesting without fighting. Players need to think about how to accomplish by “winning by cleverness”.

Each section of the game will have a different experience and gameplay, so that players can experience freshness in every part, and can think about emotional cues of the current mood of the character.

Read More: Best Experimental Casual Games.

CLOSER - anagnorisis on Steam

Grey Scout

Grey Scout

A tiny stealth game with a great atmosphere and fun mechanics.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Atmospheric Games.

Another great game coming out of the Sokpop Collective.

Whenever I’m feeling down, I always hit up the Sokpop Collective for a cute and interesting game, and this game doens’t come as an exception. The atmosphere is comfy as heck, and I absolutely adored exploring around the open world, hopping in and out of tallgrass to hide from the guards while saving the little children.

I would love for this game to be more developed and realized into a more thorough experience, as even in this tiny world, I had the same feeling I had when playing Breath of the Wild for the first time.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Grey Scout on Steam



please note that the showcased items above are running on a temporary lighting and scene building system and that the final game is subject to graphical enhancement



Welcome to Installation Jade. A megastructure and machine managed by an illusive and authoritarian Director. Nobody knows who built it. Nobody knows it’s age. Nobody’s around to ask.

You are an Operator. An artificial consciousness implanted within a preserved human body from long ago. Your tasks are simple. The Director’s orders firm. You are to be activated, assist in the standard operating procedure of the installation and do it with a smile. And so is the Operator after you, and after it, the system is to be kept alive until the end of time. But maybe it isn’t that simple. Maybe the Operator isn’t as mechanical as the system around it.

OPERATOR is a hard to define game about humanity’s struggle against an ancient inhuman odyssey of entirely human origin. About overcoming an inefficient machine entirely focused on self-preservation and either a liberation into the great unknown or a spiteful revolution of mutual destruction. Or maybe it’s just a game about manipulating a mysterious machine in a desperate attempt to end the Director’s mad cycle. Who knows?

In OPERATOR the player has agency over the installation and it’s warped reality, using the Installation’s Operating System to overcome the hostile machine’s many dangers and evade it’s pacification forces by manipulating the worldspace itself.

This is the first game developed by Australian indie solo-developer Cooper Braun and his studio Virtual Edition.

Read More: Best Experimental Hacking Games.


Divine Stone

Divine Stone

Divine Stone is a simple 2D platformer/puzzle/riddle game where you must solve riddles and other puzzles to pass each level. There’s hand drawn art but it’s not badly done, and there’s some clever ideas in the puzzles.

Some of the puzzles are a bit too vague/unclear, and on a technical basis the game is a bit clunky. Resolution is locked and can’t be changed, so the game doesn’t meet basic standards for a contemporary PC game. The translation is rough, too. I think the developers do deserve some kudos for a genuine attempt at making an interesting video game. There’s too many poor quality asset/template flips and construction kit games on Steam, so it’s refreshing to see a real game for a change.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Divine Stone on Steam



Take on the role of a ruthless tormentor who manages an abandoned prison full of victims sentenced to death.

#### The Story of Tormentor

Fight against a developing mental illness that takes away your memories and causes more and more frequent and dangerous fainting. Work with an organized criminal group using darkweb to get more doses of the experimental drug that helps to keep your mind sober.

#### Designed for Next Generation

Take over a prison that has been abandoned for years. Built this modern prison among the ruins of an ancient temple, creating opportunities to prepare a truly hellish labyrinth for your victims.

By taking advantage of raytracing possibilities, begin to create unusual traps that will confuse your prey, giving you the necessary advantage while hunting.

#### Customize your Cells

Search for the best deals and enrich prison cells with new torture tools to prepare your victims for the dangerous game. Satisfy the hellish lusts of your sponsors and win progressively darker contracts by removing those individuals who are inconvenient for them.

#### Customize your Victims

Use an extremely powerful character customization system to make new victims for your prison. Name them, select a tone of voice and add a detailed description on the figure card, and then use the camera to conduct a live stream of her torture!

#### Manhunt

Nurture the desire for revenge in your victims, then give them a weapon and let them finally hunt… You!

#### Main Features

  • Expansion of the prison with new instruments of torture

  • Extensive character editor for creating new victims

  • Video transmission equipment

  • Organizing a hunt for yourself

  • Brutal executions

  • Fighting and sneaking in TPP mode

  • Receiving donations and new victims from sponsors




You and your friends are staying in Kojou castle for a night - but it’s not a realistic scenario, you don’t have any friends. ඞ

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Kojou on Steam



Very nice concept, extremely funny, but poor controller support. If you try to connect 2 PS controllers, game opens for 4 players and one controller works not. There is absolutely no way how to change anything about it in config.

Development is dead and it’s frustrating - the game has still huge potential.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

I hurried to grab this game after seeing some gameplay footage on YouTube. After spending time with it, I’ve come away with mixed feelings. It’s a fun concept and the execution is pretty good, but the game doesn’t feel refined enough.



  • I am a fan of games that encourage stealthy assassin strategies, so for me, the black/white color scheme’s influence on the gameplay is a big win. It has a strangely chaotic zen feel to it, if that makes any sense.* The music is awesome.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Chambara on Steam

Noise Hunters

Noise Hunters

Very creative little stealth game! It’s short and sweet, a bit confusing at times, and the difficulty is NOWHERE near linear - but it’s more than worth your time, especially for a free game.

The vision system is more than a little disorienting, but it’s fun after a couple of levels - and by the end you really do feel like you’re unstoppable.

Definitely give this one a shot, if you have the patience to get the hang of it. You won’t regret it!

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

A completionists opinion:

The robots are blind and no one paid the electric bill so you have to go in with your fancy goggles that show you noise instead of like… night vision.

Value for money: Well its free so…..

Story: You have to go and destroy a doodad that the robots need, not much to it.

Art style: Very sparse, but has a real style to it.

Audio: Atmospheric sounds and music really lend to the… atmosphere.

Glitches: The levels seem to slow down the longer you play them, not too bad.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Noise Hunters on Steam

The Mutineer

The Mutineer

A really funny party/local game! Play with an audience for entertaining results. Recommended if you have friends to play with, if not remote play and solo are still an option!

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

Just… Fantastic and extremely underrated.

This game may not seem like much when you first test it out, but as you continue playing you realise the depth and sheer strategy and mind games this game possesses and reflects on to the 2 of you playing.

And since you only need one other player, remote play is actually very smooth and easy to carry out, since you don’t have to worry with the burden of trying to stream to multiple people at once. Also, the game isn’t demanding for the stream at least from my experience, so the people you play with should have a really smooth experience for the most part.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

The Mutineer on Steam

Dark Existence

Dark Existence


The year is 2036. You are a survivor living in an underground bunker alongside other survivors. The bunker is home to an organisation of scientists who conduct research and experiments on unknown phenomena related to the extinction event. It is your job to ensure that supplies are brought to the bunker as well as test subjects for the scientists to operate on. This requires going to paranormal sightings and capturing whatever objects or creatures you come across.

The world is full of these creatures and it is up to you and your friends if you choose to go with others, to make sure that you successfully capture one of them.


The underground facility where you currently live is classed as the ‘Multiplayer Hub’. All players spawn here together when hosting/joining a server. In the bunker, you will have the freedom to explore and investigate cases. You will also see the creatures that you have previously captured.


One of the first places you will travel to from the bunker is the Old Manor, located a few hours away. There are reports of paranormal activity within the Old Manor from passing survivors. They have reported a strange figure staring out the window, and strange sounds coming from inside. You have been tasked to go inside and investigate the cause of this activity.


In Dark Existence, you will play as a survivor who is trying to fix some of the damage made from the extinction event. You will be checking out places close to the bunker to see if anything of value can be resourced. Your main task however will be investigating paranormal activity which will involve a lot of stealth within dark and dangerous environments.

In the Old Manor, there is an old woman that has had her body taken over by an evil presence, she is smart, she can see very well. But she doesn’t hear very well. So stay out of sight.

As you work through the stages of investigating, you may find she becomes harder to evade. Discover her weakness. You must find a way to capture her, just be careful; she doesn’t react well to being hurt.

You can play alone, however, this is not recommended. You may play with up to 3 other friends that dare to enter the halls of hell with you. Look out for wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, anything with a door as you might just find something that will allow you to progress further.


  • Play Alone

    A chapter-based singleplayer mode where you will play through the chapters of hellish nightmares.

  • Cooperative Solo

    Deciding on helping out the world by yourself? You sure can, but bear in mind, this will be extremely challenging and terrifying alone. Grab a team.

  • Cooperative Mode

    This would be the smart choice to make, play with up to 3 friends to help you, but don’t let your friend get you killed! Work as a team.

Dark Existence on Steam