Prank Call

Prank Call

This game’s really good, just waiting for more words. It can get kind of rough with some of the more out there words, but everyone I’ve met have been really great to play with. Looking forward to seeing this blow up on Twitch.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Casual Games.

Taught the Dev what the word Simp was. Never laughed so hard in my life. I absolutely love the game creators humour,

It is a very good party game, good for joining and trolling around in! Strongly recommend giving this game a shot, especially for the price it is a steal!

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Prank Call on Steam

Radio Commander

Radio Commander


Set during the Vietnam War, Radio Commander is a realtime strategy game in which the player assumes the role of a company commander known by the radio handle of Papa Bear who has to accomplish military objectives by ordering two platoons via radio. Alpha Platoon is lead by a proud Texan named Kovacs and Bravo Platoon is lead by a black officer named Coleman with some prior combat experience. Unlike any other military strategy game, Radio Commander expects the player to keep track of platoons and enemy units by marking them on a map and radioing (frequently if desired) to the platoons to pinpoint their coordinates on the map in addition to locations of enemy units in which the platoons may be engaged in battle with.

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Singleplayer Games.

After roughly 20 hours and earning all the achievements, I feel it’s time to put my look on this game into perspective.

The game is fun if you’re into pseudo-realistic military strategy games, in saying that it’s probably not for everyone, but it is fun.

Imagine a Vietnam era Tom Clancy’s Endwar, with a twist, you can’t see your units.

The three difficulty settings in the game are Story, Commander, and Veteran. The first 2 are fairly easy with the amount of micro and enemy difficulty, and the third kicks it up a notch, which is a very good thing for a game like this. It increases the difficulty to the point where you can’t just skip through radio communications all willy nilly. The combat your troops will get into is much more difficult for them to win on this difficulty mode, and you’re more likely to suffer casualties. Your troops can get lost if you keep them in a sticky situation too long before they pull out of combat. You have to keep your choppers and vehicles fueled up, or risk them crashing and losing the valuable crew they have, and the valuable asset they provide.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Radio Commander on Steam

Oozing Islands

Oozing Islands

gud game

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental 3D Games.

Its a unique tower defense game with cool graphics. You have to defend your food from ozz coming form caves, even if you lose some food you can get it back to 100 by farming which does takes a bit time. You can even farm woods to make fence to block ozz path.

In each lv there’s different types of ozz which can even atk your troops too. But thats not the only new enemy, after few level you have to defend against other enemy too sailing from other island.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Oozing Islands on Steam

Para Bellum

Para Bellum

Para Bellum — is a real-time strategy puzzle game that will require a high level of microcontrol from you. The action takes place in an original fantasy universe in which you have to take control of the fate of an entire continent. During the story campaign, you will take one castle after another by storm, step by step freeing your patrimony from the power of the vile but powerful empire of Denatar. Para Bellum is an unusual RTS that uses original mechanics for the genre.

You are the first ruler to unite the scattered kingdoms of western Kiltmer under your rule in order to effectively counter the threat of the elven empire of Denatar. However, the Emperor of the Elves and the most vile of his vassals managed to outwit you: your army was weakened, your brother was killed, and you managed to escape only by a miracle, after a fierce battle for the capital. Many years have passed, and finally you have the opportunity to return what is yours by right, recapture every fortress of western Kiltmer and end the rule of the cunning elves!

Having examined the sketch of the fortress walls from your scouts, having analyzed the enemy’s defenses, you lined up your army in the correct formation, putting each troop in its place. All troops have special abilities and their own specialization. It is necessary to correctly combine units with their abilities to overcome the enemy’s defense.

However, it doesn’t end there! You have to personally lead the assault, opening up the potential of each troop on each of the five attacking lines simultaneously. Cover defenseless soldiers with shields, dodge the devastating shots of enemy ballistae, counteract the attacks of the besieged, light torches in the darkness and In the end, break through the gates of the coveted castle with successive blows of your rams!

The game sets certain conditions at the stage of army formation. You are free to choose the troops and their formation by yourself. To line up a turtle bristling with shields so that no enemy arrow reaches the target, or opposite, to shower the defenders with heavy fire of their own arrows, so that they are afraid to even look towards your impending army - the choice is yours! Most importantly, do not forget that to counter the enemy’s defenses on each of the attacking lines, you need to select the appropriate units in your own army.

  • Para Bellum is characterized by high dynamics of what is happening, any mistake or delay can cost you dearly.

  • You will need to collect a unique army, to successfully complete the level. This feature turns the preparatory assault phase into a puzzle.

  • There are three sets of challenges for each level, differing in their complexity. Maximum difficulty will require you to concentrate and use all units competently.

  • The army formation depends on your playing style.

  • Many interesting and varied squads and mini-games associated with them.

  • Colorful locations and formidable fortresses.

Para Bellum on Steam

Space Choice: Data Analyzer

Space Choice: Data Analyzer

A really fun fleet combat game. Mechanics are heavily simplified from other games like Gratuitous Space Battle, where you only need to make a decision from a small set of random choices for ship+weapon, permanent upgrade, or temporary boost.

A little too easy to amass an overwhelming advantage though. Lasers are plentiful and scale up really hard (though even the anti-fighter variants are prone to poor accuracy against fast fighters). Beams have perfect accuracy against fast moving fighters, and share the same upgrade with repair beams. Bullets are like lasers, but bypass shields. Fighters/mini-fleets are much better than large ships since they carry multiple copies of the same weapon. Large ships are only good for front line tanking, while the fighters do all the damage/stun/healing/point defense. Concentrate your upgrades into fighter health, laser/beam/bullet damage, large ship health/shields, and eventually you will be invincible in the later half of the levels.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

It may be free but it is very fun! I love the basic gameplay but you have to make the best decisions in split seconds really. I made it through to the end on normal and only had one loss and got to continue.

If you are a good decision maker and can keep track of multiple things at one time, this is the game for you! Picking is done between 3 choices for you. First you pick your ship and then different things come up such as, type of weapon for the ship you just choose, or a type of global boost or boost for your own ships. The choices come fast and furious. While you are reading your choices it helps to keep your peripheral vision on the action to help you determine if your choices are working.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Space Choice: Data Analyzer on Steam

The Mutineer

The Mutineer

A really funny party/local game! Play with an audience for entertaining results. Recommended if you have friends to play with, if not remote play and solo are still an option!

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

Just… Fantastic and extremely underrated.

This game may not seem like much when you first test it out, but as you continue playing you realise the depth and sheer strategy and mind games this game possesses and reflects on to the 2 of you playing.

And since you only need one other player, remote play is actually very smooth and easy to carry out, since you don’t have to worry with the burden of trying to stream to multiple people at once. Also, the game isn’t demanding for the stream at least from my experience, so the people you play with should have a really smooth experience for the most part.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

The Mutineer on Steam



VOENKOMAT is a social game.

This game makes it possible to become a worst enemy of russian teens and guys - military comissar. You need to send to the army as many as possible soldiers, protect your military HQ from foreign spies and save your soul from karmic devastation.

Don’t go to army - play VOENKOMAT!

You need to help to voenkom-newcomer to do his job proper.

  • You’re in the army now. Really

  • You can go through citizen files and learn their terrible and silly secrets.

  • Only you decide future of russian army and military HQ by making important choices

  • Ocean of “Russian spirit” and funny soundtrack

  • Secrets, Easter eggs, Odd events and buckets of humour

All characters and events in this game are entirely fictional and the whole game was made to make someone smile on the Internet


Slav Dangerous

Slav Dangerous

I must be honest ! The game aesthetics are impressive as well as the background music! I belive this game has lots of potential!

I am really curious to know how this game will evolve from now on!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

It has pretty cool game mechanics. It’s not just mindless brawling of your gang members, you can strategize tactically how they will fight in a brawl. There are different types of fighters with different skill sets too. Finding out which combination to use to win a brawl is quite enjoyable. Looking forward to more updates!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Slav Dangerous on Steam

Divine Stone

Divine Stone

Divine Stone is a simple 2D platformer/puzzle/riddle game where you must solve riddles and other puzzles to pass each level. There’s hand drawn art but it’s not badly done, and there’s some clever ideas in the puzzles.

Some of the puzzles are a bit too vague/unclear, and on a technical basis the game is a bit clunky. Resolution is locked and can’t be changed, so the game doesn’t meet basic standards for a contemporary PC game. The translation is rough, too. I think the developers do deserve some kudos for a genuine attempt at making an interesting video game. There’s too many poor quality asset/template flips and construction kit games on Steam, so it’s refreshing to see a real game for a change.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Divine Stone on Steam

Drone Swarm

Drone Swarm

Not really swarming with fun…

I like the upgrading of your ship and all the new abilities that you acquire, and I like the graphics too… and the gimmick in the main-menu is fun to play with for all of 2 minutes… but yeah man, other than those points, I just didn’t really find the game to be fun. I mean, it’s certainly not anti-fun or a fun-vampire at all, but I just kinda found myself plodding along doing mission after mission and watching cinematics for a story that I didn’t really care for. But the game is pretty high quality and it certainly has a lot of redeeming qualities so I’ll give it a recommended. I do however think the $25 price tag is slightly too high and the fact that the game has the Deadnuvo virus is almost enough basis on its own to not recommend the game… guess I’m feeling generous today, but seriously: Deadnuvo is a bag of Meekrob..

Real player with 111.7 hrs in game

**This is an excerpt of my much more detailed review and analysis, that you can find here (ENG & DE) and also as Video below.

| Visit and maybe follow my curator page, to get more detailed reviews |

Opinion and conclusion**

Drone Swarm has a very original and unique concept that can be really fun if you like the setting and controls. The drone controls are usually very catchy and the fights are strategically scattered between easy and super tricky. But here you sometimes wonder if you could get some additional explanations.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Drone Swarm on Steam