

If you’re reading this review you’re probably trying to decide if this game is worth your time and money. My recommendation: absolutely buy this game. Ouroboros is a phenomenal, engaging experience worth every cent spent and every hour played.

Here’s why.

First, if you have played a free version of this game, know that this version has significantly more content. Probably around double what the free version has, with more scenes, areas, bosses, and a more complete world and story. It’s worth the purchase.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Time Travel Games.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 10/10 (Time Paradox, Events Perturbation, Adult Contents)

This is the 2nd Steam RPGMaker game that I played by the same developer, Sierra Lee. The story and game mechanics of this game is really unique and FANTASTIC and elevates RPGMaker games to a whole new enjoyment level. Let me explain.

The storyline of this game involves the classical time paradox where the events keep looping back to a certain point in the time continuum. At that point, everything resets. So you keep playing this game where your main character keep going back to the event where all his attributes are reset to “1” and everything repeats itself.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Ouroboros on Steam

Paint Girl

Paint Girl

A budget drawing simulator with cute/sexy anime art from a Chinese developer ADOG (a dog?). Is their 4th Steam product worth getting? I am writing this from the perspective of someone who knows very little about drawing.

While calling it ‘a drawing simulator’ is giving creators too much credit and I’d rather call it ‘a line tracing budget puzzle’, it has its charm and for the price asked I deem it acceptable. I know little to nothing about drawing so even this budget product provided some simplified insight into drawing process (actual artists probably cringe reading this :). 8 (or 12 with the DLC) characters to line-trace, colour, and add finishing touches. This simplification could also be justified by the need to ensure accessibility for casual non-artists. It gets a bit repetitive but that is what drawing typically entails, and there is an auto-drawing function provided to aid the process. After you’re done with the drawing part character’s idle animation kicks in + some brief Japanese voice acting; nice addition. Next you can check the gallery section to enjoy simple but nicely done animated scenes of the recent girl + some interactive elements. Lastly, a few CGs unlock to enjoy to complete character’s content.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Hentai Games.


Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Paint Girl on Steam