Black Ido

Black Ido

Added new game mechanics with gravity and physics, no rotation.This is a good independent

game in a gloomy atmospheric world.

Creating a sequel to a good game is no simple task. But somehow, Dnovel did it. They

improved The Square Key every conceiveable way.

If you liked TSK, you’ll LOVE Black Ido.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental 2D Platformer Games.

Nice Game with cool design. Better be bought during sale.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Black Ido on Steam

No Cure 2

No Cure 2

Set one year after the events of the first game, step back into the shoes of Jon and battle a new kind of zombie that switches back and forth from human.

The horror is real and the switchers are hiding in plain sight infecting people… They must be stopped… Your old squad is back to help in the action and the stakes get even higher as one of the main detectives goes missing.

No Cure 2 is a follow-up sequel to the first game. It has a unique art style and focuses on storytelling and challenging action set pieces featuring many zombies…

Read More: Best Experimental Horror Games.

No Cure 2 on Steam

Agent Klutz

Agent Klutz

I love this! The rhythm/music aspect of this game, made it super fun to play, as was the story shared in the chat between the characters, which gave a lot of personality and dimension to a 2d pixel art stick figure and made me want to know more about the person and adventures of Agent Klutz. It has also quite a bit of humor which made everything even more fun.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Pixel Graphics Games.

Yes/no is pretty harsh for this game, but the game has downsides. Ultimately, I can’t recommend it, but it isn’t a bad game.


1. It’s only one song. For the whole game. It works, because it’s spy music (the music in the trailer), and the game is under two hours to beat. Probably under 1 hour except I wanted to get 100% everything.

2. The controls are a little clunky. Every level, you can move on the first “beat” of the game, but not the second, then play actually flows on the third. Additionally, using the same button to aim, shoot, collect, move, turn, and enter can be frustrating — it’s all the LMB and where it’s placed can use the wrong command, causing a fall.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Agent Klutz on Steam

Cat’s Menace

Cat’s Menace

This game was a lot of fun to play in front of my stream audience, however playing it by myself without friends would have been a rather miserable experience, I’m afraid. The game has no save or checkpoint system, so when you have a Game Over, you have to start the entire game over from the beginning. The game operates by having you assign a cat to a task and making choices to decide whether the cats succeed or fail in the mission. The choices have no logic behind them, so it’s a coin flip in deciding if you lose the cat you assigned or not. Also, it doesn’t seem to matter which cats you assign to the mission. They’re essentially just very cute life counters.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

So, I’m going to be honest and say, I LOVE CATS…

Now, when I then looked at the “Similar to games you’ve played: The Witcher 3 and Portal 2” I was ready for this game to BLOW. MY. MIND.

Spoiler alert: It did not…

The other reviews are spot on:

  • English translation is bad, even to the point where some things doesn’t make sense

  • It’s game over pretty easily and you have no idea what would be the right answer to the events you’re prompted with

  • When you get a game over, you start over from the beginning - so it becomes a pattern of blindly guessing what’s right and having to remember every right answer to get further in the game. Which gets boring and annoying very fast.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Cat's Menace on Steam

Lighthouse Keeper

Lighthouse Keeper

This is not a game but rather a narrated story from the life of a lonely lighthouse keeper. You get to follow his actions, thoughts and obsessions. The narrator’s voice expresses how it feels to be stuck in constant solitude quite well. You can also feel the nervous tension and a slight bit of insanity caused by the endless loop of mundane tasks. The music and the sounds complete the unsettling atmosphere, the writing is good, and the visuals are unique. It’s short, takes about 10 minutes to finish, but still offers an interesting experience. I really like it. :)

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

A short, narrative-driven title with a pretty cool art style.

This is more of a visual novel than a game, as there are only two simple interactive moments mixed in with the narration. What you do or don’t do in those moments is what lands you one of two different endings.

The voice acting is really good, in my opinion. The actor successfully conveys a feeling of obsession, mental exhaustion, and a touch of madness. Music and sound effects are also good, and add to the bleak, lonely atmosphere.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Lighthouse Keeper on Steam

CLOSER - anagnorisis

CLOSER - anagnorisis

CLOSER - anagnorisis is a creative adventure game.

This is a game with distinctive art and gameplay. It contains a lot of creative designs.

The game tries to make it interesting without fighting. Players need to think about how to accomplish by “winning by cleverness”.

Each section of the game will have a different experience and gameplay, so that players can experience freshness in every part, and can think about emotional cues of the current mood of the character.

CLOSER - anagnorisis on Steam

Thirty Flights of Loving

Thirty Flights of Loving

The Metascore for this game is very misleading. It isn’t even an appropriate score if you try to call this “game” artwork–it’s poorly made no matter how you look at it.

You can literally beat this in 20 minutes and there is no replayability. There are two “games” inside here, in reality both are more like mini-games. Gameplay is entirely linear, there are no secrets to find, no character development, plus unoriginal and boring gameplay elements. There is no redeeming factor to this game; it’s not even priced fairly.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

This is quite possibly the worst excuse for a game I have ever encountered. The game consists of about 10 different rooms, each taking about a minute to get through and suddenly out of nowhere you’re hit with a The End sign and a bunch of walkthrough credits with comments about the great decisions they made and how they decided on them. These great decisions are along the lines of weird random jump cuts that change the entire scenario for no reason. There’s also a room with displays of a bunch the game models and animated GIF video timelapses of screenshots of their creation. How impressive is that?

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Thirty Flights of Loving on Steam

Boring in paradise

Boring in paradise

Two arcade games in one: “Antipain” & “Antitrolley”.

The first is a pseudo-three-dimensional runner. It’s a kind of meditation.

The second is race against time with a top view. Run over few pedestrians by accident or become a road killer.

From the author:

To avoid pain or to be that pain. Notice objects in this world or discern a foundation in it. To choose. Not to choose. Accident or cruelty. Mercy or coincidence. Music. Screams. Overcome or substitute. Imaginary cities or a mirror of loneliness. Executioner and victim, at least. They are close. They almost communicate, even if they delegate to doubles. A world is seen again.

Boring in paradise on Steam



This game disturbs me a little bit and I love it for that. I guess I should call it a visual novel because the only real thing you do is decide how to arrange the runes your patrons select, but even that little act can be a quite an experience depending on how into it you can get. What could this rune mean, what order do they actually go in, can I actually reverse the fortune by moving this one?

It’s very short (like 20 minutes tops) to go through a single time and the English text could use a bit touching up in a few spots, but for the cost of a soda or candy bar I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genre.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

This is a very short game with only 4 characters but each divination change the outcome whoch makes the story very interesting. After the first round, you can use the flowchart to pick the options you decide and see the result, I do encourage you to not necessarily focus on the 100% chaos but to try to see how each result has an impact with the ending.

The 100% Chaos ending is really interesting, it reminded me a LOT of Chobits (not the animated version) as the plots turns a lot around the fact the robots don’t have the choice to live or to die.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game





An unusual light-weight puzzler with interesting mechanics and a chilled vibe.

First Impressions🤔

This isn’t a particularly difficult puzzler but it’s original and it is fun to play.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

It is always nice to see something visually or conceptually different.

This game, coming up from a small Czech studio fulfills that desire. Noone would ever think about what it’s like to be a piece of magicans cloth, flying all over the world and hiding things. This masterpiece allows you to do that. For 4 euros! And what is the point of that all? A story about one magician and his rabbit. A story fitted in visually mindblowing environments with mindf*cking tasks you need to accomplish. And talking about mind-something impressions, the music and graphic design just confirms the quality of the game.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Hadr on Steam