Rock Paper Sock

Rock Paper Sock

This is such a charming game, you can explore an enviroment as an adventurer and fight using rock paper scissors which is hilarious! The characters are adorable and the game was really relaxing and chill. It is a bit of a grindy game so it was perfect to listen to a podcast or lecture in the background while playing this :)

Real player with 38.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Casual Games.

An MMO in a SokPop universe could be something special and that is coming from someone who wasted over $100 on their half-baked games, but instead, I just had the most uneventful 7 hours of my life. I probably could enjoy the game if it had at least a few more basic features beyond just trading hits and increasing flat stats, with so many characters in the SokPop catalogue, you would think some of them could be made into quest givers and enemies. The only cool thing about the gameplay is that loot table is based on what the enemy is wearing, so if they have a weapon in hand or an armour, they can drop it as loot. Beyond the lack of RPG features like stores and quests, the game has some technical and design problem, such as not being able to press letter C, additionally, the enemies can get stuck on terrain making them immortal.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Rock Paper Sock on Steam

Survival Africa

Survival Africa

i really wanted to post a posative review on this game but i have no choice to not recomend this game ive played 35 hours and thats just dying and respawning i havent had a chance to build anything or even survive you die from something that isnt food or water being lacked its just your health drains for no reason and the guns are broken when you respawn and collect them from your body despite me telling the dev over a year ago about these issues he said they would be fixed at the end of the month that was last year they are not fixed and your forced to start a fresh game multipal times at every update more or less not to mention get perma banned from the hub because you post a comment about the issues not being fixed and ban reason harrasment how is telling a dev something isnt fixed harrasment if you like survival games find another one because the dev seems to have gone off on one and banning everyone that posts negativity in his discord or on the steam page itself instead of messaging me asking me why i was so upset about the game and what can be done he perma bans me for harrasment he has a gold member thing on his discord if you aint part of that you aint gettin support as one user found out when he got banned from the discord just for mentioning the same game breaking stuff i experianced for 33 hours i have done nothing but die respawn collect my stuff to not have the guns work cant eat meat the map keeps ending up with roads and then no roads in the next update as a ex dev i gave this developer a chance because i dont review games on the way they are i test them extensivaly and then review them but when the dev starts acting like a child and bans me for no reason then that makes me angry all i have merely tried to do is play this game in peace but loose everything on death and when collecting the guns from your dead charcter there renderd unusable he wont fix it i wish to go i never purchased this game now and got a refund but i thought no ill give the dev a chance as i see too many devs slated down for there games in early access but banning me for expressing my feelings and how i think he should fix things in the game is childish

Real player with 128.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Massively Multiplayer Games.

This is my 50 hrs review of the the game, and i will continue to update it as the game moves on.

Lets break this game down into a few components all scores are subjective according to the games i like and play:

1)Difficulty. 9/10 If you have trouble getting started, or feel like you are running around in circles, reach out and we can help. Survival is in the name so expect it to be hard. Very easy to recover health once you are geared up making you almost invulnerable so docking a point for that.

Real player with 98.5 hrs in game

Survival Africa on Steam


I mean you don’t got tons to do in here at the moment but its kinda funny seeing so many little meeps just wandering. The only thing I didn’t liked is how when you have massive amounts of meeps they just like clog together. I reached like 505 meeps before my pc almost exploded haha, It has potential for the future but not really the best if you trying to find content as of right now. I’ll be checking it in a few months.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Early Access Games.

still wondering if the gold spawner is in the game or not yet added

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Sponsor-A-Planet on Steam



this game is incredible!! There is sincerely nothing like it. The colors, the play style, its all new and fun to explore. There’s so much to do i cant wait to dive in further tomorrow !!!

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

The untapped potential of Adonis is more than evident. Getting to see the awesome work of the dev team during the beta has given me a lot of hope for what this little open world RPG has to come. I am especially looking forward to the PVP side of things as the team has specifically put in quite a bit of time in that area, even creating an amazing arena for future tournaments to be held in. The physics feel nice and the graphics are cute and entertaining.

Definitely be on the look out for this one in the coming months as more updates are released.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

ADONIS on Steam

Flower Design

Flower Design

In the brief time since FLOWER DESIGN was first released, it has blossomed into something rare. It is obvious that this DEV has a love for beauty (as well as desire to share it), and that love is what motivated him to embark on this project. But he also created something of beauty that encompasses game concepts (and even achievements now!)

When FLOWER DESIGN first launches, few components of flower arraigning are available. The player has a single pot, and very few flowers and accessory plants. The player can select a background, and the related lighting and shadows. At first, I considered that this might be a detriment for appealing to the more impatient of today’s gamers. To actually REQUIRE numerous finished arrangements to be “sold” into the game, to collect game currency in order to access more pots and plants? Would players be willing to wait, and work, to produce more elaborate arrangements, after starting off with possibilities so simple and basic?

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

I play this game when I’m supposed to be going to bed but not ready to get off electronics yet. It’s very simple, you pick flowers for a pot and can change just about all the parameters for the flowers and pot, then sell your creation when you’re done; the more parameters you’ve edited, the more it sells for. This game works perfectly on a touch screen tablet, and is pretty relaxing, except for the fireworks sounds when you sell an arrangement.

My major complaint about this game is not being able to move plants around in the pot. There’s a “pose” button that will change their location and direction at random, but sometimes plants will just stay stubbornly clustered away from one corner of the pot. Add the ability to move plants instead of all the other edits the developer is making to this game, and get rid of the fireworks sound, and it would be perfect!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Flower Design on Steam

Eternal Return

Eternal Return

If LOL is wine, Eternal Return is coffee.

Even if you swear and press “Not recommended,” you will eventually play the game again.

Real player with 519.1 hrs in game

fun game challenging and overall good community so far.

Real player with 407.7 hrs in game

Eternal Return on Steam