10mg: SNAAAK

10mg: SNAAAK

It’s a solid game on it’s own right, but gets a lot more meat around it’s bones through the achievements.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Action-Adventure Games.

An interesting combo of snake game and metroidvania, with a desolate, Jumper Redux-esque atmosphere.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

10mg: SNAAAK on Steam

Dad Quest

Dad Quest

Welcome to an experience that will incite laughter, joy, and relatable drama. I played this game twice through in order to create its first “Dadthrough”. I love its humor, I love its gameplay/mechanics, and its story is filled with detailed anecdoates that capture my imagination.

Dad Quest is a triumph that seeks to demonstrate the power of conviction. We might not be impervious, but we can be resilient! Our will can persevere!

I have shared this game with my friends, family, and social mediums. I hope that our entire world experiences this epic quest that involves nightmares, credit, and a thief.

Real player with 42.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental 2D Platformer Games.

Context: Was gifted from a friend to commemorate(?) becoming a real-life dad for the first time a few months back.

Control Method: Xbox 360 controller

‘Thoroughness of playthrough’ - completed 80% of achievements within first playthrough, remaining bonuses completed in 2-3 hours afterwards, though some collectibles left undiscovered,

Plot: The storyline concept was pretty unique and a lovely way to learn about the ‘dad universe’ without over-explaining aspects of the world & lore; Greatly appreciated the variety of dads in the game, and definitely had a few moments that hit close to home!

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Dad Quest on Steam

10mg: Always Down

10mg: Always Down

An interesting abstract thingymabob that seems to be about a man turning into a frog, running away, and then hopping all the way back once he reaches full frogitude.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Interactive Fiction Games.

10mg: Ten Ten-Minute Games!

Always Down is ‘a game about going away’ and is made up of simple puzzles, cute enemies and light platforming challenges. The player controls a cube-shaped character who, after declaring that they are leaving proceeds to descend deeper into the ground, undergoing subtle changes the deeper they go. The game uses simple pixel art aesthetic to portray the varying environment and matches this well with relaxing classical music. Despite a few hurdles, the overall experiences was pleasant and somewhat meditative with a thought-provoking conclusion.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

10mg: Always Down on Steam

A Valley Without Wind

A Valley Without Wind

This is a strange game; an endless metroid-style game where you explore a desolate world while you build structures on the overworld map to help you do so. The graphics are bizarre, mixing realistic buildings and backgrounds with PSX era particle effects and low animation sprites. The music is NES-style chiptunes mixed with high fidelity instruments. Like I said, strange.

Much has already been said of this game’s strengths and weaknesses already. I enjoyed my time with it, but I will always remember it for a different reason, one which I will detail below.

Real player with 40.4 hrs in game

A Valley Without Wind is a good game that suffers from obvious design mistakes that tragically prevent it from living up to its potential. So instead of a great game that can be played endlessly we get a game that’s good for a while but runs out of steam once you’ve seen everything it has to offer. The tragedy is that it was clearly aiming to be played endlessly with it’s endless ocean and bottomless caves, and people clearly put a lot of work into creating a wide variety of weapons, enemies, and mini-games, but they were putting their effort in the wrong direction.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

A Valley Without Wind on Steam



SUPER 3-D CRUNK BROS. is an action-adventure platformer. Join Crunk and Paco on their quest to thwart the plans of Dr. N. Dows, C.E.O. of the Lufa Corporation. Their latest business venture, the release of the TurboChin, will be their most impactful; striking consumers in such a way the company has never before seen. Will LufaCorp follow through with their plans? Or can this greasy gang save the day? Find out in SUPER 3-D CRUNK BROS.!


  • Graphics and gameplay elements inspired by games and media from the past

  • 8 worlds each containing intricate and interesting level designs, and boss fights

  • A large cast of eccentric characters

  • Time trial / speed run mode

  • Change the way you play with power-ups like the skateboard and balloons!

  • Original score composed by Sigmuuu


Mech Chip

Mech Chip

I’ll be brief. This is a nice, charming little game. If you like metroidvanias and platformers, I think you’ll like it. But perhaps more importantly, I think it’s definitely worth buying and supporting the dev: I want to see Plutoneus make more cool stuff.

But be aware that Mech Chip is very minimal, which can make it seem a bit rough around the edges. There’s not really any story to piece together, it’s more like a sort of menagerie of mechanics. Some are interesting and innovative and engaging. Others are not especially memorable.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Quick and neat mini-vania. I was honestly not expecting much as I usually don’t care for this kind of graphic style (at least Gato Robato had some cute designs). Turns out, this game’s actually pretty fun. It’s got all the vania tropes that I enjoy - map, upgrades, things to shoot at and blow up, secrets and collectibles, all of that. The graphic style did grow on me as I played, and actually a lot of the pixel animations were nice and fluid, especially with the boss fights. Most surprising was the audio. The soundtrack is really chill, lo-fi, vibey, and really suits the visuals; and the rest of the sounds just have that good old-school 8-bit crunch. All in all this was a pleasant surprise.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Mech Chip on Steam

Green Marquis

Green Marquis

Great idea for a game.

Not too expensive for a niche puzzle platformer, but otherwise I have no complaints. There

is a discount for the game, I recommend taking it.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Интересная и нервная игрушка. А самое главное пройти ее можно не так и быстро. Очень трудно было пройти 6 уровень. А так все более менее легкое.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Green Marquis on Steam



Very good game by a solo dev called “Nehual Pascale” from argentina.

Lihue is a game a narrative adventure about a trans-girl where you have to enter in a psicodelic environment and live his own feelings. if you want to enter in a very beatifull enviroment and history this is the correct game!!

keep the amazing work nehual :D

Best Regards, Maty.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Lihue on Steam

A Valley Without Wind 2

A Valley Without Wind 2

Listen. I love this game. It’s one of a kind. If you like metroidvania type games you should definitely check it out especially when it’s only 2.99 right now on sale. What makes it so unique compared to other games of the kind is that every level is a tile on the turn based strategy game portion, and what level you will want to do is going to be decided by what you need to be happening strategically.

What makes the game such a fun challenge is that each tile has a difficulty percentage that can vary widely depending on different factors including what is happening in the strategy portion. So, you might really need to open up a section of a map that’s blocked by a tile with %500 difficulty level, but have fun with those crazy fast enemies and projectiles that knock off a third of your health, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Or, what if you can’t make it through? Time to rethink your strategy, work on earning enough coins to hire mercenaries to open it up for you, tweak your character to go for speed over health, or or whatever else you can think of. The world has it’s own rules and mysteries and a lot of the fun is these things slowly becoming apparent to you as you play.

Real player with 77.8 hrs in game

Question the graphical choices all you want. This game is the ActRaiser successor I never realized I wanted until I played. It’s a strategy board game tightly integrated with run and gun action. The regular threats to my units and structures provided by Demonaica and summoned monsters along the way kept me alert. You need those units and those units need at least some of those structures. While I won on the default settings, know that this is a game that allows you to lose after hours and hours of investment.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

A Valley Without Wind 2 on Steam



Vapour isn’t your normal horror game, it’s a mix of old school elements such as Duke Nukem, Penumbra and a bit of DOOM as well.

Vapour starts you off as a vengeful fighter trying to eliminate those who have wronged him in his life, the ones who sent him to hell/purgatory and in this quest you discover new and interested features. The game itself when you first play it feels like DOOM slapped with a bit of Elder Scrolls with the magic abilities, although the game does feature a collection of horrifying and quite disturbing monsters, jump scares are also in this game and the devs make a good use of them as well.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

I really enjoyed my playthrough of Vapour, for someone who likes a challenge and loves old school games, this game is enjoyable. Most of the old school elements were there, flooding rooms, boulder runs, switch puzzles, as well as the old memory / tune puzzle (Much like Fallout 3’s musical tune puzzle). The enemies are variable and quite a challenge to boot, my favorite battle was the first witch, while it might of been a glitch ,she spawned while the room was flooding forcing me to use the extra rooms to replenish my mana and health and then haveing to scamble to solve the puzzle before I drown after killing her, quite a challenge indeed. I loved the use of secret mana and health pick-ups, quite a nessecity to enable you to defeat some of those irratable wraiths. I was surprised when I reached the end of the game and could not reach the last room because some relics were off the path, a pleasant surprise to have to backtrack to find some secrets you missed. I quit this game twice, as in to the desktop and five minutes later found myself swearing and trudging through the puzzles again convinced that it was possible to beat that irratable wraith, even if he can drift through objects and screw you over almost instantly, if you have decided to replenish at the wrong time. Anyway I really liked the game and for a very small indie development team for their first game not a bad game at all, anyone who has the time, patients and persistence to finish this game will be rewarded with nestalgia of the old school games and when the gameplay made the game and not the story.Not to mention I played this game in one sitdown from 9pm - 5am, 8 hours of enjoyable and challenging fun.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Vapour on Steam