A Lozenge

A Lozenge

What a heartwarming little game this one is. Genuinely a beautiful example of great storytelling, and for the price point, there is no reason to not spare some pocket money on this one. The art fits the game so well in a way I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on yet, but maybe you could give it a play and let me know ;-).

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Visual Novel Games.

A Lozenge is a short interactive story about what was and what remains. It follows a mother and daughter as they grapple with a new normal. The hurt from the past is an iceberg and there is no inclination of what the future will be like for the duo. The now is what’s in focus as they barrel through the night toward a future that at very least holds pancakes.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

A Lozenge on Steam

Nebula Within

Nebula Within

A life philosophy ruminating, fast-paced, geometric twin stick shooter made by the human, Nick Oueijan. Allow me to maybe put it a bit differently, one man’s escape from the black hole life tends to create for a lot of us at some point and a vessel that helped him break free from his own personal one.

Despite only using geometry shapes, the game’s visuals are very well done. Sharp, colourful geometry on a black background with tiny white, swirling stars makes for some good contrast and individual shapes stand out nicely. Game menus and selection are awesomely done, allowing you to pilot your ship and shoot to select individual options which are represented by different drawings. Even looking through your collected mantras is done by turning the pages with your ship.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Twin Stick Shooter Games.

A Bird’s Eye View Curator 🦜


Fair warning at the start, the developer has been very kind to reach out to me as a Curator to leave a review for this game and despite me being extremely thankful that they did, this review is and will stay my personal honest opinion of the game. P.S. Considering the game this review might be a bit more of a ‘deepdive’ than normal.

Nebula Within is an Asteroids style game with a focus on zenning out and just enjoying the game and yourself with an overarching theme of motivation and relaxation.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Nebula Within on Steam

Press Any Button

Press Any Button

“Columns…a reference to a very old match 3 puzzle game that this game emulates in no way, shape, or form…”

This is much less a game, than it is, a way to unwind and chill, maybe needle out some emotions.

Well, I say that, but, it is only mostly so, because A-Eye, the main interactive persona, the one ‘controlling everything’, does make it harder at some point, and the chill factor drops until one can pass it, and get the apology waffle.

This is mostly a medium of popular references. Olympics, sports, video games, hobbies, academics&trivia, and even a nod or two towards the likes of authors that wrote about humanity’s downward spiral, though no names are directly mentioned, I definitely got some vibes of George Orwell, to name one.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Interactive Fiction Games.

This is a very simple, 2d game, that in terms of gameplay isn’t extremely exciting but it’s 100% worth just for the story itself. I randomly found this game yesterday and decided to install it, not really expecting much from it. But, the more you “press any button”, the more you get immersed in this story and relate to this cute little character called A-Eye, who, if you are anything like me, you will just want to hug and tell everything is going to be ok, by the time the game is over.

Don’t want to spoil the game too much, but if you have an hour to spare (probably less than that), you should give this game a go. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Press Any Button on Steam

Wild Honesty: A party game for deeper conversations

Wild Honesty: A party game for deeper conversations

Do you want to connect better with your friends, family, partners? This is the game for you. It opens the floor for conversation and getting to know one another. Having played this with some intimate friends, it left us spending hours discussing our lives, our pasts, and a lot of other things we never likely would have broached. Come to the metaphorical table with a mindset of vulnerability, and you’ll come out learning a lot about the people you’ve played with.

Could use some more questions, but I figure the developers will update over time and add more as time goes on. I don’t know if the questions repeat, but it’d be good to be able to mark questions as answered. Maybe have a mode where it’s a ‘saved game’, so it remembers what you’ve already answered and what you haven’t. Multiple save game slots would be good, to play it with different people/groups.

Real player with 40.5 hrs in game

Really enjoyed it, actually and looking forward to seeing where this goes and if there’s any additional questions as time goes on with a patch or some sort. The guessing questions are good for losen up the mood if anyone doesnt feel like talking, etc. But the questions are really good prompts to reflect and chat with others. You might not play this game with strangers but its great to play with people you know and its good to sit and discuss these questions.

I Really love the concept actually.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Wild Honesty: A party game for deeper conversations on Steam

Secrets of a Campfire

Secrets of a Campfire

Secrets of a Campfire is a peaceful atmospheric experience set in a camping environment that players can jump into to chill and relieve their stresses.

Immersive experience

  • Explore the stunning photo-realistic environment in an immersive day-night cycle.

  • Enjoy the sightseeing of nature on foot or in a rowing boat.

  • Relax with the acoustic soundtracks and physics based sound effects of the lake, campfire cracking, waterfalls and ambiance.

If you’re ready to talk about it

Light the campfire and write about your secret. Whatever it’s, just let it out.

If you’re not ready to share it yet, burn the letter in the campfire. However, there’re people on the other side exactly in your shoes so they’ll care about you no matter what. So, when you’re done, fold that paper, put it in a bottle and send it to the water.

It’s the little things

  • Read other players' letters and show compassion by lighting sky lanterns in their worlds

  • Kick back and stargaze anywhere in the camp.

Secrets of a Campfire on Steam

Sentenced VR

Sentenced VR

I gives it a thumbs up, but im going to be kinda neutral.

The stories trough the game where good and at some points you hesitated if you where doing the right thing or not.

The controllers are kinda clunky, it crashed ones for me, and one time the game frooze durring the beheading and the sword flew out of my hand and hitting one of the guardes.

I can have indulgence with that, as it is a indie game and all, it is not really for the gameplay / action you play this game ether. Maybe it can be pathed to work better, I dont know?

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Sentenced VR is a approx. 1 hour long VR Story experience where you step into the shoes of a public executioner in early times europe.

You get sworn in by the local beadle to do the bidding of the lords of the land just like your father had done.

“The lords prosecute, I execute.”

The game presents you with a variety of different executions of criminals that you’ll have to conduct. It will give you an insight into what was even punishable by death back then and will throw some moral dilemas compared to modern moral standards at you. Will you keep your oath or will you seek your own justice?

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Sentenced VR on Steam



A strange experience, if you’re interested at all I’d recommend not reading much more about this

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

This is a “game” much in the same way a walking simulator or a VN is, so just fair warning.

I am currently on Day 4 and will update again when I get to Day 7.

I will not spoil specifics.

The “game” is best experienced as intended: do each day without changing clocks or anything. Do Day 1, and then do Day 2 the following day when it unlocks. Complete all exercises with honest intent, to include the writing prompts and meditation exercises.

There is a narrative and character and background amidst what feels like real mindfulness concepts. The blend between the real and fictional is intriguing and keeps me coming back each day. The layout of the exercises feels intended, with the motivational video leading into the discussions/lectures by KARE, then a meditation/breathing exercises that inevitably lead you to ruminating about what KARE just talked about, a writing prompt that sometimes gives you pause about wanting to be completely truthful, and a final checklist of items that you’re more than likely just going to click through without actually implementing.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

UnearthU on Steam

Life Tastes Like Cardboard

Life Tastes Like Cardboard


+++++sound design



–-some unclear puzzles/ fuzzy sense of progression

-lots of reading if you hate reading

What I played: Life Tastes Like Cardboard

What I expected: sad man talks to a raccoon

What I got: depression

Long Version

I really wanted to do just a joke review, but it would not do this game justice.

I did not expect this game to have so much content. I found this game like everyone else, browsing games on Steam out of boredom. Especially a free game bold enough to have MS paint scrawled on its forefront, this is an unforgettable experience. I didn’t realize it was a so-called “walking simulator,” but I now realize it after finishing it. I still recommend it with complete sincerity. This game is all about putting you into moods and atmospheres. As clichés go, it really is surreal. I don’t regret the hours I’ve lost to this game.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

The only way to describe this game is “human”.

Probably the only game I’ve ever played where I wanted to meet it’s maker, to talk to him and make sure everything’s alright. This game will hit everyone differently, as it should. Some people will be completely in sync with it, others will have vague memories to when their life was like this, and to other this will be a completely foreign experience. I’ve never felt so attached to a character that is practically a piece of crudely drawn printer paper. It’s a game that I wish as many people can play. But at the same time, its small audience makes it something truly special, like a small band of moths that found a lost flame that it cannot escape.It’s so weird how such a niche piece of media has made me more emotional than entire corporate AAA titles can ever achieve.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Life Tastes Like Cardboard on Steam

10mg: Cover Me In Leaves

10mg: Cover Me In Leaves

Fantastic game! the music, atmosphere, writing, and art were all beautiful. It was a lovely wistful experience. I read out loud while playing. It felt good. Really captured me. I recommend it.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Great atmosphere overall, excellent art and solid sound design, but the standout is the writing. Confident and direct, sometimes crude, but elegant and intimate. If the game were any longer the writing style would wear out its welcome, but since it’s (intentionally) short it doesn’t overstay its welcome and invites you to read it more than once to enjoy piecing it together (and also, you know, enjoy the writing).

In short: I’ve paid many times the price of this game for books that weren’t a fifth of its quality. Recommended.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

10mg: Cover Me In Leaves on Steam

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)

This is not a game. This is a community of kind strangers helping each other with kind words. Your only reward will be nice music and rooms to decorate. But that truly is enough. Kind words are not for those who seek rewards or validation. You don’t meet or talk or make friends with anyone. Kind words isn’t made for that. It is just meant to be kind words spoken without reward or consequence between strangers. And in doing just that Kind Words elevates itself. It truly becomes a place where you can seek kindness from strangers, when real life deals you a bad hand.

Real player with 130.9 hrs in game

I bought this game a long time ago on a recommendation from a friend, but never picked it up. Then one day recently I was feeling really down and useless about myself. I didn’t really want to play any of my usual favourites and I remembered I had this and thought I’d give it a go.

At first I thought it might be fun to vent into the aether (and I got some lovely responses), but soon I realised that replying to other people’s messages and helping where I thought I could felt great. So many people were going through things I’d been though and could help with. It’s a thoroughly charming game with so many enDEERing features, I’d recommend it to anyone whether you’re feeling good or bad. It’s the sort of game where playing for 15 minutes can make you feel better about the day.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to) on Steam