Cat’s Menace

Cat’s Menace

This game was a lot of fun to play in front of my stream audience, however playing it by myself without friends would have been a rather miserable experience, I’m afraid. The game has no save or checkpoint system, so when you have a Game Over, you have to start the entire game over from the beginning. The game operates by having you assign a cat to a task and making choices to decide whether the cats succeed or fail in the mission. The choices have no logic behind them, so it’s a coin flip in deciding if you lose the cat you assigned or not. Also, it doesn’t seem to matter which cats you assign to the mission. They’re essentially just very cute life counters.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Visual Novel Games.

So, I’m going to be honest and say, I LOVE CATS…

Now, when I then looked at the “Similar to games you’ve played: The Witcher 3 and Portal 2” I was ready for this game to BLOW. MY. MIND.

Spoiler alert: It did not…

The other reviews are spot on:

  • English translation is bad, even to the point where some things doesn’t make sense

  • It’s game over pretty easily and you have no idea what would be the right answer to the events you’re prompted with

  • When you get a game over, you start over from the beginning - so it becomes a pattern of blindly guessing what’s right and having to remember every right answer to get further in the game. Which gets boring and annoying very fast.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Cat's Menace on Steam

100 hidden eternals

100 hidden eternals

This is the best game in the entire series so far, isn’t it only a big picture with 100 hidden things in it, we can do puzzles, there are animations, you can drag stuff, you can do a bee maze, THIS ONE IS THE BEST OF ALL, and yet, it’s really REALLY cheap.

My suggestion? If you don’t think the others don’t worth the price, this one does, 100%, it’s really cheap, you have 2 original soundtracks as the others, and you have 100 achievements for each eternal you find to customize your profile.

If you think this one is expensive based on the others, yeah, you are right, twice the price, BUT, you can drop an item in CS:GO, TF2 or DotA2, sell the item, and buy this game, because it’s easy to do it.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Casual Games.

100 Hidden Eternals is an interesting game whereby you have to find a hundred body outlines and click on them (it’s an artistic “hide and seek”). Just move your mouse, and the screen will scroll down.

Most of the Eternals are very easy to spot; however, there are some puzzles involved as well, which makes the game much harder.

There’s a big group of Eternals which can only be clicked on when you turn off a big light globe (by clicking on it), which is all good, except that I found that the screen moved when I tried to click on two of them (which were placed lower than the rest).

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

100 hidden eternals on Steam

Fractal Evolution

Fractal Evolution

Fractal Evolution is a 2D space exploration RPG with life simulation elements inspired by Conway’s Game of Life.

You will explore a universe, fight monsters, and complete quests, with the ultimate goal of returning life to the universe in the form of single-celled creatures called Fractals. Each planet begins with just two unique fractals that breed with each other, and ultimately spawn a network of creatures competing for resources and constantly evolving. Study the evolution of these creatures and eventually gain items that allow you to engineer their genome. Every universe is unique, and runs on a non-deterministic simulation that follows two simple equations. One for physics, and the other for biology.

Read More: Best Experimental Colony Sim Games.

Fractal Evolution on Steam



This is a very simple game idea. You take photos of mostly happy, colorful creatures, solve some simple puzzles, play minigames. What makes Alekon very interesting is the memorable creature design, but it’s worth mentioning that, as you go further, it’s getting harder to memorise all of them.

It’s fairly easy to move forward in the game, you are not forced to finish everything (but some skills make your life easier, specially if you try to make every photo 10/10) I would say childfriendly, if we don’t count some of the minigames are kinda hard (But as far as I see, the devs are taking feedback and fixing those, so you can partly ignore this comment) and the situation with the Shrooma minigame, that felt a bit odd.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Playing status: 100% achievement

Grindy Achievement(s): No.

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (35 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.

Guide: Click here


Alekon is a first-person photography game where you have to explore islands and take photos of the creatures living in them. Fictions, as what the game called them, are going to show up in the hub world afterward, giving you some tasks to finish.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Alekon on Steam



“What we would do if the stars only came out once every thousand years? No one would sleep that night, of course. The world would create new religions overnight. We would be ecstatic, delirious, made rapturous by the glory of a Higher Power. Instead, the stars come out every night and we watch television and play interactive entertainment. "

“The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us.”

“Looking at these stars suddenly dwarfed my own troubles and all the gravities of terrestrial life. I thought of their unfathomable distance, and the slow inevitable drift of their movements out of the unknown past into the unknown future.”

Real player with 292.0 hrs in game

THE GREY MAN was a wonderful game of discovery, strategy and capturing-ocity from start to end.

The visuals are amazing… it’s a delicious throwback to old-school! You have captivating (multi-leveled parallaxed) landscapes that (in a very subtle way) gives the game so much depth and immerses you in the world THE GREY MAN is stalking around in. You have AMAZING foreground elements (animated & static) that has to be some of the best pixel-art I have seen in quite some time (and i’m an artist SIR/MADAM so i know what I am talking about!!)… and let’s not forget all the characters/animals/items you interact with – so craftily designed. Each element in this game was made with the love that only a fan of games could make. I was clicking on anything and everything.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game


Head Bumper: Editcraft

Head Bumper: Editcraft

Platform Racing 2 but awesome

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Head Bumper: Editcraft on Steam

Isolation Story

Isolation Story

I received a copy of this game from the dev to Let’s Play it and I really enjoyed my time with it. This is a survival game heavily inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic where you need to survive for 7 days until a vaccine can be created and deployed.

You’ll need to manage your character’s health, hunger and happiness. It’s oddly addictive and has a surprising amount of stuff to do given how small the city is. Including tons of achievements to try and complete, and even a way to time travel.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Isolation Story on Steam

Flower Design

Flower Design

In the brief time since FLOWER DESIGN was first released, it has blossomed into something rare. It is obvious that this DEV has a love for beauty (as well as desire to share it), and that love is what motivated him to embark on this project. But he also created something of beauty that encompasses game concepts (and even achievements now!)

When FLOWER DESIGN first launches, few components of flower arraigning are available. The player has a single pot, and very few flowers and accessory plants. The player can select a background, and the related lighting and shadows. At first, I considered that this might be a detriment for appealing to the more impatient of today’s gamers. To actually REQUIRE numerous finished arrangements to be “sold” into the game, to collect game currency in order to access more pots and plants? Would players be willing to wait, and work, to produce more elaborate arrangements, after starting off with possibilities so simple and basic?

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

I play this game when I’m supposed to be going to bed but not ready to get off electronics yet. It’s very simple, you pick flowers for a pot and can change just about all the parameters for the flowers and pot, then sell your creation when you’re done; the more parameters you’ve edited, the more it sells for. This game works perfectly on a touch screen tablet, and is pretty relaxing, except for the fireworks sounds when you sell an arrangement.

My major complaint about this game is not being able to move plants around in the pot. There’s a “pose” button that will change their location and direction at random, but sometimes plants will just stay stubbornly clustered away from one corner of the pot. Add the ability to move plants instead of all the other edits the developer is making to this game, and get rid of the fireworks sound, and it would be perfect!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Flower Design on Steam

Tree Bonsai

Tree Bonsai

This game is essentially an interactive art piece.

Though I do hope the time and camera controls get improved and communicated better, I have found this game very endearing and enjoyable, and there is nothing else quite like it on Steam that I’m aware of. If you enjoy simulations that you can watch play out while giving them nudges here or there, or like interactive art projects, give it a try. As a child I could just sit and watch a lava lamp for a long time, and somehow this has a similar combination of simplicity and complexity that tickles my brain. It would make a great screensaver as well.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

The game delivers on what it offers and its very aeshetic and pleasing, I look forward to spending more time on it. Unfortunately though it’s kind of hollow at the moment.

Some requests I immediately had when playing was a more clear understanding of time passing, it keeps saying no need to prune your tree in the first year but unless I’m missing something there’s no time shown or life of the plant, so I just have to keep waiting. I know I can see the Chinese zodiac year and season but can I have an option to display something on screen at all times? (e.g. Plant age 323d planted Rat Year Spring currently Ox Year Winter or something small in the corner, even just more info in the current tab like a loading bar for the season/year)

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Tree Bonsai on Steam

Flower Design Ⅱ

Flower Design Ⅱ

Such a lovely relaxing flower simulator game which allows you to create beautiful and different kinds of flowers.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

A lovely game, it’s nice and relaxing. If you like arranging flowers, this niche game is probably perfect for you!

Even if not, give it a try, it’s only $3 and you might just enjoy it!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Flower Design Ⅱ on Steam