10mg :)

10mg :)

:) brought back the spirit of mid-’00s freeware games that I’ve missed so much. A fun, weird concept, modest in scope, and playable from start to finish in a few non-committal moments. I was reminded of that time, and while enjoying what :) itself has to offer (which, incidentally, is a bag of delightful surprises and laughs), I also took a trip down memory lane. Rousing so many thoughts and memories, :) proves what a short game experience can do.

Those games you downloaded on a whim and played one afternoon and never again… They stay with you, don’t they? I’m sure I’ll be reminded :) some ten years down the line – and I’m looking forward to that moment.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Puzzle Games.

10mg: Ten Ten-Minute Games!

This 10mg minigame consists of a series of microgames, all of which are unique takes on nostalgic classics such as Atari’s Breakout and the OG mobile game Snake! Each game contains a twist, such as a golf hole that chases you back, allowing the game to feel fresh despite the plethora of retro influences. Although the prospect of so many separate activities within such a short game may feel chaotic, each section is connected and leads seamlessly into the next making for a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

10mg :) on Steam

10mg: SNAAAK

10mg: SNAAAK

It’s a solid game on it’s own right, but gets a lot more meat around it’s bones through the achievements.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experimental Metroidvania Games.

An interesting combo of snake game and metroidvania, with a desolate, Jumper Redux-esque atmosphere.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

10mg: SNAAAK on Steam



EBE is an action-adventure game set on a planet in the Lyra constellation. The player takes the role of a small extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE), who recovers a strange micro-device from a humanoid alien lying dead in his crashed flying saucer. Using this device, the player will be able to connect to an alien network, solve puzzles, see distant locations (some of them on Earth), and bring back to life alien entities to contact the player himself.

EBE takes you on a visit to another planet teeming with life, from strange PSI energy-producing plants to small insect-like creatures. Everywhere you can find remnants of alien civilization: old buildings, antennae, and communication devices.

Read More: Best Experimental Colorful Games.

EBE on Steam

Astrotour VR

Astrotour VR

Really enjoyed this with kids. The 3D printer is pretty cool, also the “wooble” planet behind you in the base scene when choosing planets. It’s all nice, like job-simulator-in-space. Can’t wait for the future content. Needs more stuff to do.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Game is fun :) so far i have done 1 episode and I can’t wait to do another!


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Astrotour VR on Steam



“ATTACK OF THE EVIL POOP VR” is the ultimate toilet experience, crazier than ever!

This Windows and Mac title released last year on Steam, now has a V.R. version too!

(Thank god the smell is not included… Yet!)

Enjoy the frantic EARLY demo experience, optimized for Oculus Rift S.

“ATTACK OF THE EVIL POOP V.R.” is a twisted, fast-paced and super addictive single-player game that puts your gamer skills to test!

Different enemies, weapons, unlockables, surprises, a crappy lore and a lot more!


BE-A Walker

BE-A Walker

Be warned, im gonna include a few spoilers here and there in the review, if you dont want to see them, skip this review

I saw some gameplay from a youtuber and i was immediatly attached to this game, i played the demo and had a ton of fun, even just being 2 missions, it was still very fun (but i did have my problems with the overheating, however it has been fixed with the patch so i guess it can slide) i did have my problems with the walking since it had a QWOP feeling but i learned it after a bit and slowly started to master it and it wasnt that bad to learn.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

BE-A Walker is a sidescrolling re-enactment of the plot of James Cameron’s Avatar. You pilot a bipedal mech across the surface of an alien planet blasting and stomping on the natives as you go. Except you do that exact same thing…. repeatedly. For the whole game.

This game is definitely fun for a bit, but every mission is pretty much the same, broken up occasionally with a ‘walk through the base without stepping on the blind scientists’ mission or ‘walk through a minefield’ mission, which mostly just slow the game down, without improving it much.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

BE-A Walker on Steam

CLOSER - anagnorisis

CLOSER - anagnorisis

CLOSER - anagnorisis is a creative adventure game.

This is a game with distinctive art and gameplay. It contains a lot of creative designs.

The game tries to make it interesting without fighting. Players need to think about how to accomplish by “winning by cleverness”.

Each section of the game will have a different experience and gameplay, so that players can experience freshness in every part, and can think about emotional cues of the current mood of the character.

CLOSER - anagnorisis on Steam

Eugene’s Dream: The Daily Ins And Outs Of A Sane Robot In An Insane World

Eugene’s Dream: The Daily Ins And Outs Of A Sane Robot In An Insane World

A little rough round the edges but I had fun playing it, was a good laugh and I liked the wacky storylines reminded me a bit of the Stanley Parable.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

wants to be self aware, it should want to be fun.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Eugene's Dream: The Daily Ins And Outs Of A Sane Robot In An Insane World on Steam

Timber Jump VR

Timber Jump VR

ok first of all this is like a remix to the old app richies plank experience wich was fun back then and had a few different modes with more scenery for 15.00 … this one has 1 mode only and not much to look at yes the graphics are a bit better than richies and u can set up the boards crooked or make them bigger or smaller etc thats really bout it its a ride up the mountain and then walk out of the cargo onto 5 steps way up in air.. yet in richies you was higher… im refunding this because for what it is now its not worth 15.00 at all u need to drop it to 8.00 for the little content there otherwise you aint gonna have anyone buy this…. graphics wise 7.5 out of 10 and why are the peoples faces in this charcoal black? but im sorry i cant recommend this at 15.00 noway… add some more modes like richies has if your gonna charge that price!!

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Timber Jump VR on Steam



Incredibly responsive controls, huge variety of gameplay, and a super-fun core concept that

evolves and expands as you progress.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

you will die

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Arnold on Steam