

Oneiros is an absolutely fantastic experience that falls on blind eyes: It’s realistic yet mysterious approach to world building, the bright color palette, ways in which the story progresses, transitions through-out the journey, comedic moments, strategic methods regarding puzzles, and enjoyability from beginning to end. All of it together paints a journey…of a man, created by Coal Valley Games.

This new endeavor for the creator’s developmental journey, was a way for the developer to branch out. After years of experience as a game developer, he always felt the need to make a story-driven game, so in 2018, he started production. After two years of hard work, on March 27th, 2020, Oneiros was public for the world to see…or…not…see…

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experience Puzzle Games.


First Impressions🤔

After completing the game I am glad I stuck with it, and enjoyed most of my time playing Oneiros.

My mind changed from positive to negative a few times mainly due to an infuriating psychedelic maze and an awkward platform level. They were almost enough for me to quit the game completely.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Oneiros on Steam

Bottle: Pilgrim Redux

Bottle: Pilgrim Redux

Updated for Redux: 6.5/10 (Original was 4.5/10)

TLDR: The visuals are beautiful, the story is interesting. The pacing is still funky, and the audio needs one more good polish. Still only worth it if you’re willing to wave off a lot of wonkiness, or, like me, you’re hoping for that one last update to pull it all together into the great game it could be.

The good and improved: The scenery and level design has improved on the beauty that was already there. The collectables are relevant and add to the story. The new voice actor is able to carry the ending better than the original (I miss the “posh Australian” accent, but I understand the creators' decision to use an American accent) I actually enjoyed the snow chapter this time. That’s the same level that almost caused me to rage-quit the original, so good improvement there.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experience Casual Games.

Bottle: Pilgrim is the latest creation from solo developer Tonguc Bodur. Anyone familiar with his previous work knows that they wear the “walking simulator” tag proudly. They are generally brief, averaging a few hours to complete, usually narrated, and with a background soundtrack. I think most gamers are clearly divided on walking sims, either you enjoy them or you don’t. I find them to be a welcome diversion from the mainstream releases, an occasional oasis of contemplation, reflection and tranquility amidst all the shooting and blowing things up.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Bottle: Pilgrim Redux on Steam

FotoMuseo 3D

FotoMuseo 3D

What happens when you are a Photographer and you dream of showing your work at an EXPO in a public place or in an art gallery?

Well, you end up building it yourself in a virtual way in a humble First Person Exploration 3D Adventure where you will explore the different levels modeled by hand of the game. Levels with increasing Secrets to Unlock during our trip to Atlantian Island AllEarth, where the **FotoMuseo 3D**is in charge of exhibiting some photographs of the Project 365 Nostalgic Items:

A Photographic Project focused on Nostalgia, published in Variedalia and worked daily for 1 year at the beginning of my work in JonatanFoto.

What NEW CONTENT do I want to add to FotoMuseo 3D here on Steam?

Over time I want to add new LEVELS, new EXPOS, new SECRETS. Free content for anyone who has their copy of FotoMuseo 3D on Steam. Right now the FotoMuseo has been inaugurated with the Expo of the Project 365 Nostalgic Items.

But, what New Expos and secrets will I present little by little over time?

Stay with me to discover them…

Read More: Best Experience Exploration Games.

FotoMuseo 3D on Steam

Nephise Begins

Nephise Begins

Nephise Begins is the prequel to Nephise, and a small, encapsulated vision of Nephise’s journey to become an Orb Hunter. As far as Tonguc Bodur’s catalog goes, this one was probably my least favorite, and yet it still carries a lot of appeal as its own entity.


As mentioned above, this is the prequel to the game Nephise, and in Nephise Begins, we get to see how she becomes an Orb Hunter. While the significance of such is still left a mystery, it is a satisfying explanation as to how she found her way to the events of Nephise and why she has issues with excess (or addiction, if you will).

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game


Just as its name suggests, Nephise Begins is a prequel to Nephise. As of this writing, both are Tonguç Bodur latest creations and they are the developer’s attempt towards a new direction. Obviously, this separates the Nephise series from the Drizzleplath one, yet even if I didn’t know who developed these last few titles, just by looking at them for a few minutes, I would have pointed out towards Tonguç. He really knows how to pick these abstract ideas and turn them into something beautiful. Still, dreams can quickly turn to nightmares and the abstract subgenre in the case of walking simulators, always features a double-sided coin.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Nephise Begins on Steam

Paws and Soul

Paws and Soul

It took me around 5 hours to finish the game.

The first 3 hours I enjoyed then I started hoping for the ending to come.

The overall gameplay and environment is enjoyable enough, however there is something OFF about this game.

The environments range from being very high quality to being extremely low poly, almost blocky.

It seems almost as if the main environment was created by one person and then lower quality trees, rocks, caves etc.

were added by another. Very suspicious…

I want to give this game a positive review on the background that I think it’s a first time effort for the developer or near first time at least. I am not sure on this however, but I want to be understanding if that’s the case.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Let me start by saying I tried to refund this. I was literally fifteen minutes over the time limit. Why did I try to refund it? Well, let me spin you a tale of my woes.

I was willing to overlook some of the game’s faults but then about halfway through the game I managed to accidentally, through literally no fault of my own, slip outside the invisible wall borders and couldn’t get back in. I’m a veteran of Bethesda’s janky ass games, and so I spent about fifteen minutes working my way back into the legit borders of the game and I went on my way. About an hour later, and several areas worth of collecting little pac man balls, I quit for the night. When I reloaded? I was BACK OUTSIDE THE FARTING BORDERS AGAIN, LOSING AN HOURS WORTH OF PROGRESS. Then, without warning, it dropped me out of the world. I now have to start all over again, as upon loading, I fall forever. This game is anything BUT relaxing.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Paws and Soul on Steam

Nephise: Ascension

Nephise: Ascension

Nephise: Ascension is the third and latest installment in the Nephise series, created by Tonguç Bodur. Since each of the three stories present a different chapter from the life of Nephise - a magical being whose main characteristic is collecting energy orbs, there is no requirement to play the previous games before trying this one out.

The game is a walking simulator, therefore you’ll spend most of the time exploring the surroundings and enjoying the beautifully crafted environments. As compared to Tonguç Bodur’s other games, Nephise: Ascension steps up the gameplay a notch by adding several platforming / puzzle bits that also come with the challenge of obtaining the speedrun achievements tied to them.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

First, let me get this out of the way: yes, there are some zombies

! and then skeletal warriors later in the game. If this puts you straight off, then you may not like this game, but wait a moment before you go and hear me explain something. Remember the beginning of this game? You may have walked off the pier? Instant death, but you started back at the pier as if nothing happened? It’s the same here but better. Following

! the catacombs of the mausoleum, taking notice of the empty caskets, it’s not a wonder that the undead appear when they do, and the game makes it quite obvious. The undead themselves are dumber than dirt and mostly amble in random directions. Yes, one hit does kill, but you’ll start again at the deeper “caves”, not at the stage beginning. You will neither have to find your way back after you find what you came for. This game is not without mercy.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Nephise: Ascension on Steam

Country Road VR

Country Road VR

i need help

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

As of end May 2020, this visit to the farm is really quaint and small children will love it, although the game still requires a lot of work as it’s clunky and a bit ‘raw’, hard to pick up stuff (we have the Valve Index VR), and heavy on the GPU (lots of grey outs after a bit of play). My 6-year-old daughter got frustrated with it (she couldn’t feed the horse with the apple and tried for hours), but for £2.09, we’re not complaining. It has lots of potential and I hope the game developers continue to work on making this better over time.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Country Road VR on Steam