

Drop it down to a dollar, bro. At $1.99 it does not compare well to The Visitor at the same price, nor TNTCD at half that. I liked floating in the middle of the large bed, it was nice to have my whole play space be that, but everything does kind of happen at distance, if you can even see it. First generation VR games can only be so dark, y’all. It’s the optics, or the pixel count, hell I don’t know. She was fairly aliased as well. I find it strange that the store page is showcasing parts of the level that you never see, and cannot move to. I wouldn’t bother with adding any more updates, it can more or less stand on its own, but again, it’s not worth $2.

! Also, part of me thinks the Demonic Guest was just a hungry beast, who smelled the remnants of Dinner’s Dirty Dishes rotting in the sink, and (like a bear or wolf) just followed the scent. Are bears from hell? No, that would malign bears. Are there bears in hell? Probably.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experience Casual Games.

Scared me a few times, runs for around 5 minutes but its enough to put you on edge, hopefully the dev continues to add stuff to this because it looks like a solid project.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

DemonicGuestVR on Steam

Zen Universe

Zen Universe

Caution: App/Game looks already abandoned by now. With a release in May 2020 the last update came two weeks later. Last message of the developers was in September 2020. Unfortunately that looks a bit like a quick money grab. Also the homepage ZenArt is telling they got a nice grant by epic games in March 2020.

So what you get is two locations you can explore. Admittedly they are well done and some nice edutainment but still demanding some polishing and not worth 25 euro. Maybe give it a try on a very deep sale and just don’t expect the other two locations to be released.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experience Exploration Games.

Stunning graphics, love for detail. I really enjoyed the encounter with Zeus, listening and learning about greek gods. Or riding a ZIP line down the rocks at night. I night full of fireflys. Wish the experience would have lasted longer but I understand there’ll come additonal places to explore. Can’t wait to see them. For sure this is more about contemplation than action! As the developers' name ZenArt already tells…. thumbs up!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Zen Universe on Steam

Meditation VR

Meditation VR

I don’t have VR, so I was uncertain if this product would work for me. I tried it and it works fine without VR. The controls are a little different, The black screen with the VR instructions can be passed by pressing Enter on your keyboard. To get the image to be full screen you need to press F11. The ESC key will close the program. Screenshots are the usual F12.

I don’t know what the movement limitations are with VR, but you can move around without any problem when you are not in VR, The sound is also fine.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Experience Immersive Games.

Great Relaxation App

Extremely beautiful environment with lots of little details that ramp up the realism. It’s a simple experience, sitting in a chair on a tropical beach. Nonetheless, it’s very well-done. If you enjoy casual VR experiences, it’s worth the download. The guided meditation at the beginning is pleasant, but it would be nice to have options to turn off voice and music, leaving only the nature sounds (update- I just noticed that the audio options have separate volume controls for voice, music, and sound effects- I may have just missed it before). The developer is very responsive to messages in the discussion forum and put out a patch within a couple days for a crash I was experiencing.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Meditation VR on Steam

Orders of Magnitude

Orders of Magnitude


Yep, I’ll be playing this more for the relaxing therapeutic effects, for sure. That aside though, this is quite the educational journey that, if iterated on a little more, would be perfect for use in the education system. Seriously, someone get this on the curriculum and set up compatibility to work with standard smartphone setups. I do hope to see this get bigger, dare I say that, and no pun intended. I loved the journey, and quite simply would love to do more of it, let’s go to our neighbours, let’s go to the Hubble deep field, etc. I love where this has started, and I fear it’s too much to ask of a small studio: but let’s have more 3

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

This is not a game. This is an experience and an amazing one at that. It is one of my favorite VR experiences so far and one I want to show to all my friends. It’s ALSO educational. Me not taking a school science class in a long time has left me short in some areas. This is a good basic refresher on scale. It REALLY puts things into perspective.

I think it might be useful to a lot of users to include a feature with more educational text if the user wants more, but without adding to much overlay to the visuals. A good balance. Like say a button pressed for more information. It would be awesome to have optional publically available philosophers or professor talks to enable. Like the game Everything. That would of course increase file size though….

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Orders of Magnitude on Steam

Ellie’s Travel Diary

Ellie’s Travel Diary

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This is a very lovely travel attraction tourist app that succeeds in making South Korea an attractive tourist destination in Virtual Reality. Currently, there are 4 different locations that you can visit, as well as take part in mini-game type activities. The activities include stuff like throwing arrows into a jar, taking photos, or watching a fireworks show.

The artistic style used to recreate the different places in South Korea is very charming. The locations are well detailed and look absolutely great in VR. There is no locomotion. You do need standing room (or swivel chair) with the ability to reach around 360. The music, while not bad, wasn’t as memorable, simply because it seemed nondescript. It should be noted that although you can choose English, there are no English VOs. You will simply get translated text.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Ellie's Travel Diary on Steam



If you have a friend you kindly offered this game to, and he recommends it to mistake you, indeed you don’t have a friend :))

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Delirium on Steam

One Hand Clapping

One Hand Clapping

This game is super neat, especially if you already have a vocal background. It could get frustrating otherwise, as you will be asked to match pitch and harmonize. There’s also some rhythm elements, so having a sense for that will also help.

The sound design is lush and gives many clues. It takes the sounds that you’re producing and incorporates them into the game as you go, resulting in even richer soundscapes. The puzzles are occasionally mildly bewildering, but then they click and become super intuitive. The art style is super cute.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

I love this game! I finished my first playthrough the same day it finished downloading, and I’m definitely going to play through it again. I keep hearing that the devs are going to add more content, which is super exciting. The voice controls are wonderfully intuitive - I grew up playing some of the first video games that used singing as a mechanic (think karaoke games) and wow - things have changed in a good way.

Some things to note: you’re going to want a decent mic for this. It doesn’t need to break the bank, but you should probably have a pop filter on it for best results. I didn’t play with one and it definitely picked up background noise on occasion. I’m not sure how to adjust the sensitivity of my mic personally, but you’re gonna wanna play around with things until you find something that works with your setup.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

One Hand Clapping on Steam

Townsmen VR

Townsmen VR

As of writing, It’s the end of September 2021 and they finally dropped a huge content dump.

People can remove the tin hats and ease off talk of the game being a scam, which should be a relief to everyone.

As far as content goes, it’s changed significantly and has not only redeemed itself for the 2 year silence, but has surpassed expectations. Looking at the discussion forums and news threads, it appears the latest update has pleased many of the original backers. If you were unsure of the game’s development, worry no more. Clearly HandyGames has been working extremely hard over the last few years and is developing a real gem. It’s still in Early Access and hopefully that means there’s even more room for growth but, in all honesty, even if they only squash bugs and polish things between now and full release, what’s on offer now is well worth the money.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Well. They finally actually made a real game instead of having an unfinished 25 dollar demo posted for years with barely any communication.

And the game they’ve made? It’s pretty good! Watching your little villagers run around is endearing. There’s a decent variety of buildings and things you need to plop down. It’s the only VR game in this genre that I’m aware of which is any good. There’s a decent amount of levels which do force you to change up the way you prioritize what to build. And that alone makes this worth enough for the price.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Townsmen VR on Steam

Fighting Clans

Fighting Clans

Experienced on the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

Please note: I received a free Steam key through the Steam Curator Connect program.

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This was a very tough call for me on whether to recommend it or not. At the end of the day, I decided there just wasn’t enough here to recommend the game. It’s not a bad game. It’s nice for what it is. This is a very simple arcade street fighter for VR where you can punch, kick (via button push), dodge, or block.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

UPD: the game was hugely improved with latest update, but it’s still not good enough to recommend. I crossed out fixed problem from the cons list.

Fighting Clans rcadey VR brawler with few glaring issues.


  • With all its flaws, the gameplay is still fun: the game does boxing way better than Creed. Hitboxes are more or less appropriate, overall combat feels almost as good as in Virtual Fighter Championship(which is not great, but serviceable)


  • In-game hands are extremely bad. They not aligned with real life on Oculus Touch and have very limited reach, that makes hooks real pain in the ass. Also the stance is weird: character’s elbows are spread very wide, so they don’t seem to protect the body at all

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Fighting Clans on Steam

Function World Gym

Function World Gym

Function World Gym is an Early Access Free to play VR exercise game. It worked on my HTC Vive system, looked ok, played ok, sounded ok. Has a tutorial zone. Has Internet radio menu, or you can setup and use website music like Spotify, Youtube, Pandora. Has 3 exercises: Squats, Forward Lunges, and Side Lunges, then there is 2 modes that combine the 3 exercises. Has steam leaderboard. The game might have been paid product at one time, now it is Free to play.


  • The background scenery moves too much, might cause problems with some systems.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Function World Gym on Steam