Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge

Very fun game, downloaded it completely out of interest and have spent a decent amount of time playing it since.

Single player challenges start simple and ramp up in difficulty, and are a good way to learn different ways to hit the ball, ranked singleplayer modes are also enjoyable, and the leaderboards are competitive, with people consistently one-upping each other to be the best. The dev also actively deletes cheaters from the leaderboards to keep them legit

Multiplayer is a ton of fun, and a great way to play a nice quick game and climb the ladder. I’ve enjoyed ranking up through the ladder, and it’s nice queuing into the same high ranked people and adapting from their playstyles (HarryCane is in my head rent free, steals my rank everytime)

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best eSports Platformer Games.

This game is very fun, whether you are bored or you’re actually in a mood to play a game like this. Lots of single player challenges that get reasonably more difficult, and ability to get all orbs is possible, though tedious. Only thing I would consider is making the ranking system a bit better (like how I deranked after just one match as a new rank, and even after being on a TWELVE game winning streak and then losing once again, I’m now an even lower rank), maybe some type of visible MMR or point system, and add more various challenges and modes (if possible)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge on Steam

Wanba Warriors

Wanba Warriors

Wanba Warriors is a brilliant example of creativity. The characters feel distinct and fresh, with some completely altering the theme of the match.

A novel system of character control at first is scary, but becomes incredibly rewarding. In Wanba, movement and melee are intertwined. Each mindgame, each feint renders you immobile (for most characters). The stamina system enables a game pace where patient and clever moves are rewarded.

I cannot give Wanba Warriors any recommendation other than to try it out. If you find it enjoyable, check out the discord for info on the tourney scene!

Real player with 139.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best eSports Multiplayer Games.

Wanba Warriors… a thing of mystery. A game within a game, a story within a machine, and a code within our nature. Wanba Worriors… it is everythig it ever needed to be, and is’t everything it ever was. now is it everything that it needed for it not to be, and also everything god made it to be? yes.

1. Do not play any other games they will all make you worse at Wanba.

2. slowly wither away from friends and faimily until u are only a shell of what you once were

3. wanba,work,sleep,repeat

3.* bliss

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game

Wanba Warriors on Steam



Bought this game for a couple of cents on sale and i can tell ya' all its a life changer. But really. You will become a better man playing this. And im probably high right now.

Real player with 67.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best eSports Online Co-Op Games.

I bought this game for about 0.2 $ on sale, so it was really cheap and beacuse of my lvl at steam i got a pack of cards and get this amount back. Also I played this game for 5hours and I almost have all achievements. Also if you have a market block at steam, games like this are good to unblock it, because of their price.

Gameplay is not really amazing, but what can we expect for game for under 1 USD. So I recommend it

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Volleying on Steam

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble!

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble!

In short it’s really fun!

The controls are simple yet complex at the same time due to many strategies you can apply against your opponent/opponents. It reminds me a little bit of Mound and Blade multiplayer in that sense.

The game also has a simple yet imersing ranking system which adds to a competitive aspect to the game.

Also as a sidenote developers seem like really nice people from what I’ve seen on their discord.

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

A super-fun multiplayer game, easy to learn but more tactical than it seems at a first glance. E.g. positioning is crucial (especially in FFA) and sometimes you can get away with a win even not touching anyone :D

You know a multiplayer game is good when you can see different players employing different tactics in order to be the last wrestler standing.

BY ALL MEANS at least try the free version: even that ensures hours of fun!

Netcode looked solid to me. Animations are very good and the action is always clear to follow (albeith a bit chaotic in FFA).

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble! on Steam

Park The Car

Park The Car

Let’s start with the description: “Park the car is a racing game where you need to park your cars in a safe location!” This is not true. It is not a racing game; it is a puzzle game. You draw the path the car will take to the parking spot with your mouse. If that sounds like a mobile port, well, it probably is.

Graphics: The graphics are functional and coherent.

Sound: The music is repetitive, peppy muzak that you would expect on a cheap mobile game. I turned it off, but then I do that with almost every game.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Park The Car on Steam



refunded a while ago, went to uninstall and apparently it was stealing 180 gb of space??? just a heads up, maybe was a bug

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game




ALL OF YOU PEOPLE LISTEN RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! THIS GAME IS NOT. A. CRYPTO. MINER. The original Dev of this game gave up on the game and didnt fix the obvious GPU problem. You can test this with real tests for crypto if you really want to, but looking at your usage and calling it a miner is ignorant and unfair. All the GPU problem is terrible optimization the original dev never got around to fixing. The new Dev team, Amelore have completely acknowledged this accusation and provided proof that this game is NOT a miner. They have also have provided us a few quick fixes that are still waiting to be approved DUE to the fact the ownership of this game is still under Yumbo (1st Dev). Once steam approves the transfer the game will be getting the fixes it needs.

Real player with 442.0 hrs in game

Don’t waste your time. Dead game that I had some serious hope for but isn’t going anywhere. Player base has been in steady decline for months now due to mismanagement by the development team Amelore. They seem to have no real interest in seriously developing the game to it’s potential.

Reese, the community manager, defended a player named BlzMyz that I reported for making a racist comment about people that speak Spanish. After I spoke up that defending racism was wrong and said they are doing a bad job managing the community, they banned me from every platform connected to the game with no explanation. The same dev also privately messaged other players including the player I reported to tell them I was banned and to “block me” in an effort to keep me from outting the racist player to the rest of the community and make it seem as though I was lying. I have video evidence from the player’s stream of his racist comment as well as a multitude of raging incoherent DM’s he sent me. I also have DM’s from the devs blatantly defending and condoning racism. After I reached rank #1 on the leaderboard and became the highest level player, they seem to have shadow banned me from matchmaking with other players, probably in an effort to hope that I just go away so they can continuing pandering to a group of toxic players in their discord community.

Real player with 416.9 hrs in game

Slappyball on Steam



The good part:

1. There are multiple variations of character to choose and each of them have different skill set.

2. There are frequently updates from the developer on the bug fixes, character balance adjustment and new character.

3. With the current environment, it takes around 10 sec to find an opponent on the quick match.

The personal part:

1. It is a PvP game, so player skill is highly required to win the match.

2. This is an Early Access Game.

The bad part:

1. Lack players on the rank match, so it’s pretty time consuming waiting for your opponent.

Real player with 35.2 hrs in game

Game is ridiculously broken and unbalanced if you use certain characters, found the most broken one, played matches constantly for about 12 hours (each match lasts about 30 seconds with that char) and I only lost twice.

10/10 would recommend to anyone who wants to beat the living Coca-Cola out of people not using broken characters.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game


Choppa: Rescue Rivals

Choppa: Rescue Rivals

Choppa: Rescue Rivals is a chaotic arcade-style helicopter rescue competition game for one to four players. Take off with your trusty rescue chopper and carry disaster victims to safety before your rivals do! All bets are off in this high-flying, physics-driven game spanning multiple levels from the mountains of Nepal to an offshore oil tanker disaster.


  • Globetrotting 2+ hours long story campaign with a motley crew of pilots and couch co-op!

  • Online and local multiplayer for up to 4 players

  • Play quick casual online matches with matchmaking or join a public lobby

  • Lots of customization options: Change your pilot, chopper and decorate your ride with stickers

  • Spice up local multiplayer matches with exciting power-ups and rule mutators

Rescue the victims by all means necessary

The world has been struck by terrible disasters and people are in danger. Governments are too busy bickering amongst themselves, so it’s your job to become the best rescue pilot ever and save the helpless people from distress by all means necessary! But you are not alone — the world is full of reckless rescue pilots, hungrily hogging the glory from your grasp.

Simple controls, plenty of challenge

Choppa: Rescue Rivals is full of mayhem, yet easy to learn! Anyone can take off, but becoming a master rescue pilot against global hot-shot opponents is not a simple task.

Several ways to play

Whether you enjoy climbing to the top of the rescue charts online or just want to have fun with friends, Choppa: Rescue Rivals has you covered. Personalize your pilot identity by unlocking new levels, helicopters, stickers, customization options and characters!

Choppa: Rescue Rivals on Steam



A bold, stylistic puzzler with an extremely addictive system. Just absolutely pulsating with creative energies. The swap mechanic is a game changer.

Real player with 50.2 hrs in game

“Jubilane” is far better than its predecessors “Cavesweeper” and “Tess Elated”.

It’s a hexagonal minesweeper with picross elements.

If you get struck, deduce the colors of each question mark and swap the tiles.

Most puzzles can be finished without any guessing.

There are 72 puzzles in the Adventure Quest.

Completing quests will earn you treasury tokens.

This will unlock new game modes, different fonts, color themes and background artwork.

You can play any way you like in Solo and Multiplayer modes.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Jubilane on Steam