Viking Trickshot

Viking Trickshot

This is the only video game my wife will play with me, and we always have a great time when we come back to it every few months. It’s a fun little game, especially two player, and has a ton of occasional replayability.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best eSports Party Game Games.

I’ve only touched the single player, and it’s surprisingly fun in short bursts. I plan on coming back to this again and again to gold medal each level and can definitely see myself getting the family involved in some baton-lobbing battles

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Viking Trickshot on Steam

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge

Very fun game, downloaded it completely out of interest and have spent a decent amount of time playing it since.

Single player challenges start simple and ramp up in difficulty, and are a good way to learn different ways to hit the ball, ranked singleplayer modes are also enjoyable, and the leaderboards are competitive, with people consistently one-upping each other to be the best. The dev also actively deletes cheaters from the leaderboards to keep them legit

Multiplayer is a ton of fun, and a great way to play a nice quick game and climb the ladder. I’ve enjoyed ranking up through the ladder, and it’s nice queuing into the same high ranked people and adapting from their playstyles (HarryCane is in my head rent free, steals my rank everytime)

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best eSports Platformer Games.

This game is very fun, whether you are bored or you’re actually in a mood to play a game like this. Lots of single player challenges that get reasonably more difficult, and ability to get all orbs is possible, though tedious. Only thing I would consider is making the ranking system a bit better (like how I deranked after just one match as a new rank, and even after being on a TWELVE game winning streak and then losing once again, I’m now an even lower rank), maybe some type of visible MMR or point system, and add more various challenges and modes (if possible)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge on Steam

Aim Hero

Aim Hero

Having used this now for a week, I would have paid 4 times the price for it. It’s exactly what an app like this should be: Simple, straight forward, small and fast, and configurable enough to do nearly anything you’d want it too. I’m primarily a destiny 2 player these days and trying to get used to a new setup including povohats accel and this has been a godsend. Especially considering that because of health reasons and age (45 years old and serious neurological issues are rarely good for the reflexes and snap judgements. Lol), it’s been a bear of a time clawing back a bit of consistent muscle memory. The app is configurable enough that I was able to sit down and physically measure movement and duplicate in game motion and the results have been astonishing. My aim hasn’t just improved. I can do things I couldn’t even do before, short of doing them by accident.

Real player with 916.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best eSports FPS Games.

6 months ago, I was the worst person imaginable at FPS’s, so I purchased this game on steam and played it for 30 minutes a day while listening to podcasts. I went from trash to the 75th percentile for weapon accuraccy, and I am not stopping any time soon. I will continue to use this to train myself religously for the next 4 years.

This being said some of the game modes are useless, penta/simple, with the only mode worth investing time into being reflex. The game is also in need of a better way to track your progress, as the graph only displays your results from the past 15 or so plays, a sniping game mode, and a less random tracking mode that emulates human player movement.

Real player with 674.2 hrs in game

Aim Hero on Steam

Dota 2

Dota 2

A game that truly grasps the idea of helping those in dire need to escape their reality.

After allowing peru to play on our servers, and bought accounts in 4-6k. This game has truly made a better place to find friends of South America, and help people fully understand the hardships and struggles these people go through by having feeding South Americans only play Pos 1-2 or jungle. It opened up a world of hard working, can collecting children to gather change and be fortunate enough to play at their internet cafe’s and flood US West/East. God Bless them.

Real player with 14673.7 hrs in game

This game was fun but everyday big updates for fucking items and treasures make this game worst ..

imagine if u wana enjoy ur time playng dota and u start steam and fuckng bunch of workshop and other updates on regular basis appears and u hav to wait for it to download if u r poor and have slow internet of 4 mbs…

if u have fast internet and good pc thn this game is Gold otherwise dnt waste ur time.

Real player with 7056.0 hrs in game

Dota 2 on Steam



Valve got greedy.

Apparently Valve forgot everything they learned from TF2, CS:GO and Dota2. Making fun games fully accessible to everyone. Online games without players and communities are destined to fail.

But… Nope. Valve decides to exclude 90% of the World.

  • Pay for the game.

  • Pay for cards to play the game, making the best cards the rarest and therefore most expensive. (when they said power level wouldn’t be related to rarity)

  • Pay to enter prize modes.

  • Take a % cut of prize mode entry fees.

Real player with 102.0 hrs in game

Valve has literally abandoned the game…

Edit: 13/03/2021

This game was so hyped at the time, and for me, the gameplay lived up to it for me when it launched, it was so different from everything that I’ve tried before and I did not even know Dota 2 universe… But after years waiting for something, it’s finally Official, both versions of the game, Classic and Foundry, will not be in further development… Here is some of the main things that were impactful during all this time being a casual player.

Real player with 64.7 hrs in game

Artifact on Steam

Maze Qore Arena

Maze Qore Arena

Your game overall is really fun! i didn’t have time to play it with my friends but even just playing against the bots on multiplayer / campaign was fun! I have a few suggestions: Improve the AI a bit sometimes when i played multiplayer against they wouldn’t fight each other at all. Maybe add like armor or that is like an extra health bar or something. Bigger maps would be good the maps now are a bit too small imo and can get a bit to chaotic. But yeah overall really fun game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

This is a fun game and will keep you busy for a long time.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Maze Qore Arena on Steam



This is honestly one of my favorite fighting games. If there’s any game I’d say it’s similar to, probably KOF or other SNK games, but it has a lot that makes it different obviously. It has great system and character balance with no one mechanic seeming overwhelming, and each character has their fair share of pros and cons that they have to work around with all of them still being on an even playing field, and especially with the extra selectable moves, this game properly avoids falling into the problem of some match ups feeling WAY too one sided, with every character having a good amount of variety to their move set without everyone being too similar. Fun character designs with cthulhu magical girls, muscly grappler chefs, edgelords and of course, my big boy Ray. There’s so much freedom to every character with combos and tech, especially with the extra selectable specials and supers. I spend many hours in training mode trying to find new tech. Matches can vary a lot in how they play out based on what hits you land, so there’s room for you to end a match in two combos (or even one in rare situations), but other matches will carry on much longer if you don’t get your harder to land combo starters and counter hits or manage your resources towards big damage, and some characters often rely on meter to help them in neutral play and set ups. I really like that there’s room for those kind of big combos to happen while also having it be very nuanced in how it’s approached so that you don’t just do the same stuff each match. Neutral plays just as big a role as learning big combos. Some characters can annihilate you through solid neutral alone if you can’t adapt, so you gotta be strong on multiple fronts. There’s many strong offensive and defensive mechanics with neither being overwhelming. No comeback mechanics or combo breakers (I personally hate that stuff). Meter is handled super well in terms of how much importance it holds and how each character interacts with it in their own way. Adds a nice bit of weight to resource management while still not being the only thing that determines who wins. I’m just kinda gushing, but god I love this game. A bit of a smaller player base, but we’re still here and we’re growing over time. Especially on discord. If you want to play this game, join Tenryo’s discord server and there’s plenty of people there to answer your questions and play you in matches, including myself. So yeah. Big glowing recommendation for this game.

Real player with 669.0 hrs in game

Depends on 3rd party software to run. This would qualify it for no reccomendation already but when the game is working, it’s mediocre at best. The translation was just ripped from the Hong Kong localization (so expect engrish text wherever humanly applicable) The online is a wasteland at this point, so don’t bother if you’re in it for that. The singleplayer is pretty mediocre, and the arcade / story mode is brought down not only by the aformentioned engrish, but also some embarrassing endings. You see that 5th picture in the gallary? Imagine that but for every female character, being explained away by something very along the lines of “oh, well I guess the battle is over now, ho hum what should I do now? Disrobing sounds like a good idea–”. I’ll add that even for a japanese fighting games, most of the female character designs are pretty shameless in their obvious intent (my personal favorite is either the essential equivelent of the daughter of c’thulu having a permanant wedgie or the cyborg ninja having her nipples protrude through metal armor). The customization options are kind of cool on the surface, but you have to unlock colors, and you’re only allowed a certain number of them. You’re better off referring to Blazblue Central Fiction’s modding community if you have a hard on for that sort of thing. The customization for the fights are a pretty okay idea, but the execution is underwhelming, and not as well balanced as one would hope. As for character balance, it’s not the absolute worst, but if there were to be an online scene, you’d probably come to expect the three characters with easy to access “technically not touch of deaths, but may as well be since they also corner carry and end with hard knockdown into 50/50”. It’s alright with friends, but frankly there are just other fighting games which do what this game does but cheaper and / or better.

Real player with 79.1 hrs in game


Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

it has Neko-Arc so play it.

Real player with 87.4 hrs in game

Neko-Arc Chaos is my spirit animal

Real player with 57.2 hrs in game

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code on Steam

Quake Live™

Quake Live™

If I can still have fun and be happy while absolutely sucking at a game then you know it’s good.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Rating: 10/10

This game is an absolute masterpiece, it will forever be S-Tier to me. It’s a competitive game solely based on who has better aim, cutting out the middle man like most games. Though old, the graphics and maps are very stunning and iconic. This game is not for everyone because it’s hard to master the different weapons, a lot of the players are top tier, and the game sadly isn’t very popular anymore, so consider all when buying.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Quake Live™ on Steam

Ultra Street Fighter® IV

Ultra Street Fighter® IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV is not a game for everyone . It is a very hard game. A hundred hours is the basic . Always people say you need to know combos No!

What You Need To Know This Game

+Basic Elements

+Game Systems



+Save/not save combos/moves For example Heavy/Ex Shuryuken is not save

What i like in ultra street fighter 4 is W-Ultra is the big standout here, giving you access to both of your characters ultra combos instead of one or the other.

Neither will do as much damage, but the utility it provides is almost irresistible for characters like Dudley for instance, whose Ultra 1

Real player with 817.8 hrs in game

USFIV is currently one of the most balanced 1 on 1 2D fighting games with a good fighting system, good amount of characters, moves and game modes. SFIV is a 2D fighting game like most of the previous Street Fighter iterations. It has various characters which increases the chance of some that may catch your fancy. There is even more characters in this ultra edition which is an upgrade to previous SFIV versions. Fighting speed in general is normal compared to other 2D fighters which leaves a good open window for command inputs in-between. This PC version have a decent system settings and controllers compatibility other than x-input (xbox 360/one based) devices and keyboards. For all characters the fighting system has 6 main buttons, blocks are done by holding back, standing, crouching and jumping attacks, throws, dashes, wakeup delay, characters get stunned after certain amount of attacks taken, a 2 stage charge attack (called focus) for each character which strength varies by the duration pressed, characters have special moves and there is extra bar (called super) which has 4 stages (bars) and can be used for having ex version of some specials by using one bar and a super which consumes all 4 bars, there is finishing move bar (called ultra) and each character has 2 ultras which can be selected individually or together, focus then dashing can be used to link some attacks (called focus cancel) and can be used to cancel an active attack for defense and backing up. Attacks are categorized into high, medium, low, overhead, throws, some characters has command throws also and fully charged focus is unblockable. All non-normal attacks will chip the health bar when blocked and can finish a round. All characters have taunts which can be disabled before matches. Arcade mode acts like story mode with few (1 or more) still images with narration as prologue and a small animated clip as epilogue with rival battles before the boss battle that has special before and in match dialogue. There is versus mode for local or computer battles and also there is computer versus computer matches. Training mode is on normal quality with ability to record actions for the dummy and can be locally controlled or computer controlled and all bars are modifiable, there is challenge mode which is a series of combos for each characters. Online multiplayer is decent now but with less players than the consoles versions as there is no cross platform multiplayer, all online battles have voice chat, there is ranked battles, online training, room battles and tournament like rooms with one active match at a time and all can be open invitation to all or friend invitations and in rooms you can set the number of slots for which type. Online battle can be selected to start and halt current offline matches when found, this applies to arcade and training modes. Online and versus matches replays can be saved although in limited amount and you can watch some matches for high ranking players and some recent replays for others all can be viewed by region or characters. There is a ranking system for your overall points and your character points. You can be unique online by having an icon, a title and a vs screen message and all are pre made. There is different customs for each character and a lot of them are unfortunately available as DLC.

Real player with 170.1 hrs in game

Ultra Street Fighter® IV on Steam