The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

I’m writing this review mostly to provide an alternative perspective to other negative reviews. Not that they are wrong, but I think that when approaching a narrative game like this it is important to recognise that other views are possible.

My overall impression at this stage (up to episode 4) is that this game is still very much in the same league as its two predecessors. This is because I feel that the plot, characters and decisions are all engaging and interesting. If you approach the story and the new characters with an open mind, and don’t expect it to be another instalment of “The Adventures of Clementine”, then I think it’s fairly easy to become invested in the decisions which you need to make. I certainly didn’t find it any easier to make most of the major decisions in this game than either of the others. All of them made me think about the impact that they would have on what would happen and how others would perceive me.

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Episodic Zombies Games.

Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Luke, Jane, Duck, Omid, AJ, Christa…

The ghosts of the past meet again

Where do I even start ?

I absolutely love the game and preordered it a long time ago, as I did with every season of The Walking Dead since I discovered what a beautiful masterpiece the first part was.

The story is as gripping and thrilling as ever - the characters are believeable and alive, you genuinly attach to them and feel towards them ; whether it’s love, sympathy, pity or hate. The choices are moving and unbelievably important irrelevant. The music is top notch, the world, the ever present feeling is danger, the constant threat and worrying about psychological state, food, ammo, dangers both from the outisde and from the inside. All those things make you contemplate on the whole point of living in a world like this, and answer one, crucial question ;

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier on Steam

ARIDA: Backland’s Awakening

ARIDA: Backland’s Awakening


Review in english first, portuguese below

Análise em inglês primeiro, e em português abaixo



Árida is a very regionalist game about the worst period of drought in northeastern Brazil in the region known as “Caatinga” (blacklands). It is a short semi-linear exploration and survival game, with cartoonish aesthetics that resemble drawings from that place and age (“literatura de cordel”) in sharp contrast against the looming sense of dread that permeates the entire game - you see death everywhere, the Sun quickly exhausts your thirst and hunger bars, specially at noon.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Episodic Beautiful Games.

Esse jogo brasileiro de sucesso se passa nos arredores de Canudos, na Bahia. É um jogo de sobrevivência e de ficção que retrata esse contexto histórico em que muitos brasileiros do sertão nordestino acabam migrando na época de seca intensa de terra árida para sobreviver. Com a protagonista não é diferente, e com ela você experiencia um pouco de como essas pessoas lutam para sobreviver a esse ambiente e você encara junto com ela a jornada de ir até Canudos encontrar seus pais e buscar uma vida nova.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

ARIDA: Backland's Awakening on Steam

The Walking Dead: Season Two

The Walking Dead: Season Two

I will be the first to admit that when I beat The Walking Dead: Season 1, I not only cried, but I cried like a baby. The story, setting, and, most importantly, the characters all pulled me into this world where no one is truly safe, and your decisions matter and go beyond the “choice 1 = good-but-risky, choice 2 = evil-but-conserative” trope. So when Season 2 was announced, I was eager to get my hands on it. Now, ten months have passed and the season is over, ending with “Episode 5: No Going Back”. Was it amazing, and how did it stack against Season 1?

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Episodic Zombies Games.

A stirring and well-acted journey, Season Two of The Walking Dead may not deliver the breakthrough experience of the first season, yet it retains the emotional punch that makes this undertaking just as heartfelt and gut-wrenching as we all so fondly remember. Each episode builds upon the last, and we open with the slightly older and more experienced Clementine being once again ripped from the last vestige of Season One’s survivors. These initial scenes, when Clementine is truly at her most vulnerable, allow new characters and personalities to fill the void, and they are definitely a step up from those that we have love and lost before.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

The Walking Dead: Season Two on Steam

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

TellTale’s gem. Too bad the company was shut down mid production of Season 4. Anyway, I 100% recommend this series to all. Pro tip, buy the definitive edition to access all seasons in 1 big game. It’s the biggest bang for your buck :)

Real player with 1745.2 hrs in game

Bloody solid game best way to start a off a great game.

Real player with 45.6 hrs in game

The Walking Dead on Steam

Resident Evil Revelations 2

Resident Evil Revelations 2

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Review

You are in for one hell of a night!

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Episodic play style

  2. Claire and Barry are Back

  3. New game mechanics

  4. Character Swap

  5. New enemy types

  6. Assistive Co-op

Gameplay & Controls:

Big Brother, Resident Evil! You awake to find yourself trapped, there are camera’s everywhere and a strange host… The staff are all a new breed of Zombies and there are some new BOW supervisors… The goal; survive this new hell, when all is set against you!

Real player with 521.7 hrs in game

Episodic game: DLC content and price

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is a game that consists of 4 episodes. Each episode contains 2 campaign missions and a number of raid mode missions.

The Steam Store page you’re looking at, and more importantly the low price you see there, is for episode 1 of the game only. You need to buy the other 3 episodes as DLC. On top of that, there’s another 19 DLC:

  • 2 extra ‘episodes’ that aren’t worthy of the name as they are very short and add little story and almost no other content, so definitely not worth the price of €4.99 each in my opinion

Real player with 407.6 hrs in game

Resident Evil Revelations 2 on Steam

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

“Who put Bella in the Wych Elm?”

~The unknown individual

To be honest, I didn’t really plan to write this review. I mean… what is there to say? It’s the second game in Supermassive’s horror anthology (a series of short spooky stories told in “choose your own adventure” way with some QTE elements) and I already wrote detailed review of Man of Medan (which was the first one), so, like I said, what else is there to say? Surprisingly, it turned out that, even though the core mechanics here is almost identical to what we’ve seen in Man of Medan, the actual storytelling, the structure of the game is pretty different and it does make it to feel… well… different. So… here goes.

Real player with 52.1 hrs in game

“Little Hope” is one of the few cinematic, story driven games that are better played with a friend than alone and this is why I bought it. Unfortunately Supermassive Games let us down once more. We tried it a dozen of times, but just like their previous title the online coop is full of glitches, infinite loading screens and corrupted save files that didn’t let us finish the game. One year later they don’t even bother solving the problems and patching the game. Two years later they haven’t patched “Man of Medan” either. The single player is decent but nothing special. Cool story and atmosphere but definitely a step backward compared to “Man of Medan” as of the gameplay, decisions making and sceneries design. You can try couch coop though.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope on Steam

The Walking Dead: The Final Season

The Walking Dead: The Final Season

I wouldn’t give up on this game yet, TLT are not completely done. They have just received donation and they could get back on their feet. Not to mention the return of the Final season to stores. You just gotta have a little faith and not panic like everyone else ;)

So far, the first episode was pretty cool, it’s great to play as Clementine again in role as a protector of the young boy AJ. Feels like deja vu, but it’s completly different. You will get to meet new characters and new place. Final season comes with new stuff like:Secret achievements, collective items, but quiete interesting change is that you got camera from the right shoulder with free movenent, Just like in LIS.

Real player with 142.0 hrs in game

Rest in Peace, Telltale Games

(UPDATE) Episode 3: Broken Toys will release on January 15th 2019.

(UPDATE 2) On January 15th they released Episode 3 and on the 26th of March, Episode 4 released, the season overall is one of the best out of all the games, especially Episode 3 which was easily the best episode since Season 2, Episode 4 has a very cliche ending that you cant change though which brings the story impact down by quite a bit, the whole objective is to raise the kid that Clementine has devoted her life to protecting by making choices that will determine the way he is. Kill someone as to protect AJ from becoming a psychopath, or spare them but run the risk of them coming back and killing or damaging your friends. But this entire part of the game doesn’t matter by the 1 hour long epilogue, in the end they completely disregard all of your choices and in the end no matter what everybody’s AJ will be exactly the same with minor altercations depending on dialogue choices you made. But the attack or spare choices (the big ones) don’t have an effect on the ending, Season 4 has 1 ending while Season 1 had 2 and Season 2 had 4, but your choices still do matter when it comes to lives and protecting people, there’s a scene in the game which I will avoid entirely spoiling but depending on which character is with you at a certain moment the other one will be seriously injured more so than any other TWD game. They had guts and didn’t pull any punches in Episode 3 but then chickened out of multiple endings and made the ending completely fan service. Overall though I thoroughly recommend this season and it’s definitely worth a buy, the only downside is that it’s no longer on Steam and has been moved to the Epic store, if you own a console then buy it on there, (Switch, PS4, XB1) but if not you can try to find a key for steam if you don’t want to use Epic, I also believe it may be on GoG but I haven’t checked.

Real player with 46.8 hrs in game

The Walking Dead: The Final Season on Steam

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries

TellTale keep surfing on the wave of interactive stories with QTE sequences. While the previous The Walking Dead games were using characters that weren’t from the comic (apart for Hersel and Glenn in the first episode), this mini-serie is focused on one of the most beloved and strong women from the comic (and TV series), Michonne.

Michonne is the machete/katana master and also one of the most trustful for Rick Grimes. She lost her family but kept going on. However, while she suffered from some tortures and rape, we never saw her being on the edge because of her children. It’s after the two years gap, after the war with the Saviors, that we discover a more fragile Michonne, that left Ezechiel, Rick and Alexandria behind to regroup herself. We know that Michonne has a strong friendship with people of her groups (Rick, Andrea, Eugene and the rest), which means that we don’t have to worry about her being at their side in the upcoming fight against the Whisperers.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

The recipe is getting old, and as Telltale doesn’t improve themselves in any way, it’s becoming hard to justify playing these games as opposed to watching a let’s play of it.

Choices don’t make much of a difference, and since Michonne is a well-established character, with her own distinct personality, some choices can just feel character-breaking. The fans know who Michonne is and what to expect from her!

As for the story itself? Nothing you haven’t seen before in the previous episodes. Even the characters feel like clones of characters you have seen before, but with a different skin-job. I know that this is the zombie apocalypse, but if you cannot do something fresh with this narrative, why don’t you just stop milking this cow?

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries on Steam

ARIDA 2: Rise of the Brave

ARIDA 2: Rise of the Brave

Overcome the challenges of the drought to survive this nineteenth-century Brazilian backlands walking trip.

Cícera continues her journey in this single-player that combines elements of survival and adventure. Gather resources, build utensils, learn tools, and interact with other backlands travelers. Be strong. Have faith and wisdom to explore the aridest regions and discover clues that point the way to a very special settlement.


Ready for the night

The day and night cycle adds greater provisioning needs. When the sunlight is gone, new threats will emerge. And new guides too!

Accompanied on the journey

A lonely trip in the backlands can be very dangerous. Stay tuned for the challenges you meet, maybe you can find someone (or something) who will serve as a companion.

Equipped for adventure

The challenges of the backlands require equipment. Use the machete and hoe for vital actions such as getting water, cutting paths or cutting a cornstalk. But don’t forget to have a handful of stones as blind equipment is of no use!

Recipes to practice

Living in the backlands requires a science of its own. The fauna and flora are unique, so try to learn the recipes available for crafting with the typical items of the region.

Interact to survive

Hunger and thirst can be quite cruel in the backlands in times of drought. Interact with the other characters you met to solve quests and learn new strategies for getting water and food.

Explore to know

Explore the arid regions to learn more about the backlands and find the resources you need to stay upright. A full inventory is always a good thing!

Stories to learn

The backlands is a special place, with unique stories that would only happen there. Venture to find the lost objects and find out more about the backlands legends.

ARIDA 2: Rise of the Brave on Steam

Survivor Jones

Survivor Jones

Go Jonesy, go!

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

I died from a snake

I died from an orge orgy

I upgraded my character

I got a bit further

I missed the crocodile when jumping over the river and got a bit wet (…spoiler I died)

Difficulty: 11/10

Replay-ability: Hell yes!!

Fun: I cancelled my Netflix subscription

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Survivor Jones on Steam