Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro is a FMV comedy-thriller game, where the player intervene in radio hosts' adventures in six episode. The game is playing in the same universe like The Shapeshifting Detective from the same developer.

I bought the game at the first place, because I really liked The Shapeshifting Detective.

Sound and music is most likely the brightest part of the game. Especially the main menu theme, but all of the songs are really good. Other sound and voices are really good in the game, has good quality in my opinion. In the last episodes, one of the actress voice was low, but that’s all really.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Episodic Cinematic Games.

The Infectious, Shapeshifting Madness of D’Avekki Studios!

(The infectious madness I’m currently enduring is that of COVID symptomatology, so please forgive anything that doesn’t quite make sense!)

I think I love it.

The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker had a huge impact on me. A fact poor D’Avekki Studios will have already been well exposed to if they caught any glimpse of my Shapeshifting Detective review. Where it really separated itself from all other FMV games then and since is that it was effectively one-on-one campfire storytelling. Patients were constricted to lounging on a central sofa as they beguiled you with outlandish stories against a superbly crafted atmosphere. Your imagination was put to work, but with the FMV visuals lending it all more credibility. Nothing else is quite like it and thus quite matches it (the closest perhaps being Her Story). I’ve been eargerly awaiting anything D’Avekki ever since.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro on Steam

Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why

Title is an Overrated Backstreet Boys Song But The Game Is Not!

We all had that moment when we saw the title of this game and sang that song in our heads. It deserves a better title imo and I stand by that. So this game is the pinnacle of pride month for June 2021. So I am extremely thankful for the Devs for providing like literally the whole game for free. Short story goes that the game is very atmospheric, not much puzzle invested and emotionally can be terrifying. It is by the devs of Life is Strange, so I did compare or was going to compare as soon as I installed the game. The two are very different in terms of atmosphere and the creativity. I feel like this game is more of a statement than an actual game. Common factor on both games is that protagonists in both games share an abnormal power of no origin.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Episodic Walking Simulator Games.

Tell me why the music is no good in this game?

Tell Me Why is a new game from DontNod studio behind such masterpiece as Life is Strange and other good games such as Vampyr or Remember Me. Well this is not Life is Strange. I loved both LiS games they made and I liked this one. It’s a good game, just not as good as both LiS games.

The game is about twins and the mystery behind their mother. One of the siblings killed the mother and other one took the blame. After years of separation they finally meet again and go to the old house wanting to tidy up it up a bit and get some stuff before selling it. But suddenly they’re start finding puzzles and secrets their mother left and they start wondering about her past and who their father was.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Tell Me Why on Steam

The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us

I’ve played through this game about 5 times. Each time was fun and engaging. Definitely recommend!

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Episodic Noir Games.

A therapeutical game about Big B and his inner restraints holding him from killing everyone in this annoying town.

Snow white? More like hope she dead tonight!

Faith kinda kewl tho, “he’s not as bad as he seems 3”


Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

The Wolf Among Us on Steam



It was definetly a new experience.

The start narration felt like torture to me thats why I always interupted it.

The second part was very intuitive and even though one doesnt know what to do or what is happening it becomes clear pretty fast. It would be nice if we would get to see more changes on the planet though. One tree - that you just see if you zoom out - and a few clouds is not that exciting.

There where drones to send out but they never reported a find.

On the station the time is always running out too fast. Only once I had more time after a choice put me into a slow motion state where time moved slower and even though I was moving slower too I could explore much more.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Transcender is something special, unique and all of its own. While, I’ve done several playthroughs, I still don’t really know what the hell I experienced. This is an awe and thought inspiring interactive experience with heavy artistic elements and nods to Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (you can even see a beacon, in the AI warehouse, that is modelled after Hal) while still remaining very original. After a few runs, I do think this chapter could’ve been expanded on slightly overall but it far exceeded my initial expectations and I think Aldo Jeffrey will have some very interesting stories to tell going forward.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Transcender on Steam

Symploke: Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 1)

Symploke: Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 1)

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Primero, debo de decir que estoy genuina mente impresionado. No soy Español; por lo que no tenía idea el alcance de la filosofía del señor Bueno en España, pensé que era más bien algo de culto y que los profesores y alumnos y alguna gente de hispanoamérica conocía el materialismo filosófico solamente. Por eso no esperaba un juego. El humor también es muy sutil, y me gusta la mezcla de la estética de los comics antiguos como Mortadeo y Filemón. También la crítica a las universidades españolas no esta demás.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Symploke: Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 1) on Steam

Tales from the Borderlands

Tales from the Borderlands

Wow…. just wow. This game is a must buy!

Let me start out by saying that I’ve never played a Borderlands game before this one. If you are new to the Borderlands universe, no worries. Tales From The Borderlands is able to introduce you to the world without needing any prior knowledge of the original games. Technically this game takes place after Borderlands 2, but it is summarized perfectly and requires no further knowledge then what they explain to you.

In TFTB, you play two different characters (Rhys and Fiona) as they recap the story of their adventure. Like most other Telltale games, Tales plays out like an interactive adventure, with dialogue options and choices sprinkled in.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

I guess there’s a lot to say about the game but I’ll keep it short for ya’ll. If you really want to read some in-depth critisism you can check out the lower part the review. If you just want to know if this game is good for you, just read the short COOL-list up here.


  • Tales really captures the Borderlands' iconic mix of action and humour.

  • Dialogue is quite solid, be it in a serious or humorous scene. Has it’s off-moments though, but that’s to be expected when…

  • …You have about 10 hours of story going on. Quite a long journey with lots of twists and turns.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Tales from the Borderlands on Steam

Elo Hell

Elo Hell

Part choice VN, Part BA without the MO, other minigames thrown in. The voice acting and humour are on point, the story and gameplay surprisingly work well together. An interesting blend of genres.


Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

This game is not at all like it is advertised. I go into it expecting a break and just clicking through what I assume to be an interesting story. Sadly what is it really, a dead moba that you can’t play because youre waiting on someone else to join.



Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Elo Hell on Steam

Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Life is Strange: Before the Storm


The review you are about to read is based on my own experience with the game and my own personal judgment and rating system! No third party has impacted anything said in this review. This review is also 100% spoiler free, so you don’t need to worry about that either.

Gameplay and Movement Controls (17 out of 20)

Everyone pretty sure expected the classic gameplay from the first game. ‘Before the Storm’ is based on the Unity Engine. Deck Nine had to re-do the gameplay aspect for this game. I must admit that I was very used gameplay feeling from the start, not that it’s that much different but still it is. Overal mouse control is pretty weird I have to admit. It feels like the mouse is working flawlessly sometimes and sometimes it just doesn’t register the movement right away. Which is later followed by half a second delay to anything you do with your mouse in terms of camera movement. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the engine itself or the developer set it that way on purpose, but since almost all games that are based on the Unity engine have had the same input delay issue of some sort for me in the past, I doubt it. It is not a game-breaking thing, but sometimes it can just be frustrating while moving the camera around.

Real player with 57.1 hrs in game

More reviews on our Curator Page

Before the Storm is the prequel to the award-winning and highly claimed Life is Strange , one of the best Point & Clicks ever made. Is this complementary release as fulfilling and ground-breaker as the original? For fans, absolutely!

I find it hard to believe someone would be picking up Life is Strange: Before the Storm without first going through the original game. With that said, Before the Storm pretty much follows the steps of Chloe’s friendship with Rachel and their mischievous adventures.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Life is Strange: Before the Storm on Steam

Startup Valley Adventure

Startup Valley Adventure

A very cool game! Allows you to plunge into the atmosphere of business and companies. Well-thought-out dialogues like the open world. Recommend!

P.S. Hopefully the design will improve the graphics a bit.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

A very unique project. A kind of visual novel, but with a gameplay with humor, references, parody, with excellent dialogues, variability and vitality. “Your decisions are your consequences!” this is really about this game, I liked that you can learn from a homeless person in the game, humor is certainly not for everyone, but I went. The gameplay is certainly dry, and sometimes there are softlocks, but in General, the game is worth it so that you can close your eyes to it.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Startup Valley Adventure on Steam

The Walking Dead: Season Two

The Walking Dead: Season Two

I will be the first to admit that when I beat The Walking Dead: Season 1, I not only cried, but I cried like a baby. The story, setting, and, most importantly, the characters all pulled me into this world where no one is truly safe, and your decisions matter and go beyond the “choice 1 = good-but-risky, choice 2 = evil-but-conserative” trope. So when Season 2 was announced, I was eager to get my hands on it. Now, ten months have passed and the season is over, ending with “Episode 5: No Going Back”. Was it amazing, and how did it stack against Season 1?

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

A stirring and well-acted journey, Season Two of The Walking Dead may not deliver the breakthrough experience of the first season, yet it retains the emotional punch that makes this undertaking just as heartfelt and gut-wrenching as we all so fondly remember. Each episode builds upon the last, and we open with the slightly older and more experienced Clementine being once again ripped from the last vestige of Season One’s survivors. These initial scenes, when Clementine is truly at her most vulnerable, allow new characters and personalities to fill the void, and they are definitely a step up from those that we have love and lost before.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

The Walking Dead: Season Two on Steam