Conscious Existence - A Journey Within

Conscious Existence - A Journey Within

This is something that I honestly think everyone should see - pick a reason. But a few suggestions: 1. This thing is VERY system intensive. I have a 9900K system with 32gb RAM, a RTX2080Ti Founders ed., and m.2 nvme primary drives. I didn’t install this on a primary drive, I put it on a slower external as I do for new things. Well, the slow drive alone was enough to make this experience clip and stall on me, badly enough that I stopped it part of the way in as it ruins the experience utterly. (@dev, I sure hope there is some additional work that can be done on the buffering?) This means if you have an SSD, put it there or risk stutter and stalls, which ruin it frankly. 2. Put away the bitter sarcasms and stresses of the day before you experience this, and commit to just be open and present. The author is clearly trying to make a statement, but that statement may not be for everyone. Nor does it need to be. This is a beautiful experience in imagery, message, and sound (I am not sure what kind of headphones some reviewers are using, but my audio was extremely clear and full spectrum) I certainly would have a hard time thinking of a better way to practice being present, listening, and letting go of the cynical side for a few minutes than this. 3. I would suggest that you watch this while alone, and only so that you can react open and honestly to it and not react how others might expect of you. @Dev as others have suggested tweaks for replayability would be a nice add. I can think of several guided meditations that would fit beautifully and it should be relatively inexpensive to sound-engineer someone in to read. That is, If you are open to increasing your target objectives a bit (but I think, in doing so you would be promoting the spirit of the intent anyway)

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Epic Atmospheric Games.

I’m rather PISSED OFF I did not experience this on the index. The audio alone would of tested the index spatial performance to the max.

Imagine dying and coming back to life and then appreciating your room. YOUR ROOM! A feeling enhanced by Infinity! That feeling! The production crew managed to pull that out of me. I appreciated life, looking at the sky, the sun, the ground, the trees. Even an ANT I observed under a magnifying glass. It’s like all your senses melted into one neural pulse. This is how I felt after I came back from death. And after the high, I am now feeling normalized and I validated my existence now and for ever more.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Conscious Existence - A Journey Within on Steam

Epic Loon

Epic Loon

What a crazy awesome game !!

Random thoughts :

  • Weird parody universe that made us binge-play until all was unlocked

  • Flappy tongued diplodocuses. Very tongued. Very very flappy.

  • The soundtrack is incredible !! :3 meow

  • If you finish a level first, you get a physics gun to troll the other players. That the best part !!

  • Or you can just self-explode and mess the physics for others ^^

  • Overall, it’s an addictive physics game with a steady learning curve. Quite difficult at first, and rewarding when you get better at it !

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Epic Funny Games.

Epic Loon:

I am one of those people you would call a movie buff. I love watching movies and series, and I have a tendency to collect French movies (especially the ones from the 60’s, 70’s and 90’s). So, I was totally amazed when I was introduced to Joe, from Epic Loon. This guy has an incredible collection of VHS movies and his bedroom walls are decorated with posters with thousands of VHS tapes. A perfect setup for any movie fan! Joe shared with me an amazing story that happened to him recently. His beloved VHS player start malfunctioning, and in desperation, he ran to the hardware corner shop to see if he could find any sort of instrument that would help fix his VHS player. There, the Chinese owner told him about this miracle tape cleaner that would make his VHS player work again. What the owner specifically forgot to mention is that the VHS tape cleaner was a prison for four little aliens, and from now on he has to watch his favourite movies with these little buggers moving from one scene to the next. Welcome to Epic Loon!

*– [Real player with 7.7 hrs in game](*
