

Already play this and try to get different ending. But i have no clue to unlocked 1 image from the gallery, choosing different answer, mostly don’t make any different on npc response and what happen next.

The art is good, it could be scarier and more disturbing. how the story shows the mind of the girl is great, but somehow it’s just reading, there’s no certain option in the game that can make player more understand the reason behind why her mind like that or at least understand how that way of thinking make sense. like when i play this, i just read the anxiety. the story doesn’t drag me to feel the emotion.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Fishing Games.

It was…okay. It is very short. Is it supposed to have multiple endings? I played through once, and then did so again making the opposite choices. Same ending. Oh well.

It’ll take you less than 30 minutes. It isn’t bad…it just isn’t great either. I personally felt the storyline was a bit lacking, but maybe I was expecting more. The art is good and it doesn’t take long to go through, so give it a try.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

fishy on Steam

Deep Abyss

Deep Abyss

Deep Abyss is composed of independent chapters, connected as one structure.

  • It has a unique Control that seems unfamiliar yet simple to get used to.

  • Explore the deep sea and space yourself as a diver. Swim through strange yet beautiful backgrounds and music. It will give you a new gaming experience that you have not felt in other games.

  • The story progresses in the form of poetry rather than a linear composition. It is a game resembling a small painting where you can achieve poetic and artistic sensibility.

Read More: Best Emotional Surreal Games.

Deep Abyss on Steam




Aquadine is a story about friendship, family, finding hope in the hard times, and most of all, the secrets we keep and the manifold chaos they sometimes bring on us if we don’t reveal them to the right people, or if we don’t have said people in our lives. The store page description tells you that at least the main character of the story is hiding a big secret, but beware! He’s far from being the only person in this town with secrets! This VN is mostly billed as a comedy, but it really brings a roller coaster of emotions. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will probably gasp at multiple points. Aquadine is also a kinetic novel of sorts, which honestly is usually a turn-off for me because it usually means that you, the player, have no control over the direction and outcome of the story, and you are placing yourself solely in the hands of the writers and hanging on for the ride. This is probably also the reason why the game has no achievements, and why it has been so unjustly overlooked. But let me say a few things about why I think that was a good move for this game, and why I think that makes it better than the average VN. First, you won’t have to spend a long time with this game re-doing old parts of the story trying new decisions to try to get different endings. You just read through all the routes and you’re done. Second, you just read that right. Even though it’s a kinetic novel, there are still multiple routes! Once you finish the opening common route of the story, you will reach a character select screen that presents you with 4 routes, each of which focuses on the given character and imagines how things might go if Robin were to enter into a closer relationship with that character. Only one of these routes is canon (you’ll see), but they all serve to give you a lot of background info on those characters, and are where most of the world-building happens. And when you finish all 4, a new option will appear on the main menu, which is the final route to the true ending. Third, the ability to focus on telling the story the way they wanted to in each route, while not having to allow for different combinations of decisions, allowed this developer to create a story that was more consistently high quality than any of the indie VNs I have played before. So you won’t have to worry about parts of the story being given less attention or not being paced well. During my time with Aquadine, I went from seeing it’s potential but being skeptical, to seeing it come closer to my expectations, to having every expectation far surpassed in every way, to even being left speechless by the quality of parts of the story. I know you won’t be disappointed either.

! Actually, there is one thing I was disappointed by, and it’s the fact that I have some unanswered questions after the true ending. Maybe they’re leaving the door open for a sequel? I can only hope so.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Anime Games.

After finishing Aquadine I can say with the utmost sincerity: It’s not getting the award for Sound Design.

A long gameplay later I managed to finish the game, I had fun for about half the time while the rest felt either disappointing or not that much engaging. Unfortunately more things in this game drag it down than elevate. Sound side of this is pretty poor, voiced lines get irritating pretty fast (I wish Grandpa would just shut up) while background sound at times is just too loud (Elisabeth bike ride hurt my ears). Music was average but I played without any sound with my own music in the background, thanks to the game’s overall sound design that did not encourage listening to it. In the graphics department the game looks quite beautiful but I do wish it offered more “places to visit” because at times it really undermines the story (with Cameron route for example). I would take the voice budget and put it into more graphics and add more characters (Cameron route could use a few more visible characters). At different times we will see full-screen static images, those are well done.

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

Aquadine on Steam

Fish. Love. Danger.

Fish. Love. Danger.

A cute arcade game about a fish in love.

There are a lot of interesting things in this little game:

  • a kind story about love and courage

  • hand-drawn graphics

  • nice animation

  • hard puzzles

  • simple mouse control

Good luck!

Fish. Love. Danger. on Steam

FREEDIVER: Triton Down

FREEDIVER: Triton Down

I loved my experience with this. This form of locomotion is not only my favorite attempt at swimming in VR, but one of my favorite general loco implementation in general. Fully immersive simulation of everything that you’re doing, from the arm motions, ascending and descending to the visible body and its no-latency calibration, everything felt spot on and I can only hope to see this emulated in other VR titles involving swimming in the future.

Also great atmosphere and a gripping narrative, both for the intense urgency of a survival situation and

! the mystery of an alien encounter . I thought that urgency could have been a little more underlined by greater difficulty.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Freediver: Triton Down….Hell, I don’t know why anybody’d want to be a Navy diver.

Freediver: Triton Down is a tense, diving simulator where your trapped on a sinking ship trying to survive with nothing, but your wits and the random oxygen tanks scattered throughout the ship.

I’m giving this a game a MARGINAL recommendation. I enjoyed this game in concept more than what it actually is. I’ve always enjoyed those movies where a person or group of survivors is trapped and has to use their wits and skills to survive. This game tries to emulate that, but doesn’t quite stick the landing.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

FREEDIVER: Triton Down on Steam

Coral Quest

Coral Quest

Very simplistic game that was obviously designed for phones. A 3rd person runner game where you move your fish on a 3x3 grid collecting shiny objects while avoiding obstacles. Cosmetics are unlocked along the way while you also accumulate currency that can be used to purchase additional characters or accessories.

A cups-and-balls game is presented between levels to win additional currency, as well as almost depressing facts about plastic pollution.

There is some variety in the level design with new environments and obstacles, but it does start to feel like a grind pretty quickly. A nice game to play while listening to music or a podcast.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Game is simple but cute. Young children will probably enjoy the game and the ability to change what fish they are.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Coral Quest on Steam



“Drop” is hardly a game at all… so calling it a game it is a bit offensive to other games out there.

And saying that it is a “story told purely through animation” when the game do not have any story to tell, and even say that it is going to tell this story without sound or script" is boldly, even cocky…

What I believe that the developer meant to say the following: “I have no clue what I want to do, I have no idea for a story and I am going to say that not having sound nor a script to follow it is work as intended…”

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Drop is a nice little pixel, indie looking game. It’s not a very long game either, just something that you can play in a quick session. I know that it seems that I’m beating the game up with the following criticisms but they are not game breaking, nor do they ruin the game by any means. They’re simply things I, PERSONALLY didn’t like about this game. Saying all this, I still played and appreciated this game :)

At first, it was difficult to work out what to do, as there is no text or sound to the game. It’s not until you play around with the buttons and take notice of the changes in your environment that you understand what to do. I honestly was going to just stop playing because I thought “is this it? Wander around 3 screens?” until I saw a change (by chance) and that lightbulb went off!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Drop on Steam