Edge Of Eternity

Edge Of Eternity

First of all I would like to say that I am really enjoying this game and would definitely recommend it, I haven’t found a turn based RPG in absolutely ages that I have really enjoyed and usually end up going back to old favourites like FF7.

There are a lot of really good things about this game and I am very surprised that a small team has made a game of such quality, I am 27 hours into it now and I haven’t really encountered any bugs that I am aware of. Nino Kuni 2 was made by a big team and 2 years after it’s release the bugs have not been fixed and at certain points the game is unplayable. No such issues with this game, there are a few small moments where I have experienced a very minor amount of lag but that could just be down to me having everything set to maximum settings to play the game in the best possible quality.

Real player with 56.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Anime Games.

Let’s keep this short.

The size of the studio, technical qualities of the game or the budged are completely IRRELEVANT to the negative score.

What is arguably the most important part of a RPG?

Story and characters.

Decent characters (some are actually damn good), absolutely UNSATISFYING story.

A lot of great ideas are introduced, none are explored. AT ALL.

There are so many cut corners that you could build another whole table with them.

All the interesting stuff is thrown away to prop up the most cookie cutter, bland, generic, uninspired part of any story.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

Edge Of Eternity on Steam

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars

Voice of Cards was a game I was either grinning at or holding back tears with. All your party members are, as the narrator puts it, colorful characters, and they get to express their personalities frequently through the random events you bump into while traveling. Who will you choose to break down this door? The big muscle guy is the obvious choice, but maybe you should ask the magician… basically, it’s fun to pick the wrong answer, and you’re never really punished for it. Much!

Gameplay is a lot more straightforward than you might think, with the tabletop/card aesthetic the game has going on. Anyone familiar with typical turn-based RPGs will be fine, and it’s not a terribly difficult game to begin with. This is your cue to pick your favorites and just do whatever!

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Deckbuilding Games.

When I picked this game up I was expecting another wild ride from Yoko-taro; This is not that. I am fairly certain that Square Enix just slapped his name all over the marketing for this game as a marketing ploy, and it sure got me.

However, it is a nice experience in it’s own right. Maybe not worth 30 dollars/euro/whatever, but servicable for what it is. I found myself having a good time, enjoying the gameplay and characters.

The game shines in characters and their dynamics together. The mix of main characters make up a fairly unique roster, from the money-driven self proclaimed “hero” to the muscle-man nutritionist, you’ll be hard pressed to find a character you don’t like. The character writing at work here is definitely up to square enix standards!

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars on Steam




There’s seemingly a fairly appealing JRPG (this one is Korean, btw) beneath all the weird presentation peculiarities - like the cumbersome interface design and the unorthodox way the game runs and plays from a tech standpoint. Definitely not for everyone. Suggested for the technically inclined and geekily adventurous gamer, perhaps of the older crowd, who would not be averse to enduring some technical hurdles and the uncoordinated confusion (gameplay-wise) that is at least the initial part of the game as the player is getting up to speed with game mechanics.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Indie Games.

This game is a sin against god.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game




I’ve done a lot of thinking about this, and having played through the entire story I can safely give my judgement: This is not a good game. It’s adequate, at best.

Sure there is some stuff to like in here, but overall I found it severely lacking. Here’s my nearly free/ only minor spoiler review:

First of all, the writing and characters are absolutely atrocious. If I’m playing any sort of RPG, I want to be invested in who I’m controlling. In this game, every character hits an archetype from the moment you meet them and doesn’t grow at all through the course of the game. This doesn’t hold true for two of the characters: Locke and Van. But even in their cases, we all saw their individual plot-lines coming, right? (If I were doing spoilers in this review, there would be an earful here about how increadibly stupid and plothole filled a character Locke is here)

Real player with 85.3 hrs in game

A retro-esque JRPG that brings me back to the days when I had to do all my homework before my parents would let me play my videogame… In fact, Lost Sphear is exactly that, as it refuses to let you enjoy its mechanics until you’ve sat through 30-40 hours of uninspired plot first.

It’s narrowly a “no” from me.

If you like mechanics-heavy ATB-based JRPG combat, there’s a lot to love here. Global modifiers in the form of Artifacts allow you to change the battle mechanics, allowing you to warp them to favor your playstyle and character builds. Your characters start out as fairly cookie-cutter JRPG roles, but Momentum and Sublimation, though poorly-explained, allow you to permanently imprint your characters' skills with unique mechanics-abusing effects. Weapons and armor are modifiable, too, making almost every piece of gear technically viable* in its niche.

Real player with 74.3 hrs in game


Pit of Evil

Pit of Evil

I love this game just wish the grammar was better and that it showed quest information,

Real player with 59.5 hrs in game

Currently playing the game and just have joined this project as a betatester.

I play the German version of the game and compared to another betatest this game has really few gamebreaking bugs.

Image and sound bugs can easily circumvented by copying a similar named file, pasting and renaming it in the same folder. For the current version I only had to do this twice!

But there are many, many passability gliches, mostly in the forests and hills with different planes.

The riddles are really innovative and medium to hard to solve. Their difficulty increases during the game.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Pit of Evil on Steam

Grimm’s Hollow

Grimm’s Hollow

I hold this game in as high esteem as games such as Undertale and Oneshot.

It would be a mistake to dismiss this game, as I once did.

This game made me really care about it. It’s one of those games where the writing, music, graphics, and gameplay all work together to give life to the characters within it. Even though the setting takes place in a small area (comprising of 2 buildings, 3 caves, and a bake stand), it still feels like an entire world that had a past from before you started playing and a future that unfolds after you stop playing. Every part of the game serves towards this purpose. The developer took the time and effort to make sure every small, nuanced detail felt right. Whether it’s a quirky little animation, the presence (or absence) of circumstance-fitting music, or the sound effects that make every footstep and enemy strike sound just right, this game does a phenomenal job making sure that every contributes an immersive experience. You’re not interacting with a piece of software, you’re interacting with a world.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

I’m writing this review after I beat the first boss and had tea with Grimm, so some of my concerns might change as I continue playing.

TL;DR: I really like this game and obviously a lot of effort went into it! It’s fun, it’s cute, could use some Quality Of Life changes

and some balancing, but overall is a good game thusfar! (Likes and Dislikes about the game, as well as bugs are listed below)

Things I liked:

The game’s artstyle is adorable! Everything from the well-written dialogue to the way the characters move, to even their sprites can all be summed up to be cute! 10/10 in terms of the cuteness!

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Grimm's Hollow on Steam



I fell in love with this game. It’s cute, it’s emotional - a slightly more colourful and bright version of the Darkest Dungeon - here also your heroes can get hurt and die in a fight, so you need to be careful.

There is a lot of possibility to customize your characters - you can make them the way you want, customize each character’s looks, clothing colours and name. There is the mechanics of progress for your characters - their skills and gear - but also for your enemies, who get gradually stronger during each campaign!

Real player with 93.5 hrs in game

It’s like lovingly crafting dnd characters and then setting them loose like Sims to do quests, socialize, and die in horribly unpredictable ways.

In a particularly hairy situation my novice tank lost a leg and had to withdraw and I was left with one experienced mage, two apprentice mages and a new hunter. The wise elder mage and hunter were pinned by two gigantic automatons which had barreled through them, nearly killing the hunter and pinning the mage to a wall. Meanwhile my other two mages faced an onslaught of weaker mechs being churned out by another bot. My hunter entered grayplane and hid in the back of the room they had been jettisoned into. The pinned mage was, luckily, a stone mage that gained armor by interfusing with stone objects and was able to fend off attacks whilst whiltling down the automatons health enough for the hunter to bring them down. Meanwhile the nature and fire mage were working in tandem to block the onslaught of mechs with a wall of foliage that would then be set ablaze. The stone mage rallied and soon they were pushing a wall of debris and fire toward the last automaton as it feverishly churned bots into the ever-encompassing flames.

Real player with 63.5 hrs in game

Wildermyth on Steam

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

The title says MH Stories well i should note there is not much story going on in this game, but that is to be expected from capcom and a monster hunter game!

the gameplay is amazing. its unique and really fun weather you’re fighting or exploring.

i really enjoyed the rock,paper,scissor style for the battles and how the animations worked to really show that style!

so many cool monsters and most of them can be obtained as monsties! hey you monster hunter fans out there who want to mount your favorite monster when they wont try to knock you off, get this game right now cause thats what you’re about to do here!

Real player with 477.3 hrs in game

Really enjoyed the game, its a bit grindy and my only concern is the lobby for co op missions which rarely find people to play with, so i end up doing solo.

Real player with 114.6 hrs in game

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin on Steam