A Forever Solitude

A Forever Solitude

An emotional and psychological story of survival, fear, solitude, love, life and purpose. Solve puzzles, unlock mysteries, and determine your fate. Played in the Third Person in a Zero-G environment. With a cinematic score. High quality voice acting. A story over 10 years in the making. From solo developer, David Fazzio.

This game builds upon the success of David’s debut game, The Companion . This game has a strong focus on Story and Narrative and is accompanied with striking visuals and artistic style. This follow-up game will layer in more gameplay components such as puzzles, mystery and survival. Play in a brutal, yet beautiful, sci-fi environment.

  • A game of survival, and the will to survive.

  • A branching storyline that can change based on previous decisions.

  • Solve puzzles and unravel mysteries.

  • A Punishing environment with numerous death scenarios.

  • Featuring a beautiful soundtrack and high quality voice acting

  • Zero-G movement.

In search for the next hospitable planet, a group of humans embark on a 200 year voyage to another galaxy. Their bodies rest in stasis as the AI controlled vessel makes its long journey. During the voyage the vessel is struck by debris.

There is catastrophic damage to the vessel. The areas hit are sealed off and the vessel continues onward. However, the full effects of the devastation have not yet been fully realized.

Years later your cryo-chamber succumbs and you are jolted awake from your stasis. You are injured, cold, and alone. You have been awakened… A lifetime too soon.

Can you survive? Will you?

The content and trailer currently displayed have been through 5 months of solo development. This story was conjured up over 10 years ago as a potential short film project. Transitioning this story into a game only made sense and will allow for much more freedom. I am excited to explore Zero-G movement, the sci-fi genre, and space environments.

With the recent advances in technology, now independent and solo developers have so much more resources and power at their disposal. I feel confident I can output a very high quality product to accompany this story. In the past year we’ve been introduced to Unreal Engine 5 and Metahumans, both technologies I intend to take full advantage of.

My first game, The Companion, took 10 months of development. I intend for this project to take a bit longer to develop. This project has many more demands that will elongate development. I will strive to release development updates throughout the duration of this project. Stay updated by joining my Discord and following my other social media channels.

If you made it this far, Thank you 3

Read More: Best Emotional Narration Games.

A Forever Solitude on Steam

Find the Letter H

Find the Letter H

I believe I am quite capable at finding a specific letter in the alphabet.

Real player with 1818.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Indie Games.

Have you ever wanted to find the letter H?


Then, why are you here?

For everyone else, I highly recommend this game!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Find the Letter H on Steam

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Gorgeous prehistoric animal designs ! It’s good to see proper paleoart in a game that isn’t a walking simulator for once.

The dog was kind of annoying, but thankfully not for long ;^)

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Dinosaurs Games.

This review was made after completing the Beta.

Even at this stage Dino Hazard shows a lot of potential. The games setting and story are so far very interesting and while not 100% original, the more derivative elements are used in the best possible way rather then as a crutch. Do not be turned off by the games retro aesthetic, it’s very fun and runs smoothly. In fact it I rate it far more highly then maybe 99% of the Dinosaur games on steam.

This is a retro style rpg, you have the ability to explore an open world plus interior areas (which in themselves are pretty big) collecting items and solving puzzles. The enemies in this game are vary varied, including not just dinosaurs but a whole host of prehistoric life from multiple eras as well as several types of robot. The combat is turn based, in the same vain as EarthBound. Your characters are not visible on screen and the enemy sprites are static. When you attack sometimes an animation such as hand swinging a knife will appear, as a nice touch the weapon in the characters hand will change depending on what has been equipped. Despite combat’s simple animation, things can still get very tense and you will have to learn your enemies weaknesses in order to make things easier. Some aspects of combat are rather simple, others are a bit more complex but it’s not that hard to figure out. My one and only complain is that enemy attack turns can go by very quickly, making it a bit confusing as to what happened, but to balance that out not once did I feel things were being unfair.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout on Steam

Shelter 3

Shelter 3

Shelter 3 disappointed my beginning expectations at first, but it’s growing on me.

Let me start out by saying I am a major Might and Delight fan, but more specifically their Shelter series. Although I have mixed opinions with Shelter 1 as it’s a linear and less of an exploration game, the connection between all of the badger offspring and the mother I was playing as was beautifully done. That same aspect goes to Shelter 2, which is significantly better than it’s original, Shelter 1. It allowed a more open and free world than it’s previous game, and the connection between the children as they grew up was more emotional, especially when they leave. I also enjoyed how they allowed various skin patterns and the ability to play as a surviving offspring to continue the legacy of the family.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Update 1: So I’ve played this game for another hour, and the experience is still painful. Glitches continue to be rampant and punishing: at one point, I was unable to nurse my starving calf and restarted the game; somehow this made it so that my herd was starving and I had to go out of my way to find trees; thus taking much more time that could have been spent moving forward. I just stopped playing now because I thought I was going the right way (again), but now I’m lost and the idea of walking around in circles pointlessly is absolutely crushing. In a game where your modus operandi is to move from one place to another, the movement should be fun. It’s not fun. That’s… pretty pathetic.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Shelter 3 on Steam



I lost my mother when i was 12 years old. I didn’t believe when I first saw her on her bed with white liquid in her mouth. I felt something strong, like a hypocrit feeling, the same you feel in the nightmare. All my body was like into a nightmare. I tell her to wake up, her eyes were all open, not moving, her body was only moved by me trying to shake her saying again and again wake up. In an instant I remembered I had this feeling, it could be with my unknown father I lost when I was 5 years old. I call the strongest I can my big brother, I saw his eyes changing, we could see each others like in a mirror, impossible to understand what is happening. He reacted the same as me, calling her, trying to wake up her. Nothing. He called the firefighters and everyone of my family, in the meantime I tried to wake up my mother but nothing. I was blank but had hope while waiting the firefighters. When I saw them I was enlighted, finally I could finally see my mother moving by herself and talking. I heard many noises in her room, like trying multiple things on her, I had big hopes. They got out of her room, her faces couldn’t be capable to see throught us, they couldn’t say a word, we knew. I cried the most I can, my brother was destroyed, trying not to cry. My family came. Everyone was shocked, I never saw my grandpa like that. I could not believe what was happening, all of it really seemed like a nightmare. I knew my birthday will coming soon, I talked about it instead, like not knowing what was happening. I was petrified. Couldn’t define reality.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

This is basically not a videogame.

The artstyle is nice, and the environments are fun to look at. But none of your actions matter at all.

From the first or second level, it becomes obvious that each baby badger dies in each level, there is nothing you can do to avoid that. The game sets up an obstacle that can kill the badger (it uses the bird about 3 times), then you carefully go through each obstacle, trying to keep them safe, and finding food along the way (incredibly easy to find food).

But, oh how convienent, the last obstacle is always a sudden increase in distance. That next bush you have to hide in is suddenly much further away than all the previous ones, and the bird’s new flying pattern happens to be much smaller and closer than before. And of course after losing one baby, the game turns off the threat for the rest of the level. So I quickly didn’t care about the babies, if my gfoal is to dsave them and I actually CANNOT do that, then why should I care about trying. The art and sound is really nice, and its such a waste because I really would’ve cared about the babies if this wasn’t secretly one long cutscene.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Shelter on Steam

Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game

Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game

Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game is a historically-grounded fantasy homesteading game about finding your way after loss. Accompany the Callahan Siblings, Shane and Áine, as they learn to cope in the wake of the complete upset of their lives - journey through magic, intrigue and small-town politics to resolve the sudden appearance of dangerous, magical beasts.

Release plan : Beta test early development [✓] – 2-3 hour demo of game so far [✓] – Interactions on feedback from the demo [] – Early Access version [] – Full Game []

Farm, Forage, & Hunt to Survive

Living in the desert isn’t easy, but the magical abilities that force the protagonists to isolate themselves also helps them make the most of the environment. Farm, forage, and hunt to scrape by in the sparse desert of Eastern Oregon.

Unravel a Mystery

Guide Shane and Áine through the twists and turns of their search for answers about the monster attacks that threaten their fragile livelihood. Where will this undertaking lead these unlikely adventurers?

Forge Relationships

Survival isn’t just about finding food and shelter. It’s also about making life worth living. The support and attention of loved ones, romantic and otherwise, will bolster your spirit and give you strength.

Fight & Prevail

A homesteader isn’t usually well-equipped for armed struggle, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with your sibling to defend your homestead against magical monsters.

Cook & Craft

Frontier cuisine is more about filling bellies than making an impression - scrape together what you can to conquer scarcity. Overcome challenges with tools and handicrafts that you create.

Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game on Steam

CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience

CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience

There isn’t much to say about how I ran into CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience beyond noticing it while browsing the store, thinking it may make for a peculiar experience since the concept seemed promising as well as the fact I could run it, and finally buying it once I had the spare money for it.

While the game struck me as a side-scrolling visual novel of sorts at first, it doesn’t take long to find out about its management and rogue-like elements, which end up being the most notorious. The premise is simple: you’ll play as a homeless person and your goal is to escape that destiny, which you’ll do by obtaining a job and saving up some money to rent your own place.

Real player with 51.8 hrs in game

I thought this was a pretty neat little game and with a good amount of time sinked into it I can say that it is for sure worth it for the experiences.

There are a few things that I want to make notice and bring attention to


It seems like an almost useless thing to have. It’s like it gives you maybe one good night event but nothing really important. The three homeless people walking the street won’t get mad at you for begging near you I think. And you can get perks at the park with high enough reputation but by that time I’m usually only missing one perk spot or I already have them all already. It’s cool to be considered more liked by other homeless, but it doesn’t seem to have any real benefits that help.

Real player with 45.8 hrs in game

CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience on Steam

This War of Mine

This War of Mine

I really love this game! I waited a long time to play it but it was worth the wait! The game is hard as h*ll I have played and lost more times then I can count but I finally made it to the end the other night I was shocked and disappointed because I had no clue that it would end that quick! I was not happy about that at all but in general I really love this game. The makers of this game did a great job!

Real player with 259.0 hrs in game

This War Of Mine ..

what an extraordinary experience i went through !!

it’s a simulation to the reality that i lived in RL !!

at the start there’s a sign says " F The War "

totally F war and all who agreed to end people’s lives !

we’ve lost many people neighbors friends family’s members even !!!

man there are too many families vanished from the existing !!

it’s not a game to have fun with !! it’s a phase that you test yourself that :

" what kind of human you are ? "

Every soul matter .

in addition i recommend you all to buy the " charity DLC " to support war children .

Real player with 129.0 hrs in game

This War of Mine on Steam

Lost in Red Valley

Lost in Red Valley

Review written 10/16/2021

In Early Access

Lost in Red Valley shows the bones needed to become an enjoyable game:

The environment is well created. I’ve discovered many beautiful views and locations I wish to build my base of operations. Locations are varied and distinct using both the environment and objects placed in locations.

The weather effects are simple, but well done. Light rain, rain with and without fog, heavy rain, heavy thunderstorms, and snow. My favorite is heavy thunderstorms at night. The lighting effects from the lightning is based on the origin point. This causes lighting effects to come around objects in the environment (hills, valleys, mountains, statues). This includes the “god rays” lighting effects.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Seems like the dev is lost in Red Valley too…

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Lost in Red Valley on Steam



This game is beautiful, sweet and absolutely adorable! But there were too many drawbacks keeping me from actually enjoying it.

This game might be more aptly titled “Lost in the Woods Simulator 2016”. The dizzying watercolors of the environment mixed with similar-themed areas make it very difficult to find your way. There is a ‘sense’ mode where you can sniff to try and find your mother, and sometimes her paw prints will appear in a trail, showing you the way. My issue with this was that 1) these hints didn’t appear often enough for me and 2) when they did appear, it was extremely difficult to tell which way they were leading. I spent way too much time just walking around in circles, trying to find my way.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

I had loved the first and second games, and I also decided to get this game. From the trailers, I decided it was a game where you played as a lynx cub, stayed with your family, escaped danger, and grow up and leave your mother. Then you would survive on your own, find a mate, and leave them to raise your family. Then you would have to play Shelter 2. I was so wrong. Below is the story, which I recommend not reading for the game is best going in blind.

! In Paws you play as a lynx cub, with you lynx family. Any new player would immediatly get attached with their family, for you play around with your siblings and follow your mother. After sleeping on the second day, you wake up near dawn to see your mother walking away from the den. You follow your mother up a hill and see a star. After looking at the star for a while, it floats into the sky. Then you and your mother go to sleep.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Paws on Steam