Dobo’s Heroes

Dobo’s Heroes

Great platform game. It took me a while to get used to the controls, but then I got the hang of it. I recommend.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Philosophical Games.

I really liked this game, it has a very interesting challenge level and an incredible art direction.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Dobo's Heroes on Steam

Faded Grey

Faded Grey

Firstly, I didn’t realize this was a short promo game (that’s on me, of course, since I usually don’t read the game info before playing games). However, it still was a decent enough promo game. It definitely made me want to know more of the story. The story itself in this promo game was very brief (which is expected). The graphics are decent enough, I suppose. I did expect horror based from the user tags (which are always a hit or miss), but there isn’t any real horror, just a bit of suspense and dark themes (or a hint of a dark theme that involves possible

! incest/pedophilia, rather). So, definitely hope the next game lives up to the hype this game created.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Dark Games.

This was a rather short game with beautiful graphics (hello? that flooring?). I didn’t understand any of it when I began. I purposely played this game without even looking at the description because I wanted to see how I’d feel while playing it. I felt extremely weirded out by all the bunnies, and skeptical of the casserole. All in all, it was short and interesting despite it’s simple controls and minimal dialogue. It seriously left me craving more of this story. I feel like the more I learned, the more I needed to know.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Faded Grey on Steam



I was absolutely, completely certain that I had already written a review about this game..

Every review talks about Kant, but I don’t even know who he is, so let’s get to the other aspects.. ahah

The game itself sells at 2,50€, at least in the Euro zone, and actually it’s quite a high price for such a short game. It can be long and a little bit frustrating if you want to achieve every ending and explore every dialogue, but nothing more than two hours overall.. from my achievements' page you can see that it took my around 80-90 minutes to get all the 10 achievements, which aren’t that easy to get actually.. and as before, I was 100% sure that I followed a Steam guide to get the last two achievements but there are no guides as of today O.o Anyways you can figure everything out and look for some threads in the forum or on the Internet :)

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Philosophical Games.

Party for Introverts developed this visual journey (they say before it starts that this is not a game experience but an ‘informative short story’) based upon the German Philosopher Immanuel Kant’s concept known as ‘Thing-in-Itself’.

What is the ‘Thing-in-Itself’? Kant theorised that material objects don’t exist in the way we see them, instead we use our own viewpoint to shape our perspective of the object.

The ‘journey’ starts off sharing this idea during a bedtime chat between Molly & Ted where Molly uses the theory to explain why they disliked the music at a party yet everyone else enjoyed it. What follows afterwards is shown from Ted’s perspectives.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Thing-in-Itself on Steam

Echoed Memories

Echoed Memories

It’s a great game with lovable characters and a fun, yet very emotional story. There are many accessability options to keep the game available to a wide audience. There is a also a difficulty setting for hard, normal, and casual - with casual making the game VERY easy if you are only interested in story and don’t really want to fight a lot of difficult battles.

Overall, Echo607 has knocked another great game out of the park, and I highly recommend this game for any RPG Lovers. Don’t expect another Final Fantasy clone. It’s so much deeper than that. Also flirting, lots and lots of flirting.

Real player with 80.5 hrs in game

It was a joy to play through this adventure. It was such a satisfying conclusion to an adventure that was years in the making. Especially for someone who has been following the development of both games for years. Congratulations Echo for completing the story you wanted to tell!

Real player with 62.9 hrs in game

Echoed Memories on Steam

梦乡 The Dreamcatcher

梦乡 The Dreamcatcher

This game is a bit hard to follow in terms of story, BUT - the story that I interpreted was a well-crafted one. If you are looking at this game as a horror game, I suggest you stop looking. This isn’t a game to expect to piss your pants on. The story is fairly linear from what I have gathered, although there was one part of the game that I never got to explore near the end. The graphics are plenty good, and considering this is the only game I even know of that came from this developer, I give it a 7/10

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

I think the game’s a bit monotonous and hard to understand.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

梦乡 The Dreamcatcher on Steam



Eliza is an insightful experimental visual novel that revolves around the life of Evelyn Ishino-Aubrey and her interaction with a digital therapy service. Evelyn, returning to the world after a three-year depression fog, doesn’t feel invested in much of anything that she does. She wants to reboot herself, she tries in different ways but she fails. As part of re-entry to society, she takes a job at Skhanda as a proxy for Eliza, a therapy service that’s powered by an artificial intelligence.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

For the first two hours this game had me thinking it’d be one of the all-time greats. By the time the credits rolled, it ended up still being great but not without flaws. It’s absolutely worth playing, and I’d recommend it to pretty much everyone as an almost must-play, but the story and its lack of interest in adequately exploring the many big ideas that were presented early on left me just a little bit disappointed.

Those first few hours saw the game flirting with issues such as the gig-economy and the McDonaldization of formerly professional jobs as a means of generating cheaper labour. These topics were cleverly commented upon through the interface and theme of the mental health app - “Eliza”. These game-play sections see the player occupy the role of an unqualified therapist instructed what to say and do by a smartphone application named “Eliza” that’s hailed to be the the latest and greatest form of psychological care. This painted a pretty grim and all too plausible picture of mental health-care as imagined by tech companies and technocrats of today. The problems of crunch and abusive work practices within contemporary corporate culture were also interesting topics to see explored. I especially liked the blatant hypocrisy of these supposed corporate pioneers advocating for these new mental health treatment practices (and a freer market for them to operate under) while treating their staff like crap and (spoilers) literally working them to death under the guise of this martyrdom being for the greater good.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Eliza on Steam

Sentenced VR

Sentenced VR

I gives it a thumbs up, but im going to be kinda neutral.

The stories trough the game where good and at some points you hesitated if you where doing the right thing or not.

The controllers are kinda clunky, it crashed ones for me, and one time the game frooze durring the beheading and the sword flew out of my hand and hitting one of the guardes.

I can have indulgence with that, as it is a indie game and all, it is not really for the gameplay / action you play this game ether. Maybe it can be pathed to work better, I dont know?

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Sentenced VR is a approx. 1 hour long VR Story experience where you step into the shoes of a public executioner in early times europe.

You get sworn in by the local beadle to do the bidding of the lords of the land just like your father had done.

“The lords prosecute, I execute.”

The game presents you with a variety of different executions of criminals that you’ll have to conduct. It will give you an insight into what was even punishable by death back then and will throw some moral dilemas compared to modern moral standards at you. Will you keep your oath or will you seek your own justice?

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Sentenced VR on Steam

Nebula Within

Nebula Within

A life philosophy ruminating, fast-paced, geometric twin stick shooter made by the human, Nick Oueijan. Allow me to maybe put it a bit differently, one man’s escape from the black hole life tends to create for a lot of us at some point and a vessel that helped him break free from his own personal one.

Despite only using geometry shapes, the game’s visuals are very well done. Sharp, colourful geometry on a black background with tiny white, swirling stars makes for some good contrast and individual shapes stand out nicely. Game menus and selection are awesomely done, allowing you to pilot your ship and shoot to select individual options which are represented by different drawings. Even looking through your collected mantras is done by turning the pages with your ship.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

A Bird’s Eye View Curator 🦜


Fair warning at the start, the developer has been very kind to reach out to me as a Curator to leave a review for this game and despite me being extremely thankful that they did, this review is and will stay my personal honest opinion of the game. P.S. Considering the game this review might be a bit more of a ‘deepdive’ than normal.

Nebula Within is an Asteroids style game with a focus on zenning out and just enjoying the game and yourself with an overarching theme of motivation and relaxation.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Nebula Within on Steam

Still There

Still There

Still There – An Existential Space Adventure

Still There is a unique game in that it combines various elements successfully without sacrificing the quality of any single thing. The puzzles are varied, interesting, sometimes infuriating and always satisfying yet the simplification option means that the meaningful narrative isn’t barricaded behind a difficulty wall and players aren’t prevented from experiencing the culmination of the storyline’s various threads and miss the ending. This shows respect for player choice but also places equal importance on both of the main aspects of the game, reiterating that it is a narrative-driven, puzzle game and not just one or the other.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

More interesting reviews on Fenol Baron Approves Curator Page

Without exaggeration and long conversations, this game is brilliant. I can’t even make many comparisons to her, the closest thing is the 2009 «Moon» with Sam Rockwell. The ideal atmosphere of cosmic loneliness, feelings of one’s own imperfection in front of the impassive thousands of shining starry eyes, tearing oneself away from mother Earth into infinite space. After a personal terrible tragedy, the Earth became too big for the protagonist, and he locked himself in a cage both inside and out, becoming a caretaker of a cosmic lighthouse, dangling somewhere in the endless waters of a vacuum. Gorky, the endlessly chatting cynical computer, and the silent iguana became his only companions here, somehow somehow postponing the final fall into the depths of madness. Well, the routine of maintenance of the lighthouse, which is so complicated that a brief reference on its contents is available on 14 (!) Pages of the manual (and to solve puzzles you will have to read and understand all of them, you can believe me).

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Still There on Steam

The Journey - Episode 1: Whatever This Is

The Journey - Episode 1: Whatever This Is

Secret word: Introspective

Pretty sick!

So, I wanna say I felt like the disclaimer introduction was a bit too long. However, I’m not sure if it prepared me better for the overall experience because the game frankly doesn’t get more complex or engaged than you want it to be. It’s an exercise in… whatever.

It doesn’t shock you by knowing your first name (based on your steam profile). It doesn’t intrude in your beliefs, current interests, or past experiences with similar exercises.

If you’re looking for “gameplay,” this isn’t for you… but it COULD be for you on another day, at another time, or in-between other games.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Code word: Introspective

So, this is highly recommendable. In fact this is the best computer game I have ever played. While I do like all of the games of the company, I love this one. I did not only buy it, but also send it to a friend as a present. Actually considering sending it to a few other friends/family members as well. This is awesome!

Why I think this is amazing:

  • The game makes me think and analyse. Two things I love to do.

  • It made me see the world in a slightly new perspective.

  • Playing this made me feel very good. (Even if that is not the purpose of the game.)

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

The Journey - Episode 1: Whatever This Is on Steam