

Already play this and try to get different ending. But i have no clue to unlocked 1 image from the gallery, choosing different answer, mostly don’t make any different on npc response and what happen next.

The art is good, it could be scarier and more disturbing. how the story shows the mind of the girl is great, but somehow it’s just reading, there’s no certain option in the game that can make player more understand the reason behind why her mind like that or at least understand how that way of thinking make sense. like when i play this, i just read the anxiety. the story doesn’t drag me to feel the emotion.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Underwater Games.

It was…okay. It is very short. Is it supposed to have multiple endings? I played through once, and then did so again making the opposite choices. Same ending. Oh well.

It’ll take you less than 30 minutes. It isn’t bad…it just isn’t great either. I personally felt the storyline was a bit lacking, but maybe I was expecting more. The art is good and it doesn’t take long to go through, so give it a try.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

fishy on Steam

Moonglow Bay

Moonglow Bay

A really fun and relaxing game.

I’m a bit sad it has such a mixed review score.

There’s not really a big challenge to anything you do ingame, however to me this was perfectly fine.

I wanted to play a really laid back game, which is exactly what Moonglow Bay seemed to be.

And I got even more.

You can just chill, catch a few fish, cook, collect pieces of the story behind your character and the citizens of the bay.

You’ll progress through quite the variety of biomes and there’s lots of interesting fish to find, that all have nice little myths the people of the bay affiliate them with.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Voxel Games.

I really can’t recommend the game in it’s current state. There’s just too many bugs ranging from small visual things to currently unfixable softlocks. I’m currently stuck, unable to progress through a bossfight because it simply won’t continue. I see too many other issues like this in the game’s discord as well. Keyboard support seems like a very last moment addition; on launch, the controls were wonky and you couldn’t even save your game. They updated the controls, but there’s still no way to rebind anything. The game also doesn’t use the mouse, which is strange for a game with analog input in sections. I really wish this game had had some sort of early access/open beta period to iron out the more obvious and game-breaking issues before launch.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Moonglow Bay on Steam

Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan

Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan

Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan is a pacifist, pokemon-esque game with visuals inspired by old rubber hose cartoons and/or Cuphead. I would recommend playing with a controller.

The game was very fun and easy to play, the game also offers varying difficulty settings to make it easier if need be. I really enjoyed the battle system and the creature collection. For how few levels there are, there are quite a few creatures to befriend. Each of the creatures have two designs, one black and white and one in colour. I like the edgy look of the black and white designs better personally, but the colour designs look alright. You can level up your creatures only twice, but each creature has a backstory that’s revealed through levelling up, so there is a bit of content in those two level ups.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Indie Games.

The adventures of Rainbow Brilly… sorry, I mean Billy, is one that very few people can’t relate to in some way. Whether it be from the semi-nostalgic art style, being a mixture of Paper Mario’s style and a lot of classic 2.5D games, or the various mini-games that count as “actions” for you to find, it’s hard to deny that this Rainbow has a color for everyone, even if it doesn’t seem quite in your spectrum.

For the positives of this game, I’d commend it’s simple, yet still interactive style of puzzles and encounters or “confrontations” as they’re called. Your objective in almost every fight is to color your opposition’s world; and I said opposition instead of opponent because there’s not really that many characters that are outright antagonistic as their point. They’re trouble souls, just like you, and your way of combating their gray outlook on life is to talk to them and use the support of your other friends and /their/ other friends to help them realize that there’s more to life than just one shade.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan on Steam



To preface this; The overwhelmingly positive rating the game has is justified, and it is worth every cent of full retail price. Do not wait for a sale, buy it now. (Especially fellow Linux users. They gave us Tux, give em bux.) – However, when something is so desperately close to perfection, the more cutting you find its flaws. With this particular game they ascend to being truly egregious. In the beginning I wanted to love the game, but I couldn’t. By the end, I wanted to hate the game, but also couldn’t.

Real player with 91.7 hrs in game

Spiritfarer is what I would categorize as a game that shouldn’t exist, but it does.

This is not a negative category, to clarify; “a game that shouldn’t exist” is meant convey a sort of bewilderment, a sense of “how is this possible?”, a real struggle to maintain one’s generally pessimistic worldview in the shadow of an surprisingly positive gameplay experience (especially ironic given that this pessimism nearly prevented me from playing entirely, my working assumption being that all the positivity in the steam reviews was a sort of emotional naivety, akin to the devotion people seem to have to the Ori series [there are reviews that describe having experienced tears within the first ten minutes of Ori and The Blind Forest; the first ten minutes of Ori brought me nothing but an exhausted sense of overt manipulation {this is just to give you a sense of my preferences, my argument is not “The Ori Series is bad”, but rather “If Ori didn’t really work for you, this isn’t in the same vein, and is not worth writing off in the way that I would have initially”.}.].). The bewilderment comes down to methodology, as this is a product that gambles everything on being both deeply sincere and incredibly transparent; you guide characters to their deaths, that is your job, it’s what this game wears on its sleeve, you will do things for these characters and naturally get attached to them via a completely transparent gameplay loop of tending to these characters' needs and whims (as they tend to yours), and then the game will delete them, over and over. This is a game whose central gameplay loop is playing with Old Yeller, then watching Old Yeller die, over and over again, and it tells you this, from the beginning. There are no plot twists, there isn’t even much of an overarching plot at all; the closest you’ll get to a traditional “narrative reveal” is a late game scene that provides some context for the main character’s life, but this changes little about your interaction with the spirits.

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

Spiritfarer® on Steam

Koboo: The Tree Spirit

Koboo: The Tree Spirit

#### 🔗 Discord Server Link

Recruit a unique combination of Spirit Animals giving you a fresh set of abilities each run and acquire the right upgrades to help you defend against a specific human faction.

Befriend animals, go friendly fishing, take care of plants in the forest to unlock new Spirit Animals and upgrades making every run feel fresh and rewarding you after each run so you don’t have to worry about lost runs.

Koboo can dash to dodge enemy attacks, hit enemies' weak spots for bonus damage, throw sharp leaves during vulnerable moments, and combo aerial attacks to stay in the air longer. Mastering all these skills will make defending the forest a breeze.

Unravels the secrets of the mysterious forest and uncover the warring human factions' plans to industrialize the forest.

Koboo: The Tree Spirit is being made with the help of the community so you can follow its development, be a part of testing the game later during its development and talk to me (Jerome) live on Discord. Thank you to those who have already supported Koboo to help make this game possible! ❤

Koboo: The Tree Spirit on Steam

Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2

Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2

This is the fifth (5th) entry in the series and again, it differs enough from the others to make it unique. The basic game play is the same as it is still first person although this time you are a Princess saving the Kingdom and how fun is that! There are a few places to camp, where you may also prepare food (eggs) and a couple of inns where you can sleep for 20 gold per night. There are also eggs to gather as well as roots, mushrooms, crates, barrels and fishes, etc.; however; there ARE limited quantities of each, so there’s lots of strategy involved in how you eat, rest, sell, and buy your way through the game, which I absolutely love, because you can play it differently each time. It’s choc-a-block full of fighting, so potions of every type are needed, but don’t make too many at a time and have them left over, cause no one buys the potions - only the ingredients - but (yeah for us OCD’ers) there are buyers for “almost” everything else. It’s truly another home run for this team and I’ll be playing it several times because I found it to be a such a great challenge! Well done, Lonely Troops!

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

I love this series of games and this is a solid addition. Almost everything you liked in the other games will be there, but almost everything you didn’t like will be there too. You’ll see some familiar faces as you work your way through a cute story.

These could be pros or cons depending on what you like so this list is more “Things to note”:

  • This is the sort of game that you can make a spreadsheet for. I listed out who bought and sold what and how much profit you’ll get by doing buying/crafting/selling loops.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2 on Steam



“Drop” is hardly a game at all… so calling it a game it is a bit offensive to other games out there.

And saying that it is a “story told purely through animation” when the game do not have any story to tell, and even say that it is going to tell this story without sound or script" is boldly, even cocky…

What I believe that the developer meant to say the following: “I have no clue what I want to do, I have no idea for a story and I am going to say that not having sound nor a script to follow it is work as intended…”

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Drop is a nice little pixel, indie looking game. It’s not a very long game either, just something that you can play in a quick session. I know that it seems that I’m beating the game up with the following criticisms but they are not game breaking, nor do they ruin the game by any means. They’re simply things I, PERSONALLY didn’t like about this game. Saying all this, I still played and appreciated this game :)

At first, it was difficult to work out what to do, as there is no text or sound to the game. It’s not until you play around with the buttons and take notice of the changes in your environment that you understand what to do. I honestly was going to just stop playing because I thought “is this it? Wander around 3 screens?” until I saw a change (by chance) and that lightbulb went off!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Drop on Steam



extremely relaxing and fun, and it’s kind of like or but with sharks and it’s single player.

don’t buy it expecting some sort of action packed shark game full of blood and murder and then leave a bad review because it’s not your type, instead, buy maneater if you want action.

there’s basically nothing wrong with the game when it comes to glitches or bugs and it’s genuinely just enjoyable.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

My 2 cents on how ‘Shoal’ game goes:

You start as a shark, you eat other fish to complete missions and get to the next day, every 10 days you have a boss fight. A specific fish and all other sharks will give you points, you can use these points to purchase other shark skins (I still have some doubts whether or not you get different perks/flaws depending on which shark you use, they are cool nevertheless).

You die if a bigger shark catches you or you deplete energy, which regenerates if you keep eating.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Shoal on Steam