Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Gorgeous prehistoric animal designs ! It’s good to see proper paleoart in a game that isn’t a walking simulator for once.

The dog was kind of annoying, but thankfully not for long ;^)

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Survival Games.

This review was made after completing the Beta.

Even at this stage Dino Hazard shows a lot of potential. The games setting and story are so far very interesting and while not 100% original, the more derivative elements are used in the best possible way rather then as a crutch. Do not be turned off by the games retro aesthetic, it’s very fun and runs smoothly. In fact it I rate it far more highly then maybe 99% of the Dinosaur games on steam.

This is a retro style rpg, you have the ability to explore an open world plus interior areas (which in themselves are pretty big) collecting items and solving puzzles. The enemies in this game are vary varied, including not just dinosaurs but a whole host of prehistoric life from multiple eras as well as several types of robot. The combat is turn based, in the same vain as EarthBound. Your characters are not visible on screen and the enemy sprites are static. When you attack sometimes an animation such as hand swinging a knife will appear, as a nice touch the weapon in the characters hand will change depending on what has been equipped. Despite combat’s simple animation, things can still get very tense and you will have to learn your enemies weaknesses in order to make things easier. Some aspects of combat are rather simple, others are a bit more complex but it’s not that hard to figure out. My one and only complain is that enemy attack turns can go by very quickly, making it a bit confusing as to what happened, but to balance that out not once did I feel things were being unfair.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons!

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons!

I do so enjoy these quirky little stories! Oh and I totally am not even slightly biased at all about the cast of this one all being dragons ; p

What can I say if you have played any of the games by Stegalosaurus and enjoyed them, this one will bring you more of what you have enjoyed in the past. Humor? Check! Strange unexpected plot twists? Check! The option to take things seriously and try to make the right choices, or say to Hades and blow it all up on purpose? You bet! Opportunities to meddle in other peoples lives and relationships, while pointedly ignoring your own? lol of course! hmmmm here’s a new one, love triangle???? Well some one does mention the idea…. But I havnt found it yet (although the two who “play” brother and sister would really make for an incredibly confusing one! lmao I can see it now….. but yeah that doesnt happen).

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Fantasy Games.

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons! on Steam

World for Two

World for Two

the game is absolutely beautifull, the audio and the video. if you care about lore this is something for you for sure. 10/10

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Emotional Post-apocalyptic Games.

8/10 - Great value for money if bought & overall a very pleasant, relaxing experience.

This game was truly an enjoyable time. I’ve not completed the game fully but I have gathered the main aspect and the majority of what I needed to do. If I’m guessing, you’ll get about 6-8 hours of gameplay overall before “finishing” this game.

You’re using DNA to create lifeforms and reviving the world, essentially. It’s a very cute, relaxing indie game and the soundtracks are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Absolutely over the moon.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

World for Two on Steam