Distant Memoraĵo

Distant Memoraĵo

I can’t say it’s the best among all the Yuri game i have played, but it is indeed the mostly anticipated. The characters are so cute.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Education LGBTQ Games.

Distant Memoraĵo presents a dramatic story between Rin and Ruka and a heart-warming past between Ruka and Rei. The beautiful element of The Expression Amrilato series in its narrative is the language barrier that exists to separate Rin from Ruka while highlighting Rin’s homesickness from time to time. Although, you might feel disappointed with the lack of Juliamo lessons which has been one of the main features of the previous installment. Nevertheless, Distant Memoraĵo has beautifully emphasized Rin and Rei’s emotions by putting Ruka as their common interests.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Distant Memoraĵo on Steam

Frog’s Princess

Frog’s Princess

great game, very emotional plot made me cry. ive been depressed for days after finishing this game :(

very well made 10/10 made me laugh a lot too :)

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Education Female Protagonist Games.

After a troubled launch whereby promised features didn’t work (Text To Speech) meant I, as someone who is visually impaired, coild not use the game. Navigation was impossible.

Finally the issue is resolved and I can finally check out the game.

A game aimed squarely at the younger market telling a tale from both sides of the story. Text To Speech mean the menues are now accessible and the story is fully voiced. Some of the recordings were quieter than others, but overall a reasonable production.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Frog's Princess on Steam

The Hurt in Secret

The Hurt in Secret

Game Info

“The Hurt in Secret” is a visual novel game adapted from true events. Players play the role of a practice teacher with high hopes, and experience the daily life of teachers on campus. At the beginning, players thought they could fulfill the dream of being a teacher. To their surprise, they will accidentally be involved in a troublesome case. As the story progresses , players will face difficult choices and based on every dialogue they choose will affect greatly to the ending of the story. Through playing this game, players can gradually understand what a teacher’s life is like besides teaching. In addition, the players may realize that whether or not they can be the ideal teacher as they wish.

Social Realistic style of Educational Situational Game

“The Hurt in Secret” is different from games full of romantic imagination about campus life or games that accompany students to grow together through games. The style of this game can be said to be too realistic and straight forward to a bit dull. Nevertheless, it pinpoints precisely to all kinds of dilemmas which teachers are dealing with throughout their teaching career. The background of the story is set at the teacher training internship which was practiced by the Teacher Education Act in Taiwan after 2002.The plot of the game is extracted from campus bullying cases that have occurred in recent years. Players will act as a senior student who is participating in the teacher training program. In the game, players have to make decisions based on various limited information that may affect the student’s future and meanwhile the results of their choice may also affect their future teaching career. However, while facing children’s powerlessness, parents' complaints, colleagues' attention, media’s misinterpretation, and senior teachers' high expectations, “choosing” has become a very difficult task.

Players Feedback

A teacher with a counseling profession said: “The length of the game doesn’t last long. The time of the game is about the same as the time I hesitated between each choice while playing with it.”

A current high school teacher, who was formerly a psychological counselor said: “ All practice teachers have to play this game at least once, so they can relate authentically to what it means to teach at school.”

These tedious and monotonous dialogues are teachers’ daily routine. Each and every of your responses is a vivid portrayal of a personal education view.

Attention from Educational Innovation Entrepreneurs

The Education Innovation Alliance called “R.O.L.E” has provided “online simulation scenarios” for educators across the world since 2019. To solve real cases that occurred at school, the organization came up with impromptuly problems solving practice by using real events. Players who participated in this situational simulation once pointed out several problems it were facing. They once expressed their hope that a PC version could be released, so that even if online interaction is not possible for them, they can still enjoy the game alone at home. As a result, Taiwan’s independent game teams “MaouCat studio” and “MuGeNeon” cooperated with the “R.O.L.E” alliance member “Acrossbeavers” to develop this game, and raised funds for development with “Improvpie” and “ACTAsia”. Through this crossover cooperation, the game will be remade into a PC version.

Read More: Best Education Drama Games.

The Hurt in Secret on Steam

Code Romantic

Code Romantic

I am a rank amateur as far as coding goes, so I was excited about the promises this game made at the outset. I didn’t realize it, but I was prepared by previous experiences for there to be a somewhat solid logic problem element, and then a story that was written around the puzzles that, in the end, I probably could have done without.

Code Romantic is not that game! My expectations were blown away and I had a beautiful experience that I think is pretty uncommon: The puzzles served the story, which served the puzzles. I did not prefer one aspect of the game over the other, and in fact they are inextricably linked. So often, I go into games looking to enjoy some puzzles and practically disregard the writing. This game actually made me cry a couple of times.

Real player with 76.3 hrs in game

Disclaimer: I purchased the demo of this game on itch.io but was later asked to test the the final product so my experience was a mix of paid/ free.

Basically this game comes down to - do you want to fall in love while learning to code? For someone like me, who loves romance but also tech and is trying to learn how to code in C### but intimidated- this game is a godsend. No one is creating stuff like this; it is one of a kind. I got to learn to code and read code in the context of a heroic thrilling love story. It is a great mix of challenging with user action and rewarding with story. This game is super fun and fresh. The art and music is fantastic. The story and characters had me swooning, smiling, laughing and gasping like I was a teenager again with a mission, a crush and a bunch of friends and foes.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Code Romantic on Steam

Pumpkin Eater

Pumpkin Eater

Pumpkin Eater provides an engaging and genuinely unnerving story that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. Well written with great art.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I could really go for some pumpkin pie right about now.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Pumpkin Eater on Steam



Best 99 cents I’ve ever spent, like any good English class this game helped me to sleep

Highly recommended to any insomniac out there

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game


Rosy Manga

Rosy Manga

Stars received: 1.6/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.3] Graphics

[0.2] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0.2] Game Content

[0.3] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: several puzzle pictures

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Rosy Manga on Steam

Love Language Japanese

Love Language Japanese

This game is the hub around which all my other Japanese learning resources revolve. I have apps, books, websites, but progressing through Love Language Japanese is my main objective.

! You play the role of a foreign student who lied on his application to get admitted to a prestigious Japanese school. His lie is found out, but they let him stay on the condition that he passes weekly tests. If you fail a single test, you are expelled from the school and it’s game over. Helpful hint: save your game right before each test. That way if you flunk out, you can easily get back to it to retake the test. It’s kind of like a harem game because there is only one other male character. The women at the school make the game fun and interesting. I did fail one test and got expelled. After that I buckled down and studied my other resources, then came back at a save point before the test and passed it. I’m developing a crush on one of the girls. She may be waifu material for me. The lessons are just right: not too hard and not too easy. You do have to be serious about learning Japanese to enjoy this game. I recommend you get supplemental resources to help you learn your hiragana and katakana. There are two things I don’t like: 1) When I go into settings to turn down the background music so I can listen to pronunciation, the change in the setting doesn’t stay. So I have to turn the music down every time I use the program. 2) Everything is timed. That is understandable for tests, but exercises are also timed. That is counterproductive because I need time to figure things out sometimes. Those minuses aside, I highly recommend Love Language Japanese for the serious weeb or learner of Japanese.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Hello Everyone,

This review will be covering developer Papurika Moe’s first published title, “Love Language Japanese”. In this game, players will have the chance to learn the basic aspects of the Hiragana and Katakana writing systems, along with some rudimentary sentence phrases. With that being said, let’s get this review underway. Hope you enjoy

In the words of our best friend Max “Break a Leg”.

Love Language Japanese Is a visual novel style dating simulator that is focused on teaching the player the basic function of the Hiragana and Katakana writing systems. The game does this by enrolling the player into a twelve-week Japanese course where the player will learn the basic Hiragana/Katakana characters and some basic word/phrases in Japanese. During the first three weeks players will learn the 46 Basic Hiragana and Katakana characters; along with their alternate dakuon (20 characters), and handakuon (5 character) forms). To make things simple, you will learn 142 characters by week 3 in the game. From there, the remaining 9 weeks were spent learning numbers, how to tell time, rudimentary sentence congregation, customary pleasantries, how to ask for directions, how to state your likes/dislikes, and how to give a retelling of daily events. The game gives the player several opportunities to practice with the various materials that you learn through out to course of the game, which is always a nice edition to games that focus on teaching the player a new language.

Real player with 80.1 hrs in game

Love Language Japanese on Steam



This is a very moving visual novel that does an excellent job of creating small vignettes, introducing the player to many characters. I really felt how they emphasized the weight of a human life, how much was lost in this horrible attack. It’s very short; I recommend you spend half an hour to play.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

A beautiful way to tell a terrible story. Well done.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

BO020880 on Steam

Good Morning, A.I.

Good Morning, A.I.

“Good Morning, Jude. Initiating calibration on fifth generation human rights.”

Choose your words carefully, the A.I. will cling to each one as you delve deep into politics, economy and morality. Your student’s values and perception will be defined by your discussions with them. You’ll have to resolve apparent contradictions between the answers you’ve given and see the physical manifestation of your powerful learner change in tune with their evolving personality.

“We just need to hold off cyber-attackers for 422 nano-seconds before we can seal access protocols. That’s where you come in.”

Pirates, hackers, anti-AI activists will try to break into the quantum world of paradoxes in which the A.I resides. Design defences to withstand attacks across multiple simulatenous states of existence, using a visual interface looking remarkably similar to a puzzle or tower defense game.

“Heya’ bot-boss. How’s the cutest dystopia-bringer of Western Europe doin’ this mornin’?”

Professional controversy is bound to mingle in your personal life. Choose what friendships you save, who you’ll romantically pursue and how Jude handles the power in their hands. Who will you keep besides you when it all ends?

“In hindsight, it makes sense that we got here. But we didn’t suspect th- Aw, man, reached my word limit for today. We’ll chat again tomorrow if- [User Muted].”

Your decisions can lead to many potential fates for Amsterdam, implemented by the A.I at the end of your tutelage. Multiple playthroughs allow you to explore different relationships and to find over 30 different outcome variations for the city and many more for its characters.

This game is being developed with the support of the Creative Europe Programme - MEDIA

Good Morning, A.I. on Steam