

This game/simulator is incredible and has me hooked. Breathtaking and it really gives me an idea of the scale of our universe. Worth x4 the price in my opinion but must be experienced in VR with a fast computer (mighty GPU) and it is very important to read the manual at the very least and learn the graphics settings and the other facets of this wonderful piece of software before you dive in to get the best experience…

Real player with 82.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Education Early Access Games.

This is a space wallpaper maker! You can take very stunning HD screenshots while exploring an entire universe. I love taking the time to get the perfect shot, adjusting gamma, brightness, the amount of stars you can see, type of lens flare, nebulous, gas giants, black holes! the list goes on and the possibilities are endless, if you are a space nerd get this game…game? it’s kinda a game, you can fly around in a ship too if you wanted and pretend your a space pirate or something.

Real player with 67.8 hrs in game

SpaceEngine on Steam