Automobile Tycoon

Automobile Tycoon

Well… it’s not bad… but it’s not good.

I’ve burned quite a few hours in it, and keep coming back because I’m a car junky, but when I want that fix, I’m more often reaching for Automation, Gear City, or Production Line, and honestly I still prefer running Detroit in DOSBox, which this is supposed to be a spiritual successor of (it doesn’t catch the same magic though)

This is a decent spreadsheet simulator (turn off the inflation, or you’ll spend all your time micromanaging prices because costs spiral quickly but there’s no option to scale the selling price with inflation) but it isn’t really a car game. You could replace the products you’re making with just about anything, and change the R&D tree. Feels like it was built to be modular but then didn’t take off so they didn’t push it out with other assets.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Capitalism Games.

It is an enjoyable game. It provides different starting conditions which provide longevity. The drawback is that it does not provide clear cut challenges and it feels more like a big sandbox, which should explain some of the earlier bad critics. If you have no need for step by step challenges (like objectives or do this and that), you will find this a very nice game.

I personally dislike these step-based gameplay, where the game leads you through specific paths. so this game is my piece of cake.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Automobile Tycoon on Steam



For a game that is only £13.49, you can’t argue with the amount of packed content for price. After paying this fee, I expected the game to be sluggish, boring, and lacking of content (bought as I was bored looking for a new game) but boy was I wrong… 933 hours play time, 56,388km (35,037 miles) of track laid, 102 lines created, 358 trains purchased later, I was able to create approximately 85-90% of the entire UK rail network, and I’m still building it 6 months later!! It has simply been an IMMENSE project that has completely submerged me with my free time.

Real player with 1075.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Politics Games.

This is a game for a very specific audience. In the real world, I’m a transportation planner, and I’m that audience.

It’s simple and so complex. Lines on a map. These are train lines. But it uses a real world map and if you know anything about building infrastructure, then you know you can’t just point a train line from point A to point B and call it a day. (Actually you can, in tunnels, but that gets very expensive! If you don’t start with sandbox mode, you’re not building any subways from the start.) Surface lines have to be bridged over streets (game does that automatically) and viaducted over large bodies of water.

Real player with 549.9 hrs in game

NIMBY Rails on Steam

Transport INC

Transport INC

Disclaimer: Ol' Il Pallino has Asperger’s, and the characterization of aspies having a high tolerance for repetition is mentioned in the Negatives section of this review. If stereotypes of aspies offends readers (however true) the reader is advised to go read someone else’s review. Ol' Il Pallino and REXCurse hereby disclaim liability of triggering snowflakes who become butt-hurt as a result.


This is one of those times where writing a review is tricky, because recommendations are purely Yes/No and management sim Transport INC is in a gray area with a slight red tint from what was experienced in the story. Apart from the story, which is a campaign about the son of a bus driver who has ambitions of becoming a shipping tycoon who’s father very early own proves to not share-in on the main character’s ambition, the main character branches out from a bus empire to also trucking, which leads to other modes of transporting passengers and cargo. The game also has a casual Free Play mode and Global Race mode where the player and AI opponents compete against each other to “capture” cities by being the most profitable carrier.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Singleplayer Games.

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are well worth your time[/url]

I’ll start this review with something I normally wouldn’t need to do, a WARNING: At the time of writing, there is one achievement in the game that you can’t unlock (yet).

There is an achievement for completing the campaign on expert mode, however, the expert mode appears to not be added to the game. People who’ve completed it on Hard Mode have reported on the Steam Forums that it hasn’t unlocked the Expert Mode. I’m not sure if that is how it should unlock or if there is something else currently causing the issue, I just hope that in the future, this warning will not be needed.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Transport INC on Steam

A-Train 9 V4.0 : Japan Rail Simulator

A-Train 9 V4.0 : Japan Rail Simulator

A-Train 9 V4.0 is not about instant gratification. A-Train 9 V4.0 does not care if you feel daunted or confused. A-Train 9 V4.0 has no time for such trifles as tutorials. A-Train 9 V4.0 makes actual city planners tremble and weep.

And, I love it!

To start, calling A-Train 9 V4.0 a mere rail simulator is like calling a pizza nothing more than a kind of bread. Oh, no no no. AT9v4 is a full on city builder! It focuses around rail transport (be it cargo or passengers). But, soon (very soon!) you will find yourself managing truck routes and distribution centers, setting up passenger bus lines, playing the stock market, and even taking a leisurely cruise around the nearest ocean bay or scenic lake on your yacht.

Real player with 722.2 hrs in game

A train 9 is a fantastic game, don’t let the price put you off as this game is so absorbing you will certainly get your money’s worth. First off this game is pretty hard-core, and reading the manual is essential. It’s also worth remembering that it’s a Japanese game originally and therefore not aimed at the Western market so there are a few quirks which may take a while to master.

Once said quirks are mastered you may actually die of starvation as the “just one more thing” mentality really bites you once you get the hang of this game. The graphics are beautiful especially when use the “train window” function or using a leisure vehicle to drive around the city.

Real player with 168.5 hrs in game

A-Train 9 V4.0 : Japan Rail Simulator on Steam

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker


Take on the role of cartel kingpin In Pax Narcotica: Trafficker. Develop smuggling routes, establish distribution across the US, corner the market, and defeat your competition using violence and strategic intelligence .

Choose your own approach to expanding your empire - spread aggressively across the US, or concentrate on specific cities and markets. Use your funds to hire soldiers and buy weapons to defeat your rivals, or bribe key figures to disrupt their operations.

Manage every shipment how you wish, with a fleet of vehicles on land, sea, and air - invest in counter-measures and build impenetrable supply lines,

Violence is not the only option: Undercut your rivals’ prices and steal their clientele, or supply rival gangs with weapons and product and let them do the dirty work.

Hire a team of engineers and chemists to build a network of meth labs, weed plantations, and weapons factories, and reduce the risk of costly international seizures.

Send money and weapons south of the border to build up your base of operations and take over rival territory. Increase the size of your shipments north, or recruit mercenaries to expand your control into new cities.


Every shipment comes with a risk of seizure by the authorities, or hijacking by a rival, but when a shipment gets through the rewards are enormous. You must decide how to reduce the risk, with simple measures such as decoy cars or concealment, or buying shell companies to transport cargo across the country.


At any time you can stop time to plan your next move. Arrange a chain of shipments; send operators to a city to assassinate a rival; transport cash across the border to pay for the next consignment, then watch the actions play out in real time.


Expand into over 50 US cities, each with different demands and underworld networks. Choose your clients, negotiate the highest price, and help them build their market share.


Invest in front businesses and real estate to clean your money, then send it south of the border to expand your power base. Always pay your suppliers on time, or risk losing the source of your power.


  • Play your way: Expand quickly and aggressively, or build up methodically

  • Attack your rivals directly, or undercut their prices and cut off their funding

  • Cut your product to maximise profit, or sell the highest quality merchandise to corner the market

  • Choose how to invest your money; Buy larger shipments, or hire soldiers to expand your operation

  • Build meth labs, weed farms, and weapon factories, and hire engineers and chemists to maximise their output

  • Recruit a network of cops, politicians, and lawyers, to build your empire, protect your cargo, and clean your money

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker on Steam



TL;DR A modern and 3D approach to Transport Tycoon Deluxe.


  • no more isometric view , now you can rotate and zoom in/out easier

  • power plants have a purpose - no power no production, no power no city growth

  • the commodities flows have a larger purpose, in TTD you just transport them from one industry to another and that was it, in Transports you complete the requirement for industries and generate new commodities, and those commodities will be transported to cities and will help them grow.

Real player with 880.1 hrs in game

The developer is constantly fixing and adding new features into the game. The game is quite good. People you need to buy It now and get those bug reports out to the developer so they can be fixed. I think that this game has to be one of the fewest that doesn’t have a lot of major bugs.

The game does’t need a tutorial simply because the game is really simple. The gameplay is quite simple and enjoyable. If you enjoy playing a game like Open TTD then this game is for you. This game is not at all like most transportation games in fact It’s much better because It has better graphics and the layout is far better then most games in this genre have.

Real player with 82.9 hrs in game

Transports on Steam

Transport Giant

Transport Giant

Transport Giant ‘gold’ was/is a great game to play. Nice features for a small game and a lot of opitons for a great transportnetwork.

This game is simular to the 2004 game Transport Giant Gold Edition.

There are a few new feautures who are added on. And the tool to zoom out/in has become a great tool to oversee your map!

What I realy miss in this steam version: " the competitors “. When you start a random map/free to play, the game asks you how many compeditors you want to add on, but they never show to your list of competitors. With this big miss no one can make a nice strategy to overpower the map and take-over other competitors.

Real player with 244.4 hrs in game

don’t buy it. seriously, just DON’T BUY IT.

first at all : I LOVE THIS GAME. spent countless hours, hundreds of them, dozen nights playin' the TG GOLD. really, really love it. and i still love this game. so i was happy to see it at 2 eur and smth on sale. took it right away, start playing it. and the sad truth is that is not worthy of your time. why?

  • FLICKERING. despite what the devs might say, the flikering is unbearable. no way you can play it without headaches after 15 minutes. the devs are claiming that they fixed the issue, but on my GTX 750i video card, it is driving me crazy. at almost each other second, flickering. almost black screens. it was impossible to support it, no matter how much i’ve tried to ignore it.

Real player with 117.2 hrs in game

Transport Giant on Steam

Airline Manager 4

Airline Manager 4

I am simply enjoying the game and the community on the in-game message boards, the planes in the game are flying in real time. After the tutorial period there was not much left then to let the game fly it’s course a few hours.

After returning to the game it was worth returning to once I saw the profit start growing, as I now send my planes out when ever i get the chance to check in, it’s straight-forward with no irritating in game pop ups or forced path, you manage your flights, buy sell and maintain the wear they gain from active use, you can buy and sell company stocks with other players, you can spend as little or as much time as you want, It’s a unique and fairly great game true to it’s design.

Real player with 277.1 hrs in game

This game is not going to be for everyone.

1. It is slow. Your planes fly in real time, so, if, for example, you set up a four hour flight, it will take four hours to get there. If you’re in a rush, this game is not for you.

2. You have issues in the game you have to manage. Just like any real business. You need passengers, planes, fuel, staff, training…and YOU have to manage it. If you get audited, deal with it like any business, don’t expect the game to give you a cheat to get out of it. If you have to sell all, or most, of your fleet to deal with the financial fallout, then, that’s business.

Real player with 232.1 hrs in game

Airline Manager 4 on Steam

Cargo Company

Cargo Company

At present: very rough around the edges in the UI department, with a very tedious menu/window navigation scheme and hierarchy. Taking users through many pages of data that is both largely uninformative as well as redundant eventually requiring one to open window after window to reach the end of a menu thread which sometimes yields informative data or a shortcut to a specific object. Also featuring a very basic pathfinding logic regarding railroad placement which will very quickly bog down rail based transportation if not managed personally with signals and the “specific track placement tool.”

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

I’m quite new to this kind of game. Played some Open TTD before, which i enjoy a lot (free here on steam, check it out!)

This has a lot of the same concepts as Open TTD but expands on it in a smart way (settle on other planets like moon and you can have interplanetary supply chains that come with it).

Played for a couple of hours now and did not encounter any major problems. For an EA title this game is perfectly playable for me. I hope they will add some other methods of transportation in the future like ships and airplanes.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Cargo Company on Steam

Chris Sawyer’s Locomotion™

Chris Sawyer’s Locomotion™

Buyers beware (this is a extremely old game and does not properly work with windows 7, 8 or 10. All I know is when playing on Windows 7 with a Nvidia card the screen at random will go crazy. So save often and you should be fine. Everything else works as normal.)

I do recommend this game even with the issues I stated above and the more you play the longer it takes to break it seems. There’s no real campaign just “missions” but its still fun even if you don’t play with the missions and just “free play”. Its fun and despite the poor graphics it has a nice art style and has great music. There are so many vehicles to buy and use. All have different stats. Also the AI is really dumb or really smart at times. For $6 its a worthy purchase and I would buy it all the time despite its bugs.

Real player with 140.3 hrs in game

I loved this game back when I was younger. It was one of my very first games I ever played on the computer! When I saw it had come out on steam I couldn’t wait to play it again. It’s even more fun playing it now than it was when I was younger, because now I understand more of the game’s mechanics. But even as a kid I was easily able to create and manage my huge transport company! This game is well worth the price in my opinion.

The outdated graphics may be an issue to some people. In my opinion the game looks very nice for its age, and doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I experienced no issues running the game on my Windows 10 laptop, and it has a max resolution of 1280x768 (which for my 1366x768 laptop screen, fits nicely!)

Real player with 44.4 hrs in game

Chris Sawyer's Locomotion™ on Steam