

This is the game for Vibing!

Its super chill and the perfect for winding down.

The music really sets the mood of the game and the next thing you know you know, you’ve lost track of time and its time for bed. The controls are intuitive and the shortcuts become muscle memory, navigation works well and the UI is clean.

First play I sat there and completed the campaign mode and am now ready for getting those achievements in “Run mode”. Campaign helped to learn how the economy works and gave some backstory to the “signals”.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Isometric Games.

I really wanted to like this game. I don’t like combat games, or games that test hand-eye coordination. This has a lot to like for somebody like me. The problem is the interface. There’s no decent help. I passed challenge #1, but couldn’t pass challenge #2. So I tried the run mode. There are three icons at the top of the bottom bar. I can’t repair the portal until I have all three resources, and I can’t even figure out what the third resource is. Whatever I do, it stays at zero. It might be titanium, but I’ve three three runs and checked every planet and I can’t find any with titanium. And I can’t find a way to get advice. So I’m done.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Signals on Steam

The Seven Years War (1756-1763)

The Seven Years War (1756-1763)

yes this game is like total war but there are some crucial differences,

-of course one man cannot provide the same graphics as creative assembly but this is already the only negativ difference, allthough it should be mentioned that the graphics are amazing for a one man project

-this game is a rts: no round-based movement exploits like in total war, so army movement on the campaign map is also part of stretegic gameplay as it should be, no helplessly watching armies taking your undefended cities

Real player with 144.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy War Games.

I am going to be as honest as possible here. I am an old grognard who loves games varying in compexity from Gary Grigsby, through the Scourge of War series to Total War and some of the great mods that have been made. The point is if there is a new grand stategy game that comes out I will buy it. No refunds, I will gradually work hard to understand the game and if it isn’t quite a diamond in the rough to start with I’ll be patient and revisit from time to time.

There is a huge amount of promise in this game. The mechanics make sense and I do love the passion that has gone into making this game. I will say straight away that it gets a recommend from me simply because of the ambition and effort of the one man who put it together.

Real player with 76.9 hrs in game

The Seven Years War (1756-1763) on Steam

Cultures - 8th Wonder of the World

Cultures - 8th Wonder of the World

It’s still addictive as Northland; but it’s a step down. The UI is worse, you can’t “give extras to everyone” anymore; instead the game only lets you toggle a switch for giving equipment to new civilians. The weaksauce carrying/merchantry system is not improved one bit; workers lose their carriages the moment you right-click somewhere, there is no easy way to stop unload orders and you gotta micromanage all carrying processes etc. And that’s bad because this game has a lotta “carry goods” missions.

Real player with 93.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Singleplayer Games.

Update (original review removed, rewritten here): Would I love this game this much if it didn’t have reminiscent value to me? Probably not. Would I still, if made to play it, fall in love with the characters, be drawn into the simple yet intricate challenge of village growth and conquering objectives, and be awed at how a 2003 game looks and functions so well even today? Abso-viking-lutely.

These games are worth the dollars, but currently on sale, there has never been a better way to spend $1 in all of Steam, ever. Kick back and enjoy this beautiful world.

Real player with 66.8 hrs in game

Cultures - 8th Wonder of the World on Steam

Red Sun Raiders

Red Sun Raiders

Join the last humans aboard the vast colony ship Tarian. Moving through the remains of the galaxy in front of a nameless dying sun destroying everything in its path.

Red Sun Raiders is a strategy game with elements of trading, levelling, looting, resource management, basic combat and exploration. This is not a combat based game, the gameplay involves building farms and mines to maximize loot collected, exploring to find keys and gold deposits, and trading to get a good price for your loot.

Red Sun Raiders on Steam



Hexonomy is a game of strategy and economics. Choose from hundreds of different businesses to build and use the resources at your disposal to create the largest economic empire before time runs out. Be sure to keep your eyes open for any weaknesses in your opponents business strategy, placing the right business, at the right time, in the right place, could mean the end of it all for your opponent.


Start with a blank slate. You begin by creating Resource nodes on the map. These will set the basis of the game. Where you place your first resources could affect the outcome of the entire game. All businesses derive from a resources in some shape or form.

From there, you advance into Tiers. Each Tier requires a business from the Tier below it. For example, a Tier 12 business requires a Tier 1 supplier. A Tier 6 supplier requires a Tier 5 supplier. And Tier 1 suppliers always require Resources. The higher the Tier, the bigger the risk, and the bigger the reward. Higher tiers will requires a wider variety of supplies from multiple businesses, so you have to be sure that all the suppliers are met. For each supplier on the map that supplies your business, you get a boost to efficiency, which results in more money for you.

If you own the supplier to your business, you get a HUGE discount on supplies. Meaning, chaining the suppliers and business makes great economical sense when possible. But that may not always be the case.


There can only ever be ONE of any business. Which means if you need birch wood, and your opponent owns the only tree farm, you HAVE to buy from him. You cannot decline to buy from a supplier. If the supplier is available, you have to buy from them, and you have to pay their price. Meaning, if you know your opponent needs Gold in the future for their Jewelry brokerage, it would be wise to put down a Gold mine if they haven’t already. You would profit tremendously selling to your opponent, they wouldn’t get a discount, and that means leverage by trying to hike the price up as much as possible.

However, they can do the same to you, so its wise to be careful about leaving any vulnerabilities in your supply chain. These vulnerabilities sometimes may be unavoidable, since the higher Tier business may already require resources that your opponent bought early in the game. This is where prediction and smart calculations will win you the game.


Businesses location and information varies as well. Certain business only do well in certain time of the year (the time of the game is calculated in a 12 month system, using economic quarters and sprints). Some businesses have higher shipping costs than others. Some require a higher amount of resources to produce their product. Other business may have to be placed next to other tiles. Some business cant be within x amount of tiles of another business.

These placement restrictions and variables make it a little harder to create good economic chains. However, they can also be used to your advantage in order to put your opponent in a tough spot. If you know what their strategy is, you can restrict certain businesses from being built by creating others that counter those businesses. Knowing the supply and demand will help you overcome this as you learn about the Hexonomy.


Once you have businesses placed, you can start thinking about how to upgrade. There are many types of modifiers in the game. Ones that apply to the whole board, ones that apply to all your businesses only, some that affect an area, and some that affect a single business. You can purchase these modifiers for Capital. By doing this, it will effectively cost you Net Worth, but in the long run, may help generate significantly more income. Spend wisely.


As the game goes on, you are constantly trying to increase your company’s Net Worth. The more property you own, and the more successful businesses you have, and the more Capital your businesses earned you, the higher your company’s value. The player with the highest Net Worth at the end of time is the winner.

Create the empire you want! You can choose a hundred different paths to victory, as long as you have a great strategic and economical mind!

Hexonomy on Steam



It’s a strategy game that focuses on ground war.


The continental Tiracian has the Terra Empire and the National Union of Ren(Aron, Baekra, Cheollok, and Zili) is at odds with each other. The Continental War, which broke out as a result of the confrontation between the two camps, has decimated the power of all nations.

It served as an opportunity to make. The Royal Government of the Kingdom of ‘Baekra’ prevented the invasion of the Terra Empire in the Continental War.

It has consumed a great deal of financial and military power and has thus far been unable to exert complete control over the entire country. Each region and city in the kingdom of ‘Baekra’ is still trying to survive.

[Game Introduction]

Players start in a specific area, collect resources, produce a variety of units (trams, vehicles, etc.) and recruit heroes.

‘Unit Troops’ consisting of units and heroes are used to defend friendly forces and bases, or to expand friendly forces, with hostile forces in the region and unmanned tanks (UGVs).

Do not avoid battle. It gradually expands its power by occupying bases in other regions and forms a united kingdom. When the time is ripe, we will conquer the Terra Empire.

We welcome peace on a unified continent.

LandCombat:Ren on Steam

Bourbon Empire

Bourbon Empire

Bourbon Empire is a real-time strategy game set in New York City during Prohibition somewhere in the late 1920’s. Claim territory as your own, and profit from the rising bootlegging industry. But be aware, law enforcement can either be your greatest ally, or help in your destruction.


Claim new territory within the city as your own. Collect protection payments from the various businesses and establishments within your neighborhoods. However, not all neighborhoods are the same, some have the potential to be far more profitable than others so pick your battles wisely.

Build Up Your Family

All those new neighborhoods are going to need some muscle to protect and manage it. Create capo units and assign gangsters from the neighborhoods to them. Deploy your crews to their respective districts and watch the money role in. Arm your gangsters with a variety of weapons from handguns to the classic tommy gun to explosives. Also watch them gain experience with every enemy they ‘whack’.

If you have money to spare, you can also purchase vehicles for your crews. Makes running around the city a whole lot easier.

Establish Illegal Businesses

Protection payments are nice and all (and it’s easy!) but the real money is in the rackets. Establish new enterprises ranging from loan sharking to speakeasies. Each type has their own pros and cons, so make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into ‘cause setting them up ain’t cheap.

Bourbon is the Name of the Game

Booze production, transportation, and sale in your ‘fine establishments’ will certainly help solve your financial woes. Alcohol is a precious commodity during this period and there never seems to be enough. It can both increase profits from some rackets and be a requirement for others to even function. Produce alcohol in modified warehouses, load up your trucks, and get it into your businesses.

Law Enforcement

No crime ever goes unnoticed. Every illegal activity creates some form of heat, if you let that heat get out of hand the police will step in. From imposing fines to arresting (temporarily removing) your muscle to outright shutting down your businesses, the cops can make life very unpleasant.

However, they can also be a real help. Greasing the right palms and having police on the payroll not only helps prevent heat from building up, but the police can also come to your aid whether they’re watching over your neighborhoods, raiding enemy establishments, or even protecting your booze shipments from rival families.

Bourbon Empire on Steam




Build cities with in-depth economic systems, resource chains, taxation, streets, decoration, and an unbreakable fortification.

With up to 100 different structures, the opportunities seem endless.

RPG Roguelike

Take off on your journey with your customizable, personal character and refine him throughout your countless runs.

Classical RTS

Battles in the style of classic RTS games, with a wide variety of units.

Defend your base from the oncoming hordes of enemies.

Over 8 Factions

Various asymmetrical factions from all over the ancient world with a touch of fantasy.

Face numerous Generals and Characters from different civilizations with specific traits and specialties.

Kratoria on Steam



You play as a robot colonizer that has been sent out to an alien planet with one goal. Harvest its resources and send them back home. To accomplish this you must build a base on the planet. As your base develops you will be able to build more advanced structures to harvest at an increased scale. And eventually you will be able to accomplish your goal to start sending resources back to your mother planet. But the native inhabitants of the planet won’t sit idly by as you strip their world of its resources.

Phos on Steam

Capitalism 2

Capitalism 2

Pretty fun to master, but somewhat tedious once you’ve mastered it. This game gives you a few million dollars and 1 to 4 cities and tells you to go out and become a billionaire. You can build department stores to import better goods, driving out local business and taking all the profit for yourself. You can research powerful CPUs and conquer the computer industry. You can even take out a gigantic loan to buy up a gold deposit, then use it to build jewellery and fleece every happy couple out of a few grand in exchange for rings. There’s a lot of fun in managing all the aspects of making goods and selling them for profit, whether it be researching or training in order to get higher quality goods, or spending massively on advertisements so your low quality goods get bought anyway. But for all that the game gets a bit tedious towards the end and I’d like to note some things that you really should be aware of before you buy.

Real player with 270.5 hrs in game

It’s bit old simulation game armed with realistic economy structure and standard of early 2000.

Like every simulation games “Cap 2” is easy to learn, but harder to master.

You can play in reduced retro resoltuion in 4:3 aspect ratio.

You can begin as retailer, farmer, mine operator, factory manager, researcher, day trader, etc. you will eventually combine everything you can to become most successful and richest character in your sandbox game.

There are various product categories you can grow, process, produce or mine, e.g. Leather Jacket requires a factory( farm(Cotton - Textil), farm(Leather)). Every product have their necessity (food high, luxury low) so producing and selling foods in reasonable price is one of survival idea in the beginning of harder difficulty.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Capitalism 2 on Steam