

I like it, and the dev is very passionate and active! Its fun to pass the time and i think the art style is lovely!

Eu gostei do jogo e recomendo pra todos que gostam de um desafio com gerenciamento de tempo! Eu amo a arte!

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Resource Management Games.

Got me hooked, seems overwhelming at first but it’s incredibly simple once you keep going for literally a few secs. Can be a bit hard but I’m still trying to get better at it the more I know and see. Curious little game to chill for a quick run.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

All-Inn on Steam

Crypto Is Dead

Crypto Is Dead

it’s a very zen game, with random bills and rules being a plus in my book. if there were any complaints, it would be about the pens and the scale, they don’t seem to serve any purpose.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Singleplayer Games.

I want to like this game, I really do. For the size of the game and the 2 hours I put in upon writing this I feel I have enough time spent to see the problems, so let me list them as Pro’s and Con’s.


  • I get a huge Papers Please vibe from this and that can be a good thing to some, as some people like work simulations and feel they can have fun doing such thing without real life problems.

  • The challenge aspect is nice, you start off generally putting out lot’s of notes and overtime it gets more busier and you see yourself putting less out there, I suck at numbers and letters so I’m really slow but I don’t find myself bankrupted.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Crypto Is Dead on Steam

Renowned Explorers: International Society

Renowned Explorers: International Society

For the TL;DR: Renowned Explorers is a shockingly-deep game about accumulating and utilizing knowledge that is shockingly-easy to get into.

Renowned Explorers: International Society is the most creative Roguelike I’ve ever played. One assembles a team of three explorers from a pool of 20 (24 with the Emperor’s Challenge expansion) and charges forth to exploit lands undiscovered by Europeans. Your goal is to amass as much wealth, reputation, and knowledge as possible, and become the most Renowned Explorer in the process.

Real player with 430.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Adventure Games.

I seduced a nun, got spat on by a llama, fought Charles Darwin riding a dinosaur, and made grown men cry. 1000/10

But if you need more of a reason to buy this game, here’s the breakdown: you play as a group of explorers, traveling the world, earning status and money while doing research, collecting treasures, and all around making a nuisance of yourself. It’s a turn-based strategy game with a really interesting mechanic: moods and attitudes. Each side of the battle (you vs. them) each have one of three attitudes (friendly, devious and aggressive), and the combination of your attitude and the enemy’s creates an overall mood (ex. hostile = both parties aggressive or persuasive = you friendly and them devious). Each mood has bonuses or penalties, and there’s a rock-paper-scissors system so you know which way to shift your attitude to get the bonuses and avoid the penalties. (Friendly beats devious, devious beats aggressive, aggressive beats friendly.) You win battles with your built-in powers. There is some overlap between characters on the powers, but not a lot. There are area attacks, line attacks, and single-target attacks, and by default every character has one attack from each attitude, plus some bonus ones that fit their own personal strengths and personalities. (Yes, seduce is an attack you can actually use, and no, it’s not gender specific). It’s good for all kinds of different playstyles.

Real player with 188.1 hrs in game

Renowned Explorers: International Society on Steam

Galactic Mining Corp

Galactic Mining Corp

Galactic Mining Corp is decent. It’s not quite good enough for me to say its a great game, but its not bad enough for me to say its awful either. It occupies that middle niche of being compelling enough to enjoy but also shows off a lot of points where it could have used some more refinement.

=The Good=

  • The artwork is great. You can tell effort was put into the art direction off the game.

  • If you enjoy completionist style games, this is going to have a lot for you. Hundreds of items to unlock and rank up. Lots of achievements.

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

Game is not terrible, though its essentually a clicker with very little actual game play. You’re just increasing numbers so you can gain even higher numbers. The mining sections while there’s interaction with power ups and such, are more a measure if your progress is “tall enough to ride” you can finish some maps earlier than intended with some intelligent play, but that’s extent to the depth of gameplay.

The game honestly goes on a little too long. They could have cut the entire 3rd galaxy and the game been just fine to me, the game starts feeling a little long in the tooth around the start of the 3rd galaxy. at least 35 of my nearly 60 hours was in the 3rd galaxy. Also whoever on the dev team decided what you go through on the planet Apollo needed to be a thing. There’s a special place in hell for you, you know what you did.

Real player with 58.6 hrs in game

Galactic Mining Corp on Steam

Urban Cards

Urban Cards

Well, I first wrote a semi joking review about how this game was sucking up all my time and you shouldn’t get the game unless you wanted to be sucked into it like crazy but now that I’ve spent even more time playing it and the recent update came out, I wanted to change this review to reflect a truly positive view of a game that I enjoy a lot.

I play a lot of roguelites, no game genre speaks to me more than one where I can sit down, start a new run from the beginning, and either lose or win it within the hour and still feel satisfied with myself, even wanting to start another run out right away.

Real player with 68.0 hrs in game

–The game’s alright. Very uneven gameplay. If you lose on debt it will feel super-frustrating, there is only one card in the game that can regularly clear more than 1000 debt at a time and if you miss it you will lose. This happens too often to recommend the game.

–The music is pretty good. Production values are otherwise indy. The voice acting on the Gamer and Harbor characters is so annoying it’s better playing against them on mute.

–Debt is the worst thing about the game at present. About a third of my losses have ended on “I’ve only encountered 1 card that can reduce my debt, and the hacker boss gives me debt every turn, so I have X turns to draw Money Laundering before I lose” or “this enemy has 2 cards in his deck that can give me $600 debt, if he draws both of them before I draw Money Laundering, I lose.” I don’t think I’ve gotten past day 2 of any of the Oper playthroughs where I’ve failed to find Money Laundering. The debt that I pile up is mostly from uninteractive enemy effects (the hacker’s boss inflicts a passive $100 debt per turn, and some enemies have multiple copies of the ****ing card that gives the other player $600 debt to the enemy). If you have to lose on debt, at least it should be from a lending minion, those are interactive.

Real player with 50.9 hrs in game

Urban Cards on Steam

Far Sector

Far Sector

You’re a spaceship captain, and your objective is to explore the depths of the far sector. Build, research, and use the sector’s uncharted horrors to your advantage. How far will you go to accomplish your goal? What are you willing to sacrifice? The decision is all yours, captain.

Your own space base

  • Build, improve, and optimize. Ensure that your station can withstand whatever is thrown at it.

Encounter the horrors of the far sector

  • Meteorite fields keeping you from getting through the cold cosmos.

  • Spatial anomalies that challenge the very laws of physics humans have used to understand the world around them.

  • Strange organisms with qualities never seen before. They bring with them incredible danger as well as the opportunity for scientific breakthroughs.

  • Space madness and paranoia that wrap themselves around anyone who has been in deep space for too long. While most people aren’t prone to this problem, a few of your crew members are going to get progressively worse as your travels go on. How will you avert a crisis?

  • What else does the far sector have in store for you?

Make the best of catastrophes

  • Use mold-contaminated cultures to filter oxygen.

  • Study notes of madmen to find encrypted coordinates.

  • Spill the blood of an all-consuming alien life form to create a regenerating ointment.

Text events

  • Everything you do and anything you decide can impact what happens next, leading to unexpected situations.

  • Choose carefully and make wise decisions knowing that each choice you make could be crucial.

Crew members

  • Have skills, attributes, and weaknesses that impact their work speed, their stamina, the resources they require, and the situations they tend to bring on.

  • Can get sick or make breakthroughs in their area of expertise. The Eureka! events that happen to scientists can leapfrog you into the future, even giving you new tech you wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

  • Sometimes write personal journal entries that tell you more about what’s happening outside the confines of your mission.

  • Need a watchful eye since it’s somewhat difficult to find new people in the depths of space.

Anything can happen, even in the safe zone

  • Random events

  • Meteorites

  • Fires

  • Short-circuits

The effort you put in now will pay dividends in the future

  • Expeditions' data will be sent to coalition headquarters, and you can start your next mission with an even better technological base.
Far Sector on Steam

Bounty Below

Bounty Below

this is true that for a lot ,the action rpg dungeon thing is not playable.

but about the clicker thing that’s very enjoyable more than 220hours done

and i have a lot to do still !

William cheek (the developer) probably have found a way that suit him.

i love the game,the style,the colours,how it is done.

i will probably “wait and see” the futur work of this studio

that was lola from south korea 3

Real player with 285.1 hrs in game

Remove the achievement for 200 levels of dungeon crawling, no one wants to do that… if anyone has or bothers to in the future, I feel really bad for them. I will not be bothering. The ridiculously long wait time, while the game is running, after level 160+ is criminal, especially after having sunk a straight week and half of vigilant attention. I see no reason to trade off from ore gains, etc, to forge bonuses, I tried on one ascension to bother with forge upgrades and it was mega-depressing. remove these stupid unit items that do nothing, like EVERY MAGIC UNIT ITEM… Do you want to upgrade the bonuses granted by use of the staves, wands, books power/patience/whatever? NO! I DO NOT! I WANT TO GET TO LEVEL 170, THANK YOU! I want to be DONE already, thank you! Sitting around the Octillion-Nonillion ranges, 165+ Level, all Units sitting between 300 highest to 110 Lowest (‘Shapes of Damage - Units’ the last five possible units, all over 100, with tems, etc…) Do something to fix this and I will change my review.

Real player with 183.1 hrs in game

Bounty Below on Steam

Combat Casino

Combat Casino

EA Turn based roguelite + replay + quick runs = Mobile port slot machine style spin each turn for abilities. Unlock up to 5 classes, 4 zones and more coming. Level up, collect loot and fight bosses.

Follow our curator for similar games

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

The game as a good base and could be amazing but I come out of each playing session with disappointment for what it could be and what it’s actually not.

The game is very easy and the random part feel random for the sake of it and sometime feel redundant and where some progression could be done and or seen it’s actually unlocked from the start making the rare possible goal to play the game nonexistent. I can tell the dev behind the game have some talent but I’m not sure he know how to direct his creative energy correctly

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Combat Casino on Steam

As Far As The Eye

As Far As The Eye

This game was incredibly brutal until I discovered the Council building and the Knowledge resource, and then it became an incredibly fair and deep city-building/roguelike/4x game.

The biggest problem with the game is there isn’t a good reference for how all the mechanics work. I think it will be better once an online wiki is available.

My tips for a winning initial game:


1. Get 40 wood and build a sawmill. Assign one of your workers to be a gatherer and gather wood. Later, when you don’t need wood, switch this worker to be a food gatherer and build a fruit hut for 80 (you can do this earlier if you get a 4th worker). You should have enough rations for this, and the carpenter/fruit gatherer jobs share the first 3 levels.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

I too believe that this is a nice game if you enjoy roguelike games.

When I first saw the list of buildable buildings I was worried the game wouldnt have much depth, as there are exactly 15 buildings which can be built.

So .. I was worried I will just figure out how things work and lose interest in the game after a few days, because I found some safe winning strategy.

Luckily it was different!

The overall difficulty is quite high. After the tutorial campaign you get to play 4 tribes with increasing difficulty (you have to start with the lowest difficulty tribe). However, even that tribe took me quite some effort to win with.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

As Far As The Eye on Steam

Rogue State Revolution

Rogue State Revolution

Let me start by saying that this has the potential of being a great game, but this game is far from being ready for release. Consider this game an early access.

Here’re some warnings if you wanna purchase:

  • Update 1.2 introduces a lot of CTDs, every few turns.

  • Game mechanics is only partly there. For example, there’s still no building to help boost a province’s security score. Dev is also still working on mid-to-late game progression issues such as running out of imported resources.

  • Many QoL changes needed. Ffs let me look at my current exports every time my neighbor asks me to increase export!

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Rogue State Revolution is a resource management game with a novel theme and deary indie production values, but falls into to the typical issue of initial hump of difficulty after which you are free to explore and express regardless of difficulty. (Mind I’m a bit sadistic with difficulty on these games.)

After setting up your economy and surviving the initial diplomatic/societal/environmental challenges the game throws at you, one slowly but surely is on top of the wave. This is where the game suffers from bad pacing and/or balancing. I found myself having way too many actions while not having enough favors and/or money. There are several stretches like this in the game and it seems the team tried to introduce mechanics into the game that one can sink extra resources into (civilians & space missions & casino), but all of these will be exhausted relatively quickly leaving you, again, just passing the turn waiting for something to happen.

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

Rogue State Revolution on Steam