

You play as a robot colonizer that has been sent out to an alien planet with one goal. Harvest its resources and send them back home. To accomplish this you must build a base on the planet. As your base develops you will be able to build more advanced structures to harvest at an increased scale. And eventually you will be able to accomplish your goal to start sending resources back to your mother planet. But the native inhabitants of the planet won’t sit idly by as you strip their world of its resources.

Read More: Best Economy Base Building Games.

Phos on Steam

Crypto Mining Simulator

Crypto Mining Simulator

Can’t really recommend this game. Seems to be pretty poorly constructed. I’ll try to point out some of the design flaws.

Game crashed and dupped the rig I was working on. I broke the game and I wasn’t even trying

UI is pretty confusing. You can’t tell what is buttons and what isn’t.

Inconsistent UI, i.e. you can sell Eth from the escape menu but have to go into the market to sell BTC.

Outside of the tutorial, which is short, there’s really nothing to do but let money accrue. Might as well be an idle game.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Sandbox Games.

Before I slam this game for all the problems it has, I will say I’d be willing to revisit this after they fix the issues and make some enhancements moving forward.

Pros -

1. Fairly easy to move forward with mining and building

2. Allows one to redesign there room

3. Offers a sandbox environment.

Cons - (there are a lot!)

1. Customer builds never seem to work, After accepting a task, building to spec, placing in customer pickup area …nothing happens.

2. Sometimes buying a rack comes completely assembled

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Crypto Mining Simulator on Steam

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator

This game takes an interesting take on mechs. This game focuses on the civilian use of mechs. Normally mech games revolve around giant mechs fighting, but I’ve never enountered a game that featured civilian non-combat mechs before. In this way this game is unique. It’s been suggested in the forums that combat mechs be added, and the dev said he would consider it after the core mechanics are in place. But this game includes currently the ability to make mechs for racing, transportation, and general use.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Sandbox Games.

Let me start by saying this game - in its current state - is not great. It is amazing, an actual gem.

Ok let me clarify that. The game, in and of itself is pretty basic - incredibly so - but its so so much fun to play. I find myself playing this game when I am frustrated with another game as this is just funny as hell to play. Wanna make a mech that looks like boobs on wheels/legs? GOOD here you are. Wanna make a mech that looks like your eyes will melt just by looking at it’s sheer monstrosity? GOOD here you are.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator on Steam

Mech Mechanic Simulator

Mech Mechanic Simulator

I wish I could recommend this game but I just can’t in good conscience. It’s a fun and novel idea that I jumped into after discovering that my owning Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 (CMS from here on) gave me a small PlayWay loyalty discount, but it’s very much held back by some questionable design decisions and somewhat limited amount of content.

First, the Good

  • All of the mechs look decent (albeit small) and unique and have a surprising amount of detail in the components that can be detached. repaired, and reattached.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

I could not start a new game at first. An integrity check on the files showed that half of the download was not good. Re Downloaded those files and now I am running all Ultra settings.

Short Version: This game could become an awesome Mech Mechanic Sim. Right now it is lacking. I will support the game and not return it because I can see that it may advance over time.


  1. It does not make me feel like a mechanic. It feels more like a search and find game or a memory game. When I have taken apart or assembled items I always lay the parts out so that I am sure on assembly that I have not missed anything. Part of feeling like I am progressing is that eventually I can dump the parts out and do a full assembly in 30 minutes without looking at a diagram. In Mech mechanic there is no way to get that feeling. When you disassemble you can see the part you need to get to thanks to the scan. To get there though you move your mouse around waiting on a part to turn green. Then you select that part and see if you can wiggle it off - no? well now you look for the screws or retaining part and remove that. now you wiggle the part off - rinse repeat. Seek and Find. After doing that to the same arm on the same mech you might could get that “muscle memory” built up over time but wait - Sometimes when you take it a part you unscrew the part but when you assemble it you have to select the part and it attaches itself automatically. That lack of consistency actually breaks the muscle memory and makes you feel like you are doing it wrong. All parts you unscrew on disassemble should have you screw it back on in assembly.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Mech Mechanic Simulator on Steam

Good Company

Good Company

I see great potential for the game, but as I’m writing the review now I’m only taking those things into consideration that are already in the game.

Gameplay: 5/5

Graphics: 5/5

Tutorials: 4/5

Difficulty: 5/5

Support: 5/5


The gameplay loop is simple:

1. build/rearrange production line

2. set up the logistics for that line

3. tweak bits and pieces to make it profitable

4. plan the next production line / change the line output to another product

For me that is exactly what I was looking for. You create something, an issue arises, you fix that issue and that leads to another issue or you’re set and you create the next new thing.

Real player with 180.1 hrs in game

i loved the concept but the execution is so EXTREAMLY flawed..

market: why is it capped so low in FREEPLAY. ive tried countless times trying to tweak the my out puts. But literally ever single time ive played the supply chains get so damn long that I cannot maintain a profitable business with out producing more then I can sell which ironically makes me go bankrupt

out/in bound shipping: why can we move these? Why is there a limit to how many items I can place in the in/out bound points with out the ability to upgrade them?

Real player with 154.4 hrs in game

Good Company on Steam



Lots of reviewers are throwing out comparable games. The first thing that came to mind for me was Anno 2070 but with actual traffic and less frustration. I loved that game, so this is a plus. I also got a huge whiff of Surviving Mars, again with actual traffic and less frustration. I was not a fan of that game, so I’m happy to say I enjoy InfraSpace more. If you liked either game, you’ll very much like InfraSpace.

If you enjoy solving traffic problems or even just watching traffic in Cities Skyline, then this will appeal to you. If you enjoyed solving logistic problems in, this is a must have. If you strive for logistical efficiency and optimization, well that’s most of the game.

Real player with 77.5 hrs in game

At this time, I DO recommend this game, but, there are still lingering issues that I’ve found. See bottom of post for my “rant”.

[EDIT-Seems as though the #48 news corrected the issues I was experiencing. Everything else looks to be “my” problem with the routing and design of the roads]

Things I like:

  • I like having a system that I have to continuously replenish, such as the residential zones.

  • I like how in order to grow the residential, you need different components to create more dense areas

Real player with 42.9 hrs in game

InfraSpace on Steam



This is a great language learning game for all ages. The music and graphics are very upbeat and motivating. I would definitely recommend RoboLingo to anyone looking to learn a new language. There’s a good selection of languages to choose from so you will have plenty of vocabulary to work through.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

RoboLingo on Steam

The Colonists

The Colonists


This game is a fantastic take on base-building, resource optimisation and pathing. It’s simple to get into, scales sensibly and the campaign levels scale well in difficulty. I’ve played many of the similar games available and this one gets the complexity level exactly right with a nice style of graphics.

Mechanically, one thing that stands out for me is that this is a network optimisation game where the networks (roads and paths) are cost nothing and appear instantly, making experimenting and fiddling easy.

Real player with 268.7 hrs in game

Short version:

Fun game. Has flaws, but definitely an enjoyable city builder.

Long version:

Okay so it took me a while to get into this game. At first it felt really clunky, the tutorial left me confused about certain things (namely how paths are supposed to alleviate traffic from raods), some of the mechanics are pretty weird and needlessly complicated but at the same time - they’re what gives this game it’s uniqueness and keeps it from being just another boring banished clone, plus the campaign is excellent!

Real player with 111.5 hrs in game

The Colonists on Steam



RoboWarehouse is a business simulation game in which you take on the role of your companies CEO. They’re a genius and have invented fully autonomous Robots and now you’re tasked with utilising these Robots to take your company from the humble beginnings of a garage to a multi-national powerhouse; rising above all the competition!


  • Build your own factory

  • Research new Robot types

  • Put your robots to work in many different ways to create multiple revenue streams

  • Upgrade your Robots to complete tasks quicker

  • Utilise the research and development department to replace even more humans with autonomous Robot workers

  • Invest your profits into the stock market to diversify further

  • Buy out the competition and replace their human workforce with autonomous Robots

  • Buy every company and have a complete monopoly on Human spending

RoboWarehouse on Steam

Automation Empire

Automation Empire

I wanted to like this game, I really did. I put in a bunch of time so I could experience all versions and content of the game. Here is some of what I noticed:

1: There is no need to progress beyond steel plates and gold, you can win every map by using only those 2 material exports.

2: Every map is absolutely 100% identical when it comes to resources. They all have the same amount of iron, coal, gold and oil nodes.

3: Late game means severe and I do mean severe lag. 1 frame/2 seconds is not out of the ordinary on a game load.

Real player with 333.9 hrs in game

First I thoroughly enjoy this game, and it does have its ups and downs, but I cannot recommend it more highly.

I would like to address my opinion on what most negative reviews have to say. These are my opinion only. YMMV.

  1. it is not a sandbox or an optimization game. It is a puzzle race against the clock.

  2. It is NOT Factorio, that’s not a fault, it is just different. Why make a clone of another game?

  3. It does not have blueprints. - Part of the gameplay is to continually rebuild factories in new and different styles to match each level of tech you unlock, staying ahead of the tax curve. Blueprints would reduce this part of game play into cloning rubber stamps all over the map, and limits creativity and ingenuity.

Real player with 209.4 hrs in game

Automation Empire on Steam