Crypto Mining Simulator

Crypto Mining Simulator

Can’t really recommend this game. Seems to be pretty poorly constructed. I’ll try to point out some of the design flaws.

Game crashed and dupped the rig I was working on. I broke the game and I wasn’t even trying

UI is pretty confusing. You can’t tell what is buttons and what isn’t.

Inconsistent UI, i.e. you can sell Eth from the escape menu but have to go into the market to sell BTC.

Outside of the tutorial, which is short, there’s really nothing to do but let money accrue. Might as well be an idle game.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Sandbox Games.

Before I slam this game for all the problems it has, I will say I’d be willing to revisit this after they fix the issues and make some enhancements moving forward.

Pros -

1. Fairly easy to move forward with mining and building

2. Allows one to redesign there room

3. Offers a sandbox environment.

Cons - (there are a lot!)

1. Customer builds never seem to work, After accepting a task, building to spec, placing in customer pickup area …nothing happens.

2. Sometimes buying a rack comes completely assembled

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Crypto Mining Simulator on Steam

Gold Rush: The Game

Gold Rush: The Game

The loans are so broken 50% interest even if you pay it right back. which you likely will do because the scroll wheel wont let you get a even number like FS with $5000 increments no its 21245 and 32339. not only all that you can only take one loan so if you dont get enough money the first time you haft pay double back immediately too get another loan to get what you needed with the first loan which has now stole all your money at a net gain of 0 other than that its a ok if not somewhat glitchy game. but really for a game aiming at realism 50% interest is not only unrealistic but not even allowed at real banking institutions even illegal.

Real player with 90.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Realistic Games.

I personally hate making these styles of review, but in order to give my honest opinion I see this as fitting, in all seriousness this game means a lot to me being one of the first games I ever played on PC, so I cherish it quite a bit. (Love the soundtrack, brings back memories for sure.)


☐ RTX On

☐ Beautiful

☐ Really Good

☑Satisfies the soul.

☐ Lacking

☐ Yikes

☐ 140P


☐ Wow!


☐ Not bad

☐ Its ok.

☐ Needs work

☐ Very Bad


☑Nostalgia Achieved

Real player with 69.8 hrs in game

Gold Rush: The Game on Steam

Capital Profit

Capital Profit

Music Used In Trailer

Track: the Sun Is Coming

By: Oursvince

License: Cc 3.0 By-share Alike

Capital Profit is a first person crafting tycoon game. It is based on the gathering of resources and creating them into various objects. Furthermore, you can sell these objects to NPCs in-game via your very own shop. The goal of the game is to either make the most amount of money possible or have the coolest/ rarest items!

  1. Search For Resources

  2. Build Items

  3. Sell Items

  4. Buy Items

  5. Decorate

Reasons to Play

  • Build Your Shop Empire In Real-time

  • Competition: Compare your shop and island with your friends and try to be the one who has the coolest items or the most money

  • Replay-ability: Continue playing and upgrading your island until you are satisfied

  • Family Friendly: This game has absolutely no violence except for the concept of fishing

The Name

I often get asked how I came up with the name “Capital Profit”. The game is very much based on the functions of capitalism, because of the buying/ selling of items and getting the most amount of money possible. Plus it was a word that my friend liked after I suggested to him (I’m all about that friendly teamwork). Now the word “Profit” is mostly based on profiting from the work/ play-time you put in the game. Therefore Capital Profit are two words that represent the game very well.

Read More: Best Economy Crafting Games.

Capital Profit on Steam

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

Very surprised Diggles/Wiggles has appeared on Steam, but VERY happy it did!

This is an unique game; nothing really compares to it then (20 years ago), and since then no game has been published (to my knowledge) that comes even close to it. So i almost immediatly bought it (again).

Didnt play Wiggles for years as the original sadly wasnt compatible with ‘newer’ Windows-version. (Could play the official Demo a bit longer though.)

Although graphics is a bit outdated and gameplay is quite slow, the game concept is so good, it was and still is the best game i ever played.

Real player with 310.5 hrs in game

WTF!?! Who’s feet do I have to kiss for finally bringing this game to Steam!! If you ever played and enjoyed, Oxygen not Included, and the new early access game, Hammerington, then you will like this game as well. I even purchased those aforementioned games in the hopes to fill the hole this game left in me decades ago. While a bit dated on graphics (released in 2002), the game still has its same charm and is still very playable. By the end of the game, your dwarves will be riding around on hover boards, and brandishing light sabers. How can you go wrong with that? Thank you

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris on Steam

Galactic Mining Corp

Galactic Mining Corp

Galactic Mining Corp is decent. It’s not quite good enough for me to say its a great game, but its not bad enough for me to say its awful either. It occupies that middle niche of being compelling enough to enjoy but also shows off a lot of points where it could have used some more refinement.

=The Good=

  • The artwork is great. You can tell effort was put into the art direction off the game.

  • If you enjoy completionist style games, this is going to have a lot for you. Hundreds of items to unlock and rank up. Lots of achievements.

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

Game is not terrible, though its essentually a clicker with very little actual game play. You’re just increasing numbers so you can gain even higher numbers. The mining sections while there’s interaction with power ups and such, are more a measure if your progress is “tall enough to ride” you can finish some maps earlier than intended with some intelligent play, but that’s extent to the depth of gameplay.

The game honestly goes on a little too long. They could have cut the entire 3rd galaxy and the game been just fine to me, the game starts feeling a little long in the tooth around the start of the 3rd galaxy. at least 35 of my nearly 60 hours was in the 3rd galaxy. Also whoever on the dev team decided what you go through on the planet Apollo needed to be a thing. There’s a special place in hell for you, you know what you did.

Real player with 58.6 hrs in game

Galactic Mining Corp on Steam

Mining Empire: Earth Resources

Mining Empire: Earth Resources

Honestly, the thought process for the game is there but the execution was horrible.

It is also not optimized for widescreen, text, sliders, and buttons will be missing and unavailable.

total scam of $9

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

This is a day 1 review, and the question I am answering is on day 1, in it’s current state, do I recommend purchasing this game? Since this game is day 1, in early access, I will come back in a later time to review it again. This review is not final.


An interesting premise

I really can’t think of much else


No sound, no music. Just absolute silence.

Visuals are just a map and some stock pictures. If you are expecting more, ou won’t find it here.

I can’t even see where the fun will be at. (Will discuss further down below)

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Mining Empire: Earth Resources on Steam



Review Date: Nov 20, 2021

I wrote a giant review, and then after reading through it, realized my opinion was more like no than yes, and when I changed it, Steam erased everything I had written. So, rather than do it again, I’ll just drop some bullet points. I’ve been playing since early in Early Access, so that will color my review.

New overworld trade system is terrible. It’s boring. It’s grindy. and it doesn’t work. I’m at max rep with a faction, and have yet to see the “subversion” mission mentioned in the tutorial.

Real player with 158.5 hrs in game

A decent time killer as-is, but released far too soon for the ambition they sought to achieve.

  • Settlement milestones are sparse and largely uninteresting, with few “make your own goals” opportunities to fill in the blanks. You will pretty much always build the same structures in the same order, and most structures are not actually all that useful.

  • Overworld is shallow and brainless, with pawns moving around for the sake of moving. Factions have no personality or storyline aspects, and the “war” has nothing to make it compelling or interactive. This is actually a bit of a downgrade from the initial concept at the start of Early Access, where there was at least a good vs. evil kind of thing going on.

Real player with 116.1 hrs in game

Hammerting on Steam

Red Sun Raiders

Red Sun Raiders

Join the last humans aboard the vast colony ship Tarian. Moving through the remains of the galaxy in front of a nameless dying sun destroying everything in its path.

Red Sun Raiders is a strategy game with elements of trading, levelling, looting, resource management, basic combat and exploration. This is not a combat based game, the gameplay involves building farms and mines to maximize loot collected, exploring to find keys and gold deposits, and trading to get a good price for your loot.

Red Sun Raiders on Steam

Canary in a Crater

Canary in a Crater

Review is based on Version 1.03

It is a fun little game. Controls are solid and upgrades are useful. Achievements work and are simple enough to get.

You could probably finish the game in a few hours, definitely within a day if you’re trying for that. This is a GREAT game if you’re busy and would like to play a game for 20 minutes before work and feel like you accomplished something.

Game play is a simple loop. You dig down collecting upgrade orbs and treasures. Sell treasure. Pay for upgrades and resources to get down farther where higher priced treasure is. This can be a bit ‘grindy’ but that is what this style of game is meant to be. If you are not into that style of game this might not be for you.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Canary in a Crater is a clone of Miner Dig Deep, but it’s graphics are far better and in my view super cute! ^_^ Movement is smooth, but seems slower than Miner Dig Deep. There are upgrades and things in this game that Miner Dig Deep does not have, but I did not play enough to see them myself so I can not comment upon if those aspects make the game overall stronger then Miner Dig Deep.

The developer seems genuinely into improving the game and making it better then it is and is open to critical feedback.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Canary in a Crater on Steam

Quarry Simulator 2021

Quarry Simulator 2021

Quarry Simulator 2021 - inovation simulator and economical strategy about develop of the quarries. You beginner magnat, that need earn some money for his bussiness. INOVATION AND ORIGINAL IDEA. For beggining you will need choose and buy place of your quarry, after you need be explore this place, then ypu will be have all information you will can dig the ground. You can using dynamite for destroy the hills. After you will be using some big drills and big trucks for the mine the raw ores, also you can direct control the drills and the cars, that have realistic physics. At the next big location you will be can using miners trolley and after big trains with ores, that transport ores to the railway station. Using government contracts for mine gold and diamonds. After all mining works you will be need recover landscape and plant new grass and trees.

Quarry Simulator 2021 on Steam