

This is the game for Vibing!

Its super chill and the perfect for winding down.

The music really sets the mood of the game and the next thing you know you know, you’ve lost track of time and its time for bed. The controls are intuitive and the shortcuts become muscle memory, navigation works well and the UI is clean.

First play I sat there and completed the campaign mode and am now ready for getting those achievements in “Run mode”. Campaign helped to learn how the economy works and gave some backstory to the “signals”.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy RTS Games.

I really wanted to like this game. I don’t like combat games, or games that test hand-eye coordination. This has a lot to like for somebody like me. The problem is the interface. There’s no decent help. I passed challenge #1, but couldn’t pass challenge #2. So I tried the run mode. There are three icons at the top of the bottom bar. I can’t repair the portal until I have all three resources, and I can’t even figure out what the third resource is. Whatever I do, it stays at zero. It might be titanium, but I’ve three three runs and checked every planet and I can’t find any with titanium. And I can’t find a way to get advice. So I’m done.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Signals on Steam

Persian Empire Builder

Persian Empire Builder

Persian Empire Builder is an economic strategy game focused around building and managing ancient cities in an empire that stretched from Balkans to the Indus Valley. As a ruler of these lands player will face a variety of tasks and challenges.

Claim the land and shape your empire in every detail, from smallest houses to largest works, plantations and military buildings. Construct it’s vital infrastructure such as roads, bridges, fortifications and qanats (persian aqueducts). Make sure you choose optimal location for

each link in the chain of your growing economy.

Mind the amount of resources and secure growth of your population. A properly managed empire never runs out of crops, gold or hands willing to work. Society living under your rule consists of people with their problems and aspirations. Provide them with opportunities of education and trade and settle their disputes to avoid internal unrest.

Once your city prospers you will need more land for your growing society and economy.

Build your army and fleet to conquer both land and sea providing your people with safety

and welfare. Hostile eyes will sooner or later grow jealous of your riches.

Read More: Best Economy Historical Games.

Persian Empire Builder on Steam

Treasure Fleet

Treasure Fleet

There is a lot to like about Treasure Fleet, as it builds upon the legacy of Sid Meier’s Colonization. I personally like how the game puts more emphasis on naval ships and actually makes building a fleet of them much more practical then it ever was in Colonization. The idea of the supply mechanic does well to make exploring much more of a risk/reward thing where there can be consequences - especially when things go awry and your horses are stolen under you!

However, at the same time there is also quite a bit of game mechanics that just don’t feel like they work all that well, feel cheap, or are a direct downgrade with Sid Meier’s game. There is also a lot of quality of life features you might expect from other 4X titles to be here as well but are yet absent.

Real player with 154.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Indie Games.

It a nice game but still not ready there to many feature and ui that suppost to be there but are not hopefully this get fixed, 1 exampel that that anger me alot is that soldier can lose there musket when they get attacked or attack, the problem is if you not carefull attack nativ/other colonys loose 50% attack dmg that include defens too, this feature suppost to be explained but it isnt and it ui suppost to be big enought so you can see it clearly but you dont you must look/see super good so the soldier doesnt lose musket. Other thing the nativ are pain in a** since all bunch a**hol* and do as they like give you stuff/attack/steal/demand and diplomacy dont work is just you take money from them until they get angry, you give them money and gona be nativ from same tribe gona attack you anyway, so it almost sad that auto you have kill them all. Game is annoying at the end need be fixed before it can be fun.

Real player with 110.3 hrs in game

Treasure Fleet on Steam



If you ever see a pointed red hat while picking mushrooms - run!

Somewhere deep in the woods, creatures no bigger than a rabbit have their home, yet they are formidable among much larger human brethren. They are gnomes. Legendary race of halflings, spreading fear and ruling in wooded areas since the dawn of time.

Create an army, train builders, gather resources, develop technology and lead your mini-people to take total control of the forest.

On your way, you will be faced with dangerous external factors such as wild animals, hostile terrain, carnivorous plants, hostile gangs, as well as internal factors, such as alcoholism, idleness, and defeatism spreading among the society.

On the way to the top, make alliances or develop your army and declare wars.

Set traps for animals, and learn to catch and use people for your purposes.

If they turn out to be unproductive, you have no choice but to resort to torture.

As a ruler, you must not forget to entertain your people. Arena should solve this problem.

A well-thought-out economy leads to prosperity, but a ruler that is too gentle may lose his respect. Use a strict tax system to your advantage and keep society in check.

The day is for work, but it is at night that real life begins.

It is a tradition among the gnomes to come up with a dope party every night, where there is plenty of alcohol, stimulants, crazy contests, and prostitution. As the king, you should have fun and enjoy what the night has to offer.

Gnomepunk on Steam

Computer Tycoon

Computer Tycoon

This is the first review I’ve ever written, even though I have nearly 100 games in my library, so that should tell you something just there. Computer Tycoon is easily one of the greatest tycoon games I have ever tried, right up there with Game Dev Tycoon and Automation (might’ve got the name wrong). It is addictive, and my first 10 minutes of playing it turned into hours upon hours of doing so. For sure worth the price! You get a WHOLE lot of gameplay, and I haven’t even tried hard mode yet. Everything is nearly completely customizable and it is just overall amazing. Some aspects could use some work, though, such as a slow lategame. When you get near 2010, and really 2000s in general, the game really takes a hit. Demand is FAR more than you could ever produce (I mean, you could, but repeating the same process of buying sites, upgrading factories, upgrading recreation, repeat, gets REALLY boring and almost made me stop playing), research gets really slow as in you don’t really have anything to research lategame. For me, it just ran out for a while. Which REALLY made the research department useless, so that is a definite con. Competitors seem to research everything much quicker, and receive an unfair advantage even though you have the best computer on the market PLUS its cheap, and yet they still have the entire world in their color. If there was a way to mass-buy land or mass-produce sites, or to add more factory upgrades, it would make things much better. Again, competitors obviously don’t face this issue and complete everything instantly. At least, that is how it is currently working for me.

Real player with 712.2 hrs in game

After playing it for hours and as a tycoon-games fan, I think this review would be usefull for both the players and the developer(s).

A good, well-balanced Computer Business tycoon game. It’s main focus is computer parts and models, rather than Sims-style city building, which is what many Comp-tycoon players look for.

There are several pros and cons of this game and it is still in alpha-stage; which I hope will result in a batter, near flawless game.

Pros: Vast range of computer parts from memory units to mother boards. Rather than popping computer products, in this game you built your own computer to sell on the market. That way, there are endless possibilities from selling high-end computers to Celeron-type low-end ones; and maintaining classic Home Computer series. During the game, you’d have many available components to choose from. I named my graphic cards as Burnout 100, 109, 330 etc. Quite fun.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Computer Tycoon on Steam



While inspired by the classic Impressions city building games, it would be inaccurate to say Nebuchadnezzar is just a reskin of Pharaoh. The game has its own mechanics that are distinctive such as the beautifully worded caravanserai or the planned market/bazaar walking routes (as opposed to the annoying random wandering of sellers in the Impressions games that required the use of roadblocks). There are a ton of resources in the game and the tiered housing levels have an interesting intertwined dependence on how these resources can be collected.

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

Probably the closest any game has come to recapturing the old Impressions City builders (Pharaoh, Zeus, Emperor, Caesar etc).

This type of city-builder game focuses very heavily on production and distribution of goods to supply your population, where a mistake in logistics management can cause the whole city to come crashing down. If you’re expecting something more like a SimCity or Cities: Skylines, you might end up frustrated with the strong presence of logistics management aspects and harsh penalties for making mistakes in that department.

Real player with 61.4 hrs in game

Nebuchadnezzar on Steam

Bakery Biz Tycoon

Bakery Biz Tycoon

If you like tycoons, I recommend it, the game is more complex and fun than at the beginning

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Retested after several months (Juli 2020):

This game still has bugs, this game still is not an example of a feature-rich tycoon game, by far not. It has still some way to go, before it is recommandable, but it is not that bad today, as it was last year. There were real improvements, new features, better tutorials, and a bit better math.

But all in all, there is at least some kind of game inside this product now. You can fiddle around with the different menus and most of them do what they tell they do. So this is a reason, that brings me to the point, that I will change my review. I do see a chance, that this will become a real game, if the Devs invests a bit more time. It will not become a “great game”, but at least something where a player can have some interaction and maybe a little fun with for a short period

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Bakery Biz Tycoon on Steam

Chronicles of Vinland

Chronicles of Vinland

do not buy this game. you get 6 production buildings each can have there production speed and there storage upgraded.

a wall and one tower each with one upgrade path. and your main hut with two upgarde paths.

all you do is click on the buildings to colect material and upgrade the buildings. the natives will attack and there strength is tied directly to your chiefs hut. the outside world is a map with 5 tee pees on it you cilck on the teepees to get quests from them like upgrade this building or defeat this many attacks against you or give these resources. after a bit you just log out and wait a while then log back in and colect your resources do your upgrades then log back out. supper fun

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Most of the negative reviews are from the early access, so I’m not sure how the game used to be before the latest update. I’m enjoying it so much, in fact the game is pretty addicting!

The story based on the history of Vinland (North American lands) when vikings arrived there to explore it. You’ll have your settlement among the native Americans and try to earn their trust as well as friendship and eventually forming an alliance. To achieve that they’ll ask you to do some tasks like upgrading your buildings and workshops, or give them a certain amount of resources. Some of the angry and unfriendly natives will attack you, so you need to improve your village’s fence (Palisade) which I forgot to upgrade at first and focused only on the watch tower - Of course I lost a couple of encounters against the natives because of that and they stole tons of my resources.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Chronicles of Vinland on Steam

City Game Studio: a tycoon about game dev

City Game Studio: a tycoon about game dev

City Game Studio

I joined the open beta for City Game Studio a little while ago. Ever since I have seen it grow substantially. The game has been improved so much in a short amount of time and I can only see it getting better and better from here on out. The developer is very active and takes all the feedback and criticism he gets very seriously. Many of my own suggestions have already made it into the game and whenever an issue arises he is quick to fix it.

The game takes place in a city where you can rent, buy and even build your own studios and exhibitor centers. When your company is doing good you obviously want to expand and get even larger teams working on even bigger titles. The result of that can be very satisfying.

Real player with 198.3 hrs in game


First off, on advice from this author’s attorney Frankie “Fine Print” Lymann, copycat games are not a crime. (See Data East USA v. Epyx for proof that copycats do not constitute copyright infringement.) Remember Game Dev Tycoon? Take the awesomeness of the aforementioned game, add interior decorating, an outside world where buildings can be rented, bought, and even constructed, and then add in some nice new ideas (along with a bad idea) and you have City Game Studio. In case the reader doesn’t know, the game is a management sim in which the player starts a game company starting in the year of the player’s choosing, and goes from rags to riches through developing and publishing video games.

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

City Game Studio: a tycoon about game dev on Steam

Drafting Tales

Drafting Tales

I now have enough time into this game and two completions so I feel like I can make a good judgment of this game.

First off this is decently entertaining. It’s the sort of game you play while binge-watching shows. It’s not the sort of game you sit down to play every night for months on end. They’re are no fancy graphics or animations when you complete a task its just click click click on a mostly never changing screen. There is enough clicking that you feel like you’re doing something and enough progression that you feel like you’re not wasting your time but its not going to hold your entire attention. Think of a mobile game that you play while sitting in a boring meeting at work. This is that game. It’s good and enjoyable you just have to go into it knowing what kind of game you’ll be playing. I’m particularly fond of trying to do a ‘speed run’.

Real player with 48.7 hrs in game

In its current state: cannot recommend.

This game is basically Game Dev Tycoon but where you play an aspiring writer instead of a game developer. You can write articles, short stories, non-fiction and novels. Genres and themes are unlocked through an XP requirement that becomes far more of a chore because you can only earn considerable amounts of XP from large and unprofitable projects like non-fiction and novels.

Main reason I cannot recommend Drafting Tales is because the game is about as fair and balanced as Fox News. With each year that goes by, inflation goes up considerably (price for vacations and rent) but your earnings from a publisher don’t, meaning that you’ll struggle to even afford rent before long. Another problem is that large projects as previously mentioned, are unprofitable. If it takes 8 times the time to write a book compared to an article or short story, and also a significant investment into a vacation because writing that book will drain your stamina, the book had better make several times more in revenue than a short story would. Unfortunately it doesn’t. At most it makes about twice as much as a medium length journalistic piece.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Drafting Tales on Steam