Drugs and Crime Idle

Drugs and Crime Idle


I enjoy this game, there’s not a lot going on to it but it’s still a game which takes a few days in total to almost finish. You take the role of a drug dealer and you have the opportunity to grow marijuana and sell multiple different drugs. You got a variety to choose from. You unlock different areas on the map and upgrade your drug dealers in order to maximise profit and speed up the amount of time it takes to sell the product. You can start a money laundering business in order to produce clean money, as well as a gambling section to buy, sell and unlock different crates which give different rewards which are by chances.

Real player with 168.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Free to Play Games.

I love the idle genre, and I want to like this game, but there are too many little things wrong with it to recommend it right now. I fundamentally dislike the lootbox mechanic, but even setting that aside, there are some serious flaws for an “idle” game:

1.) Your end game progress is capped by whether you have the DLC (almost every core game feature is level capped, but the cap is higher with DLC). I think the free version would be better advertised as a demo, and you have to pay for the full version (which I have no problem with). Most idle games allow you to pay for faster progress or an early boost, but this is the only game I know of where a free player can’t even approach a paying player in endgame, no matter how much time they invest.

Real player with 129.1 hrs in game

Drugs and Crime Idle on Steam



Again, “…gameplay could be utterly broke by some interface glitch”, but unlike “To the Capital”, this Capitalist-Idling-Sim don’t even need your attention. No, actually it may don’t even need you. So…

:/ Uninteresting.

Stockup, c’est l’un de ces jeux qui peut se retrouver complètement pété par un bug d’interface, comme l’est “To the Capital”.

Fascinant ?

Pas vraiment, car contrairement à ce dernier, ce Sim’Boursicoteur sait courir tout seul, et c’est à peine s’il daigne avoir besoin de votre contribution.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Text-Based Games.

Its bad. Bit misleading, all it is, is numbers will go and down and its flip of coin if goes up and down simliar to the markets but at least in the markets you have some idea what you trading in profile, charts etc….

The layout is bad as well, the news report is difficult to read with all information cramed in one spot.

Serious updating is needed.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

StockUp on Steam

Red Sun Raiders

Red Sun Raiders

Join the last humans aboard the vast colony ship Tarian. Moving through the remains of the galaxy in front of a nameless dying sun destroying everything in its path.

Red Sun Raiders is a strategy game with elements of trading, levelling, looting, resource management, basic combat and exploration. This is not a combat based game, the gameplay involves building farms and mines to maximize loot collected, exploring to find keys and gold deposits, and trading to get a good price for your loot.

Read More: Best Economy RTS Games.

Red Sun Raiders on Steam

Hookah Cafe Simulator

Hookah Cafe Simulator

Have you ever wanted to know what is it like running your own Hookah Cafe Business?

Let’s Simulate It. Upgrade your shop with new types of equipment to attract and impress more customers.

Experience the day to day life of Hookah Cafe Owner and your own business to be the best in town and remember you have to be smart and quick. Do your best to fulfil your orders from customers to keep your shop open. Upgrade your shop with new pieces of equipment to get more tips and better rates and comments from customers.

Why would you chase money if you can’t spend it right? Use your profits to either grow your business buy new equipment and hire some stuff or just have fun and party. Freedom of multiple approaches for running your business and deal with pressure are key ingredients for this game.


  • Cook different types of Meals

  • Prepare hookah with different flavours

  • Renovate your shop and house

  • Advanced cooking mechanics

  • Equipment upgrades

  • Hire people to grow your business

  • Sell your unwanted stuff on market to make money

  • Read reviews

  • Attract more customers with better-looking shop design and better reviews

  • Set up Security System for your shop to avoid thieves

Hookah Cafe Simulator on Steam

Lotto Life

Lotto Life

Have you ever wondered if you could win the lottery? Here’s a chance to test that luck, without losing your shirt in the process. Lotto Life is an authentic lottery simulator similar to state-run lotteries.

Welcome to Ys, a modern city under the auspices of Lotto Life Megacorporation. Every day, in real time, a winning number is drawn for the in-game lottery. Buy tickets, read the daily newspaper, go to work, and maybe win big! Fail to pay the rent, though, and you’re looking at a new life (or perma-death, if you like) in debtor’s prison.

In line with simulating the wait-and-see experience of playing the lottery, this game plays out at a slow pace. Most days your session can take around 5 minutes to complete, and then real time must pass before more can be done.

Please note that this is a game, with no actual real-life cash payout in the event of picking a winning ticket.

Lotto Life on Steam



I will NOT indulge this time into talking about the translations of this game - I think that every review of mine has a small section dedicated to my native tongue, when it’s available, and this game is translated into Italian too among dozens of other languages. Needless to say, the translation is horrible.

Some weird site told me “zhulik” stands for “rogue” in Russian but I won’t even spend too much time into this.

If you are looking for achievements, this game has 19 of them and they can be obtainable within 30-40 minutes: they require to farm money by clicking the correspondant button, and with that money you’ll have to buy some upgrades and few other things. I think it’s impossible not to 100% this game.

Real player with 187.2 hrs in game

this game should be enjoyed by all persons on this planet for its 60 minute playtime

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Zhulik.exe on Steam

Forex Trading Master: Simulator

Forex Trading Master: Simulator

I would just like to reach out to the greater community, and talk about how amazing this game is. Me and my group of people I play with are in talks of a Forex Trading Sim LEAGUE! That’s how highly we think of this game. It’s really helped enlighten me on the diversity on world currencies, helping me become a more socially Conscious person. You know? If you are looking for a truly diverse, progressive, fun and game for bonding, this is the game for you. Highly Recommended.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Online real-time simulation fails to connect. Lack of updates

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Forex Trading Master: Simulator on Steam

Storage Kings

Storage Kings

   This is War!

   Outsmart your rivals by bluffing, raising the prices of useless garages and then

   following up with a crucial decision, to sweep all the best off for yourself.

   In Storage Kings, there’s no place for hesitation or mercy.

   At the end of the day, the best ones count profits and

   the worst ones end with nothing. Which of these will you be?

   Treasure or Garbage

   Not all gold that glitters - don’t fall for your greed.

   Often, what’s old and ragged is worth much more than shining blings.

   Improve your skills and become an expert in auctions.

   You can go anywhere…

   Do you feel better on the suburbs of Manhattan or rather

   among an exclusive neighbourhood of Hollywood?

   Travel through all of the States of America to

   get all the best items and face the locals.

   If you can afford it

   Everything is about money! Make only smart decisions.

   If you lose a couple of biddings and get a bunch of crap

   from the ones you’ve won, your budget will melt away faster

   than you think and you’ll have to come back to your old, boring job.

   Don’t let it happen and become the Storage King!

Storage Kings on Steam

Idle Trading Simulator

Idle Trading Simulator

If it was early access ok, but it’s not. Just one screen with one currency. It looks like a school project, but it would get like a D with a note saying how the kid had used zero creativity whatsoever and should reconsider their future career choice

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

The game is exactly as advertised: an idle game. You can open it up, choose to buy or sell, and then leave it sitting until it goes up. There really isn’t any strategy to it. Doesn’t seem like it follows any patterns and there’s nothing that affects it. You only trade based on one chart, and it seems like its just randomly generated because its always new each time you load up the game.

Beyond that, there’s other problems with the mechanics of the game: you can only have a total of 8 outstanding transactions, the history tab only shows transactions from your current session, and perhaps worst of all the trading doesn’t make any sense. The stocks can go into the negative and they still cost money to buy or sell, the buying and selling seems subject to some unknown fee as you never get the price its actually at. And remember how I said it seems its randomly generated each session/history isn’t tracked between sessions? Yea, well, if you close the game without closing your positions it auto executes all of them. So don’t ever close the game in the negative or you lose it all.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Idle Trading Simulator on Steam