Galactic Mining Corp

Galactic Mining Corp

Galactic Mining Corp is decent. It’s not quite good enough for me to say its a great game, but its not bad enough for me to say its awful either. It occupies that middle niche of being compelling enough to enjoy but also shows off a lot of points where it could have used some more refinement.

=The Good=

  • The artwork is great. You can tell effort was put into the art direction off the game.

  • If you enjoy completionist style games, this is going to have a lot for you. Hundreds of items to unlock and rank up. Lots of achievements.

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Capitalism Games.

Game is not terrible, though its essentually a clicker with very little actual game play. You’re just increasing numbers so you can gain even higher numbers. The mining sections while there’s interaction with power ups and such, are more a measure if your progress is “tall enough to ride” you can finish some maps earlier than intended with some intelligent play, but that’s extent to the depth of gameplay.

The game honestly goes on a little too long. They could have cut the entire 3rd galaxy and the game been just fine to me, the game starts feeling a little long in the tooth around the start of the 3rd galaxy. at least 35 of my nearly 60 hours was in the 3rd galaxy. Also whoever on the dev team decided what you go through on the planet Apollo needed to be a thing. There’s a special place in hell for you, you know what you did.

Real player with 58.6 hrs in game

Galactic Mining Corp on Steam

Storage Hunters

Storage Hunters

Have you already heard about storage auctions? Do you want to try, but be afraid of the risks? This game was created especially for you! Hundreds of storages, garages, realistic auction system: hundreds of players compete for garages in real time! Buy, open, pay off, upgrade! Do you want to cheat? Be careful, law enforcement officers are watching you!

  • Open world

  • Unique upgrading system

  • Realistic auction system

  • In-game marketplaces

  • Law enforcement system

Read More: Best Economy Trading Card Game Games.

Storage Hunters on Steam

USA Truck Simulator

USA Truck Simulator

Stars received: 1.1/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.2] Graphics

[0.2] Game Design

[0.1] Game Story

[0.1] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: a NO VALUE truck sim

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Driving Games.

TL;DR: If you just want to goof around driving a truck, this is your title.

I got this title in a bundle for .27 USD. And for a port that wasn’t fully ported? Not bad. Full disclosure: I’m not hauling anything, just driving my truck down the highway, listening to the tires hum. Sometimes stopping to get gas, eat or sleep. Is it a broken title? I dunno, though I did manage to drive off the map.

I then drove my truck boat in the sea until I ended up free falling forever. It was kinda pretty. I then used teleport to go to Quebec and all was well. If you’re looking to just drive on roads, it’s great. Keep in mind it didn’t fully port so mouse not only looks around but is also used to reverse or hit the icons.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

USA Truck Simulator on Steam

One More Island

One More Island

The Queen of the Old World calls upon you! As Her Majesty’s domain expands, we require a capable administrator to guide Her latest colonies to prosperity. We will provide you with ships, colonists, and other tools necessary to tame these wild, virgin lands, and turn them into a prosperous colonial enterprise, all under the Queen’s watchful eye.

Naturally, the Crown will expect you to share the bounty of these new lands, pay your taxes on time, and continue expanding the boundaries of Her Majesty’s colonial possessions. Obedience may earn you rewards,but refusing to pay your dues or worse, declaring independence, will have dire consequences.

So, governor: Are you ready to colonize One More Island?

You are called upon to explore the frontiers of Her Majesty’s colonial empire, claim territory, then exploit it to its fullest to gain riches for the throne!

  • Set sail for the New World to plant Her flag and establish a new colony - as well as ensuring it thrives.

  • Each exploration is never the same, thanks to a world map generated dynamically from a combination of hand-crafted map elements.

  • Customize the challenge to your tastes, adjusting island size, land fertility, amount of natural resources and more, to make it as easy or as hard as desired.

As governor, you’re in charge. Plan out the colony, take care of your residents, and turn a small outpost into an overseas metropolis bustling with commerce!

  • Construct the buildings you want: The freeform building designer allows fine-tuning workshop placement and colonist’s paths to optimize the holy colony plan.

  • Look after the colonists' needs. Happy colonists work harder and faster, growing your, err, Her Majesty’s colonial empire.

  • Harness this legendary colony and these dedicated colonists to create production chains, producing necessary goods on the spot and growing the community.

There’s always One More Island to conquer. Explore the world, find new spots to establish more colonies, then tie them together into a self-sufficient network: An empire of your own making.

  • Build a new fleet to explore the archipelago, claim new islands for your domain, then link them together with overseas trade routes.

  • Optimize your production chains and increase their complexity to create entire industries independent of the Old World.

  • Research new ways to develop your fledgling colony into a New World superpower. Each civilization tier brings with it new challenges, new requirements - and new opportunities.

The Queen wants her share of New World’s bounty. Taxes are expected, as is ordained. But there’s always another option, one that your colonists might look upon favorably.

  • Manage your reputation at the royal court. Pay your taxes on time and meet their expectations or…

  • Do you dare to commit the unthinkable? Do you dare to disobey the monarch?

  • Do you dare try to form a new nation, breaking free of Old World tyranny?

Well? Where do you stand?

One More Island on Steam

FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator

FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator

It’s a fun little restaurant simulator. For 10 dollars I got about 9 hours of play before I beat the one and only challenge in the game (15 tables), but it looks like the devs are coming out with updates, so maybe there will be some expanded content. The physics can be kind of frustrating, sometimes a 100 dollar tub of falafel mix will clip through the wall into an alley you cant get to. It has some other quirks that I’d like to see be ironed out with patches. I wouldn’t mind unlimited sprint, a way to pick up multiple items, and a way to expand the restaurant. Everything right now is pretty simple. Looking forward to more content from the devs. Though there isn’t much to do after you get past the first challenge, I’d still recommend.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

ATTENTION ! GROSSE ARNAQUE ! Le développeur de FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator prefere sortir des jeux identiques sur le même modele plutôt que de mettre à jour FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator qui comporte énormément de bug et qui ne sera donc jamais terminé ! De plus il rédige de faux avis positif de tous ces jeux qu’il a Cree, enfin de faire gonfler la note des avis positif de ces jeux ! Voilà vous ete prévenues….

WARNING ! BIG SCAM! The developer of FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator prefers to release identical games on the same model rather than updating FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator which has a lot of bugs and which will therefore never be finished! In addition, he writes false positive reviews of all these games that he has created, finally to inflate the rating of positive reviews of these games! Here you are warned ….

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator on Steam

Station Commander

Station Commander

The game is good, worth the money. I hope this will continue to be developed with regular patch updates. Some notes:

1. Pirate ships are too strong in early game. Make them less oppressive or add a difficulty setting so fighting pirates can feel more engaging.

2. Repairing ships is a serious chore. I mean like for each ship in a fleet (9 total) there are multiple clicks per ship which gets tedious very fast. Just add a simple way to repair all the ships in a fleet with one click.

3. The scaling on the storage modules is too high, forcing me to use almost all of my free slots to add storage space. I’d really like to use those slots for other modules….

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Very bare bones resource collection / trading game. Best part of the game is gaming the planet economies and trading (sitting outside a planet desperate for food, waiting for prices to go up, selling at the peak, etc.)

Military units are really only for defending your trade/mining ships from pirates, or hunting pirates/other NPCs to take their cargo.

Your station itself, from what I can see, cannot come under attack in anyway so it’s not a high-octane challenge, but more of a fun little game to play with mini-stock markets in every planet (best part of the game is the economies shifting with line charts)

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Station Commander on Steam

VEGTERIA - Vegetable Shop Simulator

VEGTERIA - Vegetable Shop Simulator

Nothing but problems, food by the hundreds go missing, even when reloading that missing food does not show up, playing this game is a nightmare, prices are way too low considering all the bugs this game has, also we need player options , i do not like a game dictating what keys i use, please fix this very bad game

Real player with 110.8 hrs in game

First, let me say to please ignore the number of hours played. I left the game on pause while I did other things so the actual hours is whatever you see minus approximately 5 hours.

Secondly, I purchased the game as a bundle and I should have read the other reviews first.

Okay so here goes my review:

I played for 30 minutes and realized that the game was going to be sub par because everything is stagnant. The npcs don’t have any dialog and nothing basically happens except your character moving boxes around. I was excited at first because I thought that as I got better at the game by delivering vegetables that I would open up more veggies that made me more money but by the time I was able to do potatoes, I realized that my profit was extremely low. The max profit was $1 per item by this time and it seemed tedious to keep going. I wanted to get to the vehicle and the farm but really did not have the energy to keep going.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

VEGTERIA - Vegetable Shop Simulator on Steam

Red Sun Raiders

Red Sun Raiders

Join the last humans aboard the vast colony ship Tarian. Moving through the remains of the galaxy in front of a nameless dying sun destroying everything in its path.

Red Sun Raiders is a strategy game with elements of trading, levelling, looting, resource management, basic combat and exploration. This is not a combat based game, the gameplay involves building farms and mines to maximize loot collected, exploring to find keys and gold deposits, and trading to get a good price for your loot.

Red Sun Raiders on Steam

Scrapping Simulator

Scrapping Simulator

This game is in early access so, you unlock all the available features quickly. As you may have guessed, this game is about disassembling eWaste for scrap materials. You can then sell the scrap directly or spend the time to melt them down to ingots for a bigger profit. Eventually, the world will be much more open and new features are coming.

I’ve logged a lot of extra hours figuring out many of the ins and outs of different processes. I enjoy the “grindy” aspects of this game and look forward to how they’ll adapt to user input.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

game is really fun and easy to get into having a good time playing this game easy and chilled to play. loving all the new stuff and animations but game has some little bugs here and there but can see they are trying to fix them. but loving the game cant wait to see what else they do to the game.

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

Scrapping Simulator on Steam

Treasure Fleet

Treasure Fleet

There is a lot to like about Treasure Fleet, as it builds upon the legacy of Sid Meier’s Colonization. I personally like how the game puts more emphasis on naval ships and actually makes building a fleet of them much more practical then it ever was in Colonization. The idea of the supply mechanic does well to make exploring much more of a risk/reward thing where there can be consequences - especially when things go awry and your horses are stolen under you!

However, at the same time there is also quite a bit of game mechanics that just don’t feel like they work all that well, feel cheap, or are a direct downgrade with Sid Meier’s game. There is also a lot of quality of life features you might expect from other 4X titles to be here as well but are yet absent.

Real player with 154.4 hrs in game

It a nice game but still not ready there to many feature and ui that suppost to be there but are not hopefully this get fixed, 1 exampel that that anger me alot is that soldier can lose there musket when they get attacked or attack, the problem is if you not carefull attack nativ/other colonys loose 50% attack dmg that include defens too, this feature suppost to be explained but it isnt and it ui suppost to be big enought so you can see it clearly but you dont you must look/see super good so the soldier doesnt lose musket. Other thing the nativ are pain in a** since all bunch a**hol* and do as they like give you stuff/attack/steal/demand and diplomacy dont work is just you take money from them until they get angry, you give them money and gona be nativ from same tribe gona attack you anyway, so it almost sad that auto you have kill them all. Game is annoying at the end need be fixed before it can be fun.

Real player with 110.3 hrs in game

Treasure Fleet on Steam