Primate Signal

Primate Signal

Thought provoking, deep and twizted. Absolutely stunning graphics, audio and character development so much so that I actually was physically transported into the fucked up world of the minds of the Wainstop gang. This work, will replace the Bible in our churches. Thank you.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Philosophical Games.

It’s not very often something comes along that is this unique. It has such a strong stylistic character that you feel transported to another world with the original artwork and music, not to mention the mind bending story. The time I spent in this world was totally bizarre in the best possible way. Nothing else like it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Primate Signal on Steam



I will NOT indulge this time into talking about the translations of this game - I think that every review of mine has a small section dedicated to my native tongue, when it’s available, and this game is translated into Italian too among dozens of other languages. Needless to say, the translation is horrible.

Some weird site told me “zhulik” stands for “rogue” in Russian but I won’t even spend too much time into this.

If you are looking for achievements, this game has 19 of them and they can be obtainable within 30-40 minutes: they require to farm money by clicking the correspondant button, and with that money you’ll have to buy some upgrades and few other things. I think it’s impossible not to 100% this game.

Real player with 187.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Indie Games.

this game should be enjoyed by all persons on this planet for its 60 minute playtime

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Zhulik.exe on Steam



If you’re a fan of strategy games like Risk or Sid Meier’s Civilization series then you’ll probably enjoy this, since it somewhat falls in between the two–more complex than Risk, but much less micro-managing than the Civ games. I think Radiis is a little overpriced, but “overpriced” largely depends on how many hours of enjoyment you’ll get from it. I bought it on sale and have played more than 100hrs, so for me it was a great deal.

The missions are mostly challenging, but the AI could benefit from some tweaks. For example, the computer (NPC) players tend to focus on spamming buildings for added population growth, even when it would make more sense to expand their borders. Also NPCs never save money/tokens; if there’s enough finances to place buildings, it will place them whether they need to or not. And the NPCs boat placements are laughably inefficient.

Real player with 317.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Turn-Based Games.

I’ve always been into strategy games, but I don’t think I’ve ever found one that I’ve felt so compelled to write a review for.

This game is simply amazing for anyone who likes strategy games! Such a unique and different design. Gotta make sure to go through the campaign maps to learn and understand the different things available to you. There is always a viable strategy to victory in these maps, no matter how unlikely it may seem. Especially that final campaign map, you go into it thinking there’s no way this could be possible… but play it right and play smart, and it’s surprising how it really is doable!

Real player with 92.9 hrs in game

Radiis on Steam

Merchant of the Skies

Merchant of the Skies

First of all, let me say that this game is a great-looking interesting bite-sized experience. If you are looking for TTD in clouds, this is not that game. It’s a “tycoon” in a very shallow sense of the word. In fact, it’s incredibly hard to describe this game with nowadays expectations other than a “trading game”.

It will not have you coming back to replay again and again, but it will captivate you for a session or two. It’s like a great meal at that new place you are trying out. You wouldn’t necessarily keep ordering it again, but you do not regret the experience. I bring up a lot of mixed points below, but keep in mind that it’s all still held together impressively solidly and does not break apart.

Real player with 44.5 hrs in game

A niche merchant game with the challenges of completing tasks and finishing five ultimate goals to complete the game. The story is about a you, a merchant who follows requests from an uncle and various other characters, using a airship. Different to the usual games I regularly play, but I love it for the fantasy elements and challenges.

The story is odd in a way where it has five main goals, the last one is the restoration of the botanical garden, while the rest are more like side-quests in this adventure world. How you adventure is by flying an airship across to floating islands, you examine the different tasks, refuel, and can buy or sell items. I really like this due to my obsession with steampunk themes, the fantasy world which is floating while working, as though it is a job. Additionally, you get to know the world a little, like the uncle and a couple of characters that want to go to tourist places, but not as in depth in the case of getting to know your crew. It is a single player game, but it is how you want to play, making profit and buying islands in order to fulfil requests and keep your business a float. As for the art, I love it, pixel art can be simple but make so much detail, and with that sort of colour palate, it is up my street. The little wacky details like the singing carrot, the octopus that has a rapper hat on, all of it adds to the personality of the game. You can upgrade your ship too, making it easier to travel and transport cargo, which is helpful to complete more side-quests to bring in the profit. If you cannot gain profit because of your output on workers and fuel, then the bank will pay you off once, then you are in dept, you will need to pay off the bank or go bankrupt. An interesting way of teaching people about the real world and dept, but it forces you to do some unplanned action by juggling the main story to side-quests, making it challenging.

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Merchant of the Skies on Steam

Yerba Mate Tycoon

Yerba Mate Tycoon

Overall 7/10 at the current price. I look forward to seeing where this game goes.

This game has potential, but it seems early in development. The core game mechanic revolves around creating yerba mate blends, and functions similar to Game Dev Tycoon. Each production cycle you chose some options and try to find the right mix for the market. The products sell on the market for 8 months and either increase or decrease in sales based upon marketing and how well the market appreciates the current product. There are sliders where you adjust variables within each production cycle like taste, appearance, and aroma. There is some research that unlocks some additional options to add a bit more depth.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

It was either this or two Guaymallén Alfajores.

First off, I want to say that I really appreciate the developer making a game as niche as this. I never thought tycoon games would get as specific as focusing on a South American drink that’s relatively obscure outside the continent save for a few countries. It’s really clear that this was a passion project and that the dev really put time and care into Yerba mate Tycoon and genuinely likes working on it.

The gameplay is very similar to Game Dev Tycoon in some aspects, but it introduces new gameplay aspects as well. The first ones that come to mind are the abilities to purchase rival companies and the fact that the process for making your Mate is more in depth than making your game in Game Dev Tycoon. The soundtrack is pretty upbeat, it’s not the highlight of the game, but it adds enough so that the game doesn’t get too boring.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Yerba Mate Tycoon on Steam

What We Pretend To Be

What We Pretend To Be

Cheap, relaxing and really nice soundtrack.

This is the kind of game you buy if you have some money to spare, and you’re in need of a casual relaxation game. There is no point to the game, and it’s really really short, but honestly, I think it was worth the small fee. I love the graphic style, and the lighting is god-tier, but the texturing is kinda off-putting in some areas, with glitching clouds and the ground clipping with the grass. There’s not much to the story, but that’s not really the appeal of the game, so I wouldn’t leave much criticism there.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Very short game play, not much story. Mindless wheat farming, once the builder dies you can’t make any more improvements to your town.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

What We Pretend To Be on Steam

True Mining Simulator

True Mining Simulator

Look, the game itself has potential but it’s raw as hell at the moment. Finished all available content within about 35 minutes. There’s basically no difficulty at the moment or way you can fail. It’s basically an idle clicker game. Couple of frustrations. Can’t save as far as I can tell. No moneysink. Once you get past the first 10 minutes of grind the funds are coming in hard and fast for the next 15 before you realise you have everything you can get in the game and you can’t progress in location or anything else.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

I like the game for what is, but I think the option to save your progress in-game would be nice, also upgrades like faster/bigger graphics cards, bigger/more racks and bigger houses would make this game more enjoyable.

Those would be my first to look into making.

PS. Pausing the game + time/hunger would also be great.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

True Mining Simulator on Steam

Blockchain Tycoon

Blockchain Tycoon

The 8 career campaigns teaches you how to play then there are 10 scenario , 10 challenges and sandbox mode, the game dose not provide you with popup tips you have to use your brain it is not hard to figure out the campaign is the tutorial, this is not a supper complex game have a little patience, i’m saying this because the achievement for completing the campaign says only 0.8% have this i don’t know how accurate it is. One level was annoying just because i had to wait for the worker to complete creating a new coin and it takes a while. I guess it takes about 5hr to complete the campaign i’m not sure tho i fell asleep at about 5:30am so my actual playtime is different from shown.

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

After several months of silence and no update to fix any bugs or issues, I am changing my recommendation. It seems to be dead.

This is a good game with GREAT potential! I liked playing it, and of course there were bugs and things that could be improved. One thing is a more realistic market in the exchange. It always seemed to me that the market was mostly stagnant with very little real price fluctuation. By that I mean that if you looked at the price over a year, it would be flat for every coin and token. It may fluctuate on a day to day basis, but no real growth. The other thing that could be improved is the token creation. In the game when you create a coin, it says you also create a blockchain, so why can’t you use your own for the creation of a token. I think it would be cool if you added the ability to add offices and more mining warehouses so you could also add a research tree. That would enable the ability to create hard forks, ability to implement cross platform support, add smart contracts, NFTs, etc. You could also add in researching the hosting of an exchange or NFT gallery. There is a lot that could be done on this front, and it could all affect different attributes of the coin and price, as well as the price of other coins potentially, if interoperability and forks are added. All of that having some sort of correlation with the price of your coin and token and how many other developers want to “support” your blockchain. Also, for some odd reason, any time I created a token, not matter what I did, I could only get tokens during my ICO to be between 30-50 and I couldn’t figure out why. I mostly stuck to creating coins because of this. Also, there needs to be somewhere that explains what different things do. For example, when you are creating a token, what are the differences between utility, security, payment, etc., and how do they affect the token? Speaking of that, when you do create a token, if you forgot which kind you chose, there’s no way of telling. It makes me think that maybe it doesn’t do anything at all. But, besides that, I never could get more than 30-50. One of my biggest irritations was that you weren’t actually managing a company. You didn’t name it or anything. There was no way to compare yourself with your competitors. There was a competitors section, but there was no info about you to compare to them there, and the information about them was very vague. It needs to be reworked entirely, along with some reworking of the economic system. It is very basic. It would be nice to have random events that affect the crypto market so there are real dips and surges. Also, it would be nice to actually benefit other operations when you invest. I would invest 10’s of millions, and it would say that their total investment would be a few mil. So there wouldn’t really be an affect on them. So I then have all these coins and it seems their companies have gone belly up or something because they never go to market. Those are just a few examples of how it is a basic economic system. Anyway, I really hope the developers keep working on this game and bring out some updated to address these things. It would make that mixed review rating look a little more positive. :) And why not take advantage of the crypto craze? lol

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

Blockchain Tycoon on Steam

Guild Commander

Guild Commander

I haven’t played all hours, i left the game on while i made some constrution work at home, and later had dinner and watched a movie. I was in no hurry to get back to the game.

I’m at week 37 day 1. And all heroes maxxed out, so mutch gold i don’t know what to do with it, so i haven’t finished the game yet, and i don’t know if i will. It seems it’s just a waiting game at this point. Waiting for the last wave so the game can finaly end.

I would not recomend this game if you want more then a couple hours of fun from it.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

After beating the game, I feel I can chip in my two cents about it.

Story, setting and general content has been covered by the product description and other reviewers, so I’ll refrain from going through all that again and instead focus on the good and the bad.


  • Quite a unique setting - only other game that comes anywhere near it seems to be Kairosoft’s Dungeon Village

  • Decent graphics for such a small game - no great animations, but the texture quality is really okay

  • Light-hearted humor - I love me some smiles and chuckles while playing

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Guild Commander on Steam



Minor good part :

  • The idea space ship management is kinda ok, you can be pirate, you can be trader, you can be transporter, you can be smuggler with kinda good gameart.

  • The random generated appearance of the crew is good… but need more base model, I found like total 8, 4 for human m&f…or maybe more…

Minor bad part :

  • Sometimes missing UI sound fx.

  • Crew sometimes gone missing.

  • Crew sometimes idle too much.

Bad part :

  • Boring at traveling, you almost do nothing here and the thing make it worst is the traveling time is long enough to make me think “jir, what the hell am I buying this game for?…” (you know a few seconds different is too long for game with nothing to do).

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

SimTower meets Privateer

Interesting combination of game elements in a manner that shouldn’t work, but somehow does. Interesting range of ships (but needs to be bigger and include more classes), the commodity model is reasonable (albeit rather basic), very similar to the Privateer model of base types, except that this game allows for bases to be multiple ‘types’.

Crew recruitment and requirements can be counter-intuitive and frustrating, especially with limited options at each base and the need to build up a large crew over time. I would have thought that having a crew that eats different things would lead to better harmony as they’re not all competing for the same subset of the food supply (but that’s me I guess).

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Cosmonautica on Steam