Capital Profit

Capital Profit

Music Used In Trailer

Track: the Sun Is Coming

By: Oursvince

License: Cc 3.0 By-share Alike

Capital Profit is a first person crafting tycoon game. It is based on the gathering of resources and creating them into various objects. Furthermore, you can sell these objects to NPCs in-game via your very own shop. The goal of the game is to either make the most amount of money possible or have the coolest/ rarest items!

  1. Search For Resources

  2. Build Items

  3. Sell Items

  4. Buy Items

  5. Decorate

Reasons to Play

  • Build Your Shop Empire In Real-time

  • Competition: Compare your shop and island with your friends and try to be the one who has the coolest items or the most money

  • Replay-ability: Continue playing and upgrading your island until you are satisfied

  • Family Friendly: This game has absolutely no violence except for the concept of fishing

The Name

I often get asked how I came up with the name “Capital Profit”. The game is very much based on the functions of capitalism, because of the buying/ selling of items and getting the most amount of money possible. Plus it was a word that my friend liked after I suggested to him (I’m all about that friendly teamwork). Now the word “Profit” is mostly based on profiting from the work/ play-time you put in the game. Therefore Capital Profit are two words that represent the game very well.

Read More: Best Economy Sandbox Games.

Capital Profit on Steam

Mech Mechanic Simulator

Mech Mechanic Simulator

I wish I could recommend this game but I just can’t in good conscience. It’s a fun and novel idea that I jumped into after discovering that my owning Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 (CMS from here on) gave me a small PlayWay loyalty discount, but it’s very much held back by some questionable design decisions and somewhat limited amount of content.

First, the Good

  • All of the mechs look decent (albeit small) and unique and have a surprising amount of detail in the components that can be detached. repaired, and reattached.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Sandbox Games.

I could not start a new game at first. An integrity check on the files showed that half of the download was not good. Re Downloaded those files and now I am running all Ultra settings.

Short Version: This game could become an awesome Mech Mechanic Sim. Right now it is lacking. I will support the game and not return it because I can see that it may advance over time.


  1. It does not make me feel like a mechanic. It feels more like a search and find game or a memory game. When I have taken apart or assembled items I always lay the parts out so that I am sure on assembly that I have not missed anything. Part of feeling like I am progressing is that eventually I can dump the parts out and do a full assembly in 30 minutes without looking at a diagram. In Mech mechanic there is no way to get that feeling. When you disassemble you can see the part you need to get to thanks to the scan. To get there though you move your mouse around waiting on a part to turn green. Then you select that part and see if you can wiggle it off - no? well now you look for the screws or retaining part and remove that. now you wiggle the part off - rinse repeat. Seek and Find. After doing that to the same arm on the same mech you might could get that “muscle memory” built up over time but wait - Sometimes when you take it a part you unscrew the part but when you assemble it you have to select the part and it attaches itself automatically. That lack of consistency actually breaks the muscle memory and makes you feel like you are doing it wrong. All parts you unscrew on disassemble should have you screw it back on in assembly.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Mech Mechanic Simulator on Steam

Winkeltje: The Little Shop

Winkeltje: The Little Shop

This is a great little shop management game!

I look forward to seeing how it develops over its time in Early Access.

Things done great:

  • The villager AI is spot on! I haven’t had anyone get stuck in my store. I also like how the expectations of the customers seems to align with the items your store offers over time. I was worried when I moved away from produce toward a tailor that customers would’t get the picture, but after a couple of days they stopped hounding me for apples!

Real player with 111.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Economy Capitalism Games.

This game is a gem, plain and simple. It’s made for a very narrow spectrum of gamers though, you’ll probably know if it’s for you by just looking at the screenshots and reading the description, but I encourage everyone who is even a little intrigued or who enjoys relaxing sandbox style games to give this game a shot. Everything you see and read about it is what you’ll get when you buy this game. Nothing more, nothing less. If you bought this game and don’t like it, it’s because you didn’t pay attention or had unfounded and unrealistic expectations.

Real player with 85.0 hrs in game

Winkeltje: The Little Shop on Steam

The Corporate Machine

The Corporate Machine

The first thing I need to say is READ THE MANUAL! If you’re like me and tend to play a casual game or two to get the hang of things it’s very easy to have no idea what you are doing and lose the game. A quick skiim of the manual will give you an idea of what is what and how the game runs.

I very nearly wrote a bad review after my first game after giving up in just five minutes, I hadn’t read the manual and had no clue what I was doing.

The graphics and sound options on the game are not great, basic graphics and no volume control are something of a turn-off, but you can do what I did and turn off the game’s music and ignore the graphiocs quality.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

I got this with stardock legends pack, so it was so cheap. It works on my win 10, and I don’t update it unless it asks me so it works perfectly on win10. First with the cons, the training isn’t working as it shows when you press f2 ( it’s been showed in help, f1) so I played a game at beginner than “difficult in pain”. After few lose I managed to own the world. So there should be some ways to endure the others. Ok you will say me to use cards and lucki but cards require too much resources for a losing company. Maybe I’m telling this because MOBA games and their competitive game strategy is popular now, however, I still think there should be balance. Also I wish to have suggestions to continue after 55% global market sharings. Or there would be other choices such as technology winnig. And pros, if you like this kind of games you will like it. You really need to control market, demand and sellings should be balanced very well, otherwise you lose. I really liked it. I wish ppl upgraded it till now, but this gem also lost itself in the marketing :/

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

The Corporate Machine on Steam

A Little Shop in Squirrel Town

A Little Shop in Squirrel Town

It’s a mixture of Recettear and Harvest Moon. It’s a very relaxing/your own pace type of game.

Not complicate and very simple/easy game. Have a lot of activities to do in game.

Grow crops, fish, explore dungeons, unlock crafting recipes (cooking/armor/weapon/accessory), and sell them at your shop.

Collect monster cubs from dungeons for as livestocks for loot. Each type gives different loot.

Level up your fairy to help in dungeon (kinda stupid as it attacks the direction you’re facing, if you’re running away then it doesn’t work that well)

Real player with 42.1 hrs in game

Its a sweet little game. You can grow/collect/buy items and sell it. The artstyle is very sweet. I realy like it.

Best things:

  1. The devs answer very quick and improve the game asap.

  2. The price of the game is realy low if you think about all the work it takes to make such a game.

Gabb the games as long as you can get it so cheap! :)

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

A Little Shop in Squirrel Town on Steam



I’m only 4 hours in. The game is in the earliest form of alpha it could possibly be in. I personally love to watch games develop into something and even take part in the community that helps direct what the game turns into.

That being said it is rough, it has a long way to go until it becomes a fully playable game but it has a ton of potential with a runescape/rimworld feel. I like the base of what the game is and look forward to the progression of the game.

If your into early access games, you can’t really beat it for the price. Especially if the developer continues the project and puts the work that’s needed.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Ruin on Steam



this is a masterpiece

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game













Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

4Prot on Steam

Bakery Simulator

Bakery Simulator

Get up before dawn and see what it’s like to be a baker! Learn to bake several dozen types of bread. Use realistic bakery machines. Deliver orders to stores, earn, and invest. Use original recipes or experiment with ingredients.


Bakery customization - Upgrade and customize your working space to your liking.

Open world - Respond to the needs of the market

Earning & investing - Invest your hard-earned cash in newer equipment.

Baking - Bake bread, buns, baguettes, croissants and more.

Resource management - Buy ingredients, work under the pressure of time.

The choice - You choose the orders you want to accomplish.

Every recipe is inspired by the real ones. Check the cookbook, use a database of original recipes, and learn to bake several dozen types of bread, buns, and more. Be precise - otherwise, your goods will not bake properly.

Logistics is key! Plan your route to save as much time as possible when unloading. Hurry up and deliver warm bread to stores before opening. Remember that delays will cost you money!

More information for passionate bakers

  • Choose your target: Stores need different kinds of baked goods. Bread and buns are just not enough –some expect croissants, bagels or muffins. Browse daily lists of orders, choose them and commit to regular deliveries. Raise your reputation and trust with the stores by making the deliveries on time.

  • Find the best ingredients: Manage and control the ingredient storage space. Order different kinds of flour, yeast, and additives from the warehouse. Check which ingredients are missing or which you’re getting short of - otherwise, you may find yourself in a difficult position and unable to work on the orders!

  • Earn and invest: Invest your hard-earned cash in newer equipment that will let you bake even more products. Buy a larger delivery vehicle or machines for making other types of bread. Expand your bakery.

  • Bakery customization: Choose your own workshop equipment from the list of dozens of available machines and devices. Follow the manuals closely… or find your own use for them. Upgrade and customize your working space to your liking. Install more and more bakery machines as you progress through the game. Buy countertops, shelves, and tools. Create the perfect conditions for baking!

  • An open world with a changing customer base: From time to time new bakeries will appear. Respond to the needs of the market and invest in new equipment to avoid going bankrupt.

Bakery Simulator on Steam

Gas Station Simulator

Gas Station Simulator

The game idea itself is great, however it needs A LOT of polishing to be considered playable / fully released.

Game Breaking Bugs:

  • If you start playing, the performance is OK, however the more you play, it gets slower and more demanding on resources on your computer, perhaps you guys have a memory leak somewhere, or something. It’s not normal to start with ~100 fps and be on ~30 after a hour of gameplay.

  • You should be able to sell your stuff, if you steal from cars A LOT, it all adds up to the warehouse making tight space for your deliveries. If you don’t want to allow us to sell the things, then at least make it that we can throw them in trash or something.

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

Gas Station Simulator


Gas Station Simulator

| Genre | Simulator |

| Campaign | Yes |

| Game length | 15/17H |

| Difficulty modes | 4 |

| Metacritic | 70% |

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

Gas Station Simulator on Steam

Kingdom Workshop

Kingdom Workshop

Become a workshop owner!

Build base, plan manufacture, hire workers, trade and finally decide the outcome of the war between the kingdoms.

In a far-away mysterious kingdom where are plenty of secrets and adventures, you have been entrusted with building a workshop. But what to produce? That’s a question you have to answer for yourself.

You can cook chicken, you can make pots, or you can make swords. Or maybe you’re more comfortable with machines and making siege guns?

User-friendly building.

In few clicks you can build rooms of any shape.

User-friendly production planning.

In few clicks you can customize thing and planning for production .

An endless kingdom sandbox.

Relax and watch while others work. Work for the Kingdom or analyze the market and choose what to produce.

Create a huge number of different products. Choose materials, artifacts and colors.


At first you have only a small meadow in the forest. You decide what and how should work to grow into a huge factory with several production lines and hundreds of complex products.

Features of the game

    • Diversity of production processes and goods
    • Plan production on the screen of the drawings
    • Expand and increase production capacity
    • Control the mood of the workers
    • Work shifts. Timetable.
Kingdom Workshop on Steam