Piecewise: build chat bots with blocks

Piecewise: build chat bots with blocks

Despite being a solo dev, the developer of this software really knows what their fans want. On Friday, I had burned my hand with flaming oil and stayed eight straight hours in a neglectful “healthcare” facility that took eight hours to bandage my recently singed flesh. This left me with very limited use of my left hand, thus rendering me unable to make a chat bot by coding as it requires two hands to type. But with Piecewise, I can drag blocks onto blocks with just my mouse. This hero of a developer kept their clientele in mind, and made it so this software could easily be used with one hand. Obviously this was designed for people with limited mobility such as myself, as I cannot think of any other reason why this software should be used with one hand. These design choices lead me to believe that there is still hope left for humanity, 10/10.

Real player with 58.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Software Games.

Documentation is good for novices.

Product works well, no real bugs thus far.

Would recommend

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Piecewise: build chat bots with blocks on Steam

DEX : Speed Run - Level Maker - World Records

DEX : Speed Run - Level Maker - World Records

Play together with the leader, take the first places, create levels in this action platformer!

New levels every day

Jump, bounce, and dash your way through geometric worlds,

dash through a ton of different obstacles with unique geometry, shape, and behavior together with the leader!


  • Cooperative game with a leader

  • Finish first and save your playthrough

  • Challenge yourself with the near impossible!

  • Global score leaderboard

  • Level editor

Read More: Best Early Access Action Games.

DEX : Speed Run - Level Maker - World Records on Steam



A lifechanging and moving experience that no human is complete without. Just as the twelve apostles of Jesus were moved and driven to be something greater by his holy wisdom, so too have I become more than human, a transcendence of all of my peers, through the wisdom of the Gamebook. The blood in my veins is turned to holy water, the breath in my lungs now only able to recite holy Gamebook scripture. Despair, all ye unfaithful, for your mouths shall give wake to naught but poison and rot should ye not speak the word of The Gamebook. The night I first beheld the holy text, I awoke, crying out, and I saw before me the very essence of gaming, a warm and comforting shape far beyond my comprehension. And though it burned with the light of a thousand suns, I felt its love, and it caressed me and told unto me that my purpose was transformed, and that I must spend the remainder of my time spreading the word of The Gamebook to be welcomed into the sacred land of Gamia. And though I felt truly loved, I wept, and my tears were not water but liquid gold flowing from my spirit eye.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access 2D Games.

GameBook on Steam



thEiAoLoGy is an Early Access free to play game with VR support. Worked on Win 10, look ok, played bad, sounded ok. It did work somewhat playing it from desktop. Minecraft like graphics.


  • Alt + F4 does not work to close this program.

  • It didn’t work at all on my HTC Vive HMD, even though it says HTC Vive support.

  • Has No instructions or clear instructions.

  • Has No Exit button, i had to use Task Manager to End Task it while in VR.

  • Could not Rotate while in desktop.

  • Could not Alt + Tab out of the program window.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game



Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

thEiAoLoGy on Steam

Pixel Game Maker MV

Pixel Game Maker MV

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m now ready to weigh in my thoughts on Pixel Game Maker MV. I’ve been using this software since early access back in 2018.


Pixel Game Maker MV is a great game development engine for those that are not programmers, and want to be able to create either side scrolling or top down action games. It’s got enough for a single person development operation to chew on here to create the game you want to create in the way you want it created; bearing in mind that you operate within the program’s limits. If programming/scripting is outside your reach (or if it’s something you can do), this is a great engine that has the potential to be amazing as long as the developers continue with updates & performance improvements. There are assets and DLC that is available at the time of writing for you to get a jump on a concept quickly, but there are no asset standards (outside of keeping things divisible by 2) to conform with.

Real player with 2587.5 hrs in game

I’ll begin this review with I’m 36, not 16. I have no illusions about making a game and distributing it for gain. This is a hobby for me and that is the perspective I write this review from. I have a day job. I moonlight as a hobby pixel artist, and that drives me to dev software to have fun with, and bring it to life.

I began with RPG Maker MV as my first dip into game dev software. I do not have a desire to learn to code so that software was more interesting to me compared to more advanced engines. After years in RMMV I felt the want for more control from the ground up, and not be boxed in by hard limitations from the software, and the need for plugins to break through those hard limitations. Pixel Game Maker MV grants me that feeling. I did not feel like the learning curve to get going on a project was difficult, even without a large database of video tutorial content on YouTube at the time.

Real player with 1866.7 hrs in game

Pixel Game Maker MV on Steam