

xTypeVersus is a typing game where you will to work and improve your typing aptitudes:




Play against other players from all over the world - up to 5 players in one game.

Don’t let the other distance you, don’t make mistakes, don’t crack!

Customize your console as you want with different layouts, colors and options.

Make it look like you and change it between games.


  • SOLO with 1 theme (password).

  • 3 Layouts

  • Steam connected (login)


  • LEADERBOARDS for best solo

  • MULTI up to 5 players

  • More themes: standard words, Names, Anagrams, Fantasy…

  • More customizations

Read More: Best Early Access Hacking Games.

xTypeVersus on Steam

Steno Arcade

Steno Arcade

First of all, this is a steno game. What is steno? Look here at me playing this game on a QWERTY keyboard and a steno machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtQzTUEuPWo You can see that I don’t write individual letters, rather words at a time. And writing words at a time means that my hands don’t move much, much less than a QWERTY keyboard where you have to type every letter.

The steno machine is much faster at text entry than a regular keyboard, but it takes months to become proficient. Part of the reason that many haven’t heard of steno is that for the longest time it wasn’t public information! A major stakeholder in this game, Mirabai Knight, tried to bring steno to everyone, starting in 2010. She first had a program made that interfaced with steno machines and handled all the steno logic → that program is Plover, and I use and develop it now.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Free to Play Games.

I’ll divide this review for two audiences: Uninformed and transcribers in the shorthand trade.


If you stumbled upon this game, you might be wondering “What the heck is steno?” which is fair question. This is very niche product for a speicifc trade/industry in which you might recognize in captions on Television or Court reporters (sometimes refered as stenographers). This means that you need a specific usb-equipped shorthand steno writer and download an open source software to convert what you input into that writer onto your computer - you still following me? - and also you’ll need to learn the complete theory and methodology of how to write steno. If you’re still confused or uninterested thenn this is obviously not the game for you.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Steno Arcade on Steam

JPN Burst

JPN Burst

If you’re already familiar with Hiragana and Katakana and feel like you still mess up sometimes and want something to practice with. This is a good way to do it. I was feeling rusty on katakana so I grabbed this to do some drills and then went ahead and cleared out the hiragana sets as well. The one annoying thing was that everytime you beat a lesson/test it sends you back to the menu to select between school/home/whatever books you’ve bought instead of just bringing you back to the page you had been before.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Tutorial Games.

A good Japanese learning game/software. I got it for free and I don’t know anything about Japanese language. Within an hour, I gained my basic knowledge about Japanese language and letters. The game is fairly challenging and will actually help you think harder, hence it will actually exercise your brain muscle about the language.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

JPN Burst on Steam

Typing of the Undead

Typing of the Undead

A good casual game to spend some time when you want just to relax and chill with Nice stylized graphics and music. :)

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

I love typing games since Typing Shark. (^_^)

This is a really fun game to play. Beautiful graphics as well!

I love the graphics a lot, they are easy on the eyes.

Especially at the newest map, the Gas Station.

I can’t wait for the future features of this one.

We actually need more typing games :) .

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Typing of the Undead on Steam

Discord Rich Me! (Custom Rich Presence)

Discord Rich Me! (Custom Rich Presence)

Works great! Easy to use and so far it has basically no bugs. The only thing that needs to be done is add the all the templates.


Now that i have over 1000 hours in Discord Rich Me, I can confidently recommend this program to any user who wants just an extra little touch to there Discord profile. One of the great things about Discord Rich Me is that you just start it, minimise it to your tray, and forget about it. I have Discord Rich Me running 24/7 on a spare Windows 7 Laptop i have thats over 16 years old and there is 0 performance change. The community in the Discord server is friendly and can provide help if you need it. 10/10 program, 100% worth the money.

Real player with 1948.7 hrs in game

Please understand that Discord Rich Me! is currently in BETA. It’s still missing a ton of features, but they have a lot of things planned according to their discord.


As a very prominent and long time Discord user, Discord Rich Me! provides, as of April 19 2021 (19/04/21) a very straightforward interface, with some helpful (though subtle) guides on what every single textbox function does.

At the very least it provides very basic rich presence functionality, but very much so simplifies all of the painful steps it takes to make a rich presence. I do understand that this is still in beta though, and I will re-review once more features have been added over time.

Real player with 502.7 hrs in game

Discord Rich Me! (Custom Rich Presence) on Steam

Midget Kricket Fantasy Chat

Midget Kricket Fantasy Chat

The main focus of this program is not to be only a stand-alone game. We intend this game to work with other pen and paper role playing games to provide a more immersive role play environment. Our second goal is to provide as much open customization as possible to allow you to enjoy every experience you have with us.


This is the most important part of our game.

We have a chat system that is built to work differently with every language you choose to use. You are able to type in Common (or whichever language you speak), and have your written words translated into any language we include in this program. This feature will also allow the “GM” to set a custom actor requirement on the languages. This means you may need to have a character that knows how to speak the language of your choice before using this language, and it can also mean that when you send the message you send it out as if you are the selected character. Everything posted in chat will be based off the character you currently have selected. If you roll dice, post information about abilities or quests, or simply type a message then these all will be sent to your friends based on your selected character.


There is a special section where players can review their quests and in the spirit of RPG we even allow the “Game Master” to create, update, and delete quests on the fly.


There is a section that is easy to use where you can write notes about your adventuress, and save these notes to either your players own journal or save them to one of your controlled characters journals.


The dictionary we provide will be set up to be used for you to learn the language without the need of translations. We feel languages are more than just images you read. We want to offer the full experience of speaking like an Orc or an Elf. We have the dictionary set up so that each letter and each symbol not only have a name, but they have a sound. More importantly, each one has a description and a proper way to be used. So, when you type a word like “friend” into our system we search for the correct spelling of the word in the dictionary under the language of your choice, and then we post the correct word for everyone to read. We also attempt to correct spelling of the users so that when typing words that don’t exist in the language the word is still written in a similar fashion. For example, one or more of our languages never use double letters such as in the word “ball” so when using that language it will automatically remove the second “l”. We also plan to set up an auto read feature where it enables our system to read what other people post so you hear the words the way they are meant to be read.


We offer a dice rolling system in both the cases of simple randomized numbers, and actual 3d rolling dice. Our 3d dice system offer different cameras for watching from different views as we drop dice in towers, pour them from cups, or toss them from hands, each meant to get the best roll for each player. We will also offer in the future special weighted dice and many colors, materials and designs to choose from. All rolls and totals will be exported to the chat system as public or private rolls.

Character Sheets

We offer custom character sheets built not only for our game, but we plan to offer them for other games as well. Do you want to build an Orc Battle Mage but dislike the rules created within Midget Kricket Fantasy Chat? Well, we plan to offer the ability to fill out and use sheets from some of the most popular games out there.


Items are the most important part of any game! We are going to build items for Midget Kricket Fantasy Chat, but why not allow you to build neat items for other games? This system will handle different items such as general items that do nothing or complex items that you can equip. With just 1 click have your 1 handed (Holy Ax of Lightning Damage) swing and miss but still call for its area splash damage of fire and acid that rain from the sky! On a small note, each item will also have a “weight” and a “currency value” that you can fill in to use for other games as desired.


This is a complicated feature. We will have a form of trade menu, but we cannot promise it will work for every game at this time. We also plan for a store screen to allow the GM to post items in and set custom currency values for each item. This is only meant to speed up the game so that the GM does not need to find each of his custom created items and decide what to sell it for and place it in your inventory for you. The idea for each of these systems to allow players to be able to view, trade, and buy items quickly.

This is a preview of what we currently hope to offer. We do plan to offer more stuff as people join us in our adventures!

Midget Kricket Fantasy Chat on Steam

Airhack: Hacking

Airhack: Hacking

You are a secret Agent who begins work for the Airem as Hacker. Hacking servers of global corporations for profit, stealing data, manipulate the stock market, modify peoples academic or criminal records, laundering money, erasing evidence, framing innocent people. Do not trust anyone.

Use bitcoin to upgrade your hardware and buy new software. Connect to many unique servers, each of which has something different. Some servers are just a little fun, but others actually contain vital bits of the game. Airhack (The Origin project) was founded in 2000. This is the oldest thing known on the Internet.


  • Hack users (delete files, formatting disk, transfer money from wallet etc.)

  • Hack bank accounts to transfer money

  • Install and play games

  • Trojans, virus, malware

  • Bitcoin mining

  • Modify your system (theme etc.)

  • Overclocking (CPU/GPU)

  • Help the police track down other hackers

  • Upgrade your hardware and software

  • Connect to many unique servers like casino, stock

  • Phone (send sms, call, chat etc.)

  • They watching You

  • Hacker, Hacker, Hacker

  • Make virus

  • Black hat, white hat, gray hat

  • Ranking online

  • Multiplayer, co-op (hacking bank accounts together) or be a lone wolf

  • Secrets

  • Ufo attack 2 (game)

  • Airhack could be aslo an immersive terminal-based hacking simulator for PC

Airhack has many more features which are not listed here to prevent spoilers

Airhack: Hacking on Steam

Finger Fortress

Finger Fortress















Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The game at its core is fun and enjoyable. However, playing online is NOT an option at all. Ranked queues take forever (whether this is a lack of players or global funcitonality I do not know, but it is impossible to find a game). Also crashes everytime I play with a friend. Better offline.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Finger Fortress on Steam

My Mud Game

My Mud Game

**My English is not very good, those are using Google Translate to translate chinese word. If there are any questions, please tell me, thanks a lot~:) **

***** If you have any suggestions or wish to add features to facilitate your development of Mud, please go to discussion forum I*****

***** Mud production instruction, please go to the official website of Red Cat Studio to check *****


I am Ghoster, the administrator of the Unknown World Mud. My Mud Game is an independent game made by me.

The so-called Mud refers to Multi-User Dungeon (multiplayer network dungeon game).

It is mainly an online game presented in the form of text narration. The game mainly relies on the keyboard to input commands in order to interact with the world in the game, which can be said to be the predecessor of modern MMORPG.

Don’t tell everyone that …

My Mud Game’s current game content is very poor, because My Mud Game is not so much a game as it is used as a “Mud game making system” function display.

The content of My Mud Game alone shows that I don’t need to spend a lot of time to make it, but it took me more than a year to develop it! !

The main reason is that what I want to do is a …

“Everyone who can’t write programs can create their own Mud game in a simple way! !』


The real goal of My Mud Game development is to allow users to modify according to their own preferences to create their own Mud games.

(I will not admit that I actually developed My Mud Game, just because I want to play Mud games made by others … XD)

In addition, in order not to lose the traditional Mud feeling, but also hope that people who play Mud for the first time will not be discouraged by the complicated command play mode, so I try my best to use the keyboard to enter the game mode, Change to just use the mouse to click,

For those who are easily lost and too lazy to draw maps, a small map function is added.

In order to make the picture more attractive and attractive, some objects have also added graphics.

My Mud Game now has only one of Mud’s most basic functions, including exploration, combat, equipment, props use and skill system, as well as simple event functions.

For more advanced development, I hope to develop after interacting with players, so … please try to present your needs! !

Within the scope allowed by the system architecture, I will try to add more functions.

My Mud Game itself is a stand-alone version of Mud game, which does not have a connection function.

Therefore, the content sharing function of personally made games becomes very important. After I understand how to use the Steam workshop,

It will be open for everyone to upload the Mud game they made.

Regarding the teaching part, I found that the description of the file method is not good, so I will find time to make as many My Mud Game game production teaching videos as possible in the future.

Anyway, please give me some advice ~

My Mud Game on Steam

On Key Up: A Game for Keyboards

On Key Up: A Game for Keyboards

So now that the game has received all 24 levels and i went and redid the old ones(since they were all reset showing 1h in-game records but i had also wanted to try them all again anyways…) as well as did the six new ones from the latest update, and have 100%’d the achievements like… is this my 3rd time now? At least second. Glad i won’t have to do this ever again, enough Vietnam flashbacks gained by now. ;3 After all of this(and according to steam this new session of mine took about 3,7 hours, i know i most certainly haven’t played twice during the past 2 weeks :P)… i think it’s appropriate that i finally give this game a small review.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Esta bueno, pero se fueron a la mierda con el nivel de hacer la imagen, es un dolor de huevos, pero esta piola.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

On Key Up: A Game for Keyboards on Steam