The Last Spell

The Last Spell

A fun and addictive game that’s essentially tower defense with elements of party management/rpg, town/resource/strategic management, and enjoyable “rogue-like-lite-whatever” persistent unlocks over time. Maybe even a dash of almost RTS with how worker management flows.

The gameplay loop itself is simple - defend your little “city” against hordes of monsters by night, build/develop base/heroes/etc by day - repeat til you fail or win - earn unlocks to get stronger for the next time - and repeat.

Real player with 136.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Base Building Games.

It has been a long while since I enjoyed game this much straight on launch, last game I sank this many hours in on launch was Trails of Cold Steel IV on PS4 launch even if it is ‘just’ early access game right now there already is plenty to play and explore, in the roughly 10 hours so far I already unlocked good chunk of upgrades… And I barely made dent in the actual % of them

There are some weapons that are very obviously superior to others, at least that’s how I feel personally so far, like Spears and Daggers are ridiculously OP if you can grab bit of mana regen or in case of dagger/hand crossbows getting few multihits in, poison dagger toss is strong enough to hold a side on their own for first 4-5 nights which I think is silly (But I don’t say this cause I think it should be nerfed mind you, I actually think it is good thing that there are simply weapons that are better, while other have a nieche they can fulfill, like I personally don’t think Hammer is too good in general, but the aoe stun is good for stalling, it won’t work long term though unless you heavily spec into that kind of playstyle with your hero)

Real player with 75.5 hrs in game

The Last Spell on Steam



It’s good! Already worth playing in its current state early access state, if you’re fine with no ending.

Gets a great amount of mileage out of just reducing RPG combat down to essentials and making sure you have to weigh each option available in combat. Kinda like Into the Breach in that regard, both very elegant designs that are more interesting than the majority of their larger competitors.

Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Tactical RPG Games.

Game is fun, fully playable even with some endgame stuff (although more content to come) and the devs are great and responsive. If you like hard games, the hard mode seems pretty reasonable about very hard but not unfair. the easier difficulty felt right too, not effortless and boring but much less likely to lose a fight. (I recommend the hard difficulty the game is not possible to game over, and failures are always a learning situation but its nice when that you can swap between them if you are feeling particularly demoralized). I highly suggest checking this one out if you like some party based turn based rpg goodness on the harder side.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Bonfire on Steam

Paths & Danger

Paths & Danger

FIRST comment I will last for eternity!

Well thoughtful game.

There’s plenty of potential to this, I really hoped some features were unlocked, but I guess they are still under development.

I loved the combos we can do with different characters, my fav so far to use are the Half -Vampire and the Paladin.

The game’s becomes intense when your chars start to have low health and stamina, and the atmosphere the game really nails it.

Loved the art in the game, kinda a mixture of battle brothers and darkest dungeon, but original enough to be distinct.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Dark Fantasy Games.

With around an hour play, i would like to give constructive criticism for the devs.

The genre is popular, im sure there are a lot of people including me who are willing to play Darkest Dungeon type of games out there. But there are a few things that need to be addressed i believe.

I started the game with Ice Mage, so no tutorial. I dont see the reason, why there is tutorial with Warrior and not with another hero? Doesnt make sense.

Thats why at times i felt i had lack of info of what to do. I had to stop my run with Ice mage because my Vampire buddy had died, i spent most of my gold on health potiıns, but stamina potions seem much more important. Because your stamina doesnt regen. This again is a flaw in game design i believe. There should be another way to regen your stamina besides spending money for it. (Maybe there is but i just got stuck and couldnt play further due to this. And it was the easy mode.)

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Paths & Danger on Steam

We Are The Caretakers

We Are The Caretakers

This game is a great concept, and the Afro-futurist aesthetic adds a layer of depth I did not expect. Yes, it is early access/beta, so there’s bugs, but the dev team is available nearly 24/7 to discuss problems and hear feedback. This is indie game development done right, and what is already a good game will be an outstanding final product as a result. Think of the early access purchase as a long term investment that is going to pay off soon!

tldr: buy this. support indie games, and immerse yourself in Afro-futurist sci-fi!

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

One of my friends said this game is sci-fi super soldier park rangers and that is spot-on. 

The combat is a blast. The game is still buggy in early access but that doesn’t block it from being a beautiful and fun experience. Also - that music, man. So. Good. 

Check it out if you like: Final Fantasy-esque combat and graphics and music, Divinity Original Sim’s combat, rhinos, park rangers

Main word that comes to mind when I play this game: protector

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

We Are The Caretakers on Steam

Wulin Chess

Wulin Chess




Real player with 47.8 hrs in game

just cut all those online wuling bullsh1t and get this NOW.

solid game yet lack of content.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Wulin Chess on Steam

Atlas Rogues

Atlas Rogues

I was a big fan of Atlas Reactor and plugged in almost 2000 hours into it having only played it between 2016 and 2019. I have nothing but fond memories of grouping up with my friends and if not achieving a consistent streak of victories, we always at least experienced some epic moments and mostly respectful and respectable opponents we could congratulate in the general chat after a match. The world, mechanics, and the vibe was so unique and I couldn’t get enough of it.

And then the servers were shutdown and I was left feeling a huge void in my gaming life not having a team based game to play with others. Nothing against Overwatch or Awesomenauts, as I played those to fill the void for a year, but they could never compare to this brilliant and unique experience. All of mid 2019 and mid 2020, I was wishing and hoping Atlas Reactor could somehow come back. Maybe Gamigo could give the former Trions staff another chance to revitalize the game with new content and a paid for model to afford the servers required to run it. Or maybe a group of dedicated fans can make a spiritual successor with similar mechanics but with a whole new set of characters in a brand new world.

Real player with 433.0 hrs in game

Atlas Rogues, like most rogueish games of its kind, aims to have a solid mix of RNG, strategy, and skill all bundled together to create an experience that can prove reliably challenging while allowing to new flavours to spark up throughout each and every run as you unlock new characters, new abilities, and new questlines throughout your gameplay. It should be noted, that those seeking the time limited phase by phase PVP chess like arena experience of Atlas Reactor will likely not find it here as this game sits in a different genre using the same universe.

Real player with 90.7 hrs in game

Atlas Rogues on Steam

Low Magic Age

Low Magic Age

TL;DR: The game is a fun grind, but it is not well balanced.

I have about 90 hours in the arena and about 10 in the adventure mode. I have raised a party to around level 100 in the arena. I am recommending this game with some suggestions for the devs. I hope the devs will implement some change so the player feels like they are growing more powerful as they level up, instead of feeling like they are barely holding on and crawling towards the inevitable moment when they will no longer be able to beat a single encounter.

Real player with 136.4 hrs in game

Well as of the date of this review we are still awaiting the Campaign Mode to be implemented. I am hopeful from what the developers have shown recently that it will be at least released sometime this summer. It might even be close to Fall before we see the full game come to be. Even so for $6 I still recommend this game.

Right now we have what is called “Arena Mode”. You take a pre-made party or create a custom party to be placed (by the game) as a group on a random map to fight one wave of monsters at a time. These waves are chosen by you as the player and can contain random kinds and numbers of mobs. The waves range from easy to difficult. You get to choose what difficulty you are comfortable fighting against which is nice. After each battle, if your party prevails, you get a certain amount of gold based on how your characters did in the battle. If no one in your party dies you get bonus gold. You also may get a piece of loot or two. After each battle you are also given a chance to buy and upgrade equipment for your party, which is randomly generated, if you have enough gold. You can also level your characters once they have achieved enough XP to do so. The rules mainly try to follow the 3.x DnD ruleset. And it does a pretty decent job of doing so. With each of your characters gaining higher Feats and Talents as they progress. The magic system is different as there is no mana involved for any spells that are cast. Instead you have a cooldown period for each spell. Some do not like the way this mana-less sytem plays but I love it personally. There will also eventually be crafting available which is nice.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Low Magic Age on Steam







Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

confusing gameplay and bad translation

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

TeamTower on Steam

The Lost King of Avallon

The Lost King of Avallon

9/10. Get this gem you’ll love it.

The game:

Basically you play however you like at your own pace. The world is different every single playthrough so super replayability. Very relaxing to wind up after days work.

The combat:

  1. The combat is simple and can be really challenging, tho the devs implemented difficulty setting in option.

  2. Sometimes you got matched with really OP monsters, so better get that flee button ready.

  3. Be extra careful with monsters that can dot you with either fire or poison because the dot will persist after combat and most of the time will kill.

Real player with 69.6 hrs in game

Beautiful atmospheric rpg with a tabletop style of play where you can choose different classes to play such as a knight,paladin,hunter and others which have yet to be released in the early access version. They come with different skills and it pays to hire companions in cities who will make a major difference between exploring a dungeon full of nightmarish horrors and lowlife hooligans or having to turn around due to not having a character who can pick locks to open doors/treasure chests.

On one mission i survived much better with my companions compared to previous missions where i either went at it alone or with companions which do not fare too well in combat such as peasants. If you protect them well even a peasant can level up to be a mighty hero and ally in your group especially when gearing them up with all the cool gear one finds in dungeons.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

The Lost King of Avallon on Steam

City Of Thugs

City Of Thugs

ok developer fix it and i change my review , that was fast and nice because it was imbosible to even defeat 1 enemy

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

It almost feels like the percentages don’t mean anything. I would miss over 90% of shots when the acuracy said 63%, but when my accuracy was 59%, I was hitting most shots. But the AI is nuts, their accuracy would say 43% and hit 10 shots in a row. Good game in the works tho

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

City Of Thugs on Steam