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DelphyQ is a real-time strategy game with a pause-and-play mechanic.

Plan your Operation

On the operation screen, you will see the map for the next mission. You can carefully plan how you want to approach this mission there. You will see enemy spawn locations, healing and power stations, doors, main and secondary objectives, and more but you can also select to just show doors, objectives, etc. to make the map clearer.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Turn-Based Tactics Games.

I somehow expected more. The details to be higher or some base building or solder selection.

now I know this is early access and for a game that only ask for this price, it is asking too much. Yet I have been spoiled by X-com and other game of that standard.

I love that it is in real time. And I see great potential for the game. But I am not ready to commit yet. And I feel that if you are unfamiliar to playing beta games you are properly going spoil this game for yourself if you play it this early.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Delphyq on Steam

The Lost King of Avallon

The Lost King of Avallon

9/10. Get this gem you’ll love it.

The game:

Basically you play however you like at your own pace. The world is different every single playthrough so super replayability. Very relaxing to wind up after days work.

The combat:

  1. The combat is simple and can be really challenging, tho the devs implemented difficulty setting in option.

  2. Sometimes you got matched with really OP monsters, so better get that flee button ready.

  3. Be extra careful with monsters that can dot you with either fire or poison because the dot will persist after combat and most of the time will kill.

Real player with 69.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Turn-Based Combat Games.

Beautiful atmospheric rpg with a tabletop style of play where you can choose different classes to play such as a knight,paladin,hunter and others which have yet to be released in the early access version. They come with different skills and it pays to hire companions in cities who will make a major difference between exploring a dungeon full of nightmarish horrors and lowlife hooligans or having to turn around due to not having a character who can pick locks to open doors/treasure chests.

On one mission i survived much better with my companions compared to previous missions where i either went at it alone or with companions which do not fare too well in combat such as peasants. If you protect them well even a peasant can level up to be a mighty hero and ally in your group especially when gearing them up with all the cool gear one finds in dungeons.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

The Lost King of Avallon on Steam

This Is Not Chess

This Is Not Chess

I’ll admit I bought this purely for the nostalgia that the graphics give me. It reminds me of a lot of gamemaker games that I was obsessed with in my youth.

The game itself however, is suprisingly deep. Each unit has a type and a list of techniques and these techniques take time to pull off. But here’s the catch: you can pay action points to speed it up. You’d think you’d be constantly doing that but action points are shared between the whole team and they are also used to move your units and spawn new ones.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Turn-Based Tactics Games.

This Is Not Chess on Steam

Valley Knights

Valley Knights

I highly recommend Valley Knights for several reasons - but I think the most important one is that over the past few weeks I have found the developer to be extremely passionate about the game, listens intently to player feedback & is quick with patches/updates. Through my interactions with them I have seen first hand how much they genuinely care about the player experience & how much they want the game to be loved & shaped by the community / for the community.

If you have ever played a turn-based roguelike game & enjoyed yourself but wish a few things were different - this is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor to help shape an incredible game with a passionate indie developer creating a piece of work that is clearly important to them. This is all about building a great game, something the developer can stand behind & be proud of and that has been obvious to me through the developers actions to date.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Game isnt done yet but has a lot of potential,


more items, more quest, more classes, bigger maps and more bosses.

Maybe ultimate or “super ability” during combat sometimes?

Better terrain tactics on the battle grid?

More vision and a larger playfield on the battle grid?

Randomly generated traps or random events on the battle grid? |

What it doesn;t need:

your asshole opinion, game is not done yet.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Valley Knights on Steam



It’s good! Already worth playing in its current state early access state, if you’re fine with no ending.

Gets a great amount of mileage out of just reducing RPG combat down to essentials and making sure you have to weigh each option available in combat. Kinda like Into the Breach in that regard, both very elegant designs that are more interesting than the majority of their larger competitors.

Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

Game is fun, fully playable even with some endgame stuff (although more content to come) and the devs are great and responsive. If you like hard games, the hard mode seems pretty reasonable about very hard but not unfair. the easier difficulty felt right too, not effortless and boring but much less likely to lose a fight. (I recommend the hard difficulty the game is not possible to game over, and failures are always a learning situation but its nice when that you can swap between them if you are feeling particularly demoralized). I highly suggest checking this one out if you like some party based turn based rpg goodness on the harder side.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Bonfire on Steam

Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game

Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game

This is an Early Access review. The game contains bugs and is only feature complete for Chapter 1. I will not mention bugs in the review, because there aren’t any game-breaking ones and the ones that do exist are minor. Also, please download the combat demo before purchasing.


The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic post-Earth world revolving around a multi-century trip on a colony ship. You are just one person, who lives in an area of the ship, called the Pit. You are not a hero, nor are you anyone special – yet.

Real player with 90.4 hrs in game


I now have a good handle on the combat system. Here is what I was doing wrong:

  • Character spec:

Decide how you intend to play and spec accordingly. For example: my tank maxed Con and Str this prevents his from being knocked down as I took the Juggernaut feat. It is critical that you also take the Armor Feat with this kind of build. My primary weapon is a shotgun, and he feels really strong. Go all in on your chosen spec, I cannot understate this!

  • Easy Target

Pay close attention to what you are wearing. If you make yourself an iron brick you will get prioritized by the enemy AI and get more holes in you than a cheese grater.

Real player with 60.7 hrs in game

Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game on Steam

Dudes on a Map: Virtual Grid Paper

Dudes on a Map: Virtual Grid Paper

I can’t say enough about how great this tool is for helping with running my game! It’s simple to pick up and start playing with, without having to study tutorial videos. Easily import your own maps in jpeg form, and you’re on your way to having a great time with friends. There are some ‘fancy’ features, like having 2 different types of fog (one standard and one for secret areas you don’t want to accidentally reveal), marking up areas of effect, initiative tracker, add in your own monster/NPC tokens, and a dice roller (with the option of using symbol dice for different game systems). While these are great, you don’t need to use them if you don’t want to. I tired of trying to learn how to use other systems, and my experience of using dudes has convinced me that I don’t need to while still having a great time with my friends.

Real player with 241.7 hrs in game

Been playing since the earliest Alpha releases. Also, for respectful reasons of this review, I did not get it for free but I am close to the creator so, anyone reading this, perhaps you’ll feel that there’s bias BUT, I will happily preface it at the top here first.

Dudes On A Map, for me, can be described as the easiest non-tech proficient program for playing RPG’s online with your friends. While some may say “Scoff, there’s not nearly as many tools and all these bells and all those whistles.” I would reply to them “Good, I don’t want all that and, to be honest, I don’t want to take a small 101 course just to get my games running.”

Real player with 125.0 hrs in game

Dudes on a Map: Virtual Grid Paper on Steam

The Song of the Fae

The Song of the Fae

Only 10 minutes in, but the charm and music are top tier. If the “deck building chess-like” mechanics have depth to match the initial presentation, this game will be as solid and comparable to monoliths of the genre such as Into the Breach.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The Song of the Fae on Steam



The Game:

Catch your favorite companions, Train them up to become the best, Fight challenging opponents & champions to become the Master of this world.

Explore the open world, gain experience, and grow to defeat your rivals, along with taking down the gruesome Parruna clan who terrorize the land of Regione Lazina. Do it all alongside friends!

The future of creature-collection:

Try the future of creature-collection games, with a new introduction to an already well known genre.

We went back to modernize the old classic creature-collection games and realized that with modern technology we could develop a more in depth game, while holding on to the good feeling of playing an old creature-collection game.

Some of the major things we did in Train’em:

  • Real Time: Train’em provides a real time combat experience giving the player a new and improved feeling of control in the battle arena, unlike old creature-collection games where combat is turn based.

  • Open world: The world is completely open to explore and you choose what way to go, who to fight, what champion to defeat and what tournament to master

  • Multiplayer: Play with your friends, unveil the world together or try to defeat them in combat & become the master together

  • Tournaments: Train’em features a series of different tournaments challenging you in unique ways as you progress through the game.

  • Early Access: Many updates will come in the future, with new companions, champions, tournaments, map extensions and much more.

Train'em on Steam

Obsidian Prince

Obsidian Prince

Reviewed in early access: I’ve sank many many hours into this game by now. The Mechanics are solid, the concept works and the voxel art is gorgeous and that’s coming from someone who never liked voxels before. The game is quite packed with fairly unique concepts, such as a druid whose big thing is mold. If you enjoyed Into the Breach, the combat in Obsidian Prince is also about getting hit as little as possible, while maximizing the damage you do. Obsidian Prince is quite excellent in what it sets out to do and there’s new and exciting things coming out regularly. The devs are clearly passionate about the project and it shows.

Real player with 624.9 hrs in game

I interviewed Sigrid and Mattias from Unleash the Giraffe about their work on Obsidian Prince back in February (here ). Since then, I’ve logged over 200 hours on the various test and alpha builds they’ve put out, and I’ve killed more purple zombies than you can shake a pointy stick at.

I’ve provided a fair share of feedback, and it’s fair to say I’ve gotten to know the developers and their game fairly well. As such, I’d say it’s fair to question whether I’m really able to provide a critical and unbiased review of their game – so I won’t even try.

Real player with 305.3 hrs in game

Obsidian Prince on Steam