Atrio: The Dark Wild

Atrio: The Dark Wild

It’s still very early access but this is a fun game! I was in the mood for a new base-builder game when I found the demo for Atrio. I liked it enough that I bought the game on day one. I’ve sinked a few hours into the game and I am loving it. It’s like Factorio and Don’t Starve had a cute baby.

Right now I’m playing in story mode. I’ve reached the end of chapter 1 (which is as far as the story goes right now), but I’m still building out my base in preparation for when the next chapter comes out. I have almost everything automated and almost everything researched (that’s available right now). Once I’ve done everything I can do in the story mode I’ll switch over to free mode and see if I can take it further.

Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Crafting Games.

I love making your own factory and the fact that you can make it longer, shorter, and it works the way you want 100% but 4 parts really bugging me is the bees just stand still and group up for hours unless your blow them up, the chests can be very little and take up alota space, its little but kinda anoying when you have to make 3 blocks touching the water for it to work, and the worst part is the deers wont stop stealing your glowbubs and making poos everywhere its anoying when you cant make them run away but other than that i would love 1-4 players that would be really cool since its simple and fun and you have so many tasks you can help your friends out

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Atrio: The Dark Wild on Steam

7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

You like open world? You like exploring? You like being creative? You like dying? Well maybe not that last part, but its going to happen depending on your settings. With the creative aspect, new P.O.I.s to explore and the inherent danger that follows, this game opens your world to the complete experience of what an open world game should be. I didn’t even mention horde night. Prepare yourself for an onslaught of zombies and test those creative skills. Can you survive until morning? I have over 1000 hours into this game and the amount of content available (to include the new update A20 which should be coming soon) Its like a new game every time I play it. A must play.

Real player with 1249.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Zombies Games.

All these nay-sayers! Ok, so it’s still in Alpha, but to me, that isn’t a bad thing worthy of negative feedback! They have an already epic and fun game to play for free roam, base building survival players who enjoy having something to play with friends. They are CONSTANTLY upgrading, changing, and fixing things up based on the feedback. They did not decide to just whip out an indy game that could be improved and say “finished!” They chose to stick with it.

Sure it says “Alpha” and “early release” but this game is better than most supposedly “finished” games I have seen on steam. There may be some things that would chase a few off, but over all it is great and fun to play. It’s definitely got replay-ability (which most build your own base games lack) and there is enough variance in maps that I do not think I have been on the same one twice.

Real player with 755.8 hrs in game

7 Days to Die on Steam

Night of the Dead

Night of the Dead

Night of the Dead is a great “Tower Defense” game. Yes it has “Open World Survival Craft” but you need to understand this is a “Tower Defense” game first.

So I played this game when it first came out and I really liked it. It had a good foundation to build upon. Yes it was a bit buggy in spots. I finished the story then set the game aside for a while.

I have now returned to the game after the big Electric Update (Dev #5).

I have to say I am blown away by what was added and changed in this game for the good.

Real player with 345.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Zombies Games.

First of all, let me start off by admitting that I am absolutely a soft touch when it comes to indie games. I’ll forgive them for things I’d never accept from a AAA design studio, and with good reason. It takes so much guts to be an indie designer, to go out there with nothing but passion and a dream and make something that other people are happy to spend hours of their life playing.

Night of the Dead is very much a work in progress, and it doesn’t pretend to be otherwise. But, every masterpiece has to start off with a rough draft to begin with before you can polish it up. And that’s what we’re lucky enough to have the opportunity to play here: A diamond in the rough.

Real player with 294.7 hrs in game

Night of the Dead on Steam

Road to Eden

Road to Eden

Played many ‘survival’ games over the years but this, right here, is something else! At first glance its a kinda survival-crafting-base-building-monster-killing game and we’ve all seen those. What sets this apart is the execution. They quality of the scenery is quite stunning and the ingenuity of the game draws you in gently until you don’t realise how how many hours you’ve been playing. The overall feeling of menace never leaves and when something just appears out of the shadows, its all your childhood fears of monsters in the wardrobe reborn. Loads of things to find, craft and build. Guns, ammo, food, tools, building materials, energy panels, its all here, as players of such games as ‘7 Days To Die’ will be familiar. However compared to this, ‘7 Days’ looks like a cartoon and other games are not far off that similar description. Monsters…..monsters are really nasty and although killing a couple that are chasing down a road is easy enough, try doing the same when 40 of them turn up at your base and are kicking down your door….I still get nightmares!. Its not a blood fest and not really graphic in its depictions of violence. its just the kind of fear that we all enjoy, from haunted houses on Halloween to Skydiving at 30, 000 feet. Just don’t be playing this in the dark…with headphones…alone in the house.

Real player with 1585.9 hrs in game

I discovered this gem hidden deep among the list of your usual run of the mill survival games, Until that point I had never heard mention of it sadly.

Its still in the early stages of development but has the feel of a 7days meets miscreated hybrid with some added detail.

The game has been on steam for little over a year and has a single dev but already has an impressive amount of content already, alot more than a good few other survival games i’ve played.

Along with changing weather patterns that dampen your senses there is a range of NPC’s all of which have varying strengths, abilities and a shared dislike for you.

Real player with 1064.9 hrs in game

Road to Eden on Steam

Arctic Anxiety

Arctic Anxiety

This is in fact a nice game and it should be a nice game and because of that i made this post so no offense the developer.

– This is in fact a nice game and it should be a nice game but because of all those devastating bug + other bug i feel it is on it’s place to warning you about what you really buying and i try for 122 hour to avoid this post as best i can just to give that hard working single developer to resposse and do something with it but nothing happens and i am afraid he gonna use several month or worst he is not able to fix them at all.

Real player with 146.1 hrs in game

This is a really cool survival game and is really challenging. Early development and developer is active. Game is a great purchase, I picked it up for $4.99 how can you go wrong.

–———————- UPDATE November 2021 ————————

OK my above review I hold true to and I like the game but some time has passed, there hasn’t been an update of a pep from the developer, it appears this game is abandoned but who knows.

I will say there has been a few updates last year 2020 but until you see some progress with this game I would not suggest purchasing it.

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

Arctic Anxiety on Steam

Age Of Omens

Age Of Omens

Normally as Things go I will update my reviews, so keep posted if your interested on where the game is kind of at.

So quick things is the game is great, It’s early stage yes, There is however a satisfying amount of area to explore, lots of crafting options, and a rather nice building system, I have played a large sum of games with building, and this one does it very well.

The Dev is constantly updating the game, bringing fixes and new content, It’s single/multi I haven’t actually made a multiplayer game, I am fine being alone….

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

This developer has big plans for this game and eventually a sequel, so he is not going to cut and run on us like most EA title developers do (I flat out asked him). He is very responsive on discord and takes everything we the players say seriously, I asked for a longer day cycle and he put it in a patch with some other things literally 30 minutes later.

This is an EA title that is worth your time, money and support, I can’t wait to see what more is in store for Age of Omens. Updates and content come at a brisk pace for just one person and he is in the process of hiring more help. Give it a try, I’m so glad I took a chance even after being burned by so many other EA titles.

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

Age Of Omens on Steam

Feudal Lands

Feudal Lands

About This Game

You make sail toward an uncharted destination — a feudal land of cabals, conflict, and conquest. As an unwashed peasant with no lands nor riches, you never imagined yourself a conqueror. Yet this new world beckons, calling you to break free of your lowborn bonds and become something greater. But to claim this destiny, you must first survive.

Feudal Lands is a multiplayer survival game intended to give players an authentic experience of what life what like during the medieval age, while also incorporating elements of roleplay and real-time strategy. Players can build castles and villages, explore a realistic open world, and cooperate or feud with the other opposing player kingdoms of the land.


Crafting and Professions

If you hope to survive this world of danger and strife, you must first prepare yourself. Players will have an advanced crafting system with hundreds of items at their disposal. This includes tools, weapons, armor, building structures, and more — all of which can be upgraded to higher quality tier levels based on professional skill and the required materials. Players may choose from professions such as Blacksmithing, Engineering, Farming, Alchemy, Enchanting, and more. There is no limit to the number of professions a player may learn.

Customizable Building

One of the best aspects of survival sandbox games is designing a defensible and attractive home base. Players will be able to claim a plot of land and build any way they want, as long as their structures adhere to the rules of physics. This will encourage players to build intelligently as they apply crossbeams and other building pieces to support structural appeal and realism. Building parts can be upgraded up to five tiers of quality, starting as wattle and ending with brick. There will also be several unique building parts for our more creative and strategic players, such as trapdoors.

Engaging Siege Warfare

The exterior wall is your first line of defense; you must not let it fall! Players can declare war against other kingdoms and lay siege to their castle in an epic battle for conquest. Invading players must build a siege camp outside their walls to craft siege weapons, which will start a timer for both sides to prepare for war. Once the timer expires, the defending kingdom will become vulnerable to attack.

Procedurally Generated Dungeons

Grab your allies and prepare to enter randomly generated dungeons, each run offering various routes and rooms to explore. But be wary, for some paths are more dangerous than others. These instances are one of the few areas where players can take on more powerful enemies for a chance at higher quality items and rewards.

Tournaments and Arena

Prove yourself a worthy combatant in the Ring of Carnage, a bloody arena where only one may claim the title of “Vanquisher”. Tournaments are divided into regionals, with each regional winner passing on to the Ultimate World tournament to compete for the Grand Prize. Players can compete in events such as archery, jousting, melee combat, and more. Players can also spectate from the stands and place bets on who they believe will reign as champion. The winner will have their likeness preserved in stone; their statue displayed at the Tournament Grounds until the next competition.

Diversified Questing

What is a medieval open world without a little adventure? Players may embark on a variety of quests that will reward gold, experience, and more. Quests will not be limited to simply killing a certain number of creatures or gathering a certain number of items. These journeys will vary in length, effort, and objective, so players can engage in the story rather than performing the same task over and over.


The townspeople serve an important purpose in Feudal Lands; they are the bread and butter of your kingdom, offering labor, trade skills, and quests in return for your protection. Villagers can be recruited from Refugee Caravans to come work and live beside you in their village.


Wild animals can pose a dangerous threat, but they can also make even greater allies. Players will be able to tame a wide variety of creatures for different purposes, with each offering its own unique talents. Tamed animals possess non-combat abilities and are rather intended to aid your kingdom by performing certain tasks, such as oxen tilling the fields or hawks hunting plague-infested rats.

Trade Market

Each server offers a trade market where players can barter or sell their goods in exchange for gold. Money can also be earned by completing quests, slaying enemies, sacking kingdoms, and more.

Cosmetics Shop

Feudal Lands will have an in-game shop where players can unlock cosmetic options for armor, weapons, building structures, etc. These items are not pay-to-win and will provide no real benefit to gameplay, besides allowing you to look your best as you fight with style.

Feudal Lands on Steam



A space adventure with a content struggle for survival. Explore a mysterious planetary system and discover its secrets. In INTERASTRA players will experience a survival simulation, where they have to take care of their basic needs. Exploration and resource gathering ultimately leads to leaving the planet you’re on, venturing further into the unknown. Take on various environmental threats, from different temperatures and weathers to unbreathable atmospheres and varying gravities.

Besides darkness, outer space hides many threats, so plan your journey into the unknown. You need to maintain optimal nourishment and hydration levels and make sure you have an ample supply of oxygen, as wrong choices can cause them to run out at the worst moments. In INTERASTRA you will experience different types of threats, depending on the planet. You may have to avoid certain dangers or create special equipment to withstand them.

Each of the planets has unique supplies and resources that can be used to create new tools or upgrade existing ones. Gather them to access new flight paths and make your survival easier.

Collect new ship part blueprints and advance your technology level to explore the entire planetary system. As you progress, you will unlock new and better rocket parts, allowing you to direct your space rocket further and further.

Wishlist INTERASTRA today to stay up to date with the game’s progress.


Lilith Odyssey

Lilith Odyssey

I’ve been having a harder time enjoying new games… something interesting will come out and it will pique my interest, only to realize it’s not what I had imagined. Although I have been getting more and more of these Hentai games, but am I at fault for thinking the gameplay would be on par with the graphics and art work? Not in this game, it might not have cat girls or dominating succubi, but this game has a lot more. How much more? A whole galaxy. And by the way, these questions are rhetorical for the sake of this writing prompt of a review, if I ask a question I’m probably asking that to myself while writing and don’t expect anyone to message me with the answer to the question I provided.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Lilith Odyssey is a bold undertaking for a small indie dev team but the concept is well executed although not without some expected bugs (that from what I can tell the dev team is actively working through).

The game play is a mix between the Oregon Trail (get to your destination), flight sim, open world exploration/adventure, with a Fallout/GTA esque radio station thrown in for kicks. Ultimately this is a risk and resource management game where you gather resources to (safely) get from your starting home world to Lilith.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Lilith Odyssey on Steam

Nimoyd - Survival Sandbox

Nimoyd - Survival Sandbox

Nimoyd is a science-fiction and fantasy survival sandbox adventure set on Earth, in the year 2702, or any randomly generated planet you like. A massive, open-world full of wonder, dungeons, and cities awaits you!

Survive a Vast World

Your only way to survive is to dig, craft, and fight through this strange world. Manage your energy supply as you explore forests, grass plains, deserts, dark caves and dungeons, and generated cities filled with enemies. Beware the night though, as the dark Spirits will haunt you.

Scavenge, Craft, Farm, and Survive

After crash landing with little to no help, the clock is ticking to find something to eat and to develop the equipment you need for exploration. Each biome offers useful resources for you to gather. Craft gear, lights, food, but also a bed, a table, buildings, vehicles, or even a mecha. Whatever you make will help you survive further away from your base. Who knows what else you can find deep below in the Underworld, and who knows what you could craft with it!

Become a Hero

Customize your hero based on 16 hero types, ranging from humans to aliens, and magical creatures. Add unique character traits such as “Brave” or “Lazy” to make them unique, and watch how other characters in the game react to you. Earn XP and unlock the full skill tree!

Create Your Own Dynasty

Build a home. Choose recipes, and manage your defense against either other human factions, or new alien colonists, or against the Underlord who lives deep below in the Underworld. Use your home base to store resources, park vehicles, and replenish your supplies as you explore the vast world. Manage your defence against either the human factions, the new alien colonists, or against the nightly Spirits – or other players. Participate in wars between human factions or defend their factions against those strange alien colonists from space, or even play as an alien faction yourself.

Play With Friends

Invite your friends to your planet and go on an adventure underground or against the aliens. Or join one of the many public planets, to experience a more hilarious world filled with lots and lots of player factions and cities. But since Nimoyd is as a single player game at its core, take your time for that, and do it whenever you feel is right for you, and keep playing alone. As you like.

Fear the Underworld

What happened to your planet? What about that infecting Fungus that destroys villages and even alien colonies with ease? Why keep the humans talking about an Underlord in the Underworld? And where are those nightly creatures, called Spirits, come from? And what about the aliens? Why on Earth do alien colonists dig so vigorously deeper underground every day? Can you find a way to make it off the planet alive, or to fight off the Underlord or the aliens?

Make Friends, Find Love, Raise a Family

Discover vast nations and randomly generated cities, where you will rub your shoulders with traders, talk to soldiers, and even children. Listen to their stories to learn about their culture and the late history of this world. Eventually, you’ll find a sweetheart that you’d like to marry. Raise a family and secure your heritage.

Open Development

Get weekly or daily updates, see what the development team is working on, view real-time change logs, and give feedback from inside the game. Nimoyd Early Access development is open, and the development team wants to hear from you.

About Us

What started as a tiny game jam and spare time project between Rafael and Jeffrey, which they funded through freelancing, eventually turned into a whole team affair with 10 members around the world. Our home office is in Berlin, Germany.

Nimoyd - Survival Sandbox on Steam