Vectorio - Early Access

Vectorio - Early Access

I only played two runs, it doesnt have mods, and it doesnt have online, yet. its amazing but has some issues, its a perfect blend of defense vs resource gathering. i mean, its so easy to make it where focusing even slightly too much into defense means you run out of money and vice versa, this game really is lenient in both aspects. Youre defense do far more than you think they would while not being a one and done, and once you figure out the mechanics of the gold farm (ie: the tutorial does not tell you that your gold storage can fill up even if you have not hit max bank) then you realize how quickly you can bring in the gold for even the pricey items! but theres the problem, i’ve tried twice now, and even on lowest shaders and no spinning blocks, the game lags to hell and back when you have a base that starts getting towards the edge of the map (so a really big base) it will lag you to hell and back. and wants it lags bad enough, bugs occur, i was managing my heat just fine, and my heat went for -200 ( –thats normal) to 40k in a single frame and sent so many enemies my game froze and by the time i could get it to register anything i had died.As a defense game lover, 9/10 absolutely love it for the gameplay, will certainly be a 10/10 after a few more updates. but dear god i doubt they’ll be able to optimize it enough to get rid of the lag considering the low amount of buildings i had.

Real player with 49.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Base Building Games.

If I could give this a mixed rating, I would. Please read the full review for more info.


☐ Kids

☐ Everyone

☐ Casual players

☑ Pro players


☐ Potato

☐ Really bad

☐ Bad

☑ OK

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Masterpiece


☐ Full price

☐ Wait for sale

☐ Average

☐ Refund it if you can

☑ Don’t do it


☑ 90' PC

☐ Minimum

☐ Medium

☐ Fast

☐ High end

☐ NASA computer


☐ You just need 2 arms

☐ Ez

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

Real player with 36.5 hrs in game

Vectorio - Early Access on Steam

Warriors: Rise to Glory!

Warriors: Rise to Glory!

After waiting for so long the game is finally out! And as expected it is extremely good.

The game starts off from a simple attack ability and progress to a very simple yet complicated in its strategic.

From the humoristic tutorial you can understand the nature of the game, there is no dark tone and the game provide enjoyable moments for 100% of the time.

Progressing in the beta is fun, there is many things to uncover and the skill tree is huge. So, every player gets its avatar different from one another.

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Multiplayer Games.

This game immediatly got my attention due to it’s similarity to the classroom classic flash game, Swords and Sandals. I remember that game being hard, but fun. I checked the details on this game and saw that it was a rogue like game. Now this could go one of two ways, it could be like binding of issac, in which a bad run will not unlock anything new and shiny. Or it could be like has been heroes, in which any progress goes towards a ‘buff meter’ or ‘unlock progression.

I am happy to say that this is the latter, and is a good bit of fun. My only complaints as off right now are that there isn’t much content. This is in the sense that the first boss is always the same, and the execution/humiliation animations are always the same, with the exception of the ‘thug life’ humiliation which I find is always hilarious.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Warriors: Rise to Glory! on Steam



Do you enjoy model railroading (or have you always wanted to, but not had the space at home)?

Did you have a blast playing games like Sim City 4?

Do you enjoy watching beautiful trains rolling through pretty scenery?

If these describe you then odds are good you will like Mashinky.

Mashinky allows you to plan & build railroads on its grid-based map. You start the game in the early steam age with the choice of locomotives that were barely able to pull much more than themselves down the track, & progress through various other ages unlocking new industries for your rail empire to serve & new, more powerful locomotives to serve them with. As of Dec 2018 there are 4 eras to play through (2 different steam eras, & 2 diesel eras). Each era (at present) unlocks 3 or 4 locomotives to choose between (once reaching the 4th era many of the old steamers are retired from production & no longer able to be purchased beyond what stock you already own, but this does seem fairly logical) & several new industries. In the year+ that I’ve owned this game, the developer has been steadily adding features (steadily, but not rapidly -they have added eras 2 and 3 within about a 1.5 year span so understand that their planned 7 eras once the game is finished will take a while). Despite that, Mashinky is extremely enjoyable as it is already (so long as you are not playing it solely to unlock a futuristic bullet train that does not exist in game yet) & despite being an early access title I would highly recommend.

Real player with 587.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Sandbox Games.

[EDITED 11/8 to correct several misunderstandings, errors, and things which were changed.]

TL;DR: There’s a lot of things this game does right, but at present there are simply better options in the train sim world. I give it a thumbs up because I feel this game has real heart, a strong attention to detail and realism, and great potential, but be careful before you buy it in its present state. I won’t lie and say I didn’t have fun with it, I did, but it gets stale pretty quick at present, and simply adding more eras through which to progress (as the developer seems intent on doing) won’t address the reasons it becomes stale - not in any way.

Real player with 346.3 hrs in game

Mashinky on Steam

SCP Strategy

SCP Strategy

SCP Strategy is a very fun game, I have had an idea similar for awhile, so im very happy to see it a reality! It is fun to create, name, and control your own MTF units, or Foundation sites, and even make your own SCPS! Though right now it is a bit lacking on the content end, as more people discover and buy the game the more progress can be done on it.

I have a few suggestions down below:

GOI’s: GOIS (Groups of Interest) are groups that interact with the Foundation, and Anomalies. Some famous ones include the Chaos Insurgency, Serpents hand, Global Occult Coalition, Unusual Incidents Unit and some more. Perhaps you could even make Custom GOIS with custom behaviors! Having GOIS to compete with would spice up gameplay, Perhaps you would have to send MTF units away from an SCP to intercept a Chaos Insurgent or Serpents hand Convoy from reaching one of your sites, or an MTF Unit to destroy a CI camp. Perhaps you can sell Objects to the GOC, they will pay you, but the Object is permanently destroyed, and you lose Research points. The UIU could provide Units and sites for a rental system, if you got the money. New Research like MTF unit specialization would be cool, you could research tech to make your E-11 better at Combat, or faster at containing. Perhaps you would lose if the Chaos Insurgency or SH got strong enough. Just some fun ideas.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

This game is pretty much glorified whack a mole. There’s no real strategy to the game because there’s no real danger. Just pay your employees minimum wage and charge the nations just under max price and you’ll get all the achievements with ease. When orange lights pop up on the map, send a unit to search it. That’s the entirety of the game play.

When I saw SCP attached to the game, I had some hope that there would be something cool about it. Unfortunately the only real link to SCP the game has is that you research found SCP’s to get points and read about the SCP you captured. That’s it. That’s the entire connection. The research is either done automatically on a timer, or you play 1 of 2 minigames that have absolutely nothing to do with SCP (one where you match a set of waves, and another that it just a ripoff of every “click the thing before it touches the object” flash game every beginning programming student has ever turned in as a school project), and don’t enhance the experience at all. If you’re a fan of SCP, you might as well just go read the webpage, because that’s all you’ll do with SCP’s in game.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

SCP Strategy on Steam

Cepheus Protocol

Cepheus Protocol

an open world RTS game the description can be a little confusing to the ear as what makes an “open world rts” other than an RTS with a really big map?

it is in fact justified, in that the mechanics differ somewhat from your typical RTS game. specifically the ability to build almost anywhere and the unique emphasis on resource utilisation as opposed to procurement and steam rolling, rushing and turtling as you may in other titles. whilst these methods are indeed still viable it by no means guarantees success as sticking to any one template will often result in your defeat.

Real player with 57.4 hrs in game

As someone who normally plays steam games and doesn’t keep up-to-date with patch notes and news related information relayed by developers, Cepheus Protocol stands out as one of the first games where I genuinely take the time to read Dev letters and patch notes. Without considering the overall story, the visuals and gameplay of Cepheus Protocol are always engaging for me and the dynamic between the CERC and the infected really sets the tone for how the game plays out, as I often find myself underestimating the infected and their sheer numbers, paying for such mistakes dearly. It definitely puts me on the edge of my seat and contrary to other games, I find myself often taking the time to put the game in slow motion or pause to consider future actions instead of trying to speed the game up- a clear indicator to me that strategy cannot simply be waylaid by overwhelming firepower for early to mid game. Once you do acquire overwhelming firepower at the end game though, the game simply becomes more fun and casual as you can enjoy the visual and audio effects of clearing out hordes of infected with air support and your geared ground troops. I cannot wait to see what the developers of Cepheus Protocol have planned for the campaign with what I have experienced in their open world mode, and I look forward to seeing the release of what I hope to be an engaging story alongside the already great RTS element that has been introduced. TLDR pros and cons below:

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Cepheus Protocol on Steam



The easiest way to describe Prismata is to call it a RTS-themed (think Starcraft) chess. Chess comparison comes from the fact it has 0 RNG of any kind and no hidden info so the game is deterministic i.e. one of the players has a guaranteed win based on the starting positions. But just like Chess, Prismata is incredibly complex where solving it is impossible.

Players start with 6 or 7 Drones that harvest gold (2nd player starts with 1 extra drone to compensate), gold buys you technology structures that produce blue/red/green resources (not official names, but that’s the accepted naming convention in the community). Subsequently gold and tech resources buy attackers/defenders and your goal is to kill opponent’s units while protecting your fragile drones and attackers. Sounds simple at its core.

Real player with 981.4 hrs in game

EDIT: I almost don’t believe it. Within two days the devs released an update that addressed several of these issues. That’s just awesome. You hardly see that happen for any game these days.

Thumbs up for quality of life updates, and a great strategy game. There’s still room for improvement with drone defaulting to block and such, oh well. Game is good though.


I really want to love Prismata. At a glance, this could be the first truly free to play strategy “card” game without any of the pay to win nonsense, and a potentially fantastic game at that. But for a game that tries so hard to be different than all the others in its genre, why are there so many familiar disappointments?

Real player with 203.9 hrs in game

Prismata on Steam

Touhou Big Big Battle

Touhou Big Big Battle

A simple and fun RTS. This game is quite basic so if you’re looking for something way more in-depth you’ll laugh at this game. However this game is really fun, especially if you’re a fan of TouHou series. The game has 1vCpu with 3 lvls of difficulties, 1v1/2v2 casual matches, 1v1 ranked, & custom matches. All matches give you points in order to unlock more characters to fight with, so no p2w, which is awesome. Honestly besides being easy (at least against A.I.) the only thing missing is more translations for the game. I was able to figure everything out on my own, however more translations would be nice. There is much that can be build upon this game; with it only costing 6 bucks the game is fun enough and can pass the time. People complaining about the game not being f2p are just dumb. In closing….

Real player with 630.8 hrs in game

Disclaimer: I purchased this game before it became free to play, along with the DLC. I was re-imbursed for this with in-game currency.

After the new addition of the visuals and the adjustments/changes to the unit prices, the current state of the game is pretty good:


  • I hate grinding, so it’s nice to fairly easily get in-game currency from matches to buy even more expensive units; you gain currency via matches (both offline and online) as well as completing easy quests (such as “build x amount of units”). Typical example: playing two matches and losing netted me around ~200 coins, plus 300 for a quest completed through those two matches = 500 coins, cheapest units are 450 coins, the most expensive are ~3.500).

Real player with 291.5 hrs in game

Touhou Big Big Battle on Steam

The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox

This game has amazing potential. The game has a plethora of interesting civilisations and outcomes. Although, I’d prefer if their were more ‘developments’ as it only seems to include 5 things: Extinction, massive de-population in some way, contact from space, the building of ships, and colonisation.

I’d like a bit more variety but for what the game is right now, it’s good. It just seems that nearly every other development is mass extinction or depopulation.

Another thing (Which is only a nitpick) when the systems are on the eastern side of the ‘map’ the text that pops up goes off screen. This could be fixed by pushing the planets in a bit more or making the text be on the left of those planets rather than the right.

Real player with 267.4 hrs in game

Criminally underrated game I highly recommend with some caveats. The resource management is intriguing - you get “Synthesis” points to spend on guiding the races, which you earn by choosing options that are harmful, or “collect” instead of boosting certain stats between events (or even sacrificing certain racial stats to get even more synth).

The gameplay is all about mitigating losses, determining when you can make sacrifices. It’s an exercise in risk-benefit analysis. If you’re good at this, you’ll be good at the game. If you’re not, you might find it frustrating. If you pick it up, be SURE to make sacrifices as you go to earn Synthesis, or you’ll be in trouble, and make sure everything you spend Synthesis on is worth it to you!

Real player with 38.7 hrs in game

The Fermi Paradox on Steam

Goblins of Elderstone

Goblins of Elderstone

My first review, finally, wow!

→ Right now i would give this game a Neutral rating, but that is not possible, and also i see great potential in this game, so i recommend it if you want to support the game and the developers. Don’t buy it yet if you’re not very patient and you don’t want to serve, literally, as a crash test dummie. ;-)

Played this game for roughly 6h, i had like 10 or more crashes. Many while i was simply trying to save → Game-Progress lost. It’s always the Unreal4-Engine that is crashing and asking you to send in a report. So the Inbox should be pretty packed by now. ^_^

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Check out my Steam Curator page, “Minorthreatt Gaming Reviews.” I have the most organized and extensive genre lists on Steam! Click “FOLLOW” for more of my recommendations:

The Short of it: Currently Early Access, but bursting with possibilities and originality. Building, resource management, raiding, diplomacy, trading, defending - all done by your own customized horde of goblins!

Reminds me of: If you liked Banished, Stone Hearth, or Rimworld, you’ll probably like Goblins of Elderstone. Goblins of Elderstone brings a unique and chaotic twist to the city-building genre - it’s a Goblin Tribe Simulator! Nurture your tiny clan as it grows to stand against the other races and even the gods. Rule over the chaos and feed the growing goblin war machine by raiding dungeons and villages.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Goblins of Elderstone on Steam

Shallow Space

Shallow Space

After UPDATE 7 of the game i have to revisit this review to reflect the current state of things.

The game plays without problem now in a Ubuntu system with :

AMD Phenom II X4 965


200 € nvidia GPU + propriatery driver

In my debian 8 + amd 5870 + radeon open driver i cant play the game. (it has 16 GB RAM and

i7 cpu so definately RAM in not the main issue here, or cpu power).

I keep my first review below–—–

I love the 3d space movement and using spheres in the UI, My main problem is that although i think my system covers the middle ground of the requirements i experience issues of stability and crashes in game and in the fleet compose screen.

Real player with 56.5 hrs in game

One of a kind space RTS game that is going to be simply amazing once they complete the overhaul. I have been watching and playing here and there this game for over a year now and you will not find a more dedicated and responsive team behind this game. The idea was to make something similiar to homeworld type gameplay but now it has been expanded upon until its just its own complete animal and I LOVE IT.

I cant speak highly enough of the devs on this, they released this game for a really cheap price because they didnt want to overcharge in there minds for a game that i fully believe should be worth at least DOUBLE what they are asking. Then in response to player feedback from there first release completely reworked the entire game into and open world RTS game that has taken them serious time to implement. You just dont find that kind of integrity very often among EA games. This game has AAA production values and looks stunning. If you love space games at all BUY THIS NOW!

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Shallow Space on Steam