Scarlet Hollow

Scarlet Hollow


Scarlet Hollow plays like a richly illustrated choose-your-own-Southern-Gothic-misadventure in the lush, remote Appalachian Mountains. For some, that adventure will be to get someone or something to accept your re-gift of oozing boiled peanuts, family matters and mortal peril be d*mned.

Each episode takes about an hour for a single run. The game is being released episodically, with the 7th and final episode slated for late 2023.

Unprofessional Gushing Post- Ep 2:

I already loved Episode 1 (which is FREE TO PLAY on a separate Steam page), but Episode 2 has everything I loved from Episode 1 AND MORE. More story branching, more ART, more CHARACTERS…I finished the Ep with so many feelings, such as intrigue and despair and a desperate need to protect these characters from whatever awful fate is in store for their home. I’m constantly amazed at how quality this game is despite the small dev team on their first game, and it’s only gotten better since launching last year.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Choices Matter Games.

This is what I’ve been looking for for a really long time when it comes to visual novels. Something that is somehow both horrific and adorable at the same time that keeps me wanting more. At the time of writing this, there’s only 2 episodes out and I spent the good part of 2 days exploring all of the options and getting all of the achievements because I really couldn’t get enough of it.

Starting from the top, the artwork is beautiful. I was 100% not expecting the creature designs. It caught me off guard the same way I was caught off guard reading my first Junji Ito book. I knew it was tagged as Horror but I wasn’t expecting deer when it happened. I also wasn’t expecting some of the decisions I had to made. There’s so many branching paths, adding in the differences between traits and specific trait combos which is something unique I haven’t seen before, for me there’s so much replayability. There’s something new to learn each go and secrets behind every corner. On top of that, all of the characters and the writing is amazing. Everyone feels so real, like they’re all people I’ve met in my life. Comparing this to other visual novel games that are focused on getting certain characters to like you, this is different. Part of me thinks there’s no way to get every character to like you and I’m okay with that because it really does make it feel like they’re real people.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Scarlet Hollow on Steam

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Gorgeous prehistoric animal designs ! It’s good to see proper paleoart in a game that isn’t a walking simulator for once.

The dog was kind of annoying, but thankfully not for long ;^)

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Emotional Games.

This review was made after completing the Beta.

Even at this stage Dino Hazard shows a lot of potential. The games setting and story are so far very interesting and while not 100% original, the more derivative elements are used in the best possible way rather then as a crutch. Do not be turned off by the games retro aesthetic, it’s very fun and runs smoothly. In fact it I rate it far more highly then maybe 99% of the Dinosaur games on steam.

This is a retro style rpg, you have the ability to explore an open world plus interior areas (which in themselves are pretty big) collecting items and solving puzzles. The enemies in this game are vary varied, including not just dinosaurs but a whole host of prehistoric life from multiple eras as well as several types of robot. The combat is turn based, in the same vain as EarthBound. Your characters are not visible on screen and the enemy sprites are static. When you attack sometimes an animation such as hand swinging a knife will appear, as a nice touch the weapon in the characters hand will change depending on what has been equipped. Despite combat’s simple animation, things can still get very tense and you will have to learn your enemies weaknesses in order to make things easier. Some aspects of combat are rather simple, others are a bit more complex but it’s not that hard to figure out. My one and only complain is that enemy attack turns can go by very quickly, making it a bit confusing as to what happened, but to balance that out not once did I feel things were being unfair.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout on Steam

Revolution: The Spark

Revolution: The Spark

Fight back in Revolution: The Spark, a story-driven, turn-based tactical RPG. With dwindling resources and enemies at every turn, what will you do to survive this revolution?

The Story

On the brink of revolt, the common people cry out for justice from their heartless queen. This story is set in an alternate steampunk world in the early 20th century in the Capital of the strongest Empire in the world. The game tells a story of a military veteran, Alex, who becomes increasingly frustrated with the growing corruption of the monarchy and the exploitation of the common folk. When Alex’s brother gets arrested for an attempted coup, Alex will have no choice but to fight if he ever wants to see his brother again. It appears that a concentration of power lies in the hands of a powerful few. But there is more to this than meets the eye. These few are being manipulated by supernatural beings that feed off of the fervor, lust, and wrath of humankind. A spark of revolution will change it all.


  • Strategic Turn-based Combat – People are your greatest assets, so take care of them. Those who fall in combat will need time to recover.

  • Recruit up to 25 Allies across 7 distinct Classes – You’ll need all the help that you can find on your journey to unseat the Empress. But beware, as some of your companions might not like others.

  • Explore 9 Dynamic Locations – From the mines to the noble villas, you must fight your way to the steps of the Empress’ palace itself across 9 exciting, beautiful, hand-drawn, isometric locations.

  • Forge Your Own Path – Your actions shape the future of a corrupt Empire. Choose how you want to solve conflict. Will you conquer all or reason with your foes? Every decision you make in travel, conversation, and combat has a meaningful effect on the outcome as your story unfolds.

  • Discover secrets and Unlock 5 Different Endings. – Explore and talk to everyone. You never know what you might find. There are many routes and options that will help you steer the ultimate fate of the Empire.

  • Steampunk Victorian Culture – Master the weapons of the early 20th century in this steam-fueled alternate reality where things aren’t what they seem.

  • Decide what you fight for – Peace? A new world order? Or do you just want power for yourself? Everything is possible in Revolution: The Spark.

Read More: Best Early Access Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Revolution: The Spark on Steam

The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox

This game has amazing potential. The game has a plethora of interesting civilisations and outcomes. Although, I’d prefer if their were more ‘developments’ as it only seems to include 5 things: Extinction, massive de-population in some way, contact from space, the building of ships, and colonisation.

I’d like a bit more variety but for what the game is right now, it’s good. It just seems that nearly every other development is mass extinction or depopulation.

Another thing (Which is only a nitpick) when the systems are on the eastern side of the ‘map’ the text that pops up goes off screen. This could be fixed by pushing the planets in a bit more or making the text be on the left of those planets rather than the right.

Real player with 267.4 hrs in game

Criminally underrated game I highly recommend with some caveats. The resource management is intriguing - you get “Synthesis” points to spend on guiding the races, which you earn by choosing options that are harmful, or “collect” instead of boosting certain stats between events (or even sacrificing certain racial stats to get even more synth).

The gameplay is all about mitigating losses, determining when you can make sacrifices. It’s an exercise in risk-benefit analysis. If you’re good at this, you’ll be good at the game. If you’re not, you might find it frustrating. If you pick it up, be SURE to make sacrifices as you go to earn Synthesis, or you’ll be in trouble, and make sure everything you spend Synthesis on is worth it to you!

Real player with 38.7 hrs in game

The Fermi Paradox on Steam

Cybernetic Fault

Cybernetic Fault

From the very beginning I can say that the game surprised me a lot. I didn’t expect this from an indie game with a couple of reviews. The game has everything from puzzles to plot. The graphics are nice, the tasks themselves (quests, puzzles) are very high quality and interesting, it is a pleasure to pass them.

Summing up, I can say that the game is definitely worth its money and even more.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Cybernetic Fault surprised me a lot because I didn’t expect such a high-quality indie game.

The gameplay is based on the principle of seek and think, the necessary things are scattered throughout the level and only appear if there is a story advance. The controls are very simple, but it is strange that a person cannot overcome some obstacles by jumping or sitting down. The graphics are great, the optimization is also fine. As a result, it turned out to be a cool and very entertaining game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Cybernetic Fault on Steam



Story line

Fifteen years ago, your Father conquered Elion province and saved it from the orcs. But he wanted more, pushed into orc territory and went missing. After all that time without a ruler, the empire is on the brink of civil war and the most trusted imperial advisor and your mentor decides it is time to crown you to save the empire from falling apart. He summons you to the capital city of Elion.

Few people know about your travel and the route you will take. Mainly your family, your mentor and the Sartorian captain that has to escort you, your dear friend Elrys.

You did not reach Elion, ambushed by orcs, that never before occurred so deep into Elion province. During the ambush, you were “lucky” enough to fall of a bridge into a river. You crashed your head on a rock, but an old fisherman managed to save you. You are weak,do not remember how to fight and no one belives you are Eristan - the rest of the story is yours to tell.

Farathan Indie Rpg

Indie means with an extrymly low budget. We want you to know - what you buy, so we have enabled a demo (from 20 november). So you know which level of quality we were able to achieve and if it is fun for you. The demo reflects the quality of the whole game, it is about 3% of the game.

If you want

  • A game that lets you explore

  • That does not hold your hand and tell you where to go

  • That has many monsters and locations (from the beautiful meadows of Velden, across the forests of Calden to the Iceland’s and Sulfur fields in barons Verdons realm) 

  • That you have to listen to the dialogues and beware of the environment to figure out a quest

Then. Welcome adventurer on the journey you will go with Eristan the presumed that heir to the throne. That has lost everything probably betrayed by his own family. 

Main heroes - no spoilers

Eristan - Main character, the oldest son of the emperor. Prepared by teachers and war masters to take over the throne from the day he was born. Everyone considers him the only hope of the empire to endure. But after his presumed death he is weak, and the world has fast forgotten about him. You have to guide him through this dark times.

Elurfion - Eristans brother. After Eristans death, he fast took over the northern part of the empire. After all he was next in line. But he is the opposite of Eristan. He always spent time on games and loving woman. He fast became a puppet ruler.

Ewain - Eristans cousin - He took over the southern part of the empire, which can show some Ill will on his side. A great Sartorian general, the army listens to him. Some say he just wanted to save the empire from a ruler like Elurfion - did not plan on taking over the throne.

Elrys - An orphan, brought up by the imperial army. Your dear friend. He is something between an uncle and a brother for you. Very experienced fighter, but he did not manage to save you.

Nistreth - The most trusted advisor of the emperor, your mentor and in fact the man who raised you as your father never came back from the war he rode out on when you were a little boy. He is behind the plan of your coronation and summoning you to Elion.

Grand Master Amon - the leader of the Velden Monastery, the only baron that held his ground against the imperial army (now paying tribute to the empire for peace), one of the 12 heroes that saved the world from the old gods many years back.

Wengo - the leader of the Drangheir hunters. An army of mercenaries created from the survivors of Barons Stalgard army and bounty hunters from Hejstos a province overrun by orcs. He dreams of announcing his independents from the empire, but for now he has to serve.

Elerin - A great battle mage that serves the empire. One of the 12 heroes that saved the world from the old gods many years back. It is said he has ambitions to become a god himself.

Elrim - The emperor himself. Not seen for 15 years.

Ergon - Your uncle. A peacemaker. Dedicated his live to help the common folk. Living in the woods, far from the noise of the court.


The action is taking place in Elion province. But it has few parts.

Elion - Around the capital city that is also called Elion

Velden - Terrains around the monastery.

Fronta - Forests and a village far to the southeast

Stalgardia - former realm of baron Stalgard. Beautiful place.

Calden - The place of fierce battles with the orcs that are trying to conquer Elion as they did with the rest of the north.

IceLands - A very cold uninhabited land with lots of secret to discover.

Dead Forest - Former realm of Baron Verdon. A dark lord, he gave a lot of trouble to the empire, and he was the spark that made the empire conquer the whole province.


  • 151 NPC’s you can talk to. 300 NPCs total.

  • 44 monsters + many bosses

  • 143 quests.

  • 7 hours of recorded by actors dialogues.

  • Open world(11km2) with 1 loading screen. And 7 dungeon levels.

Farathan on Steam

Kamikaze Veggies

Kamikaze Veggies

Red, communist vegetables want to take control over the world. Only a special squad of veggies - warriors can stop them. If you like absurd humor and a breath of adventure on your back, then you’ve come to the right place!

Kamikaze Veggies is a game where the wrong move means death. Keep your eyes peeled! You need to be focused to react quickly to a threat. If you are smart, you have a chance of a successful mission. When the frontline situation is dire, use a suicide blast. This is the specialty of the rebel crew.

Red communist vegetables are your enemy. They are cruel and ruthless bastards. They want to take control of the whole world. Reds are better armed, and their troops contain GMO mutants - extremely aggressive beasts.

Get ready for a deadly encounter. War is not a place for cowards!

Key features:

  • Single-player mode with an interesting story

  • Third-person perspective

  • 3D graphic

  • Split-screen mode option (co-op for two players)

  • Unique gameplay based on the sacrifice of kamikaze warriors

  • Many interesting missions

  • Many fascinating characters with different skills

  • Beautiful and contrasting art styles with great music

Kamikaze Veggies on Steam



Mind you, there is very little content right now, but by buying this, you are supporting a lone developer with a GREAT game idea.

It’s both a 1st person RPG and a strategy builder, complete with voice acting (good voice acting). This all from one dude! Guys, if you can afford it, help this guy out.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

LithoBreak on Steam



Check out my Steam Curator for short snappy reviews here:

Has all the makings of a really bad 80s action movie flick:

Graphics: 5/10 - Although creates a realistic environment it isn’t the prettiest looking game and kind of reminds me of the getaway from the ps2 era if it was set in the eastern bloc. Had a few clipping issues and my character had his arm wrapped around him after one of the fights. For a game to pride on melee needs things like blood/bruising to make it look authentic.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Recall on Steam

Space Wreck

Space Wreck

Inspired by classic western isometric RPGs (Fallout, Fallout 2, Arcanum), this is hardcore role playing game set in space 20 years post major conflict over asteroid mining.

  • Built on classic RPG fundaments

  • Post-apocalyptic space exploration.

  • Focus on role-playing (…sometimes to the extreme!).

  • It’s ok to fail - because there are many ways to solve every problem.

  • Completely optional combat.

Role playing

This is the most important part of the game - you can play whatever character you wish, play however you want to. You can be smooth talker, sneaky hacker or brawling bully; or something else - it’s your choice: distribute the points in character creation and make decisions when playing.

But once the character has been created, be ready for not only abilities but also limitations.

For example, characters with low CHARM value will find that often NPCs won’t even talk to them because of how repulsive they are; or speech - if low, that means you are a shy introvert, unable to initiate the dialog yourself. Lacking computer skills (scitec)? You accidentally crash terminals when trying to use them. Low tinker? Tools might break in your inept hands. Sometimes even too much is not good - too strong (PHYSICAL) and you cannot squeeze into vents thus unable to make use of some shortcuts. And so on - your character stats will signifcantly affect your gameplay style.

Multiple solutions

There are always multiple ways to solve problems (quests), usually tied to your character skills and abilities - play to your character’s strengths, work around its weaknesses. For example, if you cannot convince someone to help you, hack his computer and blackmail him. Or just straight-up pickpocket the guy - all items are always realistically placed in NPC inventories.

Note: there are usually 3-8 ways to complete a quest in the game. They can trigger related events in near future or lead to a different ending in the end slides.

Choice & Consequence

Your actions, your decisions matter to the game world. Make an enemy, you may need him/her later on. Opt for an easier solution to the current problem and you might have to deal with a bigger problem later. And in the end, you will get a unique game ending showing you the future fate of your character and those who he/she impacted through gameplay.

Non-linear world

You have an objective but how you approach it - it’s up to you; the game map is as open to you as reasonably possible (it’s a stranded spaceship after all) and there is no single true path to the end. If you know where to go, what to do - you can try to sequence break the game. Combine that with multiple solutions to every quest and you’ve got freedom to spare.

Optional but unlimited violence

You can complete the game without killing anyone. In fact, combat is completely optional. But if you want to fight - there are no immortal or “essential” NPCs - everyone everywhere has finite amount of HP and is fair game.

Turn-based combat

Game features old-school tactical turn-based combat with grid based movement, action points and dice rolls.

Space Wreck on Steam